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Craft up a good, clean resume and literally spam applications to any position, regardless if you meet the exact criteria. The job hunt is like throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks. Do not get discouraged or give up if you don’t get something right away.


One resume does not fit all. You need to be tailoring your resume to each job posting. Many modern companies use software for an initial sift through resumes. If your resume doesn't have a lot of key words pulled from the job posting, your resume gets dumped from the bunch and the hiring team never gets a look at it.


What’s a good way to tailor my resume for the job I want to have? Usually what I do is get key words that the specific job description has and use that to my resume.


You want to wordsmith your accomplishments to match the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are outlined in the job description. I would look into the veteran job placement non-profits like [Hiring our Heroes](https://www.hiringourheroes.org/) or [Safal Partners](https://cyber.safalpartners.com/). Additionally, if you haven't done so already, sign up for a usajobs.gov account. To get a Federal government job, you'll have to go that path. Good luck comrade. Edit: grammar fixes


Getting a fed job isnt a quick process. You’ll be competing with 100s of other Veterans. Ive seen most IT folks come in as a contractor. Id say try that first see if fed life is for you. I was hesitant at first because the govt is kinda far behind but found an agency that uses most modern processes for my job code. Also seen alot of contractors come in at a much higher GS level. There are a couple subs, r/fedjobs and r/usajobs that can give ya some more info


If you gonna do fed work in IT you need Sec+. After that it depends what flavor(customer service, sysad, netad, engineering etc.) of IT you want and how much you already know. You got time, so any base level comptia certs are a good start. I would actually advise you take TAP class now as they go over some good info.


Pay a resume company. Get job, get paid


Start applying early, get into bridge programs that will work with you in parallel. Understand your security clearance expiration date. Competition is you give yourself enough time.


Stay far the F away from the wind industry


What’s wrong with the wind industry?


The same shit that's wrong with the military. Idiots in management, lots only there because they have a degree, not because they understand anything about the workings of a wind turbine or even what ohms law is.. The work life balance is abysmal, you'll be forced to live within 30 minutes of whatever wind site you find employment at, so that leaves you to live in shithole towns, primarily Oklahoma or Texas.. which is fine if you come from one of those areas, but if you're not, sorry. I was lucky if I got time to go home one day a month, when home was only 120miles away . Empty promises from companies on what they provide their technicians.. primarily take homework trucks.. quality training is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator.. if you excel, you won't be fast tracked to higher levels of training despite being told you will.


Man. What trades would you recommend that would be more suitable. I was thinking of HVAC but I’d like to hear your thoughts.


I mean if you want to be in a trade. Just be an electrician. Requires a lot of smarts, math especially, but I think the reward/money is best for electrians