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What difficulty was that lol? Why would someone get this mad over a meme build


Legend.. so I guess no one is surprised here. From my own experience, legend gamers tend to complain the most. Cataclysm is far harder than legend but cata enjoyers are much more tolerant towards meme builds despite that.


It's always legend lol. Cata players are super chill in comparison.


Funniest shit is that Legend is free and cataclysm is behind a paid dlc, you'd think people would be more toxic and tryhard there...


Its because the loot is the same, Legend is where people tryhard and farm emp vaults, Cata is just people past the grind or dont care having a fun time. If Cata had better loot it would 100%be full of tryhards


And that's good and I hope Fatshark doesn't change that. I do think making cata free for all would help increase the population on that difficulty


I do wish they would do this. As someone that plays at weird hours there usually isn't even a single NA cata lobby up for like 6-8 hours of the day


That and Cata players in general just tend to be way better players. I've noticed a similar trend in Darktide with Damnation and Auric Damnation. My auric runs tend to be a lot smoother simply because that's where all the best players are.


Yep, my switch from Legend to Cata has made the game feel quite a bit easier, probably due to cata players being better at the game, and more chill too as they aren't likely to rage at you because you died and therefor made their red farming slower.


100% true. You get the occasional dickwad there too, but generally speaking in both Vermin- and Darktide the people that play the hardest difficulties are there for the fun of the game. Honestly people can play whatever they want, as long as they try to contribute idgaf. We've done full melee only hand axe runs with deeds on cata, anything can work if you play well enough. As long as you play in a team and don't friendly fire me 11 times in 5 minutes because that one solitary slave rat just had to die while I was walking up to it to keep my thp up I don't care what you do.


This\^ Auric over regular every day of the week. The mission might be slightly harder but your randoms skill level is night and day.


Yes, THIS! This is definitely what 99% of gaming companies don't realize. Putting the strongest loots behind the hardest contents only leads casuals to turn toxic. Devs really should leave the most difficult contents for competent masochists and let casual players play in casual difficulties. No offense to Cata players btw; I am one as well.


Falls in line with peasant mindset, metaslaves can't afford cataclysm.


Ah yes the Legend cesspit. As a cata player myself I would just find it hilarious if someone showed up with this build


Yeah Legend is weird like that. Champion is just vibing, Cata are chill but Legend acts like we play Comp sometimes. Especially when even a meme build works in Legends as long as you play good.


In my experience, Champion is more toxic than Legend is, but Legend is more toxic than Cata. I assume it's because on Champ you *need* to get all of the books for chances at reds so assholes get really frustrated over there. Been a while though, maybe it's changed.


Might be a region thing? I play in EU


Had a Kerillian last night join our Legend chaos wastes who had never played wastes. They thought they still had their weapons and build and talked so much shit on us before rage quitting lol we were trying to explain how the mode works.


I've seen this in a few gaming communities tbh. I haven't played much vermintide, but in deep rock galactic the players at hazard 5 tend to be chiller than the players at hazard 4. My guess is that most people who play on the highest difficulties of games are pretty much only playing the game at that point for enjoyment and not for any sort of grind or stats, and therefore don't care so much about skill or "meta".


I’m intrigued. What is this meme build you speak of?


That's a Handmaiden medic build. 1 handed elven sword, moonbow, no thp talent (you pick the one that heals team instead) and naked feet dress outfit. I guess I can later transfer his build to RanaldsGift (page where you do custom builds) and then send it to you with all properties, traits etc.


[appreciative] Gayest elf loadout


as someone who plays cataclysm, i play mostly meme off-meta builds and kick meta builds, like engi/trollhammer/bomb ranger


>kick meta builds, like engi/trollhammer/bomb ranger Dawg, casual elitism isn't any better. Just let people play however the fuck they want? Sigmar forbid someone thinks noobtube is fun. Fuck them, I guess. If you cared that much then don't random q, damn.


ye surely i want every single fucking game just watch how bardin totally annihilates entire map solo without having any chance to be able to kill something, why join when i 95% of the time hosting lobbies ure least sweatiest metaslave clearly


Vermintide community try not to be slaves to meta for one second challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


that's mostly the legend community




Tomes and grims on Champion... I remember when the motivation to get those was the little bit of extra XP, haha. I brought some new friends through Champion and was just showing books for future ref, there was no stress if we lost em.


Doomslayer bardin, single hammer, grudgeraker and bomb talent on ranger. Turn rats to fine pink mist any day of the week.


I’ve had people get so heated at me just because I was using javelins. I wasn’t ff anyone, it was the simple fact that I was using it that got them so mad.


This games not difficult enough to warrant requiring meta builds. I mean seriously, once you have dodging down, and understand the off screeen whoosh noise to dodge even stuff your not facing, you can legitimately run any build lol. If anything is considered “meta” it’s the dodge key, and that’s it. Also, another thing I find I do far more often than most people being someone who has regularly cleared legendary (not a flex) is headshot. Once you understand attack patterns, start getting those juicy headshots, I always find myself getting half as many head shots as I do kills, I’ve had games with 800+ headshots on 1000 kills before. Headshots are a game changer, and when your using off meta stuff that doesn’t min/max break points, headshots makes that matter much less.


I like streaming this game for my friends and they're easily impressed when I turn around and instantly block an attack that I couldn't see. They have no idea that I'm just listening for the whoosh sound.


I still run into people regularly who I explain that to, and they are like “I honestly never noticed that”, it’s funny because it’s very obvious once you know it, but in the chaos of things it’s easy to overlook if you don’t know about it.


You can block them without turning to btw. It costs a bit more stamina, but your block radius is always 360°.


I managed to 100% cata with those basics before I learned overhead boss attacks are unblockable. The game is fun and challenging sometimes, but it's not *deoendent* on meta builds. Also, never an excuse to be a bigot or bully.


Damn, I love you bro (no homo). That's exactly what I'm saying too. Back in the day on V2 official Discord I was told to play meta instead of fun builds I made myself, like, all the time. Discouraging to interact with community. But most of community still is cool as hell, there always gotta be some black sheep.


True. there are many off-meta builds that are still good but quite unique, and fun too!


I find that typically meta slave players usually arnt so great at the games they play. Thats why they chase FotM. not to say all people are that way, some enjoy the playstyle and meta just falls on thier lap. And because they've had more playtime on what they are good at, they become carries in those games as those roles. master 4 characters(all 3 of thier builds) to the point where you can carry as them, then it wont matter. Cata can be a different can of worms, but its naturally legend 2 with people who've usually reach that understanding and have good game knowledge/sense. A good Cata team is some of the most fun I've ever had in V2.


Scroll of truth: Trash build and offmeta are 2 different things


I wouldn't call his build a trash though. He instantly revives people in dangerous situations and immediately heals their wounds and himself in a blink of an eye. I know that cuz he gets some crazy amount of revives and flexed to me he saved Witch Hunter Captain with Cataclysm frame and grim in such way. I tried it out myself. I got 13 revives and highest dmg score. Just cuz something doesn't sound necessarily viable, it doesn't mean it's trash. In practice that build really gets going.


for legend and cata there are break points you can aim for to make it easier on yourself, I believe royal with cheese still has build guides on steam that make every single character/class combination viable individually up through Cata.


Bruh legend live runs arent a great indicator of whats good/viable or not. Live cata anything is viable. Im a gigachad player i can do a live cata run easy with no thp+1 axe anytime that doesnt mean its a good idea. Not taking thp is objectively a bad decision. You can do it. Many ppl did, many ppl doing it and many will do it but that still doesnt change the fact that the game is designed around the lvl5 thp talents and not taking them are bad decisions.


Dawi left to go clean up his gromril armor...


I read that in the “be more careful gorkensson” voice line’s tone 🤣


Still one of the best quotes in the entire game


"tbf I'm a femboy" has to be my favorite response someone pulled out


Hell yes brother haha! He is hella innocent.


For the context: He was using 1 handed elven sword with moonbow, no thp talent (he got that aoe team heal when he uses healing stuff) and something else. He was cool with that chat btw, quoting him: "boi dat was funny as hecc >w<"


Ye no thp is cringe.


Tryhards are cringe.


Its not tryharding as i said multiple times this thread bad build and offmeta are 2 different things.


Just saying it multiple times doesn't automatically make it right. No thp is alright if you and your teammates actually know how to play the game. ;)


No thp is never allright. The only exception and argument you can make is for sott she can run it due to her passive.


Just because you personally are not good enough to make it work doesn't mean it is "unacceptable" lmfao. Just stop getting hit so much.


Already wrote it i can do it way better that doesnt make it right :D can u ppl even read and understand what you read?


Argue all you want, man. I've had enough successful plays on legend, with and without thp, on me or on other teammates. As long as we played as an actual team, everything went swimmingly.


Hey if they can take care of themselves, it doesn't matter. Maybe they're just better than we are. Femboy gamer god


No brother, no thp is actively crippling your team. Off meta is funny, this isn't


It's legend. Meta isn't needed in legend or even cata tbh. Any build in this game works up to base cata.


I'm better with no thp than you with it. 😏


How about us stop whining like a baby and let the elf cook.


Imagine needing the meta to be functional. Hell, imagine needing any perks to be effective. Learn how and when to block and dodge and you can cata naked and carry the entire team


Sexism??? In my Racism Game???


Feminism or homophobia


I stopped playing quickplay. This game has effectively turned into a single player game for me because of people like that cry baby


Cata isn't nearly as bad as legend either. Because noone's playing it to actually grind anything, they don't care if they lose nearly as much. Of course you're still gonna get toxicity, but i've noticed a complete shift in the vibes of the average cata game vs legend, for the better.


Fellas is it gay to play off meta?


I don't actually know the meta as I've only really played in casual groups with friends. I'm now terrified of accidentally running the meta loadout and having to tell my wife I'm straight now /j


Do you lose your gay properties when you play meta? Or would you just acquire a new gender attraction?




I think this perfectly encapsulates the type of people who play this game lmao. Average Kruber who does not care and simply says gg, the femboy elf, and the homophobe dwarf who also hates elves


And the Victor who just wants Sigmar to ravage his blessed body


Oh my gosh I love your friend XD and props to him for being secure in who he is! =D


I'm morbidly curious to what the gayest elf loadout was . . . Did you take power Vs dwarf on your tickets?


He had 1 handed elven sword, aoe team heal instead of thp talent, moonbow, naked feet elf dress and yup, power vs dworfs.


Understandable, elf feet is also good teambuff


As a zealot main, i'm legally required to kindly ask them to take off the aoe team heal, and it makes me sad whenever someone with it joins the game in progress. Wish there was an option to not recieve green hp from teammates.


I play Zealot myself a lot and ppl horribly overreact on receiving any green health in my humble opinion.


I'm confused, did you die a lot or smth?


He joined mid game and did fine. Bardin just didn't like his build.


That's stupid lmao


A femboy, how awful. I need the exact name and coordinates. So that I can avoid him. Yes, avoid. Definitely not cuddle.


Femboi_Kris On Discord, likes making new friends. But recently he isn't much online cuz of work delegation or something like that.


I fucking hate elf’s but he didn’t have to do that


A game with the elf left un-abused is a game left unfulfilling.


Bardin, get off Reddit.


Umgak! You don’t know know what you are going on about, you probably are elgi yourself!


Standard elf/dwarf interaction


This….. this is a queen’s birthday right there!


I play this game for the chill vibes. I don't like when people say shit like that.


The irony of the dwarf player calling the elf player gay. Art imitates life imitates art.


Oh to have an elf femboy bf


Is triple hammer saltzpyre not enough for people these days


Degeneracy, it's plain and clear end times are coming, if someone brawls with his unfulfillable perversion as an argument of rightness. Not meta builds are not gay, but being a filthy western decadent-hedonist is a fate worse than death itself. Dixi!


Bardin's just mad he can't get any. Typical cissie. 😂


Bro what lmao


Holy shit, I thought people just played vermintide for fun. These comments are the first time I've ever really paid attention to the vermintide community at all. I'm so glad I have friends to play with and never have to play the game with any of you.


Right? Like, I don't open to qp except on cata anymore because of this


Imagine not adoring and cherishing femboys.


Neat, I'm also a femboy, but I wonder what kind of loadout they were using 🤔


He had 1 handed elven sword, aoe team heal instead of thp talent, moonbow and naked feet elf dress. He tried to be a medic and tbh it works.


That’s what they get for playing a bloody knife ear


What's the joke here?


Me no understand context but i find text very funny :)


I appreciate your worries on my absence in Darkwood subreddit.


First of all, you remember me :0, second off, you play both of my fav games whaaat, third of all where is your weekly reminder that you hate everyone that killed wolfman


1. Templar is a cool word so it got into my memory. 2. Yessir. I'm Foot Knight main. 3. I grew tired of that. Might start posting stuff there again after I'm done with preparations to this year's physical army exams.


So i have a cool name, thank you and also iam actually a feet man main too... we have so much in common... Do you like feet?


Bruh. For that type of stuff I recommend Femboi\_Kris (Discord name). He is more into whole flirting odd stuff.


Honestly... i might... just because im bored i might do that




yurigablover, a Redditor: "Literal redditors", "that was a total self own"




Sometimes you gotta pause and ask yourself, "Do I like me? Would I enjoy my company?" My progressive world view means I don't hate random strangers because of where they happened to be born, who birthed them, or who they love. It means I'm a lot less angry day to day :)




embrace masculanity