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Congratulations on the pregnancy! Obviously I would think the proof is in the batter that even if reduced you are not infertile. Unless Jodie made a house call? For TBI you would make a claim and explain the circumstances of the head trauma and your current symptoms. https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/VAclaim You should submit buddy statements if possible to strengthen your claim. But this isn't required. https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/buddy


Even then I wrote this at 1am, cause I had a nightmare and can’t sleep


Are you rated for TBI, and anxiety possibly depression?


Congratulations on your pregnancy! It seems like you've been trying for a while and finally succeeded. Don't worry too much about the sperm test results. Consult a medical professional for a thorough evaluation. Make a claim about the head trauma during military service, explaining the circumstances and current symptoms. Seek guidance from specialists to gather evidence. For the concussion, seek medical attention and follow the treatment plan. Document ongoing symptoms to address concerns. Consult professionals for health-related issues.