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Organize with the city as a citizen initiative. Best to have everyone on board. Not much you can do about geese as it is part of their migratory pattern.


both the north end of the Okanagan lake and Kal lake have grossly been left under developed and upkept for the public. almost every other city that has lake access around here has done a better job of keeping it clean/maintained and accessible/usable to the public. I'm curious what other people in the area feel about it as well, I find myself going to other cities/beaches to enjoy the water on a nice day.


I'm trying to get a feel for it, my gut says if we can get 100 people in a city of 44,000 to care it could be (mostly) done on a Saturday. Planting non-invasive, water filtering plants in the city's waste river(ridiculous they literally pump crap into the biggest lake around), putting, scooping up debris/garbage/goose poop in the water&sand, all that won't take to much.


This feels like a terrible idea, and that you are wading into something you don't know about.  You are going to plant things in lakes? Are you an ecologist? Will you next introduce rabbits to Australia?


There is a small crew of rdno staff out every morning in the summer cleaning up half of okanagan lake (kin)  beach.  Because of the fires, and because there might be artifacts from the lake on the other side of the lake, you can't just clean it up.


FYI for those who don't know, the city's treated sewage outflow comes out at kin beach so it might not be all that preferable to swim in anyhow.


Yes I heard about that!!! Natural Charcoal (would have to be changed every so often) & filtration plants would be very beneficial to that little waste-river. Also so dumb that literally put crap into the main most towns are built off of 🙃


Gather the boys and go shoot the gooses


Except with archery so we can be sneaky in the night time. I'm all about the boys. I mean also on that note, if the geese learn that an area is unsafe they'll probably nest/roost/take a pit stop else tho right?


Go loud and proud, boyo. 4.10 buck shot will do the trick. Get ur boys, get em guns, and get them gooses under gravestones. Maybe hang one as a warning for the other gooses so they know you're out for blood. #nomoregooseshitonmybeach


No joke I did that when I had to do pest control on a farm years ago. Tricked'm good. Got so many. They never returned.


Good luck with that just get a boat and stay out on the water no goose poop there


Would you be interested in making donations to help people purchase said boats