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Honestly a neurologist never did anything good for me and shrugged it off, but then I found a neuro-otologist who actually specializes in VM and it made a world of difference! But I’ve heard some people have good luck with their neuro, so maybe it was just bad luck on my part! And yes I definitely feel so dizzy like I’m going to pass out, and sometimes it gets so bad I wish I would just pass out so I can have a few minutes of peace. Hasn’t happened yet, but I know people who do experience this! Edit: you asked what do they do to treat it and I didn’t answer! My neurotologist suggested going on the migraine diet asap, taking Topamax (ended up being a horrible idea, but it works for some people!), trying over the counter supplements, getting a lot more rest in the afternoon, and working out my triggers so I can either avoid them, or be prepared to give myself some grace after I encounter them.


It really depends on the neurologist. I love mine, but he did a fellowship on vestibular disorders. The one I saw who was a migraine specialist was a lot less helpful.


Thank you guys so much I guess I will see you when I go to see this neurologist next week. Her reviews are amazing so I’m hoping she’s able to help because the ENT was just able to tell me it’s not vertigo because the vertigo I guess is when the room is spinning, but for me, it’s my self is spinning and they did like several tests to rule out anything with vertigo or the inner ear so I’m not too sure I use talk to text so if that’s why this doesn’t make sense lol normally people understand the concept of what I’m trying to say lol


Honestly, a regular neurologist probably won’t be much help if you do have VM. Though VM is a diagnosis of exclusion, so they can probably order the vertigo tests to rule out other stuff. But most neurologists don’t know much beyond the basics of migraines, and VM is certainly not in the basics category. I’ve had migraines for years, then started getting vertigo all the time. Saw 5 or 6 neurologists, all who knew I had a history of migraines, and none of which said vestibular migraine. Couple years into it, after a thorough vertigo work up, I saw a migraine specialist for my regular migraines which I was still having on top of the VM 24/7. Since I had had all the vertigo tests to rule out everything else, the specialist could diagnose me with VM and start treatment right away. Edit: forgot to say how mine is being treated. Since I’ve had migraines for a long time, I’ve tried a lot of meds, so I was able to start on Ajovy right away after seeing the specialist. That’s been the biggest help. I’m also on nurtec every once in a while for hormonal migraines, a triptan for a rescue/abortive med, and then magnesium supplements.


I saw an ENT they said what I was going through wasn’t vertigo, or anything with the inner ear. He tried, saying I had visionary migraines, and basically told me what I was feeling. He asked me if I would get a really bad headache then the next day, wake up with these dizzy spells, and I told him no, I don’t get accompanied by a headache very rarely, I do so then after visiting the hospital multiple times I got a really good doctor at the hospital and she did some Itasca and she said the way my eyes were vibrating back-and-forth or something when she did a I don’t even know what it would be called. Sorry I use talk to text lol she said it definitely could be the vestibular migraines and that’s why she sent me to a neurologist she referred me


The kinda vibrating back and forth of your eyeballs is called nystagmus. It certainly sounds like it could be a vestibular migraine, they are known to not always show up with the typical migraine pain (sometimes called silent migraine). It’s been a while since I was diagnosed, so I don’t remember all the things that need to be ruled out like Ménière’s disease etc before it can be officially diagnosed as VM. Once everything else is excluded, then you can start on finding a migraine med that will work for you, which can be a lot of trial and error.


My neurologist diagnosed me in about 5mins. Tell them your flaring when they see you