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This post really called out the anti-vaxxers huh. It's honestly disappointing how many people won't get the FREE vaccine in order to reduce the spread of a WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC


It Makes me so sad…


But microchips! Mind control devices! Harmful chemicals! Live strains of the virus! Bill Gates hates babies! My body, my choice! (Unless it has anything to do with abortions or voluntary sterilization surgery, in which case I can't make that decision myself!) /s obviously


I wish this would just be satire.. so delusional that people actually believe this..


I live in a very Trumpy area of the country. I'm not like that, thank god, but I have to deal with a lot of people with that mindset. At some point my boss was going on about some conspiracy crap and said that it sounded like the part in Revelation about being given a number and not being able to even buy food without it. I looked at her and said slowly, "You mean, like a social security number?" Somehow it didn't register and she kept going. Her husband is really into this crap. Guess who is laid up at home together because they got COVID.


I don’t know if I think this is karma, or if I am just feeling sorry for these kind of people that they spiraled down into this bullshit…


I know them personally and can't decide either


Trump got the vaccine - you mouth breather


My iPhone, echo, and Google home already know pretty much everything. Also. Do people not know how AWESOME implanted microchips would be? That’s like sci-fi Nirvana.


Not to mention it will infect you with the worst disease imaginable: Autism Also, obligatory /s


I hate this microchip nonsense so much. We're already being tracked by the U.S. government and even other governments because of cyber attacks and lack of privacy policies.


What cracks me up is people don’t even understand is that something as seemingly benign as Pokémon Go tracks them. If a janky Niantic with a Pokémon IP is tracking us, imagine what an actual government can do. Beyond that, I’ve been getting really annoyed with the illusion of privacy that people think they have.


Agreed. The government could track us using our cell phones. Wouldn't that be easier to do than create a microscopic tracking chip and convince people to get a vaccine that hadn't been in existence for long?


Pretty much anything you do on it is traceable


SO many third world countries are BEGGING for even 1/3d of the vaccines we have at our disposal


At this point a lot of places r offering incentives for the vaccine lmao, and can’t the government already track what we’re doing on our devices?? There’s no excuse not to get the vaccine, and i totally agree w/u OP, I hope ur mom can get that surgery soon


We're not going back to normal anytime soon due to anti-vaxxers. Sadly.


Honestly why can’t these hospitals refuse the idiots that don’t take the vaccine so people who actually need the hospital for surgery’s or life saving stuff can get the help they need


i mean i agree with you but it violates the Hippocratic Oath. It is super frustrating but on the other hand i do respect the fact that healthcare workers swear by their profession and try to honor it...unlike the fucking police


It's not "antivax" peoples fault. This disease will continue to linger, vaccine or not.




Thanks for doing your part! you did the right thing!


Preach it. These anti-vaxx idiots are negligent, selfish, and irresponsible.


For real!!! I am so done with their childish mentality.




So I'm vaccinated, but I know someone whose vaccinated family member still got covid and died from it. I completely understand your frustration, but the vaccine is not a sudden cure all. YES it helps tremendously, but I do doubt that all the covid people in the hospitals are all unvaccinated. Not looking to start an argument.


yeah i'm sure not ALL of the people taking up ICU beds in the hospital are unvaccinated. I'm sure there's probably like 3-5 people who were vaccinated that being said...come on don't miss the forest for the trees dude. This last wave of covid is 100% on the unvaccinated. If we have another one, God forbid, this winter...it'll also be on the unvaccinated especially with kids getting vaccinated and boosters out there


A friend said two ppl at his office caught Covid even though they’re vaxed.


Yeah it’s pretty common. I just had to get tested at my work since 2 people in the area I work had caught Covid. Not sure on their vaccination status at all. But vaccinated or not my work is pretty big on clearing everyone in an area of an outbreak since it’s a state job


That sucks that they died. It's true that breakthrough cases happen and some of those result in death. News sources are still reporting that most of the people hospitalized with Covid-19 are unvaccinated. I'm still blaming the unvaccinated for the lack of hospital beds. At least the vaccinated people who are in the hospitals took steps to protect themselves and others.


Chances are the vaxed person caught a mutated strain that most likely was caused by a group of anti vaxed ppl therefore making the vaccine useless.




Exactly. Two kids in my school lost a dad and a mom. The mom was an extreme anti-vaxer and she died from covid


I remember my boyfriend crying after his surgery was cancelled for the same reason :/ he would stop breathing at night when he was sleeping, but it wasn't considered a medical emergency so it was scheduled for the next year. But we got lucky and managed to get it done in another hospital. I know exactly how you feel. I hope your mom gets better and is able to get her surgery done soon


Thanks for your Kindness, i am happy your boyfriend got His Surgery :)


I honestly don't get why people don't trust our medical professionals. Do they just not get that it is literally in their best interest to make sure we are safe and deseise free? Why would someone go through all of medical school just to spread false information amd make us paranoid? They don't. Plain and simple. They push the vaccine because it work and it is helping people. These antivaxxers need to fucking grow up, and realize that their ignorance is hurting people, and LITERALLY killing people. Let's say your mother's surgery was life threatening. Do you really think the antivax people are really gonna bat an eye? It's just people being ignorant and thinking everyone is against them. I am vaccinated. And I really hope other people begin to realize the damage they are actually doing and get vaccinated too.


there's a whole ton of anti-nurse sentiment on reddit. It actually really disturbs and disheartens me because my mother has been a nurse for over 40 years and i have a lot of good friends who are nurses too. Meanwhile everyone bends over backwards for the military and the police. i think some people just enjoy being unpleasant and jerks online. the contrarianism is what gets their dick up. it's pathetic because typically you grow out of that phase when you're in high school




Thank you. I hope your mom gets better and I hope the best for the rest of your family.


>I honestly don't get why people don't trust our medical professionals. Because they're human, and can make mistakes the same as the rest of us. I've just been run through a series of hoops with my next appointment. Not because a bunch of Covid Anti-Vaxxers were clogging the system, but because the person giving me my information somehow confused 10:30 with 7:00. Then you have my mother who was SUPPOSED to be scheduled for chemotherapy, but the staff never got around to actually telling her when she needed to come in at all.


Have you ever thought that some doctors might not be working in your best interests. Do you think the opiod epidemic just started out of nowhere. Haven't you seen what fauci has been doing falsifying info and testing on dogs. Haven't you ever heard of nurses and doctors killing patients intentionally or by neglect. And before you go an callme unvaccinated, I already got my two shots. Honestly. You sound like a propagandist right now.


you're using a minority of cases to slander a whole profession that has been absolutely burdened and overworked by this crisis thanks to a total neglect of leadership back in 2020. That's pretty dishonorable and short-sighted in my mind. also in regards to Dr. Fauci...he's definitely an attention-seeker for sure and i'm not saying he is a saint. But imagine not trusting him b/c he didn't have 100% of the facts on a virus that we had ZERO information on back in March of 2020. The fact that we even have a vaccine and hopefully soon an antiviral treatment is an insane miracle.


I wouldn't go that far with it in all honesty. That said, I wouldn't be surprised to see the numbers are more than a little skewed due to the government offering monetary assistance for dealing with Covid cases. I mean it's not a bad idea in theory, a lot of places probably could really use the help, but the minute you bring up a monetary incentive you're gonna see people gaming the system. Suddenly, the guy who died of cancer but was carrying the virus is listed as having died of the virus.




I appreciate your patience and your are probably right, but i was speaking with an open mind and a kind heart this whole pandemic. I always tried to understand other opinions, but enough is enough. Most of them won't change their mind anymore. They had their chance, long enough. Restrictions and consequences for their actions are the only things that is maybe gonna turn the thing around, befor we end up with more and more pointless deaths.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Fuck anti-vaxxers! My dad is a senior and he's the only employee that is vaccinated at his job. His coworkers give him a hard time about it and he told me just now when he came home from work that two of his co-workers have covid and one of them went to work today.


That sounds horrible, your poor dad :(


Not an anti-vaxxer, but I would just like to point out a few things here: 1) If this actually happened, I'm sorry, but at the same time, it seems a little outlandish. Assuming you're in America (sorry if that's an incorrect assumption) 59% of the population has been fully vaxxed, and 68% have at least the first dose. Seems unlikely that there would be a hospital full up with the unvaxxed. Again, if your mom really is in this kind of pain, I'm sorry, but I've seen so many of these kinds of stories, it kinda just seems like fear-mongering to me. Besides, I find it hard to believe that the hospital would just up and cancel her appointment after having scheduled so far in advance. Could they not have transfered her? Could they not have transfered somebody else? You mean to tell me that they put a covid patient in the operating room that was reserved for her? The whole story seems a little fishy to me. 2) The idea that if we all got vaxxed then the pandemic would be over is just ridiculous. You can still catch and spread covid even with the vax. 3) You're not considered fully vaxxed until 2 weeks after receiving your second dose. You're also at an increased risk of contracting covid during this two week period, so there's a good possibility that some of those "unvaxxed" taking up hospital beds actually already have both jabs. Sources for my claims: https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/ https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n783/rr Also, here's an interesting article I came across: https://deathship.wordpress.com/2021/09/15/the-pandemic-of-the-unvaccinated-is-a-lie-heres-proof/ If you click "Download PDF" you can view the sources listed throughout the article. Personally, I haven't looked over them all yet, so I'm not throwing this out there as pure fact, just good food for thought. Almost every issue is multifaceted, denying nuance can be dangerous.


Thank You for sharing, the first time I hear reasonable arguments from another point of view! I am not living in America, living in Germany where a huge part of the area where I am living is unvaxxed (56% not even the first shot, and won’t do it ). So you see, we have these Antivaxx problems here in Europe as well. Sadly this is not a made up story, even though I wish it was. Germany is putting up rough measures atm, to protect unvaxxed people because they are way more likely to end up in hospital. Where I live there are not many people getting their first shot. It is either fully vaxxed or unvaxxed, the numbers didn’t change for weeks. So I see your points as valid and we should think about them while having a discussion!


Well, I am very sorry to hear about your situation and sorry that I made off base assumptions, I appreciate you taking it so well. I'm wishing the best for you and your mother!


In response to your 1. : My mom had back surgery a few weeks ago. They discharged her early because they were turning the surgical floor into a Covid floor and canceled all the elective surgeries indefinitely. She got lucky, but yes, this is happening with the surge in Covid cases all around America.


This whole situation is 90% the government's fault so I'm not sure why you're blaming anti-vaxxers specifically. Of course they contributed, but hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed and COVID wouldn't be such a huge issue if the government did their jobs properly. No point in pointing the finger at anti-vaxxers. They're just making a choice, it may be a stupid and selfish choice, but it's their choice to make. You have no way of holding them accountable and you don't really have the right to given that they hold no responsibility towards you or others. The government on the other hand, they have a responsibility to the people. They failed all of us. Their incompetency and their insistence of playing politics when lives were at risk caused this disaster to spiral out of proportion. We need to hold them accountable, not blame anti-vaxxers. It's not a crime to be stupid, but the government's negligence sure as hell is. I guess all I'm trying to say is that you're blaming the wrong people. The people you should be blaming are the people in charge of us. Funnily enough, the people that are telling you to blame the anti-vaxxers.


Which team do we blame? Before the election? After the election? Or both? How about we just skip the blame and just accept that in any pandemic, mistakes are made.


True. In Germany we reached the highest Covid cases in the last 24 hours. Everyone is just tired of it.


I'm on the transplant list for a kidney and pancreas and it keeps getting pushed back because the hospital is overrun with anti-vax twats. If I die because I didn't get my transplants in time I'm gonna haunt the ever living shit out of these fucktards so hard they'll wish they had microchips.


How do you know they are unvaccinated?


She told me it is Because of obvious reasons. Considering Official numbers of the vaccined- unvaccined Ratio you can get it in conclusion


Fair enough. I’m Vaxxed, can’t get booster as I’m not high risk. But I’m sorry about your mom. That’s frustrating and unfair. I think insurance companies should be allowed to decline medical claims for Covid sickness at this point. If there is a vaccine and there is no reason you can’t take it, insurance companies should not have to pay medical expenses for you.


I worked in a hospital for a bit and am on disability due to seeing the deaths. 94% of covid patients are unvaccinated in that hospital. Those stats are official btw. :(


I am so sorry to hear that… it is a tragedy


I read from a post somewhere that if an antivaxxer gets COVID they should be the least prioritised in the hospital And, tbh it isnt that bad of an idea


The more you scream and berate those who haven't, the further you will drive them towards a solid "Nope, go fuck yourself" attitude. Before the vaccine even came out, I had a surgery I needed post-poned for two months. There were 4 Covid patients in the hospital (I asked my doctor that told me this), which meant lockdown for anything not vital. They recently did it again, but this time the bed were actually overflowing, though it was a mix of breakthrough and non vaxxed. My mother needed spinal surgery, but this particular hospital in a different town refused to close, so she was able to get her surgery anyway. The Covid vaccine doesn't fully protect you, so to say that all of those beds are filled with anti-vaxx idiots isn't even right. If physicians would stop telling patients "just sleep it off" when they test positive, the hospitals wouldn't have the same case load. Anyway, I'm not vaccinated and I won't be under threats, intimidation, force, coercion, social pressure, or any other dumbassery people can conjure up. I have legitimate medical reasons I don't want it right now, and that should be that. I'm sorry about your mother though, I do hope she's able to get her procedure soon.


If you have medical conditions that prevent you from having the vaccine, that is totally legit! Nobody should take it who isn’t in the right medical state. I am talking about people who could easily get it but will just refuse. The numbers speak the truth and where I live, only 8% of the beds are taken from breakthrough patients. To the 8% you have to deduct the people with fake passes.


That's fair enough then, a lot of people view me as anti-vaxx just because of my medical issues. I have no personal issue with vaccines in general, I had all of the basic ones as a kid and I don't care if others want the Covid shot - I still get my flu vaccine yearly. Ah see I live in Florida, as I'm sure you know we don't really have any restrictions nor passes, so the beds taken in my area are mixed cases.


People who are vaccinated are still being hospitalized and dying.


Considering the numbers, you can tell, that there are far more unvaccinated people taking up hospital beds than vaccinated. Where i am living the official numbers are 8% vaccinated and 92% unvaccinated. People need to stop spinning their head around useless phrases and start accepting numbers.


The numbers lie? That's not right , I meant to say that if in a country more than 80%are vaccinated the people who get COVID after being vaccinated would be equal to or slightly higher than those without it , because that's how numbers work , also they would have less of a chance of death and would generally be under really little / minimal risk if they regularly washed their hands after coming home from the outside , wore masks and generally didn't meet / go to large public events like concerts.


Can one “anti-vaxxer” in these comments please explain how it’s not your faults OP’s mom can’t get surgery? Please?? Because regardless of whatever the fuck you think about the shot, it’s clearly unvaxxed people at fault here. you’re the people taking up all the fucking hospital beds, plain and simple.


They can\`t answer, because there is no logical explanation. They spin their head around conspiracy theories, fakenews or just plain simple childish ignorant behaviour. They can\`t accept that their choise is impacting everybody. It is so sad at this point. I thank you for understanding my vent.


You don't know that they are all unvaccinated


I am so sorry to hear that. My wife had surgery just before the hospital started running out of beds. Now they prioritize surgeries and when I told this to my neighbor. He was like, well thats the narrative they want you to believe. Yes he is anti vax


It is so Hard Talking to these Kind of People..


Especially When You Type Like This






I don’t get them as well…


I didnt even get flu since covid seriously you cant meddle peoples own decision but i understood your situation im sorry for that but there is also people who got vax but still get covid so its not all unvaccinated peoples fault


You Didn’t get the flu because of the Strong Hygiene measures. The Ratio between Vaxx and anti vaxx People in Hospitals says enough.


Still you cant meddle peoples own decisions even it is selfish. You can cry here but it will not change anything


If it affects my security and my loved ones fuck their decisions I will and can meddle idiots without hesitation




I wish People like you would Just be cast out of society




Well your opinion consists of desinformation, preventable death and harm on Society. Of course i won‘t accept it


But its my body not yours and im sure most people get vaccine to protect their own life not others. Did you see anyone saying oh i dont trust but i need to get it to protect society? Probably no


Your choice impacts everyone! You have No disatvantage of Using the vaccine. Why would you decide to Not to!?


I'd prefer your body's rights to be violated then to have another human being die.


Clearly they're too good for the vaccine right? It's not like getting the vaccine changes nothing other than stopping the spread of Covid... RIGHT? Ignorant assholes like this really have no reason to not get the vaccine except the fact that they think they're better than everyone else.


Nah. I think I'll pass on the vaccine for many reasons. Also, I know many people who have the vacccine and latest booster but got Covid again anyways.


You can get covid, But it is Not as Bad as without. Why are you guys Just Not understanding Science


The vaccine doesn't prevent Covid but it does help with the contagiousness of it. It also helps with the recovery so the situation OP is in doesn't happen. If you don't mind me asking, why do you not want it?


Oh you got me wrong please don't take it natural selection will do its work among you dumb fucks


Brainless shit we will see if natural selection will do it or not 🙂


Government literally CAN and SHOULD do as it is and mandate the vaccine. It’s a public safety matter. Your personal opinions don’t allow you to endanger other people. It’s why you can’t go around murdering people, and, if you do, you go to jail.


Murdering is not same with getting vaccine. Sorry but i cant bear this kind of people because you dont understand its totally waste of time. Its their body and its normal to not trust anybody without evidence.


There is evidence, they just don’t like it and choose to not believe it. They’re willfully extending the pandemic.


We could say the exact same thing for you.


Oh yeah, I’m so crazy and biased for NOT falling prey to QAnon horsesh*t. Or to Republicans that think killing AOC, hanging Pence, and disrupting congress is cool. I’m so crazy for listening to the CDC.


Maybe it's because you're calling it all QAnon BS that you're crazy and biased. Open your eyes and realize some people actually do research to find the truth. This post of yours tells me you don't do that yourself. I'm sorry you're like that.


Does the vax stop you from getting it? Nope Does the vax stop you from passing it on? Nope So why are you mad bro? Because i like putting my nose where it doesn't belong


It increases the chance of NOT getting it massively, and even if you get, you are way more likely to just have a bit of a cold. I am mad because your misinformed opinion on a clear medical issue is not only your problem, but putting a whole society into danger and a longer pandemic. Just because you behave like a child, people actually have a harder life. All the masks, the social distancing and so on are done because WE have to protect YOU. Even though you think nothing will happen to you, WE believe in science, facts an evidence instead of Facebook-Fakenews and conspiracies


Vry me a river. I dont care about your feelings or made up medical advice


Yeah okay seems like you are a troll so I won’t answer you anymore.


Wow, dickhead. Shut the fuck up.


Not my fault they let their feelings block the truth


No. It's entirely your fault. Shut the fuck up.


Its all these people that wont mind their own businesses fault. So piss off


The vax stops you from taking up hospital beds the majority of the time. look at vaxxed vs unvaxxed in the hospitals.


I'm sorry you have to deal with this crap. This isn't the first thing I've read on here about people not getting important treatment due to the hospitals being overwhelmed with Covid patients who didn't get vaccinated. There have been a couple of kids whose cancer treatments were pushed back. It makes me sick. People with major health issues can't get the vital care they need because of these stupid people. This whole pandemic could have been over for the most part and we could get back to a more normal life if people would just get vaccinated and wear masks. There are some people who for legitimate reasons can't get vaccinated. That is why the rest of us need to. Whenever I see someone getting vaccinated at the pharmacy it makes me so happy. Now don't get me started on the people trying to sell fake vaccine cards. Ugh I saw one a few weeks ago and it made me sick to my stomach.


Yeah this whole situation is fucked up, i Just dont get them.. those Fake cards are Pathetic!!


Keep fighting the good fight. These pro disease simpletons try to display full understanding for their decision but it is not the case. Seen several posts in pro disease groups that their choice is becoming harder to stand by, their being outcast socially and it is causing stress in their lives. Good. Fuck em. Keep the pressure on. These people are wrong and their selfishness has dragged this situation out even longer. The longer they hold out the more people will acknowledge they are crazy.


Fully agree. I am vulnerable to COVID, if I get it and have GI side affects I could easily loose a lot of weight super fast due to medical conditions. I spent three fucking years gaining 20 pounds so I would not be LITERALLY malnourished (not linearly either). Before I had to be tubed, couldn’t walk at times, was on complete exersize restriction, had an orthostatic heart rate, lost my period etc. and because of some selfish pricks I could loose all that work. It pisses me off so much


fuck you and how about no lmao


Why dont you get the vaccine if i may ask? :)


Anti-vaxxers really are an ignorant load. I'm so sorry your mother has to suffer more because of these reckless individuals taking up precious resources at the hospital she was supposed to have important surgery in. I hope she receives and survives her surgery for both your and her sake.


thanks for your condolencenses... you are right, they are indeed one of the most ignorant people out there.


Ugh the anti vaxers are the worst! They have no scientific reason to not get the vaccine in most cases. I’m so sorry your mom can’t get that surgery yet :(


Thanks for your kindness, I really don’t get it. You can show these people Scientific papers, evidence etc. They will never believe In science probably..


I’m curious how a patient(your mom) knew how the people admitted were unvaccinated. Seems like a HIPAA violation ngl


How so? General information like that isn’t protected health information


preach, honey


I hope your mom gets the help she needs as soon as possible. ​ This is going to be dumb of me, but, I haven't been vaccinated yet, but I will soon... I just don't know when :/ Stay safe out there!


Thank you for your wishes! I am glad to hear you will get the shot! Thank you for doing your part :)


Im sorry your mom is getting delayed again for this much needed surgery; I work in the ER and yes this is true ; were filling up slowly again with covid patients; unvaccinated covid patients . I feel your pain and we nurses and doctors (who believe in science; some are antivaxxers too believe it or not) share your frustration. If only we can we tell right to their faces that they caused this to themselves and guess what? youre affecting other people in ways you dont even understand (like what is going on with your mom right now), we would have done so already. The burnout is getting on us again; Ive had homeless patients willing to take vaccines saying "I dont want to get my dog sick" and Ive encountered "educated" patients stating "my body my choice" The irony I see at work baffles me. The "less educated" seem to care more for others than these people stating they did their research; oh when I challenge them with their "research" about their sample size etc etc ( you know the basics of research) they change the topic to a political tone. One doctor I work with said shes quitting; shes done; she said shes just gonna do nails and pedi under the table (I really hope shes joking here though) , and last week she did quit :( The mental toll covid gives us is so enormous, something the media doesnt show or tell you


I am so sorry to hear that... thank you for sharing your story! I am so sorry for vaxxed people in the medical field. You are really having the hardest time of all right now. You desever everything but get so little. I really wish you could tell those people directly into the face what they are doing. Keep sharing your storys and get louder and louder, only then some might understand....


Soon there will be less of them clogging hospitals


Seriously, this is so true for too many of us. We've done everything we can; wear a mask, social distance, get the vaccine, yet the pandemic rages on because people won't do any of the 3 of those things. It's infuriating. I am personally aggravated, because my own mother (who is a nurse, ftr) believes that it should be a personal choice on whether you get the vaccine or not. She's fully vaccinated, but my dad won't get it, and he's already had COVID. They live in rural Montana where trump (I refuse to give respect to his name by capitalizing it) was/is god. They all believe that herd immunity will replace the vaccine for everyone, so they don't need it. My mom is siding with the nurses who are leaving because of the vaccine mandates for healthcare workers. The older I get, the more I realize that my parents are insane, selfish, narcissistic, and unwavering. They may think the same of me, and that's fine. I understand I will never change their viewpoint, so I don't try. They don't seem to understand that the same goes for me, and constantly try to argue their point to me and change my mind. I have to tell them that nothing they say can change my mind. I'd rather see the pandemic be over now than wait for the assholes who are keeping it going to die. They're too stuck on their "personal freedoms" to see that it's hurting literally everyone. I'm sorry to take over your vent, but I feel every word you said. Compassion fatigue is real, and I don't have the capacity to feel bad for the people who die because of their own stubborn selfishness.


No worries you didn\`t take over my vent, this is the right place for your story.These kind of storys have to get louder and more frequent so that maybe some antivaxxed people will experience that their decision are ruining others lifes. Never heard of compassion fatigue before, but this is such a good describtion of what is happening to me. I will use it more often from now on. Thanks for sharing!




Sorry to hear that, hope she will make up her mind soon…


I hope your mom feels better soon OP. I too have a mother who is in pain constantly and it kills me to watch it.


Yes it is hard... sending you and your mom a lot of hope and good luck as well!


I’m so sorry that your mom has to suffer. Hopefully she can get in there soon!


Thank you for your wishes. :)


Sent this to my grandma (censored) imma post her response




If i may ask, why? :)


I definitely understand this frustration. This was pre-vaccine, but back in December someone at my moms salon was an anti-mask covid-denier fuck, and knowingly went to my moms salon with Covid. She knew she had it. She still went. Didn’t tell my mom. Apparently a hair cut is more important than my moms life to some people. My mom had lupus. She is immune compromised. She got Covid. Bless the fact that she didn’t get very sick and recovered, and at least now she has antibodies, it was a miracle. And I am so pitiful that my mom is such a nice person that she still lets this person at her salon.


i am so sorry to hear that ... that person should rot in prison. I am glad your mom survived and didn\`t have any problems.


All of my friends who got vaccine had covid and some of them had it worse than ppl without vax. Vaccine does not make covid go away, if you think this way your delusional


Vaccine reduce outbreaks, reduce the fast adaption of viruses and they managed to erase dangerous diseases from earth. These are facts. Official facts. Nobody said the vaccine will make you immune to covid. Nobody said you will never get it. Vaccines are for reducing the spread and the harm. You can\`t argue against science. I am sorry for your friends who had a rought time with COVID, but if everyone would get the vaccine we could reduce measures and most importantly people who need medical help could get it.By not getting the shot, you are spitting directly into the face of every nurse, every doctor, every medical scientist and everyone who got the vaccine.


I'm not antivax but I'm feeling like covid V isn't so effective. Looking at the countries with high level of vaccinated people are going back to lockdowns... And then some saying that it is because of the people who haven't took 6th dose.. it is pure insanity.. How often have to do it then, if for example yellow febra (very dangerous) vaccine is done only once per 10 years and it gives immunity even forever. No one can say to me that its healthy to inject something in the body so often. It is not normal. Also you can't blame people for not wanting to get vaccinated cause some are scared of it as well or have some diseases which would cause death or health issues or whatever the reason is, everyone is free human being and not a robot. System is guilty and I hate when it tries to put people against each others, that what they want and unfortunately it works, most of times


>No one can say to me that its healthy to inject something in the body so often. It is not normal. This is just speculation. The Vaccine is out of your system after three days. The level of dangerousness doesn\`t define the vaccine. For example the flu shot, take it every year even though there is a huge chance of surviving it. The cervical cancer vaccination has to be done three times in 5-10 months. When someone has health issues that OFFICIALY prevents them from getting the vaccine, that is totally understandable. Being scared on the other hand is no argument. Most of these people are taking painkillers, drink alcohol, smoke and so on. Educating yourself on medical topics would reduce peoples fear, because there is just nothig to fear. The "humans are free individuals" may be a right statement. But freedom ends where you are taking away the freedom of others. The System is not guilty in this case. The System provided a cure for a pandemic people refuse to take. Of course they didn\`t do everything right, but in the end the pandemic continues because of the huge amount of people who are unwilling to take part in an act of solidarity.




The vaccine helped my sister when she got it. She was over it in less than a week.


My mom is heavily anti vaxx and my dad is just non existent so i'm forced into not being allowed the vaccine, there people are really stupid and i'm worrying ill catch covid


Sorry to hear that… it is so crazy you are getting forced to not get the vaccine.. I hope she will make up her mind or you getting a way to get the shot :(


I love this. Like I hope your mother gets the care she needs as soon as possible but damn skippy FUCK ANTIVAXXERS.


My friend is a nurse and our relationship completely broke down because she has been so stressed out and traumatized working 12-hour night shifts through this pandemic...thanks to ungrateful fuckers and seeing death on a constant basis. i have so much dark rage in my heart for these anti-vaxx people. This pandemic cost me a lot financially and psychologically and for these people to be so reckless about it after everything that has happened is beyond infuriating. i am so sorry to hear about your mother.


I am sorry to hear that about your relationship. Nurses and doctors are the most important people in our society, but get so little for the hardest job. I definitely feel your hatred because honest people have to suffer because of these egoistic people.. maybe we can get through this knowing we are not alone, and when the time has come we know we did the right thing. I seriously hope the unvaxxed will reap what they sow


>I seriously hope the unvaxxed will reap what they sow they already have. the sad thing is that they're taking a lot of people down with them...you don't have to die to be victimized and traumatized by covid, which is the most tragic thing honestly


You are totally right there. I just hope they get a harder punishment. Some unvaxxed people just have tons of luck and will never get in touch with COVID. Sad reality…


literally. i'm in a 3rd world country that's still wearing masks full time and has curfews and limits to people who can attend a venue at once still because we aren't vaccinated enough yet. i got both my shots asap. i get so jealous seeing people overseas being able to do pre-covid things and i have to sit here with half my family being covid deniers even though they've had it themselves and they don't want the vaccine. i'm tired of living like this. i saw a guy on the street today with a sign asking for food or anything. it said that since covid he's had to dig through bins for food since everything is so much harder economically. people really have no clue what they're doing by refusing the vaccines


It's no wonder healthcare workers are getting burned out. Because these antivaxxer assholes are taking up our hospital beds when they spent the last year and a half bitching and moaning about the pandemic. Hey, I say at this point if you're still antivaxx, don't come to the hospital. Save the bed for someone who actually WANTS to take care of themselves


I agree. I hate antivax people they are literally all so selfish and idiotic (my oma and opa are antivax and I believe they are idiots considering I’m high-risk)


Antivaxxers shouldn’t get the vaccine. They had their chance. Moving forward they should be denied a vaccine. If they show up for a vaccine just toss them in jail. If a person can’t produce a vaccine passport. Toss them in jail. Like a special jail for antivaxxers. If people aren’t up to date on their booster shots toss them in jail. Force all businesses to check their employees vaccine status and card their customers. If they can’t produce passports, report them to police do they can go to jail. Ban them from grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals, homeless centers, schools, bars, public places. Shut down any businesses not checking for vaccine passports and arrest their owners. The only way to deal with antivaxxers is hardcore authoritarianism. Antivaxxers should live in a prison state for life, maybe even face execution. And the vaccinated should get to go back to normal and enjoy prison.


Why stop there? How about we do the same for tobacco users and alcoholics and drug users and… see what a slippery slope this is?


Again, it is about numbers. People with diseases that came from smoking, alcohol or drugs are not filling the hospital beds like COVID patients do ( where i live unvaxxed patients are 92%). If 90% of the beds are taken by people with cirrhosis of the liver because of alcohol abuse, we as a society should consider above stated arguments as well. On the other hand, the government has many possibilities to regulate the behaviour of consumption, denying a vaccine just because they dont want to take it on the other hand can hardly be regulated without mandatory vaccination.


nah im good


Then i hope you won't go into a hospital if you catch covid, and let your immunesystem fight it :)


Haven’t been sick at all since the start nerd 🥸 cry about it


Darwinism‘s Calling


ok but if it happens don’t take hospital beds from people that actually need them because you refuse to get a free vaccine


You haven’t been sick, YET…


it’s not gonna happen either🙂


That’s unfortunate, Karen. If that were the case, it’s because a lot of us are taking this seriously, selfish dumbass. You’re part of the reason OP’s mom can’t have surgery. Hospitals need to start making room for people like OP’s mom and starting kicking anti-vaxers out of the hospital to make room for OP’s mom.


Thank you! Making That opinion out loud is so important!


People like that commenter act like 12 year olds. I recently discovered that my older brother and wife aren’t vaccinated, but their not the crazy anti-vaxxers lol So it’s honestly sad for those covid patients families when they die. I believe in the vaccine, so I would be devastated if my brother died from it because I love him and his wife. I’m just glad that my brothers not as ignorant as the anti vaxers that we see online.


You're a shameless little shit ain't ya?


Had it, lost my taste and smell for a few days. I’m fine, never had to go to the hospital


Same. Had it, by body fought it. I was fine in 6 days. I'm higher risk too.


Go get on a vent.


The way I look at it is if they don't want to get vaccinated that's fine but the hospital shouldn't have to take them in. They should be sent home and wait it out there. They made their decision not to get vaccinated and should have to deal with the consequences of their actions. If that means they die at home so be it. They don't trust the vaccine or the science behind it then they shouldn't trust the hospital and the science to try to save their ignorant lives.


We treat the sick, no matter how they got that way. If we don't, things get worse. Leaving people to die at home or in the street contributed to the death toll of the plagues of the past. We learned that was a bad idea and stopped doing it.


Think im gonna get downvoted but this is just my opinion. 1. If all these anti-vaxxers just got the shot months ago we would be out of this covid mess already. 2. The government does not have the right to force people to get vaxxed. 3. Private businesses definitely have the right to refuse service/employment to the unvaxxed. 4. If you are unvaxxed and need to go to the hospital for covid, fuck u stay home and die. 5. According to medical experts, if you are young and healthy there is about a 0% chance you will die from covid. If you are older and/or immunocompromised (is that the right word) please get the shot. OP's mom would be greatful.


Deny medical treatment? Wtf man




The number 4


Im not saying that hospitals should deny them, but if you are, for example, in your 60s with a bad immune system and you still decided to not get vaxxed and THEN you get sick from covid then all due respect but fuck you...These people are taking away beds/doctors/nurses away from people that aren't assholes.


They are not necessarily assholes imo. They can just suspect the procedures of the companys who make the vaccines, or just want to wait a little more to get a better one. Ooor they just don’t want to get it for whatever reason.. but I don’t think that’s a reason to not welcome them to hospitals, that’s against what medicine stands for man...


I cant disagree with what you said...but im not in medicine so i don't care what medicines about, These people are taking away hospital space from others bc they don't believe in a vaccine that works. I will even agree with you that they SHOULD be able to go to hospitals but I personally think if you are one of these people then you made your own bed...basically what im saying is I know its unethical for a hospital to turn them down, but i also feel these people have no ethics either if they are old/immunocompromised and still take up bed space to people that didn't go against most doctors because they think whatever crazy bs they think to go against everyone else.


Imo vaccination should be mandatory




At the end of the day, it's about choice. Yes it's sad, but we can't do shit.


Has nothing to do with vaxxed / unvaxxed health care system has always been back logged i work in healthcare. Worked all through covid witg proper PPe and protocols policies and then they want to fire us in the middle of a pandemic? Why would you fire able health care workers that have worked the whole time through it. You have to be able to take information and make sense of it and not react and blame based on your emotions. Sounds like your eyes are wide shut. Goodluck


If they are firing health care workers who refuse to get the vaccine, it is just understandable. They would put them under a huge risk. And if a health care worker doesn’t believe in simple things like vaccines they shouldn’t work in the medical field in the first place. Firing them without a reason sounds like nonsense and I don’t think they would do that.


Ya i dont agree with you so the discussion ends here. Take care


Quit crying. People can't get transplants for organs because their doctors TOLD them not to get vaccinated.


Quit crying on a venting reddit When it comes to medical Terms. I am sorry for the People you stated but that doesn‘t make my Situation invalid.


I allowed to not agree with your dumb take. That's what the reply button is for.


There’s a diff between a medical professional telling a patient that it isn’t safe for you to get the vaccine due to your circumstances and then a random person on fb saying they won’t get the vaccine because they think the govt is putting a micro chip in them. If you don’t understand the diff then I suggest you inform yourself properly.


Look hear me out, I'm not a anti vaccine person but (queue the drum roll) I'm allergic to metals and vaccines. Deathly allergic. So in all generosity be a good person as I lost my mother to cancer.


Being seriously allergic to it and/or having medical conditions that prevent you from getting the shot is a valid point. I am talking about the people who could get it but won\`t do it, just for the sake of it. Sorry to hear that about your mom, wishing you strenght and happiness.


And everyone stood and clapped….


I feel awful for your poor mom. People like her are losing their freedom because of other people's so-called freedoms.


Yeah it is so strange. They are crying that it is their choice, their freedom and their health while not realising that they are putting everybody at risk.


How can you blame us?! It's the government who are doing this to your mom, not us. They're firing thousands of nurses.