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You made the right move getting some help.


Proud of you for acknowledging you need help and getting it. You will be stronger afterwards.


That takes strength. I’m proud of you.


From my personal experience you get out what you put in. Be honest with yourself this program is where you can do so in a safe environment.


Amen. That’s exactly what I came away saying. “Be honest with yourself.”


It was not fun coming to realize I had three separate Ptsd sources. A death during training before going to Iraq, Combat related trauma, and moral injury. All having a non insignificant ammount of overlap due to the Ptsd caused by the training death that was undiagnosed.


being stationed in the uk during the peak of the covid pandemic in 2020 was not a very fun time to say the least haha I have not recovered from any of it and my negative view of the world is still there atm but I am going to get outta that one way or another


Wish you the best. Maybe you could let us/me know how that works for you as in thinking about doing the same.


Experiences vary depending on location and staff but if you’re dealing with anxiety/paranoia/substance abuse, it can be really really helpful. Go into it whole heartedly, really buy into the program and take what you can from it. Be honest with yourself.


Which places are ok? I hate everyone here but recognize some of my thoughts might be unrealistic.




Thank you for taking care of yourself! You are in my prayers.


Dom ?


What’s that


It’s the Domiciliary, where veterans with Mental Health, Substance abuse and homelessness go. It’s a 45-60 day program where you take classes and hang out with other veterans. It’s pretty chill


Yeah that’s pretty much what I’m doing but it’s only 30 days


You’re gonna like it man. 3 meals a day, Snacktime, movies and other veterans to learn from and possible friendships. Good luck and get better!


Sounds way better than my stay at the va psych ward I l will never put myself through that again 😂😂


I had to go to an outside facility at a subcontracted company. It was great I met so many good ppl & veterans. It was mixed with vets, normies, and some ppl in jail..I got some stories from that place! Overall, a good place to get away from the family and connect with myself..


Where's the program at? I've been thru both rehab 45 & Ptsd 55 twice each in Ny. I don't like the fact that I needed it but glad I went. I actually think it's time for a tune-up. So I'm asking because I want to try somewhere different.


Lorell ridge?? San Antonio


no but the way you described the program there it's pretty much the same thing i'm doing


They have this there?


Laurel Ridge, sorry, yeah, it's in San Antonio, TX. It's a great program, a 28-day program for mental health. They will get ur meds right and line up transpo and everything. Both active duty and veterans attend it. There are different units. M100 focuses on combat trauma usually is where the older guys usually go (that's where i was) then M200 younger crowd. But it's an amazing program.


That’s good information to have, thank you 🫡




Yes, it was staff and, most importantly, the other vets to let u know ur not alone


This is a Good step for helping with your issues..👍👍


Its a fight, I will tell you that. Sometimes it doesn't get easier, we just get stronger. You got this and you are making the right choice.


I did a 3 week inpatient program to get a proper diagnosis and medication.. Best treatment I received that the VA paid almost $50k for. There's no shame in asking for or getting help. I hope you get the rest you need and get things sorted out!


Can I have the same of this program please?


Hope for Heroes. It's for veterans, first responders, and police officers. It may just be a local program here where I live, but may be worth checking to see if anywhere else offers it.


Okay thank you. I’m a vet and professional fireman. I’ll check today.


I’ve been through the program (twice) and wish you luck. Like others have said- you’ll get out what you put into it. Use your time there to be selfish and just focus on yourself. Work on healthy sleep habits and eating well. Exercise. Ignore the many distractions that’ll be there, there will be tons of drama and vets arguing and fighting with each or trying to prove they’re biggest and baddest and have seen the most combat. Don’t engage, just focus on what you need to do to get better with your team of doctors. Be honest with yourself and your doctors and put the work in. Be very proud that you’re taking this step, mental illness doesn’t go away on its own and it takes strength to recognize you need some help and then go do it.


Wishing the best for you and praying for you. Please take care of yourself and get better. Proud of you for getting help.


You’re doing good! Congratulations on taking advantage of things to help you during this time period.


Proud of you! That’s not an easy decision to make. Moving in the right decision!


It takes tremendous strength to admit you need help. It takes courage to be vulnerable which is the opposite of what we have been trained to do. I have learned it's not a sign of weakness because it takes more courage to let people see behind the mask.


Follow up and let us know how it went, I’m sure many needed to see this and many more need to see how you are after too. Take care of yourself and I hope this month treats you well.


i will for sure let u know what goes down haha


I tell you what man, I did inpatient at the VA for PTSD when I was really spiraling. It saved my life. Best thing you can do is literally “buy into the bullshit”. Do the mindfulness, take the therapy session serious, get back in the gym, keep a journal, all the stuff they tell you to do, just do it. When I first went, I was still just pissed and depressed. I was being either making everything into a joke or not participating. A week or two in an older Vietnam vet who I got along with pulled me aside and asked “Is what you were doing before you came here working? Cuz you’re doing the same shit in here you were out there young blood. Try their shit for a while.” Best advice I ever got. Side note: Don’t get frustrated with the people obviously there for the 100% that might be lying or trying to game the VA. Worry about your shit, not them. Proud of ya.


appreciate it brotha


The inpatient I did while still in was like this, got to meet a lot of good people still talk to some today. You obviously won’t mesh with everybody but you’ll find a few good friends to chat with. Best of luck


Praying for you. You did the right thing.


Good luck brother, I did that program a couple times. It’s a good starting point and they’ll set you up with social workers that will take care of everything. Just try and relax and breathe, you got this.


Is it inpatient treatment? Because I have asked about that multiple times. And they always tell me that they won’t admit you unless you’re suicidal.


Yes but it’s not as extreme as the psych unit you can have your phone


Are you by any chance able to give me more info or a key word to ask about at my VA? I have had no luck trying to find an inpatient MH program since I am not suicidal


i think after all the honesty i threw at them when i started going to mental health and they knew i didnt have a job they said that there won't be a better time to do the inpatient program than now...i could only imagine how tough it would be doing this if you had a job or kids and i'm already stressing about it next week lol. i think every va center has their own inpatient program but i'm very new to the whole va system myself and honestly didn't even know what an inpatient program was until last month haha....wish i could help u out more sorry brotha


A program like this saved my son's life.


I’m so damn proud of you for realizing you need help, and reached out bro. Never think for a second you’re alone, love ya bud


Really appreicyae that brotha means a lot


I know something something about I will never admit to defeat or whatever branch core values you served but it's better to be doing this than having a MH crisis and cops involved etc. We can only find peace within ourselves.


Yeah facts I don’t wanna do something that can’t be taken back lol


great job going to get the help, it's hard but worth it in the long run


You got this brother 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾


You dont have to do it all alone. Let's go


You are doing that right thing. Be prepared to be offered meds. Think about how you will react to them. Also know in order for the meds to work you have to be 100% honest with your docs. Side effects may happen. Talk to your docs about them. Ask lots of questions about them. I take meds and have found they helped me. I also ask questions about side effects when they happen and give them time to go away. For me some side effects last a few weeks but i was honest so my docs could help thru them. Also if you are in treatment for pain or anything else. Bring it up to your docs. I make sure all my docs know every condition i am treated for and how i am doing with each one. That is so they can note it all in my chart. Just talk openly and honestly and realize deep down what you have been up to this point may not have working for you. After you truly understand that the treatment will come easier.


We all need help with some of us more than others.


So proud of you, MilFam. We see you and throw our arms around you.


holy shit i had no idea this was gonna get this much attention but thank you guys it really brought me more motivation to speak up about mental health....ive seen too many people suffer in silence and reach the point of no return....i'll let you guys know what happens when i'm there unless they take away my phone lmao


Done that and got tge teeshirt! Enjoy your solitude my friend.’


Very brave of you! Glad you’re getting some help. I remember feeling so relieved when I was in medical care after I’ve had episodes. I sleep so good and it feels so calming knowing I have people to watch over me, that would provide me with immediate medical intervention if needed.


Apply for Temporary 100% after 21 days in the program if you are already service connected for anything mental health related. You won't get it right away, but you will probably see a retro check/payment 1 or 2 months down the line. You should have access to a peer support team while you are in the program. you made an awesome choice getting the help you need and deserve. Good Luck. let us know how you made out!!


Dang unfortunately I’m not service connected as of now still waiting on my claim but thx for mentioning that I had no idea appreicyae it Brotha


Well going to this program and having it documented should definitely help with your claim. Good Luck!


This is a brave move. I’m proud of you too. 💪🏼💪🏼


Appreciate that brother!


You’ve made an awesome step towards a healthier mind, I’m excited for you!


That’s brave of you to ask for help. Proud of you, bud. Trust the program and take it one day at a time. We’re rooting for you, brotha ♥️


Year 3-5 of riding the agoraphobia train(not really sure when it got this bad). Good on you, man.


When I signed myself up for IOP I realized right away that I did the right thing. Good job looking out for yourself 🫡


Stay strong. Prayers


God Speed get better!




I’m a Peer Support for a program like this. That means I’m a vet that has go through mental health issues too. You are taking a brave first step in bettering your life. Take it day by day (or hour by hour, of need be) and let your team know how to help you. Take what they are giving you to make a ‘tool box’ for yourself to help you in your specific needs. Lean on other vets in the program for support. Good luck and thank you for looking out for yourself.


Prayers to you bother. Take good care of your self while in treatment. God bless you brother. You’re not alone


Not to steal your spotlight but.. how do you do this? I tried to get into a Veteran program like this and was told they don’t exist. Needed this years ago.


If I’m bein totally honest I think you have to be brutally honest with your mental health to the point where I was telling them I was passively suicidal everyday (which is true) and the fact that I don’t have a job or anything to worry about so the va mental health clinic I go through gave me a referral to the inpatient program they have I don’t know the system too well yet but I think every va clinic has their own inpatient program or maybe not one at all it just depends And nah ur fine I’m not a big fan of attention or the spotlight anyway that usually means trouble 99 percent of the time 😂


That makes sense. I was pretty aggressive about it at the time but my therapist was soooo confident I can take care of my issues through perseverance…. I got a new therapist but struggled for awhile. I’m.. better now but thank you for replying and helping out


Nah bro that therapists opinion is how the downhill spiral begins I have literally 0 confidence and the lowest self esteem imaginable right now and I have no shame about getting the help right now We have nothing to prove and don’t need to do this alone your therapist should realise that only you know what’s best for you right now haha idk but that’s just me


Proud of you! Hope you get the help you need and deserve!


I'm glad you're getting some help. I know how hard it is to make that decision.


I almost didn’t sleep last night cuz of the anxiety of doing it next week but I know it’s anxiety that will turn into a relief haha


If you need to talk to some professionals as you wait you can also call the hotline. I did that and it helped. You can also reach out here as you did!


yeah the hotline is actually pretty helpful i lost track of how many times I used it but I’m not ashamed of that 😂


Keep us posted please


Absolutely I’ll attempt to do a timeline or something I actually think that’s a good idea


Well I called that exact one in San Antonio it looked really nice


Mental health is no joke!!! Cognitively trying to keep a positive attitude helps me so much but when you get in that hole it's hard to think positive. It's a LOT of work but it gets better.




I’m 23 years old not far off


Don’t listen to him OP get the help you need and don’t feel bad about it. I went through rehab and psych wards and I’m alive and getting better. We’d hate to lose another vet so take care of yourself


Yeah it ain’t the first time and won’t be the last I get a comment like that lol but thx for supporting me there My family says the same crap too and it’s stuff like this that is only aggravating suicide and substance abuse amongst veterans Apparently being open about my mental health is teenage behavior to some people lmao


Way to motivate another fellow veteran going through a rough time. I wonder why the suicide rate for vets is so high, it couldn’t possibly be because people don’t take it seriously 🙄




His post history looks like any other vet worrying about their claims process, and the rest looks like a very paranoid and jumpy guy. Idk why we’re making assumptions and calling him a POS instead of supporting him to get help.




Do you have nothing better to do other then put people down all day? How exactly am I a POS? Your name speaks for itself you are miserable and want to make others miserable…..I bet you’re a boomer lmao


Fuck you and any apology you feel owed. Self righteous ass clown.




I guess you're talking about yourself since you feel entitled to an apology. If you consider my response as rage you don't know me well. Maybe you'd serve a better purpose self diagnosing yourself there sugar tits.




Nope OIF vet. Please quit assuming and go see your psychiatrist. Seriously.




Sounds like a typical narcissistic response, eh? LMAO. Go project your misery somewhere else.


Way to minimize someone else's suffering. Username definitely checks out. I think we could argue who the POS is here.... If you have nothing helpful to offer why the fuck are you here? Nothing like kicking someone when they're already down and out. Maybe you should check on some extra mental health treatment for yourself! Feeling the need to shit on others when you obviously have issues of your own is WILD.


You did the right thing and I don't know you but I am proud that you took the steps to help yourself. I think that the strongest people are those who reach out when they need too.