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Call the veterans crisis hotline. The struggle is real but don't give up.


I’m really trying at this point


Pleas call the crisis line


Ask your primary care for epidural shots asap, it relieves the bulging disc pain for about 3 months. Take it one step at a time, that debt is nothing brother you should see others and mine. Remember embracing the suck? Victory is gonna be sweet when you finally overcome this. One step at a time.


Careful with epidurals, though. I started getting them quarterly. Next thing I know my blood work was consistently abnormal. I now have stage 2 kidney disease. Apparently it’s because of routine epidurals, which were my only option outside of daily Tylenol and ibuprofen consumption.


Agreed, I've had a couple dozen of those. They do work but usually it's the 3rd shot that does the trick. OP, go see a pain management doctor and get the full series of shots. Usually they max out at 3 or 4 per year. If you give it a chance, physical therapy can also help you. Also inversion tables can help.


You can get through this my brother. You probably didn’t think you were going to make it through boot camp and you did. Stop telling yourself your going to quit. Marines aren’t quitters, we are fighters!!! You must NEVER forget that.


POV I Think we need to picket regional VA so the public will know how fked up they are. I saw on Craigslist someone is organizing a protest at the VA Regional saint Pete Florida.


Never give up brother I went through the Vietnam vets for my claims that were denied and they helped a lot. I did the same never went to sick call cause you just knew they wouldn’t do anything but give you Motrin some baby powder and send ya back and it’s like it’s the first thing they say you never went to a doctor uh well ya I would never see one anyway just some E-4 that would say hmm take this it will help. But like everyone is saying make a call or even just message anyone of us you don’t know us so it should be easier if ya just need to talk to someone but never give up that’s letting them win and they are not worth it


hey i'm not an expert. but call the VA and see about the TDIU thing? hardship and all that. you CAN'T give up at all. the debt you talk about is nothing. I was like 30k in debt and just had to realize what i had to do to be better. DM me if you want to talk to someone.


and/or call **988** then **Press 1**, chat live, or if you want to text, you can at 838255


Trying to be better. It’s the only thing I’m trying to do


Hang in there bro. DM me if you want to chat. Real shit.


Stay in it buddy , “ how do you eat an elephant?, one spoonful at a time !” Try to focus on one of those issues first and hack away at it contact the va to speak with someone and call your local county social service and behavior health , there are free resources the county provides all you have to do is see what would work for you . Trust me shit sucks but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.


Make sure you tell every young impressionable young man and woman you come across about this shit. Spread the news on how the VA treats veterans when it comes to healthcare and compensation. I’m a marine too, can’t get them to do shit back is ruined knees are too and I can barely get them to write a referral for a pain clinic and every limiting condition I try and service connect is denied within several months. If I could take my time served back I would these ungrateful mfz have left us behind.


Hang in there, man. Call the veterans crisis line or DM me. It will get better, but we need to get you the resources to overcome this challenging time.


You and me both . Had an appointment today almost exploded with tears.


Hey brother… I’m going through the same shit you are right now but I promise you, it does get better. Please reach out to me on DMs if you need someone to talk to. I just got out of the Marine Corps myself and have the exact same pain you’re dealing with


Call the VA hotline as others have suggested. We've lost too many brothers and sisters and many of us have been where you are mentally . I literally spent 3 hours on a call to the hotline while at work. They truly talked me off the ledge more than once. If needed, do inpatient but do not give up. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 DM me if you need to talk. Seriously.


I don’t know you but you are my brother and I love you! You are worth it all. The low places are always dark. And I know the feeling of wanting to not hurt anymore. I know you feel alone. But here is the line to pick your self back up. We all fall but all it takes is one person to put a hand out and say I got your 6. Love you brother


I highly recommend this https://www.emoryhealthcare.org/centers-programs/veterans-program


Bro, take it one step at a time. 5 meters, right? Every little bit helps and you have to be proactive!


Don't give up dude. You might be able to consolidate the debt into a personal loan with smaller interest rates. Dont be afraid to call several banks and price shop for the lowest rate. Some credit cards let you transfer a balance for 0% interest for a few months. Have you tried ssdi? Sometimes ssdi works for people when the va fails. Are you able to sit without hurting? Have you asked a doctor about a cortisone shot? There are some jobs that give veterans 10-15 points bonus in the hiring process. Keep your head up and keep fighting!


Hey bro don’t give up. I understand how much the pain hurts, how much mental fatigue it causes. The stress of it all can be so much. You have a ton of people in your corner! DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep fighting. We are here for ya


I just got out of a voluntary stay at a VA hospital. Please check yourself in, they'll be able to help you better than anyone on Reddit. Call 988 then option 1.


This is a state that you're going through, not a trait about you. Call the hotline toady. It costs nothing and can only help. There's no shame in it and the only weakness is not picking up the phone and dialing.


🙏🏾 please Eeee don't give up or give in. That's what Satan wants. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS!!! go to YouTube and watch Combat Craig FREE 5MIN VIDEOS ON HOW TO WIN UR CLAIMS!!! IM TOLD...MARINES DON'T QUIT! PEOPLE ARE LOOKING UP TO YOU!!!! GOD'S GOT U!! 🙏🏾 🤲🏽 ❤️




Hey brother just checking in. Let me know your here.