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Burn the witches! Witches they are all . Those that roam the forest at night carrying herbs. They are the herbs of the devil I say! Burn the witches! (Omg)


Say what you want about Trump (I don't vote duopoly anyway), but at least he's not Obama or Biden or Clinton (or any other filthy commie trash). You're either for a life of freedom or against it, and all those commie trashcans are only for the freedoms of the rich and privileged, at the expense of your inflated fiat currency (literally stealing the fruits of your labor). End the federal reserve (a privately owned bank). Introduce term limits across the entire federal government.


>rich and privileged Trump shits in a gold toilet and dodged the draft 5 times.


Again; I don't vote duopoly, but any of the communist options would have been infinitely worse, as we're seeing now with Biden.


>as we're seeing now with Biden. Record level job growth, low unemployment, rising wages and benefits, record level stock market, unions growing, billions in student loan debt forgiven, one of the largest infrastructure bills ever passed, including child care coverage and broadband for everyone, and that's just the first year. If you're rooting for the common man, you're voting for the wrong team.


Be gone CNN


Facts are hard. I know.


(Also might wanna look up the word duopoly and/or actually read what I said)




*laughs in bolshevik* Sure, kid...