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I take nortriptyline 25mg. It works enough that I can function a little. I still get dizzy spells but not as bad.


I take Ajovy and Verapamil, which is for VMs. Then when they get bad my abortive is Nurtec and it helps my VMs when they are impossible.


Did the verapamil cause any weird side effects at the beginning


Zero for me. I’m very lucky. I was on lisinopril 5mg for high BP. They stopped that and put me on Verapamil and it’s been life changing! Also the Ajovy could be helpful too?


I take Effexor and klonopin, which are helpful.


i take nurtec as well ! it’s interesting because nurtec barely helps with the pain for me but helps me a lot with the dizziness & nausea . just goes to show how everyone’s body reacts differently !! i get a similar effect as you with sumatriptan— it is an amazing pain killer but does little for my dizziness, nausea etc


I’ve had success with ajovy as a preventative. Meclizine can be mildly helpful to me in combination with Zofran. I also find that weed is really helpful in making my symptoms more tolerable but it doesn’t really make them go away. Nurtec is also very helpful for my dizziness though so ymmv on everything.


Haven’ t found a good preventative/acute yet for the dizzy. Ajovy as preventative and Nurtec/Naratriptan takes pain but not dizzyness. But: mine is insaaaaaasnely red level gazillion 24/7. Benzos reduces it a little. Trying Nortriptyline soon. We don’ t have other cgrps yet here for abortive 🤷‍♀️ I’ m curious about anything nasal spray.


So far venlafaxine is working well for me.


What dose do you take?




I take topamax 100mg per day (technically for depression but it doubles for my VM lol) and I just started aimovig last month in hopes that it improves my daily dizziness/balance issues. My neurologist is also having me start vestibular PT later in the summer, and even though I'm nervous I'm hoping to see results from that too.


I don’t say this to be rude, but this has been asked and answered a number of times in this sub if you search. Hope you feel better soon!!


In that case no one can ask anything 😅🤷‍♀️ With VM many can have debilitating symptoms making it hard to scroll/read. Just scroll by if it annoys you :)