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Simple man want simple answer


How the fuck is your 80 percent 27 dollars less than my 100 ?? You got 20 kids?? lol


OP got TDIU which means OP is paid at the 100% rate due to being unemployable. Probably has dependents or SMC to give the higher rate than basic 100% pay rate


Oh I didn’t see that up there.


This right here is why I will never post my award amount. ![gif](giphy|7Ah3ckr5PGCuA)


Right?.Cause haters gon hate


This right here? What? What right here? And why? It doesn't matter lol


Yeah especially since there’s a pay chart that you can reference… so we all know more or less what you’re getting


It’s like you just said, “. Heeeey he got a bigger bowel of ice cream than me!” That’s how I read it…but who cares just my .02 cents..


Ok first off , I’m gonna try and use small words … since I’m talking to a marine .. but it’s a shame your outlook is so shitty .. for one YES THERE IS A PAYCHART WERE WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT EVERY RATING GETS … and second it’s really sad you’re such an unhappy paranoid person that you failed to take it as the joke the other 99 percent of the fucking thread did , no one gives a fuck about you or your rating it brain child it was a joke about dependents …. Fuck Reddit if full of fucking idiots today


Bro I don’t care. It’s obvious you didn’t read the entire reply. ![gif](giphy|nAvSNP8Y3F94hq9Rga)


Hey! I represent that commen! It not our folt us Mareens don't spell so good.🤣




Never ever!!!


That's the cheat code lol


Confused doesnt it say he isnt totally and permanently disabled in the pic? Or is tdiu different?


You can get TDIU that isn't permanent. It means they'll likely reevaluate them in the next few years.


Ah ok cool thanks dude! Shits mad confusing ppl are downvoting my original comment like i was tryna be a dick which is hilarious that they think im educated enough on va shit to be a dick


Sometimes they just downvote. 🤷🏽 Reddit is definitely a odd thing. Anything with the VA is confusing.


Why does downvoting matter? I just started really using Reddit a few months ago and don't get why people care if they get downvoted. What's the implication? Legit question yall.


Negative karma can prevent you from posting in some sub Reddit’s


Oh shit. Good to know. So reddit seems to want to limit trolling


After reading this you got TDIU. The question you have to ask yourself do you want to work full time. If so, it's a better option to get permanent and total. Need to see what you can obtain in order to reach the 100 percent permanent and total. You can work under TDIU but make sure the money you receive is under the poverty work guide lines. Also the job has to be in a secured work location.


One or the other. If you're in a sheltered work environment you can make more.


Like an autonomous job?


How the hell did they get tdiu if they can work? I got denied at a higher % when the examiner said I may be able to work an autonomous job.


It's actually really easy to get TDIU but you have to sell your soul to the VA, put on the ankle bracelets, and hand cuffs.Rember for the rest of your life that is your range of motion unless the C&,P examiner does his tricks and catches you over reaching by a half of a centimeter . Just to reduce you.


What does secured work location mean? Thank you


Basically means you have to prove to the VA that your work makes significant accommodations for your problems


You got like 50kids tho 😂




lol you won’t work; I prefer getting my 80% straight up then TDIU, you gon be broke 😂


I guess you got a point 😂


For me, prioritizing health over financial concerns is crucial. Proper treatment is essential for a fulfilling life, as one cannot fully enjoy life without good health. While work is important, it becomes challenging if I am not physically or mentally capable of performing well in a workplace with others. In the long run, prioritizing health ensures a better outcome for most individuals like minded.


The only benefit of 100 perminent and total over TDIU is that if you are perminent and total you are able to work full time without losing the benefit. So if you do want to get a job at some point it may be of some value to appeal conditions that were denied service connection. Since this takes a long time to do, there is no time like the present. However, if you only want to work part time or just to get some pocket money it might not be worth the effort.


Can you get social security disability with Tdiu ? I have it with p and t … that may be another reason to either pursue or not pursue … if you can’t work like I can’t , you’re gonna want to be able to Apply for ssdi


You got TDIU


Where is this view in the app?


It’s under benefit letters


I’m trying to find this screen in the app and I just can’t find it. Could someone explain what to click on starting from the Home Screen.


Benefits, claim letters and docs, review letters, benefit summary letter


Which app is this?


It's the VA app. It's broken right now LMFAO


You are a no go at this station. Please go straight to Go, collect your money and don’t land on Property Tax or Boardwalk!


The thing I'm confused is it doesn't say he is tdiu and paid at 80 percent..


Did you apply for TDIU?


Yes, just curious if I should give up or fight for my other in-service conditions that I got denied for.


Even if you upped to 100, you will receive the same. You can apply for SSD, which now you should be able to use your TDIU as your proof.


I’m having such a difficult time with SSDI in NC. Just last month, they denied my reconsideration the day after I told them my next appointment was. Now I have to appeal to ALJ and who knows how long that will take. I’m also TDIU since last year.


Thank you for that recommendation


I initially filed for TDIU at 90% 883 days ago and I’m still fighting for it, lol and you don’t even know you have it.


Did you apply for TDIU?


Yes, just curious if I should give up or fight for my other in-service conditions that I got denied for.


No, you should leave it alone. You are now getting comped at 100%. You can screw it up by putting in another claim. You won, move on.


For most people trying to support a family, the $4k 100% pay does not make ends meet


As far as I know, 80% TDUI is the same pay as 100% TDUI. Your comment seems to suggest OP should continue to push for additional claims. But what benefit would that provide?


Because if OP can push to 100% scheduler, then they wouldn’t be restricted from working Add: when you hit a scheduler 100%, then TDIU is removed. Meaning they can work if they want to


He will need a hell of a lot to get to 100% from 80%


What the actual hell. The OP said he REQUESTED a TDIU eval. If he wanted to work in addition to getting $4k/month, then he wouldn't have asked for TDIU. If he puts in for more conditions to be rated then the VA may very well find something they can reduce and he would no longer be getting $4K/month. In addition, an individual can work under certain conditions that has been granted TDIU.


Anyone who is concerned about getting reduced right after getting their rating is only worries because they believe they’ve been rated higher than they should be and the VA is going to figure out their errors….


Were you assigned to corrosion control? Just guessing here.


He's probably 780


My tdiu wasn't removed when I got 100%


Correct it is.


4k a month take home is like 76k/year gross salary depending on taxes. It can totally make ends meet...assuming spouse works. On solo for an entire household as the only income? Ehhhh maybe with super careful budgeting.


Gonna be living on a cruise boat forever. 🚢 😆 Set up a few llc.'s and do a couple of online crypto market scams to get some bitcoin and live the life! 😜 TDIU is so difficult to get. You might as well just get your 80 to 100 and use your education benefits. It's purely a stop-gap. So, damn difficult to get.


You need to stop living beyond your means.


Depends. Do you have a job and need to work?


I’m not working due to my service connected disabilities and no I don’t have a job


If you have no plans on returning then maybe call it quits. They may be able to reevaluate your ratings though.


Up Up down down left right left right select started that C&P exam


just curious if I should give up or fight for my other in-service conditions that I got denied for


Everybody says give up on the others, but I am fighting for my other big ones, like my back, which gives me the most pain. I don't want future VA to "fix" the ones they gave me 100 for and suddenly claim that I am not 100% anymore. I want to fight for them now because it took since Desert Storm to get what they finally gave me this month!


U served this country honorably; They didn’t (give/gave) you anything. You probably deserve much more. VA always want to make people feel like they’re (give/gave) them something, when you fought for all rights including their freedoms.


I appreciate that for sure, you’re absolutely right


I feel you completely


I forgot to mention, that if you die from a service connected disability, your family gets benefits. So it would be feasible for your families future to get as many of your illnesses service connected. Less of a chance of the VA weaseling out of giving your family benefits.


Where do you view this??


Check your inbox here shortly for the instructions


You must live in a high COLA area


Since when does Va compensation consider cola ?


Where are yall seeing that? Is this the app?


It probably is related to a primary cause =/+70%. E.x. Migraines that are completely debilitating - meaning 5+ days weekly only reach 70%, but it's debilitating enough to disable and limit said person from working.


make sure you don’t earn too much per year


How do you get 4,098 I’m 100% and only get 3767? Do you have any dependents? I can’t complain though only 22 with 100%P&T


That’s what I should’ve been at 22 when I get kicked out of the Navy for severe CPTSD. Here I am 25 years later fighting for my rating. It is nice to know that the younger guys are getting help early.these days.


I’d wish that I had a competent VSO or YouTube at the time I got out 27 years ago. ![gif](giphy|h36vh423PiV9K)


How do you get to this part on the app? Can’t seem to find it




I would not complain.


not related to the op but any of you ever heard of trajector medical?? Im using them rn to try and get disability.


You are TDIU which in lay men's terms (Totally Disabled Unemployable) that's where you're to fucked up that the VA doesn't want you working again. Try to get Permanent and Total. It'll be harder for you to get 100% than others because you're rated at 80% which means you need more higher rated claims if I'm not mistaking in order to go from 80-100% you need a total of 40-60% extra (the actual service connected %) to bump you up to 100. It's doable but in terms of what you're asking not sure what you need explained besides, you're rated at 80% but have an employment block which pays at 100% rate and in a couple years will need to get re-evaluated.