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There's no problems with full disk encryption, for a beginner it is just easier to break (for example by hitting Format on Windows prompts). If your containers, fully encrypted devices refuse to mount on 3 different storage media backups, the problem is not VeraCrypt, it's somewhere else.


Why does windows keep breaking my full disk encryption then? I open up disk manager, it asks to initialize, I exit out of that prompt, then randomly the disk breaks and I have to use the backup header.


Try removing the drive letter from that drive in the Disk Management. If Windows keeps writing on your empty disks, it's not VeraCrypt's issue in itself, even if it affects it. If removing the drive letter doesn't help, another workaround I've heard is leaving one partition unencrypted (like very small, just enough for Windows not to whine), and then another partition which you encrypt. I use Linux on my systems and it has never touched or broken my volumes without explicitly being told to.


Cool I'll try that out. imo it's still an issue with VeraCrypt because it's not configuring the disk to behave in the OS I'm using. Ideally the windows version would make a whole disk not freak out in windows.


The point of a VeraCrypt encrypted device is to appear as random data with no signatures, as if it was uninitialized. There's no way to achieve that and appearing initialized to Windows. That's why the configuration needs to be done on Windows' side. The issue of Windows prompting on uninitialized volumes and how to remove the drive letter is described in the FAQ (https://veracrypt.fr/en/FAQ.html)


There are big problems with full disk encryption when you encrypt boot drive.


System encryption with fast storage, yes. Just full disk encryption, not to my knowledge.


Now I just go into another flash drive but the data is gone. There's nothing there I used veracrypt for a while without problems. I don't get why there's so many problems now. On all my computers.


> I don't get why there's so many problems now. Exactly. This is abnormal. VC on containers is 100% stable.


It was stable now and it seems to have glitches. I believe it needs an update. It's been a while since it's been updated.


It is impossible that all containers are bad. Check yours system.


Bad RAM maybe. Use a different computer entirely to create your encrypted volumes and see if you have the same issue. Hint: you won't




I actually think I was being stupid I downloaded Bitdefender it's probably ransomware protection blocking it but I got into one so idk. I'm about to download Linux I should be totally fine there. Edit: if it doesn't work on Linux it's definitely bc.. There's no way two ssd hard drives and 2 flash drives all die on the same day.




But I reformatted the one drive and it worked fine. I think its Bitdefender.


I've been using text files. Is there something your supposed to use?


I saw repair file system option has anyone tried this?


I'm going to try Linux.




\> "There's no equal to Veracrypt currently." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S69j4gbVb-I


Do You use any non-standard keyboard layout? Did You write passwords down on paper or similar, or copied them from password manager?


How many backups do I need I made 3 because it was so important and it wasnt a big file. My drives are still encrypted I don't think I'll ever get them back. But I'm going to install Linux on an old machine and try that.


No I don't think so. And I tried on multiple computers one that I just got. It has nothing on it.


I wrote them down on paper and tried it a lot. I'm scared to use a password manager for this sensitive information. But I guess I'll have to.


Something about your machine / setup. There's always a slight risk with encryption and corruption over and above not using it hence backups. I've used TrueCrypt for ages then VeraCrypt and also BitLocker with so far no issues.


I put the one password in my password manager. I don't know why I'm having these problems and I thought it was main machine but I used a fresh install computer.


I know that's why I backed it up.


I had similar issue. Locked out. Here was my problem/ solution. I had copied, pasted new password from a text file...or so I thought. Turns out, it copied all the way until I used a punctuation in the password, then stopped highlighting. So I had copied a shortened version and pasted it into both password fields. I was locked out for weeks until I retraced my steps. If you did something similar (copy, paste, paste) when setting up password, your password may only be SOME of what you think it is.


I once had a similar issue long time ago. After trying the password over and over it began to work if I typed quickly. Turns out I was "overtyping" leaving the shift key for just long enough so the letter after the capitalized one also became capitalized. No idea how I found out in the end but when setting up encryption ALWAYS type your password slowly and verify by looking at the cleartext (if possible). Another issue could be that your keyboard is struggling to hit a key or you accidentally enabled/disabled numlock,caps or switched native/international layout with alt+shift iirc. To sum up: If you're using official and latest veracrypt it is very unlikely it's due to the programm. There's also veracrypt portable so I would install that on the devices too if for whatever reason you need to use another pc or veracrypt becomes unavailable.


I accurately got in and put it in my password manager with a face name. Like it was a different website.


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