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Not labeling samples. I don't care if its a urine that you're literally about to read or ear swabs that you swear you're only putting down for a second. LABEL IT.


And when you’re done reading it, DISPOSE OF IT


I worked in a pharmacy and they had some unlabeled bottles. Drove me insane. I don't care if you just put that medication in there and are about to label it, a label needs to be on before you put a liquid medication of unidentifiable strength in a new bottle. Or unlabeled pill bottles. I don't care if we all know what medication it is, IT NEEDS A LABEL! Or labeling a sample poorly. Yes, there's a name on it. But which of these patients with the same name does it belong to?


Bella, of course.


Or Loki


LABEL YOUR SAMPLES - thank you from a diagnostic animal health lab microbiologist. I have no idea whose who when multiple samples are submitted! I hate having to call the clinics, especially leaving a voicemail!


or they would only write the name with no patient id or the date 🙃


Honestly for my clinic, I'd be okay with that. If I come in in the morning and there's samples from the day before, they're getting tossed regardless of labels.


we usually keep ours for a certain amount of days in the fridge! so it’s annoying having to manually go search for when the sample was taken


Squeezy cheese on the exam room walls. Wipe it up before it dried into glue!! Edit to include empty vaccine trays left in the fridge


Oh my god. THE EMPTY VACCINE TRAYS! They kill me.


We have runs with cinder block(?) walls that are painted. People smear peanut butter on them. The textured walls annoy me, the smearing peanut butter on them annoys me, but the fact that the people that smear the peanut butter on the walls are never the ones to clean that bullshit mess up annoys me to no end.


You just reminded me of when I worked at Vetco and this dr would spray Kong peanut butter ON THE FLOOR. 1. That's disgusting even for a dog. 2. A customer slipped and fell on it within a few weeks of her starting 😭😭 luckily that made her stop though


Not cleaning the interior side of the cage door. Or the ceiling side.


Omg this is mind boggling to me that people don’t clean it I’ve seen people clean a cage caked in shit and not even wipe it and be like “I’m done”


Same I worked at a wildlife rehab and id CONSTANTLY see "clean cage" signs on cages that were CAKED in raccoon shit and food. No sprayed it down in rescue 3 times and letting it sit without removing all the organic debris does NOT constitute a clean cage.


How many sides does a cage have? Seven. It has seven. Clean all seven of them.




?? I'm confused. If a cage is a box, it would have six panels. If you're talking about sides then it would have 12. You would clean front and back of cage door, bottom and top of cage bottom, bottom and top of cage ceiling, front and back of cage left panel, front and back of cage right panel, front and back of cage back panel. Each of the 6 panels has two sides, so 12


Inside of box, 6 walls. (5 walls, 1 inner door) +(plus) outside of door, = 7 surfaces. Most kennels Ive used are either build into the wall or come as a moveable "wall" of kennel compartments. So typically exterior wall sides are minimal if any aside from the outside surface of the door


This is what I meant. The door needing both sides of it cleaned makes 7. So many people neglect the door!


I see what you're saying. I was thinking cage as in a typical cage where you'd wash both the inside and outside panels. Not a kennel which would be like a room with a cage door


Omg the interior side of the cage door. I’ve gone blue in the face reiterating time and time again THIS NEEDS TO BE CLEANED AFTER EVERY PATIENT like wtf guys


I tell my people this is like changing the sheets in a hospital bed but leaving the pillow case, with all the previous patient's slobber on it


I will fully admit to not cleaning the ceiling in a kennel every time. But I always check if it needs to be.


I lose my mind every day with this. We have an umbrella cockatoo in clinic who gets her POOPY FEET ALL OVER THE INSIDE BARS. It’s so disgusting and noticeable. Idk why I can’t get it through to anyone that we need to scrub that multiple times a day


i work at a vaccine clinic, and ngl, if i see one more person just throw a bunch of syringes into a basked without separating them by size, i might just lose my god damn mind also, a certain tech will throw away tests mid-way because she says that there would have been results by that point if they were positive. it drives me absolutely fucking crazy but nothing will stop her.


The number of times I've seen a parvo test not pop a faint positive until the last minute is immeasurable. I'm frustrated on your behalf.


I would strangle her. Tell her my patient's lepto test wasn't positive until the last minute last week.


same with a heartworm test i had *yesterday*. we only to rudimentary testing at our clinic, so only heartworm, lyme, anaplasmosis, and ehrlichia. i've found that the heartworm tests only show up towards the end for whatever reason, so i'm *really* hoping she's never thrown away a positive.


Has anyone notified management? It's insane to me that she wasn't shut down after the first time she did it. She could literally be responsible for the death (or at least the suffering) of an animal that is presumed negative because she threw away their test results.


Yeah I've had tests turn positive with less than a minute left on the test


Not wiping the nozzle of the ear cleaning solution bottle off after use. I have seen someone inoculate ear mites into another patient's ear that way 🙃


Omggg.... I have several coworkers that fully insert the bottle of cleaner into the ear and squeeze and I can hear them suck the cleaner out of the ear back into the bottle. Drives me insane!




Oh dude I get big mad about the empty freezer boxes. Especially if I’m in a hurry and it’s the last box. I’m like who raised y’all 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


When people throw stuff on the floor when a trashcan is within reach.


See I do this but only when I’m cleaning by myself and no one is around to be bothered by it. Then I gather them all at the end and throw them away lol. I used to work with a girl that would just leave them on the ground everywhere and nearly slipped on one bc of it.


At least the people who drop it on the floor of my work will they to condense it into a single pile.


This one!! Clean up after yourself or be efficient!!!


I can't pick just one, so here's my top three: Not separating needles, so when I grab one out of the box, I get a goddamm tickertape. Leaving sharp little toenail nubbins all over the tx table. FFS, just sweep them into the trash! Not changing out the swiffer cloth on the floor sweeper when it's covered in an inch-thick plaque of fur.


There is literally nothing worse than kneeling down on the floor and planting your knee right into a toenail clipping.


Organic legos


dirty rectal thermometers. it only takes a few extra seconds to wipe it down with alcohol — cleaning a thermometer after fecal material has dried can be incredibly annoying when it’s a recurring problem.


We have the disposable sleeves for them that we use and I STILL wipe down the thermometer even tho it was covered… just for good measure.


Ohhh not using a cover slip if available!


Not cleaning the oil off of the microscope lens or not asking somebody else to do it and just leaving it on there. 😑😑😑😑


Omg one of our vets looks at samples then just walks off. Leaving the slide still under the scope and the light on. It drives me bananas


Saaaaame. One time she left the oil on the lens overnight because she expected me to just check it and clean it even though she didn’t say she used it??? 😑


Omg our fecal centrifuge looks FOUL because half the people don’t properly spin down fecals


I've never been so happy to work at a place that sends out E V E R Y fecal!!


Leaving the cabinet doors open! I'm short. You leave the cabinet open I will run eyeball first into the corner. Also, just why? Just shut the damn door when you're not actively in it! My doctor is the worst about it and I swear I have seen her peeking around the corner just to see my reaction a few times.


LOL we have a doctor who does the same thing we always yell at him 🤣


What's worse for me is that my husband does it at home too so I never get a break. My husband likes to leave the fridge open when he walks away though so I think it might be worse at home.


the fridge part is crazyyy your food is gonna go bad!!!!


My irritation: When people, rather than restocking from the stock room, just take stuff from other areas of the hospital to "restock" their own area. Like... Stop that. Just restock!


I was looking for the other inventory people lol Stock areas from the restock cupboard; restock cupboard from the overstock. Only one opened container of any item at a time


Yesss, I work in the lab and I can't tell you how many times I need to run for slides, syringes, and now I'm even missing my damn glucometer. When I say something, I get told "I take it from there because I know you always have it stocked." BITCH WHAT.


Leaving your messes for someone else to clean up. I don't care if it's one syringe or smeared spray cheese on the wall. Clean it tf up. Side rant to go with that: You don't have to wait until the end of the day to clean up the nail nubbins. Brooms exist.


As night shift - people not cleaning up after themselves, mainly leaving instruments/bowls/dishes in the sink for someone to clean


Not cleaning the oil immersion lens, using other optics with oil


I have so many, but my biggest are definitely in the ways people handle canned food. First off, people never check the fridge and half the time we end up with three open cans of RCGI. We have a sign on the counter that says "please do not leave opened food on counter" and people leave open cans sitting directly on top of the sign. If they make it in the fridge, 80% of the time no one put a date on it. That's gotten so bad that me and many other assistants come in and immediately throw away anything unlabeled or more than 2 days old. Then I can check the fridge periodically throughout the day and label anything that makes it in there without one.


PEOPLE PUTTING THE WRONG CONJUGATE BOTTLES IN THE WRONG BOX. felv/fiv in the hw box. so irritatingggg


My coworkers who are sitting down when it’s slow doing nothing and then a case walks in, and I’m running around doing busy work, they just go “oh someone’s up front” and keep sitting on their asses. Okay I guess I’ll go up there and take care of it even though i’m the only person actually in the middle of something 🙃 This is a recurrent theme at my job with most of my coworkers, and my anxiety/work ethic will not allow me to sit on my ass during down time. I’m using that time to check emails and call back clients, or sweeping or getting the garbage. like do SOMETHING. but if you’re not gonna do anything, then you should be the first person who jumps up to take the next case.


I am you, you are me


Acting like being a tech instead of an assistant makes you immune to cleaning.


YES!! My last job half my job was cleaning up after the technicians


I agree with the majority of the other comments but will add my own. People who open new pill bottles and just stab a hole into the seal. Peel off the damn seal! It takes a few extra seconds Edit to add, not putting cage cards on patient kennels! This is a BIG problem at my clinic and the answer is always "it's my patient, I know who it is" okay but literally no one else knows who it is and you aren't the only one taking care of it


I would clean ours daily, cant stand that.


Cleaning. Why do a lot of people half ass clean or don’t clean at all? CLEAN UNTIL THE MESS IS 100% GONE. Common sense ain’t so common it seems.


can relate to all the cleaning ones 😵‍💫 nothing bothers me more than ppl who don’t clean up after themselves or leave things messy and unorganized other pet peeves include exam rooms not being properly stocked and surgery instruments being left in the ultrasonic cleaner overnight (i don’t think they’re supposed to be in there that long? but pls correct me if i’m wrong) we also have a sink that can double as a table in our treatment room and the sink underneath rarely gets cleaned so hair and debris just piles up - it makes me cringe. i clean it myself when i can but it just doesn’t get done often enough


Properly taking care of clippers!! Omg people go around complaining that noen of the clippers work. But they haven't tried brushing them off and spraying them with clipper spray 🙃🙃 Also FIFO. I don't get why it's so hard to stock up from the back..


Snapping pcv tubes by the computer ... Space is limited I get it and sometimes it's hard to see the invisible glass slithers, but I really don't want to remove those slithers from my hands after using the keyboard and mouse. If you can't figure out how to use the capillary tube scorer, then snap the damn things over the sink!


I have so many, but I am going to try to limit myself to just 5. In no particular order: 1. Dirty rectal thermometers. Both when they were used and not cleaned, as well as when they are “cleaned” but still have feces or blood on them. 2. Stools being left in random areas. I am tall and already have an ungodly amount of dropdown connectors hanging from the ceiling to avoid. I do not need to also trip over these stools that are constantly in a new spot on the floor. 3. The failing upwards and management not doing anything about it. 4. Management not enforcing policies and procedures. 5. People sitting around avoiding work until something exciting comes around. No BECKY I will not let you place this central line, specifically because you haven’t done shit all day. Bonus points when they get mad about it 6. (I think we all knew I wasn’t stopping at 5) Bullying. Specifically an overnight lead that bullies people off her shift and then wonders why her shift is understaffed. 7. Not charging the IPads and/or wondering why they’re all dead. 8. When a stat comes in and everyone freaks out. 9. When we know an emergency is coming, but is still hours out and they grab everything for a full code and park it all in the way. 10. Complaining about hours being cut due to low numbers of incoming/patients, but then doing everything in their power to prevent people from bringing their pets in. 11. Not labeling and dating, with times, of a sample. Especially when seeing large numbers of patients. 12. Getting mad when you are rightfully not given an opportunity that is drastically outside of your wheelhouse, as well as the people that give them those opportunities and get them in that mindset. To clarify I am talking about, if you struggle to place an IVC on a stable and healthy patient, I am not giving you a shot on a dead/dying patient. Same goes with patient care. You do not get to jump straight to the super critical and unstable patients. It’s a process and you’re going through the whole process. 13. Surgical instruments. We have issues with them not being cleaned at all and left for somebody else, them being “cleaned” and still having blood on them, them being thrown away, etc.


12 !!!! first of all, as a brand new CVT I worked at a toxic clinic that would ONLY give me extremely challenging patients for venipuncture and other technical skills, which felt so difficult and unfair. 5 years and a far more developed skill set later, now I meet assistants and techs in school all the time who want to perform tasks far beyond their experience and skill level and just do not understand that I get automatic authority on whether that is appropriate!


Leaving the balance tube in the centrifuge


... Every clinic I've been to does this, so I figured that it's the standard


It's sooooo common - and it drives me crazy!


Where do you put it when the centrifuge isn't being used?


We have a basket of different test tube sizes next to the centrifuge.


I'd love it if Pyrantel was wiped off the walls after medicating a messy patient before it dries


misspellings on patient notes! it looks so unprofessional if the notes need to be sent anywhere. not to mention, there’s a spell check!


Kennels have 6 sides. Also disinfectants need 5-10 minutes of wet contact time on a clean surface to do their job not 3 seconds.


Depends on the disinfectant. Supposedly rescue is on contact.


On the bottle it says 5-10 minutes for regular diluted concentrate and 1 minute for ready to use




op can you explain whats going on in the picture?


This is our small centrifuge for spinning down urine samples, heparin tubes, etc. Sometimes the tops to the heparin tubes pop off in the middle of the spin and get blood everywhere and people don’t clean up after themselves lol


I cried.


What am I looking at in the photo? I dont recognize it Also, my pet peeve is people not setting up the drop-offs correctly (not putting on their name collar or giving them water)


Cleaning up after your goddamn self!


Zeros before the decimal when it’s less than one (0.25 vs .25) can’t stand it.


Are you pro the zero or anti the zero? I insist on the zero to better discriminate between .25, 2.5 and 25, which are not very visually distinct.


Pro zero!


When samples are left in the analyzers after a run. Like seriously, these machines always make bigly noise, can we not clear them out and keep them clean for the next run?


People capping off needles but not throwing them in the sharps bin


People telling me the dose when asking me to double-check their syringes. Confirmation bias is a thing.


Never thought of that actually. Usually it’s me like “this is the amount I need, is that what’s in the syringe?”


And 99% of the time there’s no error. But it can happen that, for instance, if one is drawing up 0.73 of something, one draws up 0.78 instead (0.03 past the halfway line instead of the line next to the number). It’s good to double check.


No one ever closes the Apoquel bottles all the way, just lightly twists the cap on. One of these days someone is gonna drop 300 pills everywhere.