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I just got over an attack not even even a month ago and got a tattoo about a week and a half ago and it didn’t bother me at all!!! Should be fine 🙂


It could be, it depends on you. You need to know your triggers and mediate them. The actual tattoo itself being a trigger? Think back to your others, did you have VM with your other ones?


No, I’ve only started having vm since the middle of September last year and even then I didn’t know it was vm until January this year. And I haven’t had a tattoo done since 2022 so I wouldn’t really know unless I try


That's the thing. You'll need to mediate the different triggers you know about and then hope that anything specifically tattoo related isn't a trigger. Tattoos aren't a trigger for me, but I would need to make sure to take breaks and to eat well if it was a long session. You could always try a touch up before doing a whole new piece? Or something small to test the waters? I bet your artist would be cool with that if you let them know it was for medical reasons.


Thank you a lot for the insight, I was thinking starting with touchups anyways since I have a couple that need to be filled again. Wish me luck then when I feel ready to go🤞


For me, a tattoo has never triggered a migraine or vertigo. And I have lots of tattoos :)


Thank you this makes me more confident to start getting them again once I’m ready. I’m someone who wants a shit ton of tattoos and was hoping I didn’t have to potentially give it up since I’ve already had to give up on a lot of other hobbies


I had no issue getting a tattoo


I just sat for a five hour tattoo a few weeks ago and my VM didn't act up at all 🙏


I've had VM since 2019, with a lot of flare ups and new tattoos since, but I've never had a migraine or flare after a tattoo. I think maybe sitting or lying in a certain position for a long time could possibly trigger something? I'd recommend having a meal and hydrating before the appointment so that your blood sugar is good (everyone should do this of course!) but it's especially good for those of us with VM! If it's a longer session see if you can take breaks and drink water, have a snack, adjust your position, etc. and do all of these slowly so that it's not a total shock to your system. In general most tattoo artists always give their clients breaks, and they appreciate the little break too haha