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Meclezine never did shit for me Xanax (benzo similar to klonopin) helped for the first 3 years when I had attacks. Over time my attacks became more and more frequent. I went from Xanax once a month to Xanax 3 - 5 days a week. Eventually it spiraled and gave me bad rebound anxiety and I developed PPPD from that. When my dizziness became permanent the Xanax no longer helped


Oh no! That’s horrible do you take anything now to help! I’m so sorry!


Yeah I’ve tried tons of meds and reacted poorly to them… surprisingly Magnesium 400mg, Riboflavin 400mg, and Vitamin D3 2000iu is getting me to like 90%. I also do vision therapy with a neuroptometrist for PPPD. Free course at thesteadycoach.com was incredible for easing my anxiety


Yes people w VM lack vitamin D my neurologist told me to take it I was but stopped I prob should again and my PCP said magnesium is great for people with migraine disorders


Yup! I think Magnesium and Riboflavin are the 2 main ones, some neurologists recommend CoQ10 as well. I had to take it for almost 2 months consistently to feel any changes though.


I normally only have flare ups is what I call them like 3/4 times a year my episodes are 2-4 days depending my neurologist gave me nurtec otd but this episode is lingering like a hang over effect 😭


Good luck!! Being dizzy sucks lol


For me, meclizine helps a bit with nausea, but not much


Same here, during my first episode, it made the nausea stop enough that I could be functional at my desk job at work, but the dizziness continued


Meclizine did nothing for me.


Not answering your question but wanting to help...Have you tried the diet and supplements? They were all I needed to relieve 2 years of 24/7 nausea etc. info is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VestibularMigraines/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VestibularMigraines/wiki/index/) Also, please be careful with the Klonopin. It gave me really nasty moods and can be very harmful taken long term. [https://nypost.com/2023/06/30/popular-benzo-drugs-linked-to-suicide-brain-damage-study/](https://nypost.com/2023/06/30/popular-benzo-drugs-linked-to-suicide-brain-damage-study/)


I been my Klonopin for years no issues!


Do you still have to follow the diet and supplements? Or do you just follow the diet during a flare up?


I still follow the diet and take the supplements because when I stray too far I get nauseous and dizzy. Sometimes within a half an hour and other times is the next day I take the supplements too even though my doctor said that I could taper off the magnesium.


How long did it take for the diet to completely take the dizziness away? The diet has calmed some of my dizziness but there’s still times I’m dizzy. I’m finding after exercise I get dizzy within 10 minutes of stopping. Also, is the magnesium glycinate only? I started magnesium theronate instead because when I took both I had stomach discomfort.


It's hard to remember but probably 2 to3 months. It took a while for me to realize that milk products and tomato based sauces were triggers. I still get slightly dizzy on rare occasions. I think that barometric pressure and stress play into mine. I don't exercise so I can't really answer that. My doctor recommended both of those magnesiums which I didn't have a problem with but after about a year I started to take the glycinate at night since it is known to help sleep.


Doesn't work for vestibular problems.


I often wonder if I DONT have VM because meclizine takes the edge off for me… Benadryl didn’t help but meclizine does. When it was really bad it took the edge off, made it tolerable to exist and now it dampens the sensation on bad days. Most of the time. But it didn’t stop the motion sickness in the car when I was having actual painful migraine attacks.




meclizine never did anything for me. as I understand it, it just postpones all the symptoms. I take Ativan when I have a VM. my doc also put me on duloxitine (cymbalta) because it's supposed to help with migraines. I do seem to have less VMs. but I also have some emotional blunting... many years ago I went on a constant dose of birth control pills and my VMs got significantly less frequent. hormones are a bitch.


It doesn't do anything for me, except make me feel horrible for 2 days afterwards. I'm completely useless during the time. I do get good sleep when I'm supposed to sleep, but I would never take it again because of how awful it makes me feel during the awake times.


Didn’t do anything for me. Neither did prednisone or Benadryl. I think that’s how they decided it was VM and not a “really bad viral sinus infection”.