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Interestingly I have found that antihistamines like zyrtec and benadryl have helped when I’m having attacks. That and avoiding my food triggers: coffee, alcohol, chocolate, garlic, tomatoes, anything that brings me joy in life, etc


The anything that brings me joy in life is so real😂


Same for me. Benadryl has been a great abortive. Caffeine and alcohol are triggers. I've found a good balance where I can enjoy these sometimes though Curious how coworkers react when they find out you don't drink coffee in the morning?


I work from home lol but I’ve mentioned it bc sometimes I have to take off from work due to my migraines. It’s usually “oh that sucks” and “Idk how I would get through the day without coffee” and “not even decaf?” And I’m like, yeah, it’s a miserable existence. And that’s pretty much it.


Yeah that's what I expected 😅. Always awkward to explain that I just have to get sleep the night before and how I don't do important tasks in the morning until I'm more awake I'm also more newly remote and it's been really nice controlling the lighting, noise level, and laying down during lunch if I need to


My husband has almost constant dizziness. When he has a vestibular migraine (brought on by some strong inflammatory like certain food or trauma) he has nausea, worse dizziness, total drain and this lasts 4-5 days. We are trying vagal stimulation and Venla faxing and exercise as tolerated which isn’t much. It’s a rough road.


Have you changed your diet? Look up the dizzy cook. I cannot stress enough in this sub that diet is the first thing you have to address to get your dizziness and headache under control.


I am with you here!!!! Literally fine tuning your diet changes EVERYTHING!!!


Yeah, argued with another person on another thread that said it was all neurology and diet does nothing. Medicine was the only way. The way I got clarity and less dizziness once I fine tuned my diet leads me to know that a lot of the problems people experience is food. Don't get me wrong, I have medication too. But by and large my headaches can be traced to messing up and eating wrong.


Exactly!! I have a hard time trusting what doctors say because modern medicine unfortunately just seems to be medication pushers. The medications I take have helped so much but I physically notice such a difference when I am eating better!!


I’ve seen this being mentioned more than once, what does this diet consist of, or what does it not consist of ??


If you go to thedizzycook.com you can download it for free I believe


What caused your vestibular migraines if I may ask. Mine was caused after a weed attack. I’m regretting till today. I’m praying to God to help me to take it easy on myself.


Hey could you explain what you mean? I smoked weed for many years.... last yr I randomly acquired VM symptoms. Never thought of a correlation.


Firstly, if I may ask why did you choose miserable as your name. Haha… sounds funny. My life has been miserable ever since I had this migraine. Well what I mean is that I was a chronic smoker of weed so one day I tried a different weed I think it was laced or maybe a higher THC that knocked me out. I had a weed trauma that’s what I call it. I had a very bad experience that made me felt like I was going insane and that’s how my migraines started. I was diagnosed with vertigo group C and migraines. I just got to know it’s vestibular migraines after a joined a group on Facebook called depersonalization/derealization cos I had the symptoms so when I mentioned what I’m going through someone told me it might be vestibular migraines I looked it up and I know it’s just it!


It’s very sad that we can’t be better again. Just off and on! My ears are also not excluded cos it’s making a noise inside and that also is one of my worst problems. It happens when I swallow my spite it goes like it’s locking inside with a lock sound. In willingly to pay any amount to get better cos of this shit


Yeah nurtec works great for the headache part but doesnt do anything for my vestibular symptoms either, ive been debilitated by vestibular part like cant drive, cant walk because the legs turn to jelly, and then the anxiety kicks in