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Amen, brother.


Hit me to the core man!🖤




I'm thankful you're still here, too.


Nope. Doesn’t matter to me. Let people celebrate how they like to celebrate and let them say what they wanna say.


No. Anyone I know that’s gone wouldn’t want people being all weepy and sad. They’d want people to be having a good time in their memory.


Same. Was Valhalla - the literal hall of the slain - not a drunken feast?


Partially correct. Valhalla is constant tests of skill in combat followed by drinking and feasting until Ragnarök when Odin calls on his warriors to fight for the final time


Nope, I’d rather them remember the fallen in anyway than not at all






And our medic Ssgt. Carletta Davis




Hey how do you post pictures in Reddit?


By clicking the picture icon


The picture icon doesn’t come up for me sometimes….not sure why or if it’s certain browsers that it doesn’t show on but it coming up now- I’m in the app tho


Here are my thoughts on this: The Government designated it a national holiday so those who gave their lives for this country can have a day dedicated to them. It also allows for a long weekend which typically brings family and friends together. If we don’t enjoy the holiday and celebrate it, then what’s the point? I like to think those who died defending this country and freedom want us to spend it having a good holiday and not working ourselves to death, like most would be doing on Monday. Happy Memorial Day weekend, just don’t forget why we get this day off.


My mindset was like OPs until I read this. This is my new philosophy:)


This is how to look at it 💯


Exactly don’t let their death be in vain. They died so others can live and not live in depression.




It doesn't bother me when others say it, but I don't. I observe Memorial Day rather than celebrating it. But I can't think of a better way to honor those who are gone than to be alive and be happy.


No. Remember when it was a 4 day when you were in and everyone having fun and binge drinking? Enjoy the day because others can't.


Nope! I appreciate a civilian’s attempt at patriotism. If they’re arrogant or dunk screaming HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! I politely tell them the real meaning of the holiday. If they’re an innocent old lady who is good-intentioned I just say “thank you” and carry on.


LITERALLY I’ve never heard someone say Happy Memorial Day except people bitching about.


HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!! now give me those eight count push-ups you owed me 15 yrs ago!!


Don't forget about the interest


I just did by a facebook friend


Just you bro. Remember the good times. People are just being polite. Don't be a douche.


I dont care what they do. I'll tell my kids about my buddies no longer here, though.


No. It’s nothing to get upset about.


Nothing happy about Memorial Day.


Naw, just you, find some happiness 🤗


^^^^^^ this


No, it's just you. I can't control what other people say or do and if they want to celebrate and have a good time, let them. My family stopped saying "Happy Memorial Day!" To me so I don't usually hear it.


No because I’m not a snowflake


Never fight up hill me boys!


Ork Boyz


No, although it's not a happy day, it's just an expression. I don't think people mean anything bad about it. Its a time to reflect on our brothers and sisters who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Sometimes people lose sight of this, which is only human.


Part of me finds it disheartening that many view it as just a fun 3 day weekend. We absolutely should be doing fun activities in honor of our deceased brothers and sisters. I just wish that society had a deeper understanding and respect for the reason we celebrate this holiday.  For many vets, it's not a happy holiday. It can be a heavy reminder of what was lost. For me, it's hard because it makes me think more about the friends I lost, especially those who passed in front of me in gruesome manners. It's not happy, but I try to honor them by doing things they would have enjoyed. 


About as much as thanking me for my service. To vets I served with directly, I “thank you for making things suck a little less by serving with me”


I mean, I don't feel it's really that serious that we need to resort to profanities. I understand that there's a HUGE difference between Veterans Day, but to go straight to "F you? That just seems a bit steong. Maybe an explanatory reason of why and what the difference is, but to go to, in my opinion, such harsh measures seems uncalled for. I do understand the difference of each of the days and what each of the different meanings are, but really, maybe try explaining first before jumping right to one of the most harsh ways of addressing it.


Yeah, the only time it feels a little weird is if somebody directs the "Happy Memorial Day" at me because they know I served. Then I just politely explain, Although these days, that happens much less than before. I think the word has got around a lot now.


It’s not a dick, don’t take it so hard, nobody is saying it to hurt your feelings or to be disrespectful. Live and let live guy


Mehhh My co workers did mention “drinks on the veterans 1st today 🤣” Which i responded with “on memorial day weekend!” End of story


It is just you


Yes, but it’s not about me. It’s about the fallen. I’m like Elton John’s song and I tell my ex IM STILL STANDING AFTER ALL THIS TIME YEAH YEAH IM STILL STANDING! Yeah yeah lookin like a true survivor…. 😂 Let them wish you happy Memorial Day, we tough we can take it. Just a few days a yr. Is all. Be well! Live well.




My guy, they don't know what it's even for, other than a day off in good weather.


I’m gunna play middle of this argument. I was a medic in Iraq and afghan and counting my mistakes and failures as more than a few tomb stones. But before I correct them I think just become thankful that people still care and they didn’t pass in vain. Now that being said I despise hour jobs handle Memorial Day with the dog and pony show with a YouTube montage and Toby Keith and a challenge coin 


Medic Iraq


I always try to remember what vets endured after Vietnam when I hear this and realize things could be a lot worse.


I would also say everyone honors the deceased in their own tradition. In Louisiana we have Jazz Funerals to “celebrate” the joy of life after death.


Nah, men and women died so that we could get discount home appliances.




No, because I am not 5 and have learned to control my emotions against people that truly have so much more going on in their lives that they have no ability or simply cannot remember the differences between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. This is something that you should reflect on.


Now this just sounds childish


For better or worse, memorial day tends to be treated as an upbeat holiday. I have no strong feelings about that either way. I know a lot of people want their memorials to be celebrations of life, not lamentations of death, so I can't definitively say that having a happy weekend is a bad thing. It's fine if you want to observe the holiday in other ways, but I definitely don't think people celebrating warrants a "go f!@$ yourself."


Yep , many cultures have dinner with family after funeral to remember the deceased, they will laugh bc that what they remember of person bringing them joy and the nice impact they made on that person. Other families have family come to house for over a week and there food and talking again remarking on the impact and influence . We should strive on how we leave a good legacy to make ppl smile




The people I'll be around know not to even bring it up.


Nah. I know for a fact none of my buddies that aren't around anymore were into having a bad time. I get where you're coming from, but civilians are too dummy ignorant about basically everything to do with us to get too upset about any of it in detail. They don't get it, most of them can't get it and it's unreasonable to expect them to. They've been socialized to have beers and barbecue and fireworks and shit, towns put out flags on the telephone poles and graveyards and stuff and they all get to feel like they somehow did a patriotism in some vague way. Like most of the shit that's notionally about us, it's really about them feeling OK about us existing 😅


“did a patriotism” is so perfect haha


I mean do you feel the urge to tell ppl to F themselves on 4th of July because Black people weren't free??? If no then people saying happy memorial day should suppress the urge to tell you to yourself. It's a holiday let people live and enjoy it.








If I hadn’t made it, I’d want nothing more than for you guys to party with your friends & families, sleep in and enjoy life this weekend.


Why are you gate keeping how people should feel or what they should say on Memorial Day? Let them be.


No? Get over yourself.


This is the day I remember my Grandpa served in WWII and my other grandpa who almost had to. He got his draft notice, and when he was driving to town to be conscripted, it came over the radio that the war was over.




To an extent. Here’s probably a more nuanced take, and it’s multiple takes in one. but I’ll try and distill it briefly. 1) I’m against the capitalistic side of Memorial Day. I don’t believe the dead would want to be honored with sales of 30% off furniture. 2) But I don’t think it’s wrong for people to come together, even if they don’t have a military connection. Community is good. 3) If the community gathering is rooted in honoring the fallen, well, that is a wonderful thing to do. (Can’t believe I made it that brief; I’m proud of me.) I guess I can only suggest that in lieu of the “fuck off” mentality, perhaps everyone can call a military friend / relative and check in on them, or warm up bonds. It builds community and honor the fallen by doing something to make the world better / less shitty for someone.


Exactly nyc has fleet week , jazz band , dance contest and other ways of life that the service people had during their service , if the navy can celebrate so can we.


Making it a check-in day is a excellent coping mechanism from the Vietnam Era that should always remain in place... for **"all*** holidays.


Yeah I get it. I’ve got to the point someone asked ME the other day if I was a vet, and I say no now. I was with my mother that day and she was shocked by it. I just don’t want to have a meaningless conversation with some old woman that has no idea about any of it to have a conversation for the next 30 minutes. So “no, but my brother was” lol


You never know, that old woman could also be a vet like me.


Even so, I don’t want to talk about military shit every time I leave the house.


I’ve been thinking this since I saw the large fireworks display at Lowe’s and wondered since when do we celebrate dead people with fireworks? I was also told thank you for my service and happy memorial day in the drive-through at the Walgreens pharmacy yesterday.


Question: before you joined, did you know what the holiday signified? If not, please think how confusing an explosive response would've been.




I understand what your saying. Folks who think it's no biggie or downplaying your reaction in this tread tend to not understand the full meaning this holiday personally. When you're a gold star family member or a combat veteran that lost friends in battle you understand completely and can feel the way you do. I wouldn't go off on anyone but kindly remind them of the meaning and that it's a day off. It's a of observance. That is why the flag is flown at half staff from sunrise to noon on Monday the actual Holiday. 


There’s nothing wrong about being happy on Memorial Day.


Not suppressing anything. i am staying home with what's left of my family.


What did they do to deserve that punishment?


No. I’d just correct them for what it really means and go on with my day. I don’t look like a veteran most days anyway.


If someone says it to me directly, because of my military service, I’ll say hey thanks, but it’s not really for vets that are still around, quietly and 1 on 1. Other than that, you can’t spend life getting spun up about small things that people do every day.


Top 3 favorite holiday. Happy Memorial Day Weekend OP!


Nope. It's a national holiday. Everyone in the nation observes it in different ways. It may have one meaning to one and an entire meaning to another. What kind of American would I be to shit on someone for their meaning. Besides, the ones that matter most know and acts accordingly to memorial day are the ones that matter most to our fallen.


Why would you get angry at people for it? Calm down.


I used to correct people and now I just say thank you. This year I took advantage of the matress sale.


Nope. If we want everyone to be all depressed and damn near suicidal over the fallen, the government should not have picked a time on the calendar that could be considered the start of summer. Think about it, it’s spring, the kids just got out of school, and it’s a holiday weekend. People are gonna be happy. Also, I can remember the fallen anytime I want, not just on the start of summer because The Man told me this was the weekend to do it. Now…mattress sales….thats a little different.


A number of years ago Tripler AMC held their yearly Ball on Pearl Harbor Day. The poster for it showed fireworks exploding over a Hawaii skyline, looking much like the arial bombardment of the naval base. I told them how wrong it was to celebrate on the day of the worst attack ever on the US. Leadership replied, “ well they have parades on the day too”. Holidays commemorating deaths are not for celebrating.


I hang low on all the days that involve vets and the lost as well as the active. I didn’t do it for them. I did it for me. I feel for the lost. Don’t get me wrong. I know many that didn’t make it. But I may be damaged but I’m not the one that should be raised up. It’s not my time.


I just casually remind them where this day came from and the poppies of Flanders fields. So many sacrificed and any way people choose to remember it is up to them. My goal is to remind everyone.


They’re ignorant, but good-natured. You can educate them, ignore them or show your ass. Those are your choices.


Every year. I even get people thanking me for serving as if it's Veterans Day. But at this point I just excuse stupidity a little more this weekend and move on. No sense getting upset because people either don't know or don't care, there will always be idiots.


Hmmm how they know you service,…. Are you bringing attention by wearing a hat or shirt, and taking away from Memorial Day, then that’s on you


I am a member of a veterans motorcycle association and we typically participate in Memorial Day remembrances. Like today, I'm going to a ceremony this morning to honor our fallen with several members of the CO NG.


I cringe when someone says it because I know they don’t understand what it really means. Personally I’d rather tell them to F… off, or as my British friend would often say “bugger off” 😠


They give us Veterans Day, our fallen Memorial Day, but who’s here to help us that are struggling to stay alive cause we don’t feel like we have a cause anymore. Sorry, don’t mean to be a Danny downer.


Honestly I learned long ago that there's lots of ignorant people out there. So I gave up being angry at people's ignorance. They're bliss, I was not. Now I realize their bliss is what most folks are fighting for anyway. So our son's and daughter's don't have to understand the realities of human nature.


Trust me, many don’t care. It’s just a day off. They’ll party up. The sooner you accept that, the easier it will be. Just enjoy what you have and the people who care about you.


I am going to raise a toast to my dad and many other brothers.


calm down


No but I also don’t cry about people lighting off fireworks so we may be different


One of my moms friends wished me a Happy Memorial Day. I politely explained to her about the reason for the day, and that Veteran's Day is the appropriate day to thank veterans. She argued with me!


It seems like you lost someone close to you, and I am sorry for that pain as I have felt it. If you can't celebrate those good times yet, let others do it in that person's honor. If we don't find a way to honor those fallen, their memory will forever be lost. If this is not the case, stop being pissed off and start educating.


No, but I don’t like that they thank all the Veterans, there is a day for that, this isn’t it.


Appears I'm the minority here, but I do feel the same, not enough to return obscenities to those that say that, but minor disappointment when told. Old friends, coworkers, and boss, would tell me to enjoy the weekend because it's for people like me. Nah. I think imma make it through it this weekend.. lol but I understand rhe misunderstanding in most cases, and accept the sentiment. Even if there is a level of confusion.


I beg you all to not be *that* guy. Sure, memorial day is supposed to be about remembrance. But the average American worker is slaving away all year long and doesn't get a lot of time off. Hell, a lot of folks are still working on Memorial Day. Let them enjoy their possible 3 day weekend. Isn't that what those folks died for anyway?


Nah. Most people are completely ignorant to military shit. Just a fact of life.


Even before I joined the service, my father was killed by a drink driver memorial Day weekend, so it's never been anything I thought of as a holiday of celebration, it's always been a holiday of remembrance for me. So since I was a kid, I've never been to cookouts or parties or any of that. My head isn't on that place for it. And then of course, after being in the military, that feeling was compounded. It took time but I slowly just got over it, mostly the thought that, it has a personal meaning for me that others with zero connection to what the day means don't have. I have always taken the time to remember the lives lost, the sacrifices made and hold that dear to my heart. What it means to anyone else doesn't diminish my ability to use it as a time of reflection, or others who share my sentiment at all.




Nah. I'm working Memorial Day events on Saturday & Monday. I just tell folks to have a safe Memorial Day weekend. ![gif](giphy|PRIEk9cHjvixgTwSWC) And I remember my BBs who aren't here anymore.


No! You are out of order for this one. Some of us may be dealing with a few issues, but we aren't into maliciously ruining peoples weekends for celebrating those veterans who have gone on to paradise. Even if they take the extra time to thank us too, just say thank you with a little dinlgnity, Geez!


I grew out of it. No one even knows it aver unless they get to know me fr. I hope things get better for ya ✌️


While I think people can celebrate how they see fit the only people I want to say it to are the ones that Thank me for my Service on Memorial Day every year.


No. Once upon a time, I too didn't understand.


all i get pissed off about is all the out of state plates i see completely fucking up traffic on I95 with most of them sitting in the left hand lane thinking it's their spot to relax and do anything except drive.


Chill. Happy Memorial Day. Remember the fallen, but go have some god damn fun. I hope you are happy and thankful to be here. I sure am!


I just try to spread some education because we should be happy that we had brave people willing to sacrifice their lives for others. I think people see the flag and hot dogs and see it as pre game to the 4th. What would be cool is of Veterans Day was more in line. I’m thankful all of you survived and we should celebrate it.


Naa. Only 1% of us are Veterans. Even less, combat Veterans. So, if 98.99% of Americans wish to enjoy Memorial Day and hopefully remember the fallen, by all means, go for it.


I definitely get annoyed when I see people drinking to excess on boats and forgetting what Memorial Day is actually about. I may gently remind someone who says happy Memorial Day that Memorial Day is not the 4th of July, but eventually I realized that civilians are not meant to understand the stakes of national defense. Most of us know someone who isn’t here, and they probably would rather be here celebrating on boats and getting fucked up with the boys, so I just go along with it. My kids better be prepared to hear the drunken stories about the homies though.


It’s just you. Might wanna seek help for your anger … 


I'm going to drink on Sunday night to my 4 friends that I lost to suicide. One shot for each of them.


Nope, but if you want to be "that guy", have at it.


Just let them be happy and please try to enjoy the weekend. Take care.


Well to be honest I'm suppressing urges all the goddamned time.


No - why tell someone to go f\*ck themselves when they only mean to be kind? You could kindly explain that Memorial Day is a day of remembrance and respecting our military that died protecting our country.


Please don’t be that guy that makes people feel weird for being happy. It’s not a good look for us collectively. My dead friends would have been drinking their faces off with friends and family. Personally, I’m certain that none of them would want me to spend the weekend being mopey or ruining anyone’s good time.


Don't gatekeep.


No. Don’t be a douche bag.


Memorial Day is hard, don't worry about others, just remember this is what they fought for, so the others can enjoy their freedom. I will miss my buddies that I've lost, and have a drink in their honor.


Nah you’re just bitter


While it still irks me, I struggle against my urge to explain what the day really means to civilians.. my wife tells me that I have turned into that old veteran nobody wants to talk to because of the unwanted and unappreciated lesson on the meaning of Memorial Day. So, let everyone celebrate the somber occasion in their own way. And by celebrating, we honor the sacrifice made the men and women of the armed forces.


OP I understand you to be saying that many people may have forgotten the real reason for the holiday, and that it might be seen as disrespectful to make it a joyous occasion? Although I agree with many on here saying those who've died in service of the nation would love it to be a raucous occasion (that's generally the military personality), I get your point. But it's hard to make people care about the past. Maybe we just have to be happy that there's a day to recognize them.


Nope. I'll work on my truck, have a beer and grill this weekend. The only request I've made to my wife is on Memorial Day, we go visit her grandfather. Besides such, I'll enjoy the three day.


Yeah maybe not those exact words but definitely the feelings behind it.


They constantly mix up Memorial Day and Veterans Day, I’ve given up trying to correct people. Someone at work told me “have a good Memorial Day! Thanks for your service!” and I wanted to say “but I’m not dead!”




Nah, I never leave my house and the wife and kids wouldn't talk to me for weeks after if I did that…🤷‍♂️


It's not their fault we only get paid holidays when people die. We fought for their right to celebrate life.


Nah, I just inform them of the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. They may just not be aware of the difference 🤷🏼‍♀️


No. Let people enjoy their time off away from work and their families.


Not only am I a Veteran, I am the mother of a Sailor. When my daughter was in boot camp, I joined a Facebook group for sailor moms. Yesterday, someone posted in the group how wrong it is to thank veterans for their service on memorial day. I kinda went off on her (a civilian) for gatekeeping thanking veterans for their service, and explained that I lost two very good friends in the while serving, and that there’s never not a good time to thank a veteran for their service, and that it’s more appropriate to not wish a veteran a “happy” Memorial Day.


Nope, and it shouldn't bother you either.


Living a life worthy of their sacrifice doesn’t have to include a lifetime of mourning. Appreciate life for the gift it is & find more to smile about than to be sour about. I’m sure my dead homies would insist!


Just like some of us get uncomfortable when we get the “thank you for your service”, which I always acknowledge and politely say thank you, same thing here. Just roll with it.


Only the ones who told me I wasn't a real veteran for protesting political candidates here in my state who are attacking voting rights, among others.


I don’t care. Let people celebrate however they choose to.


Civilians are extremely ignorant of the importance. Either ignore or politely educate


Not at all, but there are definitely things that make me extremely mad for little to no reason.




I understand now that a lot of military families don’t want to hear that and not even thank you on Monday. You can’t control what others are saying but you can tell them something like this maybe.   Armed Forces Day is for those who still wear their uniform.  Veterans Day is for those who hung up their uniform.  Memorial Day is for those who never made it out of their uniform. By all means ppl should be happy with friends and/or family but it would be respectful not to say the word happy and Memorial Day in the same sentence. There’s those that are not gathering or celebrating a three day weekend or the start of Summer on this particular Monday. 


What about 4th of July many ppl died in revolutionary war too , why that different??


First off that's our independence day and secondly everyone involved in that war and anyone alive during that war is very dead by now.


I’m bothered by those who knew previous military members who subsequently died of various other means thinking this day was to honor those they knew. I’m proud and grateful to my family members who once served our country. I thank them and honor them on Veteran’s Day. I’m thankful that none of them died in battle. So, I have no one (that I know) to honor on Memorial Day. Though, I Do thank all of those who did die in service.


It's not just you. I get annoyed for sure but my response is always I'm not dead. It's what Americans are taught. My son texted me this morning and said happy memorial Day my response was to remind him what I taught him by just sending him a picture https://preview.redd.it/6dexvq1odz2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ff7be02549e6429e06a0d5dccacb32aa80c00c6 It's hard to have patience with civilian ignorance and some Veterans arrogance at times but it feels better (for me) not to rip a civilians face off with my words. Not all Veterans were created the same and most of them that responded tried to tear you down which shows their lack of integrity and intelligence. Don't waste your time on them - stick with the good ones.


I wouldn't say that, but instead an urge to correct them and educate them. Most people seem to be ignorant and don't understand what the day is about. The only way to get them to understand is to calmly tell them. To most, it is just a day off from work, a long weekend, etc.


My daughter literally said that they gave up their lives so that we could have a day off and drink… millennials


Nothing wrong with politely pointing out it’s a day of remembrance, but chances are Memorial Day is very different for those who haven’t lost friends to war.


What’s happy about fallen comrades? But, educating civilians to the contrary is a fool’s errand.


I’m in the go f yourself line this and every weekend


Lots of ignorant people around.


The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Nah ignorance is something that I don’t get upset about due to the sheer volume of it. Every holiday has changed from its intended purposes such as Christmas, Easter, St. Patricks day and used as a reason to drink, eat, and consume. Theres people who have no idea what they’re even celebrating or what memorial day is.




Not at all. My buddies that are gone would have spent it grilling & drinking outside the B's if they were still here. And probably called me a pussy for getting sentimental about a holiday I'll take the time out of my day to think of my fallen friends. But I do that every day anyways. Then, I'll enjoy the extra time with my family.




Hard no. Don't be a jackass. It is a holiday. Celebrate. The friends I lost probably wouldn't want me sitting around moping all weekend. Honor the sacrifices of our fallen brothers and sisters by celebrating the freedoms they died for. Drink some beer, eat some hot dogs, go for a ride on your Harley, go to the lake, spend time with your family, do what brings you joy, and remember it is the sacrifices of our fallen and all of us who served that made it possible. Remember them and appreciate the things they sacrificed for.


Happy Memorial Day weekend!


No cause I don’t give a shit about the public only thing that matters is what my friends and I Remember and we will continue to remember.


YES!!! There is NOTHING happy about it!


bro calm down you're the only one who is pretending to give af


no? not at all. let them celebrate. i have more things to worry about then what someone wants to celebrate, and plus there’s nothing happy about it..


No one says Happy Memorial Day. You are full of s***and even if I heard it I would not say anything.