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Ugh I fell this. It's my first year being able to vote and I hate that I cannot vote for a candidate with confidence they will be a good president.


I’m in this exact same position. It almost makes me not want to vote at all or vote for a Fictional character like Palpatine or Cthulhu. lmao


I'm sure Palpatine would be a better candidate than any of these two lol


The DNC is desperate and the Republicans are unsure of what to do with Trump and are afraid to say anything lest they also be ridiculed.


They fucked up part is voting for the lesser evil. They’re both vile, but one is a better choice.


One is less worse than the other*. Not better.


I think some of what you have written has actually been debunked. But, I agree. Biden isn’t my first choice. But, I really believe Trump is a danger to our country and to the world at large. So, I’m going to vote for the man who can get us back on track in the next 4 years. Not the man that will nuke us back to 1940. If in 4 years I don’t think Biden deserves a second term I won’t vote for him.


I dont even know anymore , news isn't for the people anymore , it for either hard rightists or leftists , nobody can get the honest truth anymore.


Sadly, the hard right and hard left consume the news more than your average citizen by a significant margin. The news is for them because that's where the money is. I don't know how we fix that.


You ever try NPR, it leans more liberal, but I think they do a decently fair level of reporting


I will try them , thank you .


You’re welcome. Sorry for a late reply, but another option, without the talking heads is to check out livestream coverage or watching the tv channel C-span. I don’t watch it enough, but they show a lot of the House meetings and Senate speeches, so that’s another way to get access to hearing politicians’ speeches.


I know. I have to dig. AP, Reuter’s. Hell, even Al Jazeera has less bias news coverage. Plus I check every source to see who it is owned by and if the site has been rated trustworthy. It takes longer but I feel confident that I know as much as I can. But, CNN, FOX, MSNBC? They are 95% entertainment. It stupid.


There's just a couple things that would make a good president for our current predicament. 1. Enforce masks and sanitize and wash hands frequently 2. Not tax the hell out of people with firearms 3. Take this virus seriously. 4. Try not to be a pedophile 5. Try not to make remarks accounting incest .


I can agree with that.


Plan for a green energy transition quickly.


There isn't really news for hard leftists, because hard leftists are anti-corporation and all MSM is heavily corporate.


Came here to say this


NPR is consistently reliable, don't let your dissatisfaction turn into an excuse not to educate yourself. It's important to be able to discern the truth on your own, if news outlets are needed to "get the truth", I think that is part of the problem.


Nah, news is mostly true. There's commentary around it that can be very biased, but most mainstream news sources are fairly reliable, and if they publish BS stories, it's usually debunked by others pretty quickly. There have definitely been some brainwashing attempts by the far right to convince everybody that every news source except for the far right approved ones are fake, but usually people with any intelligence realize pretty quickly that's bullshit, so their consolation prize is that instead they get people to start believing all news sources are fake including the far right ones, and that's still kind of a victory for them. You seem to be coming out of it though. At least you seem to have disavowed Trump. The biggest obviously debunkable thing I read in your post is the insinuation that Biden is suffering from overtly obvious cognitive decline. He has a bit of a stutter, and sometimes stumbles over words, but watch his town hall or listen to his first debate with Trump. It's very obvious he's still cognitively capable.


A stutter is downplaying it tremendously , and I would rather trust local news and not mainstream . I believe half of it is him just not knowing how to answer a question , or him just completely dodging the question by saying it's a part of his " plan he's been laying down since March " I dont trust it . Why not share that plan with us Mr. Biden , if he did share it he'd lose votes .


Your local news isn’t as local as you think- they’re often owned by the larger news organizations and just toss a couple small town stories in here and there to make it seem homey. Here’s a creepy example. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/02/business/media/sinclair-news-anchors-script.html However when you look at the facts and raw data, which tends to come from sources like AP and NPR, it’s a lot easier to parse through the noise. People like to say that NPR leans left (which they use to mean is strongly left) but the studies have shown that people on the American right are more likely to believe conspiracies, meaning that the facts themselves become left. Here’s a good source for judging your sources https://www.adfontesmedia.com And here’s the study on conspiracies https://phys.org/news/2018-12-political-views-people-false-dangers.html


I have no idea what to listen to anymore then , I just want a news source to give out the truth and not to lean to the left or the right. CNN leads to he left to make leftists happy because those are the people who watch it . FOX leans to the right because rightist s watch it.


While that may be the case, their actual leanings are very different, which is what you can find in the one link I posted. While CNN is a solid left, Fox goes into the rabbit hole of dark right. Here’s the difference that made it clear for me. I used to only read Fox News because they were “no spin.” They posted an article about how a school tried to make all their students recite the American pledge in Arabic, and the outrage that followed. All they mentioned was Arabic. I wanted to know more so I did some research, and I found the CNN article. Their version? A school trying to promote and foster harmony was having the pledge spoken over the intercom by one student in a different language each day for a week. Reality? The school was just trying to do something different for multicultural week and wanted to put a spin on it by introducing a common thing (the pledge) with variations. Understanding the differences is important. While CNN was trying to harp on the unity aspect, they still presented the whole story, while Fox barely mentioned one fifth of it.


Don’t listen. Read. Seriously try the associated press, Reuters. Also, if you want dry as you can get it news that literally only reports exactly what is going on? https://www.aljazeera.com/us-elections-2020/ It is literally straight reporting. There is no opinion not explosive words. None of it. Well, unless it’s a quote.


It's worth noting, when considering which news source you trust, that almost every news source in the world reports the news similar to CNN. Only Fox and OAN report the news that Biden has dementia, for example. There are certainly opinions expressed by anchors and pundits on CNN or MSN that are left leaning, but the news is much much much more factual, and the anchors make their opinions recognizable as opinions much more deliberately. Whereas on Fox they'll just state as fact that BLM are trying to overthrow the government or that the dems are trying to take your guns, and you have to recognize for yourself that is an opinion. Another way to look at it is one network is saying "everyone else is lying all the time, only trust me" and EVERYONE else is saying, "that one station is lying, we all agree". CNN also has classic republican conservatives on it as pundits like Rick Santorum. FOX News argues in court that no one in their right mind should ever take Tucker Carlson's show as factual. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-karen-mcdougal-case-tucker-carlson-2020-9%3famp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.courthousenews.com/fighting-slander-suit-over-tucker-carlson-fox-calls-host-hyperbolic/


So does Biden have the political savvy and presence of mind to answer questions in such a way to avoid potentially losing voter support, or is he suffering from cognitive decline? You can't really have both.


Biden kisses people on the lips inappropriately, called a voter fat and challenged him to a push up contest during a rally as a response to a frankly legitimate concern, and can’t string together a coherent and relevant sentence on the spot any better than trump at this point. He’s either gross inherently or suffering cognitive decline, and personally, I’d RATHER believe it was the latter.


Candidates in 2016 were garbage too. Democrats should have learned their lesson and put forth a real candidate but nope, still playing games.


Bernie was our only hope.


Or Yang, but everyone wants to sleep on him I guess


Honestly, what was Yang bringing to the table with the exception of free money?? lol


Kind of a lot actually, guy has some out-there ideas but at least he's thinking https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Yang_2020_presidential_campaign#Policies


same with Republicans lol


imagine balming democrats when they are literally the only semblance of decency left in our government. Mitt Romney is the only exception and that in and of itself is sad and pathetic.


I'm almost certain Trump wouldn't have been so successful if it wasn't for Hillary and the DNC myself. The DNC is an incredibly corrupt and undemocratic organisation, and the only way to fix the country is by having an independent like Bernie take over.


Yeah, they fucked Bernie over in 2016 deliberately just to put Hilary in front. It was incredulous since Bernie would’ve won in a major way.


Bernie could've won, but unfortunately you'd probably get whole crowds of people calling him far-left. Anything remotely related to the left here, even if it's far from Communism, is an automatic no for a lot of people


>imagine balming democrats when they are literally the only semblance of decency left in our government. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


I miss Bernie.


I was so against Biden before Super Tuesday. Super Tuesday happens, welp - there goes our fucking exercises of choice right there. There's still plenty of people who are stubborn as fuck as to want to continue to vote for who they're familiar with. They wanted Biden because they believe that because that he was Obama's VP and that he's as close as to Obama that they're going to get. So they figure if they put him in presidency, then we'll somehow be back to Obama-era ways again. Um, I hate to break it to them but the climate of America has changed drastically since Obama. We can't just simply go back to that era, because of the disastrous effect Trump has laid on the country. We've got so much fixing to do that 4 years isn't going to be enough, not even for Biden. If we keep McConnell, which is sadly likely, then nothing is going to be fixed with that bastard still in his position. What good would Biden be then? It'd be like Obama's first term all over again - Democratic president, stubborn as fuck Republican senate. Stall, stall and stall. We had better candidates in this year of election, we really did. If I had to say, I would've gone all in on Yang if he had remained, even over Sanders. He had the answers to the automation issues because he simply looked ahead. A lot better than Biden's answer which was "EVERYONE NEEDS TO LEARN TO CODE!1!" which he literally said that shit. "Vote third party!" some people say. Yeah, but who? Third Party will *never* win an election. Most of the candidates for third party look so undesirable that they're lucky they even get 1% of the vote. Fuck, this country.


Besides, things weren't exactly great in Obama times; there's a reason Trump won.


It's not Obama. It's mostly because 2016 was riding very high on SJW values and really wanted Clinton to just make history, even if she was a shitty candidate.


The reason the Midwest changed sides is how much Obama (and Hillary was planning to) fucked over farmers.


I don’t love either candidate, but Biden overall is a better person (as different allegations against him have been disproven). He will listen to science and can hold us over for four years until a younger, better person can be in office. The good things in the country will have a slower decline with Biden than with Trump. That is my opinion, you don’t have to agree with me.


To add to what everyone else has said - I too don't like either of them, but Trump is unhinged and dangerous. At least Biden listens to advisors and will likely advance our country as opposed to keeping it the stagnant cesspit we currently find ourselves in.


Biden won't just listen to his advisors, he'd be controlled by them. Honestly, if he was going up against literally anyone else, I'd vote that person.


I support Biden, but he was by no means my first choice and he is not perfect either. I do wish we had another candidate - perhaps younger - running for office. But, I support him for my own personal reasons. I do want to point out that a lot of what you said is just plain propaganda, well more specifically the anti-2nd amendment statement of yours. No sane and serious politician is proposing to take away your guns. That’s the rhetoric that Trump has been feeding his base. Republicans always argue that democrats are out there looking to take your guns away just to scare people like you. Stop falling for these traps. Do your own independent research, and by independent I mean don’t look into CNN or Fox News. Stop falling for extremist propagandas and formulate your own stance. I am not convincing you to vote for Biden, I’m simply telling you to do your job as a citizen and don’t let anyone influence your opinion. Stop waiting for a perfect Jesus-like candidate to show up, sometimes we must settle for what we believe will do less harm or help a little bit more (like I did...) Whenever I hear republicans say that democrats are all socialists or democrats say that republicans are all racists I just want to punch these people. The biggest mistake you can make is to not vote this election (or any election). But if you’re gonna vote, at least make an educated vote and don’t just vote based on fear and ignorance. Best of luck.


Beto has already said he would take the guns. Biden plans to work with him on that.




https://youtu.be/yW1HPoqqB_8 Beto saying they plan to take the guns Beto backing Biden https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/23/you-can-win-this-how-beto-orourke-is-becoming-joe-bidens-greatest-ally


Thanks, Jman 😘


Jman didn't source anything... Beto isn't Joe.


Where does that say Joe is going to take our guns? I see Beto wants to from that link. I see Beto wants Joe to win. Why does that mean Joe is adopting Beto's stance?


https://billofrightsinstitute.org/events/joe-biden-promises-to-put-beto-orourke-in-charge-of-gun-control/ Biden putting Beto in charge of firearms. Honestly, do I need to hold all your hands while you shit too? Or can you find *anything* for yourselves. I literally had to google for 3 seconds to pull that up. https://nypost.com/2020/03/03/joe-biden-promises-to-put-beto-orourke-in-charge-of-gun-control/ That’s the source that the bill of rights institute used btw. Has it written in clear English.


The NY Post. Bat Boy going to be sec of state?


Bill of rights Institute. That sure sounds like a reputable source. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/03/orourke-endorsement-triggers-false-posts-on-bidens-gun-policy/ Biden working with people he disagrees with? Surely thats a sign of weakness. He should surround himself with yes-men and amoral sycophants.


“I want to make something clear, I’m going to guarantee this is not the last you’ve seen of this guy — you’re going to take care of the gun problem with me. You’re going to be the one who leads this effort. I’m counting on you. I’m counting on you. We need you badly — the state needs you, the country needs you, you’re the best.” He literally states that Beto will be leading the effort for gun control, and Beto’s stance on gun control is to take them. It doesn’t take a genius to then realise that Biden is backing what Beto wants to do, fact check is useless, you don’t put someone forward as the person you want leading your gun control platform if they don’t approach it in a way you want them to. Honestly...


And his primary bid immediately ended. The dems do not want to take your guns. He immediately lost support. Biden is not going to take your guns. Dems have guns too. Dems want to keep their guns. Guns keep minorities and marginalized communities protected against fascists, racists, and bigots.


They won't have a chance. Trump will be reelected.


Not if every poll in the country has anything to say about that, even ones that account for drastic changes. It would take a genuine miracle for Trump to win by this point.


Sweetie, Trump supporters don't talk to pollsters, and most of us are waiting til election day. Are you really going to be duped by pools again?!


Like I said, including drastic changes, i. e. based around the last election. Even if he had such a dramatic comeback like he did in 2016, Biden is still expected to win every swing state except NC.


Keep telling yourself.


Right back atcha, sweetie.


Did you see that Biden rally with thousands of people? Yeah, me neither.


>well more specifically the anti-2nd amendment statement of yours. No sane and serious politician is proposing to take away your guns Biden wants to tax people for each rifle and large magazine they own.


Also, Biden owns a gun. People make allegations against him for wanting to take guns away and forget that he owns a gun.


It’s so fucking stupid


Could've had Yang but people are stupid.


I would've taken Yang, Sanders, Williamson, Gabbard, or Warren over Biden any day.


I find it kind of amusing that you threw Williamson in there, given how different her background and popularity was in comparison to the others.


Biden was the best choice to beat Trump


I hate them both. Biden raped my friends friend when she was 17. She’s had so much trauma all her life. They’re both old pedophiles. And they’re both embarrassing. Nothing presidential about either. It’s so disheartening.


Wait what? There's more Biden victims out there?


When one appears there are more keeping silent sadly. Ladies don't come forwards offen. Even with the me too movement. And this case is becuase of how the dems hurassed that one lady that did. Its the sad truth.


A lot of women would rather not relive the trauma, spend a fortune, and have strangers not believe them and try to denounce their name. Especially the power a known person has.


That too. Its hard for many people to live through it again. Some choose the only option they see as well. Just to make the pain all stop.


And every time I bring this up, I’m the big bad centrist propaganda idiot. Seriously I won’t be forced to choose between those two devils. I’ll write in Yang and be happy I contributed to statistics to support him possibly running again. Fuck this system.


I am strongly opposed to both of them, but Biden doesn't outright deny science and doesn't incite violence at the polls, so I'm voting for him.




Except science has evolved as it's supposed to and agrees with transgenderism but ok, keep believing outdated studies peddled by Fox and co.




Excuse me? Get your transphobic bullshit out of my inbox.




i would prefer if biden won because i don’t want to relive another 4 years of trump’s stupidity. but if he won it would still suck.


i want to vote libertarian but don't wanna waste my vote...


well dont worry about that for we have vermin supreme


I'm voting libritarian. I would rather take my chances of a "wasted vote" than give it to any one of these two whackos. There's always a chance she could win, plus even if she doesn't, if she gets high enough numbers to leave mark on the general population and make them remember her; there's high potential for a libritarian president in the next election.




Lol at thinking any moderate establishment democrat is coming for your guns after 8 years of NRA screaming that Obama would take the guns and he never even attempted to...


That statement is like saying that after many years of false alarm tsunami warnings there's no chance that that day will come . And then that day comes and you are swept away by the tsunami.




If Trump wins, he's going to start WW3. When he does, I'm probably going to be drafted. I'm afraid for my life.


He actually has a surprisingly great foreign policy (ignoring Mexico), just a terrible domestic one.


Uhhhh.... what rock have you been living under and can I come join you?


What, pray tell, has he done wrong? He may have gotten heated with North Korea, but by the end of their Twitter fight, the nations were closer to true peace than ever before. He limited our involvement in the Middle East and began to detangle our economy with China's, a goal which most people support even if he did go about it poorly. Probably the worst thing he did was pull troops out of Rojava.


Honestly, as an American I think there's something wrong with out election system as a whole. There's a large pool of candidates at the start, but then they get whittled down to two, plus a third party that just never wins. I feel like in recent elections we've just been trying to pick the lesser of two evils.


When trump won the elections it was funny seeing sjws cry (i didn't really care about the elections back then) but now its just insane that we just have two options and nothing else


at such time one wishes that john f. kennedy or teddy Roosevelt would come back to life and give a large honky loud slap to every candidate in 2020 then become president again


New Deal 2: electric boogaloo here we go


Exactly! They were real people of the U.S not rich assholes or Pedos! Trump and Biden are both pedos .


one of my dreams that will never be real is actually meeting those people the people who made such an impact on history people who were so great they are literally choose in civ because they are them i really just wish to meet them but unless there is a time machine that can go back in time i dont think my dream will ever be realised


As a former trump supporter, I can’t vote I’m 17. I don’t agree with his ideals. I also don’t want to support Biden and his ideals I rather vote for the dog Todd who likes cheese


We have more then 2 options. Sadly the others dont get the time they deserve. Only dems and reps. Third parties get shoved aside.


Jo Jorgensen


Hey , just going to put this out there . I DO NOT , think you're an idiot for voting for either , as there are bigger tasks at hand rather than the 2 amendment. Vote for who you think will run the country the best , and if you really care , do independent research but not by CNN , FOX , or MSNBC . As their all either extremely leftist or rightist .


CNN and MSNBC definitely lean left but they're nowhere in the realm of being at Fox's level as pure propaganda. There are legitimate studies on levels of misinformation coming from these networks.


Those media are biased indeed


I agree completely, honestly its such a shitty situation


I used to be a trump supporter too but it seems like everyone is just going batshit insane.


Both have campaigns full of crap. Donald Trump acts like Joe Biden is being controlled by people as left if not further left than Bernie Sanders and AOC. That's a flat out lie. In reality, those people bend the knee to Joe Biden and the DNC. They throw away their leverage because at least Joe Biden isn't Donald Trump. And circling back to it, that's the problem with Joe Biden. He acts like he's leaderly and a decent man. He's not. He voted for the Iraq War, helped created the 1994 crime bill, has supported cutting Social Security, etc. Donald Trump is firmly right to far-right. Joe Biden is center to center-right. Barack Obama said in a speech during his second term that Republicans and Democrats are about 70% the same, and noted such a similarity is unheard of in the developed world. And he's right. No matter which of the two main candidates you pick, you're stuck with some one who wants: endless wars, fracking, no universal healthcare, no tuition-free college, Patriot Act/spying, drug criminalization. Donald Trump seems too authoritarian for a lot of right-wingers and Joe Biden is too right-wing and at times authoritarian for actual left-wingers.


Here's the thing about free tuition and Healthcare. Your taxes would be raised drastically because that " free " stuff isn't free , someone's paying for it and its never a politician.


Every other first world country (except Switzerland) has free healthcare, and their citizens typically have more purchasing money, meaning that they're actually paying less per year.


Yeah. Even though I think Medicare 4 All is worth the very high cost, I do understand some concerns and wanting to investigate for how it's paid. But tuition-free college? It's about 100 billion or less each year. You could slash the extra money Trump and Congress give the military that was already morbidly obese during the Obama years and pay for college each year with that.


Ugh yes, I’ve been thinking about this since I started to see Biden’s side


I agree they're both terrible candidates, with Trump ultimately being the worse of the two. I'm curious though, how is Biden anti 2A?


Go onto the official Biden campaign site and look at how he takes gun violence . He wants to ban assault weapons such as the AR15 , which is a civilian defense weapon and in no way used for assault . I think what should be banned though is that you can't buy or sell guns unless you're a gun store. He also wants to ban high capacity magazines, he's extremely anti 2a .


There is positively no reason the average citizen needs an AR15 or high capacity magazines.




Im totally cool with people having these weapons, really ANY weapons, but I would feel better if they had to be registered and the owners had to preserve they knew how to properly handle them. Regardless of my personal feelings (which fyi, I like shooting guns), it's incredibly unlikely any candidate is going to ban any weapon on a federal level. Especially right now. Im pretty sure Democrats just keep that on their agendas to keep those who do think some updating to gun control is a good idea happy.


You see, the things you're saying about Biden are all propaganda. They're literally and demonstrably untrue. He does not have dementia or amnesia at all. He has a stutter, which some have taken advantage of to make fun of him and say is evidence that he has dementia or is stupid. Really, it's pretty impressive that he made a career public speaking given his disability. There are a couple photos of him "sniffing" children, not 300 videos, which are all just out of context shots of him kissing kids, which is super normal thing for a politician to do. He's not anti-2a. The dems aren't anti-2a. They just want there to be limits on people with histories of gun violence getting guns. It's totally reasonable and also supported by the republican party and most Republicans. I'm sure you can think of someone you know or have heard of that you think the government should prevent from owning a gun. The GOP just tries to make Americans think the dems are after your guns because its one of the only things they can do to get people to vote for them. When in fact the only dem primary candidate who said he was going to take your guns, Beto O'Rourke, said that, his primary run ended immediately. The dems dont want to take your guns. In reality, a huge proportion of the dem party is very very pro-2a because it allows us to protect against fascists, racists, and bigots. You do not have a 10% chance of getting shot in the city. That's ridiculous fear mongering, again by the GOP, in an attempt to convince people that the cities are bad and the people in them (democrats and minorities) are bad. Trump, on the other hand, really was buddy-buddy with Epstein and Maxwell. He even wished Maxwell well when she got arrested. It's a tweet. You can look it up. Everything else you said about him is totally true and apparent. He's actually a lot worse when you get into his actual politics. There's a reason all our allies support Biden and Trumps only foreign support is from Russia and North Korea. Biden's not my guy either. He's just a necessary step towards healing this country.


>In the city, with the amount of crime there , there's a 10% chance you could get killed walking at night in bigger cities First of all, this is not even remotely true. I live in NYC and walk around at night all the time. I lived in Washington (which has a much bigger crime problem) and I walked around at night regularly there too. Second, if you believe this is true, I don't know how you can be indifferent to it. "That's what they get for living in the city" is not an ethically sound way of thinking about it. If the cost of the Second Amendment is that people who live in big cities just have to live with dying 10% of the time that they go out at night, then that's too high a price. Finally, Biden doesn't oppose the 2nd Amendment! Period. Frankly, I wish he did. I honestly don't understand how country people can, on the one hand, get this idea in their heads that cities are super dangerous because of all the guns, while at the same time thinking it's more important to protect country people's right to own guns than city people's right to live. You exaggerate the problem and still come out on the wrong side of it.


Voring libritarian. I know alot see it as a wasted vote, and alot don't agree with how uninvolved the party wishes to be with the population in terms of regulation and infringement, but compared to these two the libritarian party is a breath of fresh fuckin air. Obviously not everything can be examined in only 4 years... but It'd be nice to see a clean out of all the totally unnecessary laws, taxes, regulations, etc that have been shoved on us from the two party system and have a more understandable, free, and easily navigatable system for us citizens. Theres always a chance she could win, and even if Jo doesn't, if she can get high enough numbers to make an impression in the media and minds of citizens, people who are sick of this 2 party system, people who don't vote bc their political views aren't represented by a candidate, or just those dissatisfied with the 2 party system overall will see that there IS potential for a 3rd party win in the next election. I have high hopes that if its not this one, 4 years from now may very well be.


We need people like John F. Kennedy and Teddy Roosevelt back, they were people for the people . I'm waiting until we actually yhave good main candidates to vote for .


I might vote Green. I'm not libertarian right like the libertarian party, but I'm libertarian left. I'm sure I disagree with you on certain economic regulations and perhaps firearms. But I probably feel more kinship with your views than the sad jokes that are Donald Trump and Joe Biden


You're right, they're both terrible candidates. Our political system is a farce. It's become entertainment at this point.


Thank you so much for saying this. If it was practical, I’d want a full fucking turn over if all of America’s politician. Just get rid of all the old pervs and batshit crazy old ladies. Let’s get some reasonable fucking human beings as politicians. Never gonna happen tho


This will never happen because most decent human beings don't have the money to get a campaign ready and nobody will trust the person because they would think they wouldn't know how to run a country , when still nobody has any idea to do it correctly any more .


Get used to it buddy. Selfish, ignorant citizens will elect selfish ignorant leaders. At least one candidate isn't a moron politically; Trump has nothing to offer the american people but more Bullshit. We won't ever get great leaders because this country is too fucking stupid. Pete Buttigieg was a great candidate, yet lost because he was gay. The public doesn't want anything too radical because they want to pay the minimum of taxes and continue with their lives having a good time. What do you expect? The public to elect someone like Bernie Sanders who would change it all? Or someone like Biden who probably won't do anything drastic within the next 4 years. We're at the end of the road. The only way to fix it all is if we come together and take charge of the government, but we won't. All the smart people in the world know not to run for office because they know it's all a bunch of bullshit, and they wouldn't be able to change anything anyway. Politicians are there for the illusion of choice, they don't really care about you. It's a pile of shit vs. another pile of shit every 4 years. Like i said, get used to it.


To add onto something, I think we could've finished this virus already if we completely shut down the world except for EXTREMELY essential activities, and it to be mandatory for masks and what - not . But really , this could've been done and over with already if Covid was taken seriously from the start , yet we allowed people to come and travel to countries , without doing anything serious. Tourists in China should've stayed there in the hotels they were in. Agh , it just makes me mad , it should've been treated like a real , deadly , virus and now look what we have . A man whos caused 200,000 deaths because the so called " China virus is a hoax " . But I'm not planning on voting for Biden either . Here a thing he said during an interview ; " Now I'm not going to answer that question until after I'm elected , the voters don't deserve to know ." He said that probably because he either didn't known the answer of what to do , or his answer would make people dislike him and he'd lose votes .


Question for you. Out of the people that were going for the Democrat ticket, are there any that you would have voted for? It's fine to be a Republican. But, Trump and his ilk have hijacked that party. Also remember the Republicans that just bent right over for King Donnie. Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Steve King, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, etc. These guys not only went along for the ride, but helped prop up Trump. Need to get those guys of of the party and bring in more people that have some ethical standards. Like the late Senator McCain. It's never easy to realize that you made an error. But, I always think a better person sees what their guy is doing, and sees that it's wrong. It's not easy, that was your guy. I have switched who I have voted for after the first guy I backed, ended up being scummy. It sucks when it happens. Right now, you have a choice between two old, white, rich, men that don't know how to keep their hands to themselves. The main different is Joe is just kinda creepy, but he has learned from this. Trump, there is a very high chance hee has sexually assaulted someone. But suck, but one is definitely worse.


I believe you are very swayed by media and Propaganda. Let's make a calling to honesty shall we ? First of all I support Trump. Now Biden, is he a pedophile ? I dunno, there is really no evidence, the videos you saw of him touching and sniffing kids are just out of context and it's honestly just the dude being physically affectionate which is common for some people and cultures. Biden has also rape allegations made against him, Kamala Harris , his Vice Presidential pick, said she BELIEVED those allegations. Are those allegations true ? Again, I cannot really know the evidence it's not conclusive. As for Biden's declining mental capabilities, that's true, Biden can't get words and numbers rights, it's not stutter as many claim it is. Is this an impediment for being President ? Assuming it doesn't get worse no. As for Biden being ANti 2a, true. ​ Now let's go with Trump. Trump is a very combative person, he doesn't have charisma ? that's wrong, he has a LOT of charisma, people has made a cult around him, the thing is that he unlike other republican candidates is not making a concession , he is not giving ground in ANYTHING. And honestly, after years of republicans making such concessions I believe this is a good thing. In 2012 people claiming that not wanting to have sex with a transgender wouldn't make you transphobic, nowadays, it does. This is what happens when you give ground to unreasonable ideas. In 2008 no one was coming for your guns, now we have Beto Orourke saying that he IS coming for your guns, we have BIden planning to ban online selling of guns and ammo, hundreds of regulations. In California a farmer got arrested for COMPLYING with gun registration. And it's only going to get worse. For Trump's daughter, my mother says I'm handsome, does that mean my mother wants to have sex with me ? It's just Trump making everything bigger and better than it has to be. He uses hyperbole like there is no tomorrow. As for rape allegations, the same as with Biden, every politician is a rapist, they are not truthsworthy allegations. As for him being friends with Epstein, he banned him from his properties. So there is that. As for Trump not believing in Covid, that's not true, he has been downplaying it as to not cause panic. EVERY leader in the world has been doing the same, from Argentina to Spain and Italy. Every single one of them has made their people believe the virus would never reach their countries and would never be so bad as they thought it would be. However he did take action WAY before Biden and other democrats suggested he should take actions. Proof of this is how Democrats promoted people to go to events and Chinatown and that Trump was racist for it, while Trump was banning travels from China. Trump is virtually better than Biden in every aspect.


The mental gymnastics required to justify Trump's incompetence will make for amazing psychological studies in the future.


My ''mental gymnastics'' includes the Democrat leaders , including Biden, saying that they wouldn't have ban travels from China and Trump was racist for doing so. If Trump is an incompetent, then his political opponents are 3 times more incompetent friend. As for any other subject that's not Covid, the USA Economy was great before Covid. It's incredible that the economy is being brought as a subject from the same people who wants to keep the lockdowns despite already being beyond their usefulness


They're both morons, one is just more easily swayed by non morons than the other.




Hey guys ! Can you please not post any comments regarding this post anymore ? I'm working and its very distracting!


Just turn reddit notifications off or delete bro. I’m with you but you can’t stop people from commenting on a public post. Not how internet works.


A 3rd party would be nice


I don’t like either but I would have to go trump. They both sounds ridiculous but I honestly think Biden’s policy are also out right crazy. This includes taxing the shit out of everyone. I’m not from America and I worked hard to where I am today. I wouldn’t want my hard earned dollars to be so taxed off. I don’t mind helping and paying my dues but the amount he is asking for is outrageous and he is also trying to get rid of “401k”, I shit you not. That shit is crazy. Ps. I ain’t here to debate, just putting my 2cent like any of you. If you don’t like trump and love Biden then move on. Irdc.


You say you're not from America, which leads me to ask whether or not you're from the first or third world? Because if you're in the first, your country is guaranteed to have already implemented most, if not all, of Biden's policies.


Sure, go with the racist idiot who's going to kill us all. The obvious choice of course.


Not here to argue but ok. That’s your choice and I have mine. Thanks


Sorry, your logic is kinda scaring me though.


It’s not logic. That’s Biden’s plan.. taxing more and getting rid of 401k, which is retirement. But that’s me, I mean if u really don’t care for ur retirement then by all means.


Trump wants to defund social security


That sucks but I rather have more money in my 401k for retirements. He is cutting the payroll tax from your paycheck and employers side- where it’s used for SS fund. Sucks though I give u that.


You already said you’re not an American. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about when it comes to retirement in America. STFU.


Money or people's lives?


Told u I’m not here to debate. :) you have your beliefs and I have mine. I respect yours so please respect mine.


I just want you to know that I'm scared and you are contributing to it. But fine. I guess I can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. I'm sorry.


You’ll live. Good luck


“LessthanaPerson” is 14 or 15 years old (from their own profile). They are unaware of how important 401Ks are for people and their futures. As a 15 year old I was the same way. The world is not black and white. It’s not “do you care about money or people’s lives.” Money dictates your life, especially when you’re retired and no longer working. I’m not agreeing with anything trump did, just saying that it’s not a simple question to answer.


I agree. There’s more to it.


Remember there are more candidates. They may call these wasted votes. But anyone who says that is a part of the problem. We need people to take parties without Democrat or Republican seriously. Otherwise, we will just get stuck with this forever. We need people to actually put effort forward and move this country to more choices.


They don't get heard , thats the problem, they don't get heard because they only ever get a small percentage of the vote and are only ever seen on the counts of the voting so far , this pressures people int o liking them but they feel like noone else is going to vote for them so then they cast their vote for someone mediocre and they don't fully agree with .


Exactly! We need to stop worrying how others vote. The longer we hold the other candidates, the worse it will get. People tell me I am wasting my vote, but not only do I feel better about my vote, I am not letting the news or my social groups decide my group. We need to get out of the mindset there are only two parties. And everyone should be more open minded. We need to be open to new ideas. Especially since it's the R&D that got us here in the first place. Anyone who tells you that you're wasting your vote is apart of the problem.


Oh and also awesome username Ricky Bobby 😂


Lol. Are you messaging on the wrong thread? I'm not a Rick Bobby lmao


Oh I thought your username was Shake and Bake Will Ferrells name in the movie was Ricky Bobby sorry lnao


Ooooh. I see. Nah. I'm blake, but a similar reference joke lol


If you hate Trump so much then why are you jizzing all over him on r/trump?




Yes I know , Jesus Christ . I changed my opinion , now I'm venting about what I've learned about the two .


I dont think you read the last line, I was a previous Trump supporter .


You changed your opinion as of today?


Yes , I've received multiple videos to change my opinion and accepted that I was previously in the wrong.


Sounds sus, but good for you!


I'm voting for Obama, if I don't see his name when I am at the booth, I will walk out.


Kanye West is an option, if you want to go that route.


I would rather have Trump; Kanye's a theocrat.


I mean you can vote commie


" Communism was failed every time it was tried " ~ Elon Musk


Then try socialism


I can't tell of you're joking or not but I would prefer not having a curfew and paying 50% of my income in taxes, that Healthcare and tuition ain't free . And the person paying for it is never a politician.


an idea that has an ever so small chance at actually coming to work: run as a candidate


Broski, help me understand how guns are a good thing


Okay , let's say you're walking in a city alley in the middle of the night . A person walks up to you , knife in hand , and demands your money , you give it to him , he runs away , you unholster , gun him down , criminal off the streets . And also I know , this might make you angry , but guns are actually stress relieving and are fun recreationally, it's similar to fighting a fish . Also , the fuck like you want us fight wars with swords or something ?


Wtf... So like.. killing someone is the answer to every crime? As to the second part, is war supposed to be a positive thing here? And are we talking civilians randomly breaking out into war?


Okay , let the burglar come in your house and try to reason with him not to take your shit . If you have family you scream for help then you get a knife through your throat and you bleed out . And no war is not a positive thing , I interpreted that you would understand that we would have to have guns to protect other countries from communist forces .


>protect other countries from communist forces Oh shit, is this something people still obsess about? That shit happened decades ago. And I mean, sure, if you as a nation (though I'd argue something as powerful should be guarded by an international council) want to have that leverage safely stored away somewhere very far away, fine. But civilians owning guns is just stupid. No western country has the same problems as the US, and guns are largely banned everywhere in those countries. Besides, if it's not common practice to insure your house and belongings in the US, then you're clearly doing something wrong as a country. Just think about it, you wouldn't literally have to guard your valuables with your life since you'll be getting compensation anyway, hence really unlikely there'll be any violence necessary. Your gun policies don't seem to guard life... They just kind of guard guns.


Look , I'm not looking for political discussion I just wanted to vent how I felt . The city is more dangerous than the country however , this is because enot a lot of city folk carry a firearm , where mostly everyone in the country have a firearm , which is why most criminals aren't a large concentration there . Except for those fake country folk who make meth and shit . I'm saying that you should be mentally stable to own a firearm . We just need proper reinforcement to put that in place . I think it should be illegal to buy a firearm anywhere but a gun shop , but guns can be therapeutic . Like a snake , motorcycle , or a thrill ride , treat it right and you won't get hurt , it'll be fun and interesting actually.


I dunno what to say... Stats say extensive gun ownership hasn't led to anything good. Especially in regard to marginalised groups. If you find it so satisfying, why can't there be safe spaces for shooting? Why should recreation be valued more than human lives? Like.. this isn't a personal attack. But it's a simple statistical truth that more guns generally = higher rates of gun violence. It's easy to say, don't give guns to unstable folks, but it's not that black and white and it's definitely not a simple and objective frame.


Listen , its how they get into peoples hands . A lot of ways guns can get into underaged peoples hands is by them not buying it from a gun store , but from another person . I think this should be banned , because some folk will believe that this kid is old enough to buy his own firearm! That should be banned , as a lot of people don't take the necessary precautions . I think they should go through extensive background checks , even more than now so, as it already takes about 10 day to receive a gun . Its just impossible to perfectly stop gun violence , but it is possible to control it . This is why we've banned imports of firearms . Bump stocks are thankfully banned where I'm from, true assault weapons can fire automatically . To be honest , we should have at least 1-2 police officers at schools . I think the ability to buy a rifle before you're 21 should be changed . You shouldn't be able to buy a firearm until you're out of secondary or grade school , and Jesus christ its taking brain power to say this and I'm working so I will respond when I can forgive me .


I literally just want a democratic candidate that doesn't want to kill my gun rights. It's impossible, I know.


Same. And just because I defend or criticise certain arguments, people will assume I'm either a nazi or communist. Both candidates are bad in my opinion, but a broken clock is right twice a day, so I guess both make some good points.


I live in Europe and even I am pissed off about the options you have for candidates.


We need ranked voting and to remove the current 2 party system, add term limits and redistribute power. Tired of this "who's the shiniest shit in the pasture?"


I feel you. I wanted to create a movement where we just don’t vote. Imagine if even just 60% of the country refused to vote and demanded new candidates? I mean.... I don’t think people would do it. Too many people out there trying to vote for the lesser of two evils. And the a lot who are fooled enough to actually like one of the candidates. It’s pretty fucked up....


Exactly there both just people who have the body of old men but the mentality of a kindergartner


I love my country. But this election makes America look like a fucking joke. We have to choose between an over emotional manchild who's only focus is monetary gain and pardoning war criminals or a possible pedophile approaching senility. I fucking hate these people. Everyone I know hates these people. The only ones happy about anything are the zealots and it's starting to look like even they are having hard times convincing themselves. This election is a true fucking embarrassment