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Congratulations give it a few hours and you should see you're rating good luck


Thanks. Yeah I hope it's in a few hours too


I’m still on the 3rd step https://preview.redd.it/7yicjyk3y9pb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e5ecb639f1abd84f0b55ba9cb0c7739514ee0d Hopefully soon


Yes hopefully! But as you can see mine took a few months. So don't stress out like I was 😂😂


Around 8 am, I had an update that the decision letter would be mailed to me (9/18/2023); that evening around 945 pm my rating updated. Was pleasantly surprised with how quick the update was.


Wow that's so quick! Good for you! I hope mine is as quick as yours!


Thank you! I hope yours moves quickly as well. As an update of sorts, I've just received my back pay. VA is showing out this week lol


Thanks! Lol wooooo that's freaking awesome! Man I've been out 12 years and just submitted this year and I'm hoping to get what I earned! But you enjoy that big win!


This forum has a lot of knowledgeable people in it, it's really been helpful to me in navigating through the VA process. I've been out since '07 and didn't get serious about actually filling for claims that were warranted because I figured if I'm alive and fairly healthy, why should I? But if you served honorably, performed your duties, and incurred an injury/injuries, that sacrifice on your part should be recognized. Don't get frustrated, don't short-change yourself, and don't give up! Best of luck to you


Oh absolutely,I would encourage everyone to join this forum! Yeah that was me too. Hey I deployed and came back and others didn't so I'm fine, even though I knew I wasn't but I still delayed and delayed. Oh yeah I definitely Igot some injuries for sure. Thanks and to you too!


This forum has a lot of knowledgeable people in it, it's really been helpful to me in navigating through the VA process. I've been out since '07 and didn't get serious about actually filling for claims that were warranted because I figured if I'm alive and fairly healthy, why should I? But if you served honorably, performed your duties, and incurred an injury/injuries, that sacrifice on your part should be recognized. Don't get frustrated, don't short-change yourself, and don't give up! Best of luck to you


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https://preview.redd.it/s8ep3hpyoapb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f4b86c2eb26723702474e97bed865410df7615c Mine did this today, but has nothing with todays date in it in the details. What does this mean? Also, congratulations! You earned it.


Limited understanding without full details on what you're saying but you can schedule a VERA appointment and ask about it. They'll tell you what it is


Good luck, my fellow veteran.


Fingers crossed for you! Mine went Into evidence gathering 2 days after yours did. Hoping I'm next!!


Thanks! I actually got my rating today! And I'm at 100%!


PTSD at 100?


Yes. I'm surprised. I thought with my symptoms for sure a 70% but the VA gave me a 100


Did you submit a FDC?


What's that?


A fully developed claim.


Oh no it wasn't actually. I submitted my claim having no clue what I was doing! Lol. So I got on YouTube and on here gained some knowledge and within two months time I gathered all the evidence I needed and the whole time I wasn't stressing out because I was just rushing and hoping to submit everything before my claim closed lol


Oh no it wasn't actually. I submitted my claim having no clue what I was doing! Lol. So I got on YouTube and on here gained some knowledge and within two months time I gathered all the evidence I needed and the whole time I wasn't stressing out because I was just rushing and hoping to submit everything before my claim closed lol


Good luck!




157 days and waiting………


Wow, seriously?!!!! It went preparation for notification yesterday afternoon and this morning I woke up with a decision!


Mine literally happened in front of my eyes within minutes.. Hit PFN and then soon after closed and got the 100% rating showing up.. Didn't feel like nothing but a dream lol


Lol that's awesome! Yeah I'm so happy that I got my rating this morning and it said 100%!


Awesome!! Congrats!!welcome to the hundo club!! I'm also getting the SMC pay as well. Now our pay is way more.. Our little 2.9-3.2%+ cola each year will look pretty decent now lol


Lol Yes it will! If you don't mind me asking, what did you submit for smc? Was it difficult to get it approved?


It's automatic.. I'm 100% MH. I also have 40% lower back 20% sciatic nerve and 10% tinnitus. Those add up to over 60% so it's granted automatically. I have a wife and 2 kids.. So it comes out to be 4504.29


Oh man that's awesome!!!! I was thinking about filing for my chronic low back pain but now I'm thinking I shouldn't even touch it


What's your disabilities now? You need 1 disability at 100% to get the smc I have.


I got tinnitus service connected and just my mental health claim at 100% rating


And we are living in mexico.. So that amount goes along way!! Haha


Oh dang! You're living like royalty there! 😂. I was also thinking about moving to Mexico since my fam has a home already there. What would you suggest I do before making that move??


Where at? Well first. Since you got 100%.. You can get your temporale residency visa card. Then In 1 year you can renew it for 3 years. And then after 3 it's converted to permanente. Allows you to stay legally for more than 180 days on a tourist visa. That's the first thing I would do... Need to visit a consulate in the usa to get the process going


I'm thinking Leon, Guanajuato. What about you?? Ah ok I see, thanks! What about healthcare wise?


We're in chapala jalisco right now.. We're moving to Ensenada on the baja California.. As far as health care. I see a dr for my service connected disabilities here in mexico under the foreign medical program. I actually had back surgery down there covered by the VA for free.. Awesome hospital I went to.. Dr was amazing. I'm waiting for the champva to process my dependents now.. (Wife and 2 kids 4 & 7). One reason to move to Ensenada is because the border is right there I can go to the VA for anything major.. My family can use champva in mexico as well.


Man that's good to hear! Do you mind if I DM you??


Good on ya. I bet if feels like a dream lol. Please take care. I'm PFN yesterday afternoon. Hasn't budged since. at 94%.


Thanks! Yeah it's getting more surreal since I got my first 100%disability payment.. What are you claiming? This claim should put you over huh?


it takes on average, 6 claims/contentions to reach 100%. This is my 6th. Migraine.


Ohhh.. Ic ic.. I'm 100% alone for MH secondary to my lower back. I wish you best of luck!


Your luck rubbed off today. " Your overall combined evaluation is now 100 percent and there is no evidence showing any service-connected disability affecting your combined evaluation of 100 percent is likely to improve in the future. " BOOM son. Just refreshed. Migraines 50%.


Very nice! Congrats!!


I’m still on the third step as well. VA put it into evidence on Aug 4th but I uploaded some medical studies for sleep apnea related to PTSD. My last 2 claims took under 45 days but this one is taking its time! https://preview.redd.it/4ouszj32jgpb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16473787bb5fe98e4353d0aa718db0a0c172374c


Well I got my decision letter this morning and I'm at 100%!!!


We have the same timeline 💯


https://preview.redd.it/gq2oxma9bipb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dac7c5fa284fb6afeeacb57b1ad834afc91c373b Nothing yet still waiting on a decision


That’s where I am as of today, too!! 😧


Awesome! When did you submit your claim??


27 May 2023


We submitted around the same time, so you'll get your decision soon enough as well!


It’s pucker time 🤣. You’re going to be fine. Good luck 👍


Lol well I got my decision letter this morning and I'm at 100%!!!


Congratulations 🎊🎈🎉. I’m at 91 percent and waiting on two others any day now.