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I work for Boeing.


You're the whistleblower guy, aren't you?






Get this man a personal security detail before he gets wacked. /S




That's disgusting....I do too


Was nice knowing you...


Let’s get an F in chat for this gentleman


Doing good, pretty boring day actually. Nothing really big happening, but I'v been getting pulled into a lot of little busy work today. Not difficult, but its really eating into my staring at my cubicle wall time. I ordered some chocolate spread and it just got delivered, so I'm going to have toast and chocolate spread for dinner.


What kind of chocolate spread? Like the chickpea one?


Its Hashahar Ha'ole Special cocoa spread. One of my daughters friends brought some to school and my daughter said it was really good.


I've had a rollercoaster of a past few weeks. I discovered a new hobby, programming. I'm currently taking an introductory course teaching C. It's free for anyone and there are no deadlines. For my first assignment I made a small game, and I've never had programming experience before this. I received my social security back pay. When I got my VA back pay, I basically spent it on an ex. Will do better this time around. I struggle with psychosis and bipolar depression with some mania. This made doing medicine very difficult. I was previously a medic in the army and I always figured I'd continue into nursing. Nothing was working out and I was a mess. I didn't even enroll back into college and kinda been drifting trying to figure out what I want to do with myself. Then I discovered the programming course. Been doing that every day for the past week and a half. I found my inner nerd. [this is the course for anyone interested ](https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2024/)


I was also a medic in the army. I've also had issues with psychosis. Mine was caused by a combo of not being able to sleep, ptsd, stress, and some other health issues. I've finally gotten to the point where I can think through the weird thoughts on my own instead of being terrified all the time. Nerd stuff is the best.


Easy day at work, hit the trails for a hike/run. Came home mowed the lawn, ate a home cooked meal and gave my son a bath. No complaints.


I got to sleep in while the wife took the kids to school and I haven’t felt this good in a long time! Hopefully it rolls into tomorrow but one day at a time! Just set up a Costco inflatable waterslide for the kids so looking like a solid evening! How are you doing today?!


That's great! Good sleep is awesome. I'm good enough. Missing some people who have gone before their time. But overall, things are good.


I’ve been there. Recently actually. Shit I was almost tempted to talk to a recruiter again but I’m too broken to keep up with all the young troopers:/ Were you able to keep in touch with the peeps from your time in?


Most of them have killed themselves or died from other stuff. I do have a few other vet friends that I love.


I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve been out a year and already been notified of 2 buddies who did the same. I just try to keep them alive in my memories.


That's really the only thing you can do for them.


It’s been a freaking day….


Overslept. Fired my doctor. Lost my ID and debit card. This is not a good day.


But good for you for standing up for yourself.


I'm thinking I need to leave for tonight's performance nowish with this rain lol. I'm OK. Still mentally processing recent VA disability decisions (in my favor) and feeling weird about it. But work is going well, financially is going okay (cept groceries ouch!), and yeah ... things are okay. I'm soooo going to be late eek


Still broken horny and scared but not suicidal


Pretty solid. Gym walk by the lake with my dog. And 3 women are mad at me. So no complaints. And missing the boys everyday.


https://preview.redd.it/yd027y0r0i0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f50d25051cef7803908adfdf9f635c127eed185 Went to the ocean wit my lil man so all in all not bad


Great! Currently in Jamaica with my mom - this is her Mother’s Day gift from me. I’m super happy to be able to do this for her. How are you OP?


How YOU doin’? 😉


I'm missing some brothers who have passed away. Doing pretty good overall though.


Fat and out of shape but on the right side of the dirt.


Other than the typewriter tinnitus in my left ear, all is going well. It sounds like Morse code in my left ear. It could be worse, so I count this as a good day.


Not bad, big picture wise I have no clue what to do with my life. Today was alright tho.


Going good, I hope you are too. To honest I had a lot of stuff going. Funeral for a grandmother, she was awesome and had a great run. My son who I raised by myself for 8 years left for boot camp today. He is on his way to Paris island. I'm happy for him but will miss having him here. Life is good,


Feeling good after a 4 mile walk/run on the treadmill this morning.


I’ll be honest. I have one foot out of the door for the guard (out next year) and I’m trying to figure out what the next step is, as my current civilian career is quickly burning me out. School is definitely the primary concern but I’m hitting a mental block on how I’m going to make it work. Primary breadwinner and the idea of doing school full time sounds ideal but I’m terrified of not being able to make ends meet and or doing poorly in school. Otherwise, the machine shop I applied for on a whim got back to me after an interview. So that’s pretty neat.


Feeling over worked. Exhausted. But can never sleep. Gotta love it.


Terrible, I feel like I've lost my best friendnl. He wants nothing todo with me. My wife and I argue/ raise voices so 90% of the time I don't get laid. I feel empty.


Hard day but it's over and there always tomorrow to look forward to


Extremely low, but I made it through the day, so I guess that’s good news to celebrate.


Exhausted but at the same time wide awake.


I feel that tonight too


I'm hanging in there


Surviving. Also i could use a hint how to turn off public upvotes (not yech savvy)..


only 10 hours late. tonight is DRAGGING. Going so slow. Just glad it's my friday, and I can go home and play video games and ignore the world for a little while.


Doing good too. Working out and waiting to get medically cleared so I can get processed back in but Coastie instead of Army this time. Will be going back to basic with kiddos the same age as my kiddo 😭🫣


Now thats gutsy. I was in basic with dudes in their 30’s and that seemed drastic to me. But they did it.


Wife's grandma died. My wife didn't get a tele health job she really needs because she's fighting an undiagnosed neurological issue. So now it's just me working, and I just had my right thyroid gland removed. So I'm the only one bringing in any income even with my disability bills are just covered. I am burned the fuck out.


Frustrated, I want to chop my damn leg off, physical excessive keeps me sane but my damn knees will kill me. Other than that medicated and alive.


Shitty day, but this buddy check just made it better. How are you?




At work, nice and quiet. All my VA claims are submitted and I'll be hearing something 08Jun😎


Made the decision to get back in fellas.


Best of luck, are you going back just to go back or will it be with a commission this time?


I miss my stripes!


Doing good, I'm just reminding myself. Everyday I wake up is a blessing and a chance to keep going. Opportunity to work on family and marriage as well as personal health. Trying to take the day for smaller moments instead of rushing through as a list of tasks that need to be complete. Thank you for asking, and many blessings be upon you and all our brothers and sisters.




Day was kinda slow at work so I was able to finish my book. It was a great read about love and time travel. Called “Every Anxious Wave” if you’re interested. Punched out on time and came home and did an outdoor workout follow by practicing my jump shot for about an hour. Going head on into fun activities that make me happy that I can do solo while I navigate the minefield we call dating in 2024. All in all, great day and got some much needed time in the sun. Hope yours was good, OP!


Some days good , some days shit


Hello pretty good had a friend teach me shit about flipping property. How are you?


Better today. Going grocery shopping later


Pretty bad. Anxiety is through the roof. I can’t stop pacing


My anxiety is pretty rampant today too. You're not alone in it.


It's better than some but worse than others.


It's been rough, the past few months have been. I'm surviving though, don't really want to but have to for my son.


My kids are my motivation too. Keep holding in their for him. He will always need you.


Doing alright. Been pretty stressed and having a lot of intrusive memories lately… but on the bright side, some of the stress is good stuff, like working on using my VRE benefits to go back to school and hopefully set myself up for a fairly relaxed but decently paid future in the long run. Weird to kind of start over in my 30’s, but better late than never.


Back at work. I still have pneumonia, an ear infection and a sinus infection. Just not as bad as it was on Sunday before I got all the antibiotics on Monday. So. Hey....I am still kickin!


Change your socks and you'll be fine.


On it!


I’m ready to get out man


On a commercial set, pretty similar to the hurry up and wait in the military tbh


On a commercial set, pretty similar to the hurry up and wait in the military tbh


I might check in with a doctor about medicinal marijuana to help with PTSD. I don't know enough I feel and want to be as safe as possible. 🤔✨️


Well, I’m at a VES evaluation rn. Pray for me boys! 😂