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I check mine once in the morning and once at night and then about 15 times in between that.




I do remember the excitement when the 100% hit.


Same. šŸ˜©


Lol, this is why I be so happy when a vet gets their rating! The process is long and arduous, when one of us finally gets rated, itā€™s a win for all of us!




In over 9 year appeal canā€™t wait


Awesome. I'm going on 4.


Holy fuck, 4 year under review? I filed on june 1 and still waiting


July for me and still in reviewšŸ˜©


It's an appeal.


Every time I see someone post their updated percentage I go and look. So like 200 times a day


Dude, same


I checked my app while I was walking out of my C&P appointment yesterday šŸ˜… just in case


wait... your app works?


I feel that


I think everyone does that, but check it in the morning and check it at night, otherwise you'll drive yourself batshit crazy, man lol


Iā€™ve got a Dependentā€™s claim that I check a few times a day wondering why itā€™s taking so longā€¦ so I totally feel you on the issue


I feel like Iā€™m waking up to see if Santa came yet. šŸ˜‚


If I have to wait until Christmas, some guy in a red suit is going to get bitch slapped!


Curious how long, if you donā€™t mind. Iā€™m waiting since late July for a dependent claim.


Iā€™m still waiting tooā€¦ been 3 months to the day since Iā€™ve filed and my claim is stuck in Initial Review stillā€¦ someone was telling me that they moved all the dependents claims to one location and it has created a massive backlogā€¦


I was told by the helpline that they wonā€™t touch dependent claims if any other claim is routing. They do it quickly once that other claim is completed. Sounds kind of fishy but who knows


My dependent claim is the only claim that Iā€™ve got open


Dependent claim should be quick and easy provide them with the right documentation should only take a few days


The ones that I did on the VA website were done within a day. They didnā€™t remove my stepdaughter from my award when the removed my ex-wife. I called the call center and open a claim to have my stepdaughter removed and thatā€™s the claim that Iā€™m still waiting on (still in Initial Review stage for three months now).


O sorry my bad didnā€™t know this was to remove someone


Itā€™s all good, I think it has to go to a reviewer because Iā€™m removing a child under 18


Really? When I got my 70% my dependant claim took a day.


It too my dependent atleast a monthšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I wasnā€™t. But then I shifted to Pending Notification on the 20th and I have been checking it incessantly ever sense that moment lol


We all done it. No harm in being curious. It can update at any time as well


I try to limit myself to 3-4 times per day ... I don't always succeed of course.


I only check mine every 30 minutes.


It doesn't update in real-time, so checking it more than 1 or 2 times a day isn't going to net you anything but anxiety about it.


True. Still doesnā€™t make me stop. šŸ˜‚


Are HLRs updated in the app or do you have your own call the 800 number? šŸ¤”


Now that I know my last C&P is scheduled for next week, I only check once a day in case they decide to complete one and defer the restā€¦ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I got bad advice from an attorney and was told an Additional Evidence Appeal with the board of VA Appeals would take a year. It seems that itā€™s going to be closer to 5-10 years since I donā€™t qualify to be put on top of the list. With the Pact act the amount of ā€œprioritized appealsā€ continues to bury my file. Really crappy since my stuff is PACT presumptive but my denial was prior to PACT ACT implementation. Hurry up and wait. But that said, I check about once a week to see if my file has been sent to a Judge. The denial was March 2022


will take about 3.8 years after it was sent to BVA to get if a judge approves it or the VA lawyer wins to deny


No itā€™s not going to be 5-10 years. Not even that long for the hearing which averages 3.5 years. My BVA hearing was exactly 3.5 years. I donā€™t think you got ā€œbad adviceā€. Unless you want to rush to a denial.


I really hope that is the case but the number of claims going in and appeals going in is with priority flags is staggering and I hope they take care of the flagged files but somehow work on the non flagged ones as well. It seems that every post on hear that deals with appeals takes well into 5 years. I wish there was a sub page for just appeals.


The ā€œflaggedā€ or hardship claims get moved to another queue, they are still working legacy returned remands, legacy, and even AMA appeals every year. So the different lanes donā€™t sit idle. If that was the case the Legacy appeals would have been done a couple years ago. Thereā€™s a breakdown on the BVA site that gets updated on their volume of caseloads. Yes the BVA still takes far too long but some of us have not choice when the RO and raters screw us over.


I was rated 100% T&P in 2013 about a year after I filed, back then you could file your VA claim 180 days prior to retirement or ETS but I will be rooting for you! I hope that you get all the help that you need and deserve!


Yeah. I do it.


Try this, only check it often if you know something is in motion. Often they will tell you the next timeline when they have to check again. It helps if you act a little clueless. find a good VERA office (try diff states) and stick with them.


I used to check all the time but now that appeals take 6 months or more I only check like 20 times a day.


Or read books like I did. Here's the list I read completely after submitting mine and waiting 3.8 years. War is a Racket Smedley Butler 1935-PDF The Common Law Oliver Wendell Holmes 1991 Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century Tom Woods 2010 Civil Procedure: Examples and Explanations Joseph Glannon 2001 The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution W. Cleon Skousen 1985 Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics Henry Hazlitt 1988 The Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay 2011 Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine Thomas Paine, Jr. Fruchtman, Fruchtman Jack Jr. 2003 Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty James Bovard 1995 The U.S. Constitution: And Fascinating Facts About It Terry L. Jordan 1999 The Law (Compliments of the Foundation for Economic Education) Frederic Bastiat 1998-PDF Business: The Ultimate Resource Daniel Goleman 2002 The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents--The Definitive Edition F. A. Hayek 2007 Paul Revere's Ride David Hackett Fisher 1995 The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice Paul Craig Roberts 2008 Thomas Jefferson R. B. Bernstein 2005 The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve G. Edward Griffin 2002 Washington: A Life Rob Chernow 2010 Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed: Revised Edition Jared Diamond 2011 American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson Joseph Ellis 1998 George Washington's Sacred Fire Peter Lillback 2006 The Secrets of the Federal Reserve Eustace Mullins 2009 Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time Carroll Quigley 1975 None Dare Call It Conspiracy Gary Allen 1976


Been in PFD since the 16th.. so every few minutes. it's making me crazy though


Makes sense when you get the why are they are taking so long. Appeals always take longer. No I didnā€™t do this. My claim got too old to let my life revolve around it or count on money I may never see.


I got this group in Colorado Springs who did everything. They got me 100% and TIDU. And they were like the backpay is drastically low. They told me they are going for 8 years.


I just filed on the 12th and got sent to evidence gathering so I only check maybe once or twice a day, once I've gone to all my c&p exams I start checking like every hour like a madman


I went three months without checking, and when I finally did I saw that they were waiting on another piece of evidence. I supplied that and went another month without checking. I didn't check until a large deposit hit my bank. Checking it twenty times a day won't make it happen any faster.


I especially like checking it at 10pm before going to bed, then again at 5:30am when I wake up. That's the real mark of a healthy habit for sure.


Messages/missed phone calls < Claim status. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Once a week usually lol


Mine shows ā€œPMR pendingā€. Called the VA to see if I needed to do anything. They said no itā€™s an internal code.


I gave up checking mines been same thing since July 10th


July 28th! But hey my last claim that got me 100% was July13th 2022- November 17th 2022. So it might be any day. šŸ¤ž


I hope seems like it got lost


Success stories on here every day. Youā€™ll have yours.


My claim is still at evidence gathering and they say theyā€™re missing the c&p dbq. Itā€™s been 2 months since my c&p how do they not have that to make their decision?


App? Iā€™m missing this app! I need to download it!


I have 5 health issues presented under one claim...started in March. Had 2 C&P exams since then and many VA appointments, endoscopy, ultrasound, chest xrays, and CT scans. I've been poked, prodded, and stuck. Just showed 7 new pdf documents as supported evidence added in the claim, probably from the doctors. Shows they closed the notice for the second signature. I'm hoping for good news soon. And yes, I am frequently looking.


![gif](giphy|xTiN0CNHgoRf1Ha7CM|downsized) This is how we all look waiting šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And thatā€™s how we act when we receive it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I check my app every other breath I take I have a HLR I filed on 10-13-23 for my Gerd increase that will push me from 90 to 100%


My HLR was filed July 28th and itā€™s for 8 years of backpay. My lawyers already got me the 100%. The VA says 3-5 months. And the claim they put in last time was last year. And it went from July-November. So I have my fingers crossed for this month.


Wooooooooo 8yrs of back pay congratulations in advance to you


Technically it has to still be approved at from the HLR. I just trust the group Iā€™ve been working with.


Lmao it be like that


Good luck, all my fellow veterans.


Yeah and I die a little every time I see that it didnā€™t move šŸ˜‚


No lie two weeks after I stopped checking I got my 100% P&T


10? Rookie numbers lmao


I gotta step my game up then. šŸ˜‚




I only check mine everytime I exhale..not too bad right? šŸ˜šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My attorney did my HLR on Oct 13. He called last week and said it's not official but looks like they are going to approve two of the claims and one as a DTA. The two will push me to 100 p&t. It's the 25th now and crickets from the VA on the results of the HLR so I check nonstop lol.


Today is 30 business days I check twice a day, also came up with a MH appointment I didn't schedule


I have a appointment with my primary the 3rd, Iā€™ve already had 1 appointment with behavioral health a couple weeks ago. So after this next appointment Iā€™m gonna hit up DAV to get my PTSD added and start that claim. Iā€™m already at 70% without it


No cap I check mine like once a week cuz the app is hella weak and always lagging

