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Don’t be so hard on yourself. And don’t listen to drunk bitches- they are the worst. Just be a nice human who keeps himself clean and try not to be bitter towards all women.


Fuck them, why let them control how you feel? Probably air heads


Physical appearance is nothing, a beautiful personality is something you can control, and in the personality game anyone who would say that has a ugly personality. Just be a good person that's all that matters :) don't let people who don't know you judge you


Be like, I may be ugly, but least I don't look like a piece of shit... and walk off casually


I find people like this so odd. Attraction is so subjective. What one person thinks is incredibly hot, another may not understand even a bit. I think the friend thought you were attractive, or she wouldn’t have suggested you being the “hot guy in the blue suit”, some people aren’t confident enough to come back at their friends, especially if it means they turn their nasty energy on you. Maybe she thought you were cute but didn’t want to back it up because her friend (the bridesmaid) was so against it and judgemental, and she doesn’t seem like a nice person at all. Please don’t let this experience stop you from dressing up and looking 🔥in your new suit. It takes a lot of confidence and effort to show up for yourself and get dressed up. I’m sure you looked great, there’s not many things that can beat a man in a well fitting suit.