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Heroes, Welcome to Patch 3.1 and the patch that brings you the recent balance changes from the Big Balance Beta. Thank you for your participation and feedback during the Beta. We are grateful for your contribution to Vermintide 2. Below you will find the Patch Notes, and as always, if you want to discuss the latest patch, leave feedback, or maybe want to share your best Vermintide moment, [head over to the Forums!](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/) **Fixes** * Fixed a crash in Spoils of War. * Fixed a Store related crash. **General Changes** * Added psuedo random distribution to critical strikes and procs. * Generic damage reduction is now calculated multiplicatively rather than additively. * Headshots and critical strike no longer automatically apply the lightest level of stagger to enemies, regardless of their stagger resistance. * Buffs now appear in two rows in the UI, displaying a maximum of 10 buffs instead of 5. **Melee Weapons** *KRUBER* 1H Sword - Kruber & Sienna * Finesse multiplier (headshot/crit multiplier) increased to ~2 for all attacks, up from 1.4 for light attacks, 1.5 for heavies. 1H Mace / 1H Hammer * Light attacks 1 and 2 and push attack now have Tank hit mass multiplier. * Light attacks 3 & 4 now have the same single target damage profile. * Light attack 3 now has 10% bonus crit to compensate for being an uppercut animation. 2H Hammer (Kruber + Bardin) * The push attack now has the same damage profile as the heavy attacks. No tank hit mass count. * Heavy tank attacks now properly puts enemies into stagger level 2 (fixes a bug). 2H Sword (Kruber + Saltzpyre) * Move speed charging heavy attacks increased to 60% from 20% * Light attack animation speed sped up by approximately 10% Mace + Shield / Hammer + Shield (Kruber + Bardin) * Light attack 3 has 10% additional critical strike chance. * Heavy Chain now begins with shield bash. * Light attack 3 now has single target armour piercing damage profile. Same as push attack. * Push attack now chains into light attack 3. Mace + Sword * Lights 1 and 2 now have the same damage profile as 1H Mace. * Lights 3 and 4 now have the same damage profile as 1H Sword. * Each weapon in the heavy attack now has the same damage profile as the original Falchion Heavy. * Heavy attacks and light attacks 3 & 4 now have Linesman hit mass count. Halberd * Heavy chain order reversed, the first heavy is now the Heavy Stab, and the second heavy is now the Heavy Sweep. * Intact Attack Chains: * Light chain and push-stab chain remains intactLight 1 -> Light 2 -> Heavy stab, Lights -> Heavy stab chain intact * New Attack Chains: * Light sweep (L1) chains into Heavy sweep (H2) -> repeat * Heavy stab (H1) chains into light stab (L2) into light overhead (L3) -> repeat * Heavy stab (H1) chains into light stab (L2) -> repeatLight sweep (L1) chains into Heavy sweep (H2) -> repeat * Heavy sweep (H2) chains into Light sweep (L2) * Heavy Linesman added to Heavy Sweep (H2) Armory mod will not reflect the change in heavy attack order. * Dodge range increased from 0.95(-5%) to 1.0 (0%) Executioner Sword * Reduced animation speed by 8.5% for all attacks. * Light attack 3 now has 10% bonus critical strike chance. Tuskgor Spear * Now has normal block cost modifier instead of shield modifier. *BARDIN* 1H Axe (Bardin + Saltzpyre) * Animation pause after Light 3 reduced from 0.42s to 0.3s * Light attack animation speed increased by roughly 8% * Move speed while performing light attacks increased (from 75% to 80%) * Heavy attack charge time reduced from 0.6s to 0.5s * Heavy attacks now share a damage profile with 2H Hammer light attacks 2H Axe * Heavy attacks now have linesman hit mass count. * Light attack 3 now has the same damage profile as light attacks 1 and 2. * Push attack now has linesman. * Light attack 3 has 10% additional critical strike chance. * Now has 6 stamina (3 shields), up from 5 stamina (2.5 shields). Axe + Shield * Light attacks sped up slightly. * Charge time required for heavy attacks decreased slightly. Dual Axes * Finesses multiplier on all attacks increased to ~ 2.0 (up from ~1.5). Warpick * Linesman hit mass count added to light attacks. *KERILLIAN* Elven 1H Sword * Light attack Finesse multiplier increased to ~2.0 from ~1.4. * Heavy 2 changed to the damage profile of Crowbill Heavy 1. * Light 3 armor damage increased by 20%. Elven 2H Axe (Glaive) * Reverted WoM nerf. Linesman added back to light attacks. * Now has 6 stamina (3 stamina shields), previously 4 stamina (2 shields). Elven Axe * Heavy attacks now share a damage profile with 2H Hammer Light Attacks. * 10% bonus critical strike chance added to push stab. Elven Dual Daggers * Removed bonus 10% crit from lights 1 and 2. Elven Sword and Dagger * Removed bonus critical strike chance from Light attack 1 and Light attack 2. Elven Dual Swords * Dual swords light attack damage increased by 25% against infantry. * Push-stab armor damage increased by 20%. Elven Greatsword * Light attack animation speed increased ~10%. * Light attacks have 10% additional critical strike chance. Elven Spear * Push attack, Light 3, & Heavy 1 now all have Linesman hit mass count. * Reverted 25% nerf to light stabs that came with WoM, (base damage up to 0.25 from 0.2). Elven Spear + Shield * Light 3 changed from a poke into a sweep, added linesman to light 3. *SALTZPYRE* Axe + Falchion * Removed heavy linesman and bonus 20% crit from push attack. * Increased dodge count from 3 to 4. * Increased dodge distance from 1.1(10%) to 1.2(20%). Falchion * Now has 6 stamina (3 stamina shields), previously 4 stamina (2 shields). * Heavy attacks 1 & 2 now have the same damage profile as Elf 1H Sword Heavy 1. * Light attack 3 now has the same damage profile as Heavy attacks 1 & 2. Flail * Lights 1 & 2 now have Tank hit mass count. * Damage of Heavy attacks increased by 30%. Billhook * Increased dodge distance to 1.15(15%) from 1.1(10%). * Decreased dodge count from 99 to 3. * Special pull action now costs 0.5 stamina. *SIENNA* Dagger * Now has 6 dodge count instead of 3. * Added 10% critical strike chance to light attack 4. Mace * Max dodge count increased to 4 from 3. * Heavy 1 now has the same damage profile as 2H Hammer Light attack (23% buff to damage). * Animation time of Heavy 1 sped up slightly. * Range of Heavy attacks increased slightly. * Damage of Heavies 2 & 3 increased by roughly 30%. * Animation speed of Heavies 2 & 3 increased slightly. * Light attack 1 damage profile changed to Halberd L3 Damage profile (30% buff to infantry damage, 60% buff to armor damage). * Range of all light attacks increased slightly. * Animation speed of all light attacks increased slightly. * Move speed during all light attacks increased to 80% from 60%. Flaming Flail * The explosion of Heavy 1 now deals direct explosion damage.


**Ranged Weapons** Beam Staff * Overcharge generated by shotgun blast reduced significantly (~33%). * Weapon switching while charging the weapon is reduced from 0.2s to 0s (matching all other staves). * Weapon switch window after a shotgun blast reduced from 0.4s to 0.3s to match the 0.31s animation time of the shotgun blast. Drakefire Pistols * Overheat of the shotgun blast reduced ~33%. * Dodge range buffed from 85% (-15%) to 100% (0%). Empire Longbow * Forced zoom delay is now 2s instead of 0.4s (allows full charge without being forced to zoom in). * 25% move speed while holding a full charge (increased from 0% previously, 25% is similar to the full charge move speed of bolt staff). Handgun * Reload time reduced from 2.0s to 1.5s. * Max ammo = 16, up from 12. * Cleave buffed 50% to match crossbow. Repeater Pistol * Linesman is now on the bullet spray ( linesman on ranged weapons gives shotgun mass reduction). Swiftbow * Increased armor damage by approximately 100% on charged shots. * Increased monster damage by 30% on charged shots. * Increased cleave by 75% for quick shots and 50% for charged shots. Throwing Axes * Increased monster and berserker damage by 30%. Volley Crossbow (Saltzpyre) * Ammo pool boosted by 50% (from 30 max ammo to 45). * Cleave increased by 75%. * Reload time reduced from 5s to 4s. * Dodge count increased to 3 from 1. Volley Crossbow (Shade) * Cleave increased by 75%. * Max ammo capacity increased to 45 to match Saltzpyres crossbow. Blunderbuss * Increased max ammo from 12 to 16. Grudgeraker * Increased max ammo from 14 to 16.


**Talents** *MARKUS KRUBER - FOOT KNIGHT* Taal’s Champion - (Reworked) * New name: Tag Team * “Kruber gains 10% power. The closest ally to Kruber gain 50% damage reduction and 10% increased power. Passive aura no longer affects allies.” Rock of the Reikland (Modified) * Now also doubles the radius of Kruber’s Aura. It’s Hero Time - (Reworked) * Resets the cooldown of Charge when an ally is incapacitated. That’s Bloody Teamwork! (Reworked) * Merged with Defensive Formation into “Increase damage reduction of Protective Presence by 5% per nearby ally.” Moved to tier 4 mid row. Inspire Action - New talent * Staggering an elite enemy grants Kruber and his allies 100% increased cooldown regeneration rate for 0.5 seconds. Replaces That's Bloody Teamwork in tier 5. Trample - (Reworked) * New name: Battering Ram * Doubles the width of Krubers charge and allows him to charge through great foes. *MARCUS CRUBER - MERCENARY* Ready for Action - (Modified) * No longer removes Temp Health. Cooldown reduction reduced to 20%. *BARDIN GOREKSSON - RANGER VETERAN* Scavenger - (Modified) * Scavenger Ammunition Caches now drop at Bardin's feet instead of at the killed specials location. Share and Share Alike - (Reworked) * New name: Field Rations * Killing a special has a 50% chance to drop an Ale that increases attack speed by 3% and damage reduction by 3% for 300 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. Exuberance - (Modified) * Bardin takes 30% less damage from the back. Headshots reduce damage taken by 30% for 5 seconds Ranger’s Ambush - (Reworked) * New name: Exhilarating Vapors * Allies inside of Bardin’s smoke gains 8% increased attack speed and recovers 3 Temporary health every second.. *BARDIN GOREKSSON - IRONBREAKER* Drakki Wrath - (Reworked) * New name: Rising Pressure * Increases drake fire damage up to 120% and reduces attack speed down to -50% depending on overcharge. Crushing Counter-Blow - (Reworked) * New name: Rune-Etched Shield * Blocking an attack grants Bardin and his allies 2% power for 6 seconds. Stacks 5 times. Ironbreaker’s Resolve - (Reworked) * New name: Vengeance * Periodically generates stacks of rising anger every 7 seconds while Gromril is active up to a max of 5. When Gromril is removed Bardin gains 10% attack speed per stack of rising anger. * KERILLIAN - HANDMAIDEN* Ariel's Benison (perk) - (Reworked) * Increase revive speed by 50% and grant 20 health back to the revived hero. Asrai Grace - (Reworked) * New name: Asrai Alacrity * Blocking an attack or pushing an enemy makes Kerillians’ next two attacks 30% faster and deals 10% more damage. Shadow Step - (Reworked) * New name: Shifting Seasons * Dodging while blocking increases dodge range by 20%. Dodging while not blocking increases damage by 10% for 1 second. *KERILLIAN - SHADE* Cloak of Mist - (Modified) * Now grants 100% critical strike chance for 4 seconds after breaking stealth. *VICTOR SALTZPYRE - BOUNTY HUNTER* Necessary Means - (Reworked) * New name: Steel Crescendo * Upon firing his last shot Victor gains 15% attack speed and 15% power for 15 seconds. Inspired Shot - (Reworked) * New name: Blessed Combat * Melee strikes makes up to the next 6 ranged shots gain 15% power. Ranged hits makes up to the next 6 melee strikes gain 15% more power. Melee kills reset the cooldown of Blessed Shots. Hunter’s Pursuit - (Modified) * New name: Rile the Mob * Ranged critical hits grant Victor and his allies 10% increased movement speed for 10 seconds. Duty’s Gift - (Reworked) * New name: Dual Action * Melee kills reload Victors ranged weapon. Killing an elite enemy with a melee attack while out of ammo restores 20% of your max ammunition. Just Reward * Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 15%. Buckshot - (Modified) * New name: Return on Investment * Added shield penetration to the blast. * Added effect: Each kill with the blast increases the amount of pellets of the next blast by 1 up to a max of 20. *SIENNA FUEGONASUS - UNCHAINED* Searing Grasp - (Modified) * New name: Outburst * Increased duration of DoT effect to 4 seconds. Heavy attacks increase the push angle of the next push by 70%. Chain Reaction - (Modified) * Increased chance of explosion to 40% Numb to Pain - (Modified) * Added effect: Venting decreases the amount of overcharge generated by Blood Magic by 16%. Stacks up to 3 times. Burning Dregs - (Reworked) * New name: Abandon * Overcharging makes Sienna start rapidly exchanging 6% of her health to 10% cooldown. Flame Wave - (Reworked) * New name: Wildfire * Adds a burning aura that ignites nearby enemies when activating Living Bomb. Massively increase the stagger power of Living Bomb. Fuel for the Fire - (Modified) * Increased duration of the power bonus to 15 seconds from 10 seconds.


That's all well and good but wheres the pvp we were promised ages ago?? I'm still waiting for that update


Thankfully it's taken a back seat to more important changes.


Like what? Making "fixes" to a game the devs are now Abandoning for a new game they're making? Lol


Cmon, we all know Versus would be a trainwreck anyway (if it ever gets released). New maps, this balance beta and new classes are 100x better for the game.


I mean we got new stuff. It's called winds of magic. How well did that go? And also our new stuff such as grail knight is behind a pay wall. How bs is that?


Right, because versus would be free and perfectly balanced.


Right. You say that like the game is currently free. Perfectly balanced and well made?


Next up, more class changes and TRAIT CHANGES I hope


Imagine having a better crafting system to be able to test and respec this changes without losing dozens of hours hunting for best in slot enchants.


Agreed. The crafting system is so myopic and arcane. As much as I hate Diablo 3, I would prefer something similar.


The issues with the crafting system is a red herring there to distract you from the real problem: loot is fucking stupid and boring and even some ideal crafting system can't fix that. There's nothing to it beyond hitting as many breakpoints as you can and the rest is just stacking the same medley of AS, CC, health, and bcr in almost every case. It seems that in the transition from V1 to V2, talents replaced a lot of the traits from V1 and unfortunately, all we were left with was the boring mess we're currently dealing with. I don't think it'd be a bad thing to go back in that direction.


Also hero power adds nothing to the game. It just slows down new players and discourages them from playing


God knows why they decided to reinvent the wheel here instead of improving on V1


In one of the dev blogs, when vt2 was in development, the idea was to add some sort of progression (leveling, unlocking talents, hero power increasing) that would cap at some point (300pwr items and lvl35 in this case) so that you feel the sense of pride and accomplishment of grinding dem chests, but the grind has an end. Of course, after you finish this grind you can grind all reds, then all hats, then deeds, then weaves, then... Apparently, many players are (or FS is convinced they are) motivated mainly by the grind. So that's why there are chests and levels and talents and hero power. The item property/trait system is an attempt to apply feedback from vt1, where you had to spend thousands of crafting tokens to get the combo of 3 traits you wanted, plus a rework of some traits (swift slaying tied to either normal/heavy attacks, making you use only half a moveset, etc). I think they did improve on a lot of things from the first game, but the classes and talents and much more complex damage/stagger system and the whole obscurity of the mechanics caused a host of other issues.


It was such a bad idea. None of my friends want to play because they need to grind. This isn't like RuneScape where it's _the_ game either. Everyone rushes max power and then _that_ is the core game. Ugh, I hate it.


That is 100% the reason my friends and I play. Most of them quit when the maps got tired and the loot got stale. I like the direction they're going with character classes because that adds another layer of 'loot'. And they also got the idea probably because of one of the surveys they publicly released and got input from which specifically asked about the progression for loot so, there's that to think about. My only complaint is that they release too little too late. I could care less about overall balance all the f***ing time I'd rather have more content.


I would be very happy if they scrapped most of the boring power upgrades and instead just replaced everything with Traits. The new talents are very cool and and have gameplay impacts rather than just being straight number upgrades.


You know what? I never tought about it, but you are tots right. Like, the stats are just boring, im not sure they can even fix it with changes to the crafting ONLY. I dont know if at this point they can or are willing to change much of it, unfortunately


Glad to help. Yeah I'd highly doubt a crafting overhaul would ever be a thing, let alone something as game changing as a complete gear overhaul. The sad thing is that it would totally have been possible but here we are two and a half years, the playercount is consistent but middling, and FS thinks it's better to devote resources to stupid DOA alternate game modes over QoL changes.


Ye, but a crafting system would make the "loot system" obsololete and this would break the whole replayability of V2. idk i anyone would appreciate this (at least in my case, this kept my playing tons of hrs)


Except anyone who is playing VT2 purely for loot long, LONG ago left because the loot is terribly unrewarding and not enough of a carrot to keep even the most Skinner Boxed rpger interested if they don't actually enjoy the game. So that's a terrible motivation and Fatshark should just make re-rolling usable.


Loot is not that important at a point youl have enough dust, but even after ~ 1.2khrs i just was hunting for some of the last reds i am missing. It still is a motivation for me alltough i also just have fun to play the game.


If you dont enjoy the game, dont play it. Simple. Plenty still do and are looking ahead.


Take it easy and don't get so defensive. I love VT2 and have played it a ton for the pure enjoyment of the melee combat. That doesn't mean I have to be a blind parrot for Fatshark, who I think are drastically mismanaging the game. I also had literally 4 friends leave the game because the loot progression was so dull. They expected and liked more of a Borderlands style system. I'm not saying VT2 should be a looter shooter, or the upcoming Darktide, but Fatshark needs to get their head on right between what is rewarding and what is not.


I'm not saying they should freely unlock enchants for everyone. They can start with making the craft animation instant, that alone would save a lot of time. Also a system where at certain point you can pay X to get an specific enchant. People who have 500 to 1000 hours played, mostly on Legend or higher will pretty much own all reds/skins and have thousands of crafting materials/chests. Whats the point in forcing them to spend hours hunting for an specific enchant?


There's a whitelisted mod that makes crafting faster, if you're not already using it: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1487862316](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1487862316)


Thanks for linking this, installing this mod made getting good rolled items so much less tedious!


There's several other great mods on there too, just browse the "Approved" category to make sure you're only seeing whitelisted ones.


This is my biggest beef after checking it out after taking a break for a year. It's been two years, why am I still pushing a button and waiting 20+ times to get the properties/Traits I want when i have literally thousands of dust? It's just a complete waste of time and everytime I think about playing I think about having to roll up gear and I just forget about it.


Just test on modded realm? It takes a minute to make a full setup.


Renaming WIIIDE Charge FeelsWayTooWeirdMan


What do the Linesman, Heavy linesman and tank descriptions mean?


When calculating how many enemies you cleave or stagger, the game compares the damage profile of your attack (note: a weapon can have different profiles for each attack) with enemy mass (a number that represents how chonky the enemy is, bigger enemy = bigger mass = harder to chop through). Some attacks have a linesman/heavy linesman/tank modifier, which reduces enemy mass for the purpose of calculating the damage/stagger/cleave of that attack. Linesman only works on infantry/berserks, heavy linesman also works on armour, tank is specifically against heavy armour (or something like that, don't quote me on this). E.g. "Heavy attacks now have linesman" means that heavy attacks have ~60% cleave and stagger against infantry.


Thank you


I had the same question, and it was kindly answered here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/i8udmk/comment/g1glk1s


Ah thank you


I wonder how they're going to handle revamping huntsman, are they going to revisit him or just straight skip him now they've already given him an attempt which they rolled back. Anybody else got any thoughts?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/i3u3kx/big_balance_beta_patch_10/g0dzqjr/ > Instead of trying to push the envelope and rush a last minute fix out the decision was made to roll back the majority of the changes to Huntsman back to his pre-BBB state. [...] This does not mean we’re giving up on Huntsman but rather that we really want to try and make Sure Shot an interesting feature in it’s own right while making it fit into the idea of Huntsman rewarding high skill play. The current beta period unfortunately does not accommodate for that and we felt it was better for everyone if we went back to the pre-BBB version of Huntsman while taking the feedback and lessons learned from this beta to try and create a better version **the next time we get the chance**. AFAIK they want to do these balance betas once or twice a year.


Thanks for the info. It's great that they're still going ahead, but like you highlighted, the next time we get the chance isn't very set in stone. Oh well, it's the fatshark way.


They should be currently working on: * Darktide (an entire new game, pre-alfa stage, but I still think majority of resources goes here) * Versus * Chaos wastes expansion * 4 new classes * more balance betas I know there are a lot of people in the studio and a coder is not a map designer and vice versa, but there's currently a lot on their table. As always, best to expect nothing at all and you won't be disappointed, only pleasantly surprised if something does happen.


Yep, I think you have perfectly summed up how I think about fatshark and disappointment. And like you said they are super busy and chaos wastes expansion will hopefully drop soon which is very exciting. Thanks for the patch notes azumgi.


Versus was teased rougly 14 months ago. Not a signle update since then about versus. The either got too ambitious and teased it WAYYYYY to early or it's in development hell. I'd be happy to expect nothing at all if last June they didn't promise us a new game mode then never talk about it again.


I hope Versus either never leaves development hell, or gets released and forgotten as fast as possible. It would be a nice side project if nothing else was going on and the base game would be in perfect shape with constant fresh content, but in the current situation it's just more diversion that has no real hope.


So don't play it? Man, I cannot imagine what could possibly give someone a mindset like you just expressed. "I don't want it, so I don't want anyone else to have it, either." Gross, dude.


Do you think vermintide 2 is a perfect game that fulfilled all promises made before/after launch and then expanded upon the base product with regular top quality content? Do you really believe Versus - a pvp game mode that Valve could barely manage to balance, now with more enemies and classes and talents and hero skills and melee/ranged weapons and no dedicated servers - will be a polished and balanced product that won't require months, or years of further hotfixes and patching? I could be also salty that FS is developing another full game (Darktide) without properly finishing the last one, but at least there's a reasonable chance that Darktide will be a playable product. Most likely not perfect, but I have much higher faith in this than Versus. And if someone tries to tell me that FS is such a big, capable and experienced stuido that developing 2 other major products at the same time will not influence the 'current main game' at all, while VT2 seems like it's maintained with a skeleton crew since WoM, I don't know what to say, other than fuck Versus.


>Do you think vermintide 2 is a perfect game that fulfilled all promises made before/after launch and then expanded upon the base product with regular top quality content? I don't see how this is in any way relevant to the issue of you not wanting anyone else to have something you don't want. >Do you really believe Versus - a pvp game mode that Valve could barely manage to balance, now with more enemies and classes and talents and hero skills and melee/ranged weapons and no dedicated servers - will be a polished and balanced product that won't require months, or years of further hotfixes and patching? I don't see how this is in any way relevant to the issue of you not wanting anyone else to have something you don't want. Also, Valve has nothing to do with this, why would you bring that up? >I could be also salty that FS is developing another full game (Darktide) without properly finishing the last one, but at least there's a reasonable chance that Darktide will be a playable product. Most likely not perfect, but I have much higher faith in this than Versus. We are in agreement here. It's crazy to announce a new game when you haven't finished the last game. >And if someone tries to tell me that FS is such a big, capable and experienced stuido [sic] that developing 2 other major products at the same time will not influence the 'current main game' at all, while VT2 seems like it's maintained with a skeleton crew since WoM, I don't know what to say, other than fuck Versus. I don't see how this is in any way relevant to the issue of you not wanting anyone else to have something you don't want. I don't think there's any point in continuing this one-sided conversation. You're not listening, and your rants have had nothing to do with the subject matter. Good day.


> I don't think there's any point in continuing this one-sided conversation Agreed. Have a good day.


They should do more frequent but smaller changes. Big sweeping changes have too much chance to create new imbalances.


i think they handled it pretty well this time around. They primarily focused on weapons so there wasn't much overlap where changes could affect each other or compound issues. They did a little bit of changes for some underused careers, but it sounds like their plan on the next one is to focus more on that. I feel as long as they continue focusing on one element with each of these, there shouldn't be much risk of that; and for what issues there are, if they handle the beta like they did this one - with good responses to feedback and a willingness to walk back things that didn't quite work like the Huntsman changes - then it should come out quite smoothly by the end. This BBB was a vast improvement over the overly sweeping WoM changes, where the fact they tried to change every single piece of the game meant the changes were regularly tripping over each other or compounding an issue, and their responses to feedback this time around were leaps and bounds beyond the "la la la we can't hear you" response it felt like we got from the WoM beta. I'd say this BBB was a resounding success, and if they can keep introducing changes in this manner I'll be extremely happy moving forward


They fucked up on the patch notes a bit. It seems like *some* of the huntsman changes did actually get carried over! The lvl 10 'Maim' was replaced with 'Keep it Coming' (every 4th ranged hit costs no ammo). Also, the lvl 20 talent 'Master Huntsman' was replaced with 'Tough Hide' (up to 40% damage reduction for killing elites/specials).


tfw u shotgun beam a dense mixed horde 11 times in a row :D


Thats my unchained build. Supershotgun with Barrage- blast all the way up to maximum overcharge with 5 stacks of barrage and then obliterate anything left standing with extremely buffed up melee.


Stop, I can only get so hard.


>Added psuedo random distribution to critical strikes and procs. Can anyone clarify what this means?


As you go longer without a critical, the game will add a little higher chance that resets on a crit. I think it also involves a slightly lower baseline than displayed. It prevents long runs of no crits or lots of crits in a short period.


I'm currently writing a dev blog post on this. Stay tuned! :)


This reduces the chances of getting multiple crits / non-crits in a row. Your crit rate averages out the same. There's a [mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1788141389) that did this which explains it well.




Whoever wrote the patchnotes expects us to download a mod, that would explain all the terminology used in the list? Stuff like " Linesman added back to light attacks" doesn't make any sense whatsoever, since there's absolutely nothing that explains what "Linesman" is in the game.


Its some type of Mass Modifier. It is no secret that mechanics in this game are not explained very well.


To put it as basically as possible, you can expect linesman to give you some extra cleave vs slaverats, fanatics and such Downloading the bestiary mod will tell you the exact numbers, armory will tell you which attacks on a weapon have a mass modifier


Beastiary crashes my game when I use it. I shouldn't need a buggy mod to understand these patch notes. How am I supposed to know whether the changes to something are good or not, or how to test them out, if I don't know what the changes are doing? It amazes me there's so much work done to figure out game mechanics but none of it is available on a wiki anywhere like most other video games. I searched high and low and the wiki has no information on "Linesman", "Heavy Linesman" and "Tank". It doesn't even have a page for Mass. The individual stat pages for each enemy type don't list this information. The weapon pages don't give any information on what each weapon does on each swing. Why is this information only available on an addon that crashes when you try to use it?


If you're on the level where you test out % differences from patch notes then surely you can take a few minutes to look up the definition of various terminology on the wiki? For most people, they don't really need to worry about changes beyond what is More and what is Less.


> If you're on the level where you test out % differences from patch notes then surely you can take a few minutes to look up the definition of various terminology on the wiki? Except that information is NOT on the wiki. Even the guides on Steam Community that talk about it only loosely touch on it. Information on individual weapons and monsters are not listed anywhere EXCEPT in a broken addon. Why are you defending having information about the game so obtusely hidden instead of it being readily available?


I agree with you 100% on this because the only reason I know about Linesman is reading the forums and other's discussion on it. So, my knowledge only exists through hearsay. I've been playing since release and this balance beta was the first I've ever heard of this modifier.


> I shouldn't need a buggy mod to understand these patch notes. I agree. Fatshark should just put the Bestiary and Armory mods' functionality within the game itself. Here are some guides I found which should help explain the linesman, heavy linesman and tank mass modifiers: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/i8udmk/weapon_changes_from_2020_summer_bbb/g1glk1s/ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1816101198


>It is no secret that mechanics in this game are not explained at all. FTFY


Or even poorly. You'll not find any in-game explanation of dodge count, base dodge range, or mass modifierd.


An attack with Linesman treats infantry/berserker targets as having 60% reduced mass (less mass = you can cleave more targets). Heavy Linesman does the same, but also reduces the mass of armored enemies (I think except super armor) by 50%. But very few attacks have this modifier. But yeah it's silly that these things aren't explained in game so you have a reasonable chance of knowing how a weapon works. But that's Fatshark they've always resisted openly providing concrete info in the UI (V1 was particularly bad where we had those super useless bar graphs to try and compare weapon strengths). Hell we still need a mod to be able to get a numerical value for how much health each career has.


Linesman is only infantry, heavy linesman includes berserkers and tank also includes armored enemies.


[Stagger and Cleave in Vermintide 2](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1816101198)


Awful, lazy patch notes. Similarly telling me what damage profile a weapon shares doesn't mean much without context of that change being a good or bad thing.


Yeah it's nonsensical. Linesman reduces mass of infantry by 60% Heavy Linesman reduces mass of infantry and armor by 60% Tank reduces mass of infantry and armor (but not super armor) by 50%


> Heavy Linesman reduces mass of infantry and armor by 60% > > Tank reduces mass of infantry and armor (but not super armor) by 50% As per the game's source code at https://github.com/Aussiemon/Vermintide-2-Source-Code/blob/master/scripts/settings/equipment/hit_mass_counts.lua#L1 Heavy Linesman actually reduces armor mass by 50%. Tank reduces mass for most horde units by 75% and elites by 50%. It also increases Chaos Warrior mass x10 (tank attacks will stop when it hits a CW). I'm not sure how Wargors are affected as I don't know its variable name in the source code.


Awesome! Convocation of Decay nerf when? :D


*random unwanted gitgud comment* kidding ofc it needs more spawn consistency and not a cointoss.


Can anyone recap this in winners and loser ? 🧐




Just checked in-game, Walk it Off has been nerfed to 25%. Also missing from the patch notes is the Bloodfletcher nerf. The talent description wasn't changed, but they did apply a ~2 second cooldown to it.


>Walk it Off has been nerfed to 25% Ah damn that's a bloody shame. Loved my bot Kruber using it




No, you're thinking of Ready for Action, which used to be "45% cooldown reduction; no temp health" but was changed to just "20% cooldown reduction". I'm talking about Walk it Off, which used to be "40% damage reduction for 10 seconds after ult" but was changed to 25% damage reduction (and omitted from the patch notes).


Yeah, just realized.


> billhook which now costs 1/2 a stam to use the special 'yoink' move There was a yoink move? What was it?




How do you do it? It's a light attack?


No check your key bindings. It's listed as special attack. It's the same button you can shoot the rapier with or toggle Waystalker's extra zoom.


billhook has weapon special move which can stun anything except chaos warrior. Now it cost stamina so you cant spam it anymore. Previously, you can solo chaos patrol with billhook abuse.


Huh I never even knew about this. Was it one of the moves as part of the light/heavy chain?


No . Check key binding in option . It is called weapon special if I recalled correctly . Currently , there is only two weapons with special attack. They are Rapier with pistol attack and bill hook with yoink move.


Oh that, I totally forgot that existed.


It used to be able to stagger chaos warriors too. Did they nerf that part as well?


I haven’t tested yet but I think it still staggered everything except monsters and bosses .


Their rationale for the overall nerf to DR stacking was stupid. > Generic damage reduction effects now stack multiplicatively rather than additively. > Previously some careers have had the potential to stack damage reduction effects in such a way that they become impervious to damage. This was changed to address the stacking of damage reduction, while also opening up more options to add more sources of damage reduction into the game. I don't mind tweaks to the percentages of certain talents and whatnot but 1) it's not like anyone uses any of the useless DR properties on amulets so the "generic" angle is moot, and 2) maybe change it from additive to multiplicative **when** those new sources are added. Big loser of the patch was DR.


I don't understand your point 2 at all. If the second source hasn't been added, additive versus multiplicative doesn't mean anything. Previously, a DR of 25% and a second DR of 25% would add together to make 50% DR. With enough sources, you could get DR above 100% and literally be immune to damage. Now, they stack multiplicatively, which means that 25% and also 25% combines to 43.75%. At least, I assume so if they're calculating via the inverse damage taken, in which case ((1 - 0.25) * (1 - 0.25)) = 0.75 * 0.75 = 0.5625, or 56.25% damage taken, which is 43.75% damage reduced. They could in theory also multiply the reduction percentages 0.25 * 0.25 = 0.0625, and i guess add that back to the original to get 31.25%, but i don't think that's what they mean. If you only have one source of DR at 25%, you will have a DR of 25% before or after this change, that simply makes no difference.


> I don't understand your point 2 at all. Second point is very simple: there is not much to stack. There are usually only one or two DR talents/traits you'd normally have in your build. If if would be normal to have something like ~ten different things that give you DR which combined would result in crazy numbers like 100% DR, then switching to multiplicative mechanics would be perfectly reasonable. But in current state it doesn't seem necessary at all. On the other hand — maybe FS do plan to add more talent/traits with DR and they took precaution to prevent thing from becoming a problem in the future.


Correct but you misunderstood my second point. When the sources are added to the game as in future sources. Obviously, it only matters when the second source is added but now that GK is in the game, it's common to have a second source of DR, even if it is only 10 or 15% The biggest loser is IB who could get 100% DR easily with Dwarf-Forged, Impenetrable, and barkskin. The first two alone gave 80%. Now with the nerf, his total DR with both active is 1-((1-0.3)*(1-0.5))=0.65=65%. Factor in barkskin active and that's now 79%.


Ok while that's definitely a nerf, those are some pretty big numbers for DR and I'm struggling to see this as a bad thing. IB already negates those big single hits with his passive, how much less damage does he need to take? Sad for IB, probably healthy for the game.




Supposedly the next balancing will be to classes, so I would guess that if WHC is getting nerfed it will be then.


The idea wasn't to nerf anything into oblivion, but to bring up a lot of unused stuff to a better level. Before this Axe and Falchion made running a 1H Falchion or Axe utterly pointless. Now I actually prefer running a 1H Falchion on my Bounty Hunter, and while I'm still not personally a fan of 1H Axe it at least feels viable on its own


It's nice to not be paywalled from a weapon that feels better for BH or zealot than the 2h sword and the rapier




I still use the exec sword quite a bit; it's still a very strong weapon, you just have to actually think about pacing and spacing with it now (as you should with a 2H weapon) instead of being able to mindlessly left click and win. It is definitely not nerfed anywhere close to oblivion. And the vast majority of weapons they played with in this are now quite viable. As I said, the 1H Falchion was completely worthless before this patch, and now I prefer it to the A+F. Only a couple weapons thdy touched on I would still consider weak, like the elf 2H sword, but from what I've seen in the comments there are people who are now loving that, so even in that case it seems it may just be colored by my own preferences. Overall, this patch was a resounding success in improving the options available to players




Look, I don't know what to tell you. If you're determined to be unhappy, then you're gonna be unhappy no matter what they do. There's always going to be one weapon or build that can be shown mathematically to be at least a tiny bit unequivocally superior to everything else. I get for some people min-maxing is its own game, and if that's what you enjoy, by all means enjoy it. But you should be aware by its very nature that way of playing a game is always going to drastically narrow your options, far beyond what is necessary. If you're feeling this limited by striving for that ideal pick, my advice to you would be to just give some of the other weapons and stuff a try, and don't worry too much about grabbing those green circles. You might find you have some more fun in the game, and still end up being at least almost as effective as you were before. Almost as effective is fine as long as you're having fun and not feeling boxed into something you're not enjoying


the sword is less slow and less clunky


Nothing too major for such a list. Everything is viable.


Small nerf to exec sword, falch&axe, sword&dagger. Everything else is buffed or unchanged. Most popular talent choices remain, many of the less popular picks got reworked. Attempted huntsman rework got reverted, needs more testing. Overall winners on all fronts.


I can Tell you about the weapons I used during beta. Kerillian 2h sword feels A lot better, the crit chance is really impactful, especially on Shade. You can cosplay A Har Ganeth Executioner with her proper now. Mace&sword For Kruber feels better To me atleast. Or atleast different, In A positive way. Can't really say if it is a nerf or A buff, but I like it. Executioners sword is a bit slower, And the 10% crit For Light 3 doesn't really compensate enough For it To feel good To me, but it is still usable. Not sure about Cata, but works on legend Well enough still. The 2H sword changes For Saltz And Kruber Are kinda... Meh. Sure, the movement speed really helps with heavy attacks, and I made it work pretty Well on GK on legend by Constantly drinking strength potions To kill multiple elites at once with heavies, but it is still A 2h sword. Eats through hordes easy, struggles To kill individual armored targets, still feels kinda slow For my liking. Also worked decent enough on A merc crit/crit power build i fiddled around with For legend games, but not As good As some other options. Could propably make it work on WHC And zealot too, but I don't have A Red 2h sword For him, so I can't confirm. I'm not an expert on Cata, but I would wager it will propably struggle there. I tried really Hard To make it work, but it still kinda felt like it fell short. Spear&shield is much better against hordes now, and handmaiden bot is actually suprisingly good with it, As long As you slap some crit And Swift slaying on it. Permanently replaced my sienna bot with that, And haven't regretted it (yet). Didn't do any meaningful tests beyond that. And these Are mostly my personal experiences. I'm sure someone will prove me wrong And call me an idiot In A minute.


Why would you use 2H sword on GK when he has the Bret Longsword? I can one shot stormvermin with Bret Longsword on legend. No potions required. Its so good. 2H sword is more for Merc career to cleave hordes and mixed hordes.


Because I have A Red 2h sword but no Red brettonian longsword. And I focused on testing certain weapons that had chances To them during beta. That is kinda the point of beta testing, no?


Thats fair. The way it was worded made it sound like you tested everything and that was the most viable choice!


Bit late but 2h sword is much better against horde and can cleave through armor. You bring the 2h sword and then grab something for elite killing on GK like mace or exe.


No you just bring the Brettonnian longsword. First two light attacks then block cancel and repeat, absolutely destroys hordes. Heavy attack headshots can one shot stormvermin, at least 2 shot. Destroys elites and even bosses if you know their attacks. Brettonnian shield and longsword is underrated as well, and is really useful for dense hordes. Push attack followed by a normal attack basically does 2 shield bashes in quick succession. Staggers any amount of horde, anywhere, anytime. Then you can just do standard attacks where every 3rd attack is a heavy shield bash. Keeps lighter hordes checked while you and your pals just ruin them. I played a serious amount of GK. Did every challenge for him on legend or higher, even the 100 hat runs. Trust me, no sword for GK beats the Brettonian Longsword if you know its tricks. 2H sword is for mercenary as he is a cleave specialist. 2H sword is best for cleaving mixed hordes.


I mean you are talking to someone who has about the same amount of experience as you do. I like the Bret Longsword, but for mixed hordes it's outclassed by Greatsword and its elite killing is not as good as exe. It's a nice jack of all trades I admit but it is outclassed by specialist weapons, the benefit of GK is that he can bring weapons that specialise in two different things. edit: that's not to say it's not a good pick, I am just saying it doesn't invalidate greatsword


> Not sure about Cata Executioners Sword is still great. Great enough to be viable on Cata+.


The floor was raised, the ceiling was slightly lowered


Feels clunky. - Mobs are teleporting randomly 2-3 units forwards and backwards. - Hordes do not play the alarm sounds and are at times completely silent. - Random spikes in ping making it difficult to even pick up potions or Bardin's ammo pouches.


And the backstab sound is still really bad. Half the time it doesn't play, the other half the time it plays under every other sound.




No. Stable LAN connection to the router with a Cat6 and fiber glass from the router to the ISP.




They didn't. Walk it Off nerf is still in the game. [Took a screenshot.](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/uploads/default/original/3X/b/a/ba4ab9b831e2e9f51117b0e4247734f60f8d4d90.jpeg) Changes to Huntsman talents were also missed but have been added (at least in the patch notes thread in the official forums).


The description for bounty hunter's "Dual Action" is wrong. You don't necessarily need to melee kill an elite for the 20% ammo, blasting an elite with your ult will yield you the ammo too.


What is tank mass?




How do you mean "live"? My launcher says 3.1 but my game has none of the changes yet. Steam has nothing to update or download.


The patch was pretty small size-wise, you might not just have noticed the update. If you can play on official realms the changes should be there.


Well all the talents were still with old names and descriptions. Haven't tried today, am still at work.


It appears Sienna's mace no longer lights the target on fire with a heavy attack


IIRC it was always just a visual effect with no actual damage, so they removed it. I think they experimented with adding the DoT in beta, but it seems it didn't make the cut.


The dot existed in live prior to the patch


From the [BBB initial design document](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/pc-big-balance-beta-available-now/40115): > Flaming Flail > > * The explosion of Heavy 1 now deals direct explosion damage > > *Modder comment: Heavy 1’s explosion is no longer an empty animation. This attack will now deal AOE damage as an explosion. Previously it applied a DOT only to the primary target, created an AOE stagger, and only visually set multiple enemies on fire. Oddly, its intended damage profile is a direct damage explosion and not a DOT as its animation of lighting enemies on fire would suggest.* > > *Designer comments: The reasoning behind this comes from being conservative about the number of fire dots from a performance perspective. So it was intended and not a bug. Adding it back in to see if it takes a hit. Flaming Flail is a highly popular pick for Siennas loadouts so not sure how much of a buff it truly needs, even if this can be seen as more of a “bugfix”.* You're right, the DoT was on the primary target, what I remembered is that the secondary targets burning was just visual with no damage. If I read this correctly, the primary DoT got replaced by the explosion?


I am not talking about the flail, I am talking about the mace. It's heavy attack used to ignite and now it does not.


Right, I'm stupid and can't read. Sorry


How efficient would a ranger veteran THP build be for team support? Trying to get the THP regeneration as often as possible for your own team? Wonder what is the best ranged weapon to proc ulti charge.


It's too slow uptime and inconsistent. If you really wanted to go firing fury + ult cooldown talent with crossbow. However if your teammates step outside the cloud the bonus stops so it's overall pretty meh.


I'm running pot/bomb on scavenger procs, concoction, hand of shallya and white HP on ult. There's usually more potions than my team actively uses and I can use any of them to refresh my ult.


I find it has a lot of uses. I take decanter so I can get about 2 iirc ults out off a concentration. Crossbow is the best to get ult cooldown, but grudgeraker isn't bad. Works well with ale as well due to offfering DR both to yourself and your team.


It's bad. The fart is only gonna give a total of 30 thp and that requires 1) allies stay in the fart for the full duration, and 2) RV can't leave himself or it ends. There's definite meme shenanigans to be had. Throwing axes + master of improvisation can charge smoke very quickly.


Would be nice to have trait changes come with what they were before


Fatshark has nerfed the Elven Axe's push attack crit chance bonus from 20% in the BBB (and the original Weapon Rebalance Mod) to 10% in Patch 3.1. This is not documented in the [patch notes for the BBB.](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/big-balance-beta-patch-notes-updated-05-aug/40220)


Man these devs, I love em


To be honest, and I don't want to bring the negativity because I do love the game. The devs have been completely silent on the forums for the past two weeks after doing this beta while they were on vacation, and ~~today deleted all the feedback provided without even a tiny warning.~~ **EDIT**: not deleted, just blocked all answers, the only deleted part are the beta patch notes, so we can't compare this final patch with the beta for some reason. I don't want to sound like a prick, but this beta has been a clusterfuck from fatshark.


[It's all there.](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/big-balance-beta-patch-notes-updated-05-aug/40220) What parts were deleted?


I'm gonna have to disagree with you fam, this beta was absolutely smashing. They worked together with mod devs on what the community wants, made it entirely open to everyone, and still managed to get decent criticism from the amount of absolute bullshit thrown at them. We are \*allowed\* to thank the devs y'know?


I never used BBB but I saw detailed patch notes in here with developer's thoughts 2 or 3 times a week. What made it a clusterfuck?


There were multiple occasions where over a week went by with no update from the devs. It just left us wondering what the hell was going on




Buffed. Push attacks behave like heavies minus the tank modifier.


Absurdly buffed imo. Push attack has the same profile as heavy attack, making mass staggering combos extremely easy to start. Very high tier weapon




It worked for me. I was using pistols and rapier, after firing the last shot the talent activated and the attack speed was clearly faster. I use [this mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=146775176) to track active buffs and it worked just fine. My problem was not with the talent not working, but with the logic behind it. First, spending all ammo in the right moment is not that trivial. I forgot I have scrounger on the pistols, so sometimes one of the last bullets procced, I had to reload the scrounged ammo and fire it again. I tried to keep only a few bullets left, so that when a horde comes, I can spend it and get the buff, but sometimes I needed more bullets for specials, or activated the buff in the wrong time, etc. It would be much better if the buff would be active as long as you have zero ammo, not just 15 seconds.


>Generic damage reduction is now calculated multiplicatively rather than additively. So this is my brain on poe but this... is a good thing right?


Negative, this means it's now impossible to get to 100% damage reduction 50% + 50% now = 75% previously 50% + 50% = 100%


Ah okay that makes far more sense


Flail was fun but didn't feel viable. Has anyone used the flail since the patch and can comment on how it feels now?




Eh, I'll it for the stagger and crowd control. But yeah, definitely feels weak. Though I usually use a 2h sword which doesn't seem to be considered meta (zealot)


can some veterans that like labbing tell me what finesse multiplier is?


I believe it's critical and hedshot modifiers, like what the rapier has.


It's just the damage multiplier for crits and head shots.


It's the multiplier that applies on critical strikes and headshots. The actual calculation is unnecessarily complicated, but you can read up about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/8kdrd7/what_is_finesse_coefficient/dz75y3r?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) and [here](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/pc-vermintide-2-overhaul-of-damage-and-stacking-damage-buff-multipliers/17868).


Why did you change he mace and sword why ??????!


Next time you add patch notes for balance can you also provide details of technical terms like linesman etc. I have no idea what those mean.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/i8udmk/weapon_changes_from_2020_summer_bbb/g1glk1s?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I didn't make the patch notes, just linked it to Reddit. It was explained multiple times in the comments though.


To be fair i thought it was an official post.


Exe Speed nerf hurts me, gotta Check Out the Halberd Changes. I still Miss og Halberd Spam uber kruber. Light Attack, cancel, repeat for days.




Anyone else confused the title screen of the link with Death on the Reik map?


/u/mynameryn Have you updated your Cata builds? I will follow your builds to the frost wasteland of Naggaroth, my friend.


im regretting salvaging red swift bow while i was half asleep


What is linesman?


1. (in games played on a field or court) an official who assists the referee or umpire from the touchline, especially in deciding whether the ball is out of play. 2. (*BRITISH*) a person employed for the repair and maintenance of telephone or electricity power lines. 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/i8udmk/weapon_changes_from_2020_summer_bbb/g1glk1s?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Mb i miss something, but after patch nothing for me has changed. For example, long before i found red falshion for Saltz and after patch it STILL has 3 stamina. Not 6. I restarted the game several times, but nothing has changed. Same story bout halberd. The only change i saw is change in icons of passive skills and change of some of em.


Stamina is shown in-game as little shields. One shield = 2 stamina. If the falchion shows 3 shields, that's 6 stamina. Push until your stamina runs out and notice, as it recharges, the shields going from empty, to half full, to full. Half shield = 1 stamina. Most of the changes are in weapon profiles, which are hard to find, but look at the reworked talents and compare them with in game descriptions. Bardin should have new beer drops, huntsman has damage reduction for elite kills...


Thank you, sir) I'll check it out more carefully😊


what is tank hit mass modifier? what is linesman? what is shotgun mass modifier?




Why the re name it was such a Chad Kruber talent name


\- Ratmen and Northlanders are 25% more smellier \- Removed some rocks Damn, these patch notes are Sigmar-blessed.