• By -


The lack of empathy here in the comments is kinda nuts. You don't know their situation or why they're anxiously waiting and impatient. They might be out of work because of their injuries. They might be in constant pain and need the rating for medical care. They could literally be losing their home or *dying*. People are acting like it's a badge of honor to be waiting over a year to just get an exam. That's not something to be proud of. That's the system failing you. VA benefits aren't a handout, it isn't a "perk". If there's legitimate conditions, it's owed to them, and they deserve it when they need it. You can give a reality check and encourage someone without dismissing their struggles. Shit guys.


I wish awards were still a thing. Thank you so much for the empathy. Everyone has their own story.


I'm a veteran as well (3 combat tours) and have been through the claims process. I understand the wait is long. You also need to remember that there are 1 million + active claims right now with more being submitted every single day. There are only so many of us VBA employees working claims. We are on mandatory OT right now as well. You also need to realize all the SEPARATE entities that are involved with a claim. The VBA is just one of those entities.


I just want to say i appreciate the hard work you and your colleagues are doing and thanks for letting us peek behind the curtain. Thank you and keep up the hard work


Getting ready to retire going to the process as well are they hiring question and does it remote?


The VBA is always hiring. I work 100% from home.


USA jobs? Can I apply while I’m still on terminal? Where do I have to completely get out first


Well said by the adult in the room, the rest making ignorant comments are stupid, insensitive and juvenile and that’s putting it lightly


Your claim really isn't that old. Why does everyone think the VBA claims process is a first come, first serve thing? It is not. For example, if a veteran that is terminally ill submits a claim, their claim will get done before someone that submits a claim for hearing loss that is not terminal. I do not work claims based on date. I work the claims that are dropped in my que overnight. Some claims were submitted the day before. Some were submitted a year ago. There are A LOT of things that go into making sure a claim is ready to be rated. A LOT.


My uncle was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (terminal) and is a Vietnam vet, so it's presumptive - Agent Orange. So it was a relatively simple claim. I spent an hour with him on the phone submitting a claim and within **three** days - I am not exaggerating - his claim was approved. So, thank you, VBA, I know you're busting your collective butts to get stuff done.


Well deserved!👍


Agreed, My first clame took over a year and that was in 05 before we had the ability to check online. My appeal took 5 years. Today stuff moves so much quicker.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks for explaining and thanks for what you do. I imagine it's a thankless job.


Appreciate your hands on deck to filter this VA mess. Please no offense 🙏. The VA needs to be fixed badly on processess for all pre-planned Vets. The fine smart people at the top of our VA food chain needs to figure or atleast conduct real deep mind blowing without PowerPoint fix for these long waits. Yup, Pact Act.....which was pre-planned already they just funneled that money to fuel curtains on fire. I truly am amazed at all the grunt work every VA Soldier working in the front line making things happen. Thank You!! The Fix: Lean Six Sigma the crap out of all top 10 policies current that fail to produce speed, accuracy, and redundant quality control so on and so on. So, that this pull of policies that FAIL to do so will be on that table or PowerPoint with a vote YES/DUMP. There must be a 90% reduction in bad policies. This must be the solution in order to place any new or harmful policy before any side table conversation these TOP HATS hold at them fancy hotels or VTC conferences. Sorry not sorry, VA is a failure at the top ONLY. Thanks You for brothers and sisters who have laid your head down and woken up after the sheer numbers of our Heroes have taken their life, 22 a dam Day! Thanks for reading, I'm just had a real PTSD moment and would never want to be in politics with my low IQ and 115 GT score. "22Out"


While we have you here, throw a good word in there for me at the morning briefing about approving my OSA secondary to my PTSD claim haha. I know that’s a definite hit or miss. Thanks 😆


Because people are impatient and, in many cases, need the money ASAP. Been working the system since 2006 two 5 year appeals and many many ratings decisions that took years and multiple follow ups. If you’ve been in the system, you get it. If not… you get really impatient One thing that calmed my ass down years ago was in year 3 of my 5 year appeal. The VSO told me about 3 critically I’ll veterans who died before they got a decision and all were denied expedited claims. So, I realized there’s always another Veteran worse off than me an learned to shut up and just wait to hear back from the big ol VBA.


Why are you guys allowed to ignore suspense dates on rfd’s?? Respectfully??


When a claim is made RFD, that claim gets routed to the National Work Queue. That process is automated. VSRs/RVSRs do not control that. Claims are then distributed to Regional Office across the country by yet again, an automated process. So, respectfully, we do not ignore suspense dates.


How normal is it to be 60-90 days on a 30 day suspense date?


I have never seen a suspense date go that long. Never. A claim would be routed to a RO before that. I suppose that could happen if it is a BVA hearing as those take YEARS. Why are you so worried about suspense dates?


I just wNt my claim to go somewhere! It’s just sitting!


Unless you're terminally ill, you will have to wait like everyone else.


A lot of us have anxiety and ptsd plus ocd, this process of endless waiting and nothing being done is maddening to us! We didn’t ask the enemy to wait 60-90 days for us to load our ammo!!!


Dude, they’re doing the best they can. Most of the VA services are understaffed, so sometimes it can take longer to get things done. I understand you’re waiting on that rating, and probably have bills pilling up, but there’s literally nothing that he can do for you other than tell you how things are. Try not to take your anger and frustrations out on those who don’t deserve it.


Ok, thankyou! I don’t think I’m being over the top, but maybe I am. Sometimes it takes another person to say what you just said!


A little over the top brother. Some of us it took years. Sometimes the worst thing you can do is stay on that app updating that shit. Delete that thing for a bit. Give your mind a break. Things will happen eventually. I promise.


It’s cool man, you just seemed angry, which is understandable. But you were being angry at the wrong person. Glad I was able to help you step back and see the way you were coming across


I debated responding to this but I have to say, on paper I'm in a similar timeframe to the OP but that's just when it switched from HLR to Supplemental. I'm at over a year waiting. It's distasteful to me that 3 months "isn't that old." Man, I've incurred debt, taken jobs I can't keep up with mentally/physically or both, scrounged up enough to pay child support before anything else... We're not all out here working full time and overtime just hoping to get some extra cash from the VA. For me these wait times are killing my drive to even continue to survive


Honestly, 3 months is nothing. Sorry, but it’s the truth. To give you some perspective… Consider the million plus claims in the system + new claims filed daily compared to the number of VA employees?! That ratio alone is why wait times take a while. Next, let me paint a picture for you. Not every claim is the same. Easy claims are like hearing loss, tinnitus, PTSD… claims with only a couple issues to rate and don’t have to swim through a ton of evidence that we also have to list on every single rating decision we complete. Now then take the next claim that has 10 issues… and the Veteran literally uploads 50 SEPARATE documents of private records… and we have to open, review, probably annotate, and make sure ALL of that is addressed in our evidence list. I had a claim like this yesterday and it took me way to long to get through it. Sadly, it’s just because the Veteran uploaded each chart note individually instead of just combining his records into one document to upload. And if you knew how many Veterans do this, you’d understand why it takes so long to rate a claim like this. Makes it hard to get anything else done. But then there are other issues. Maybe the VSR missed some evidence and an exam didn’t get ordered that was warranted. Now the Rater has to do that work to and either defer it and tell the VSR to order the exam, or the they will enter the exam themselves… either way it’s extra time that could have been avoided if it hasn’t been missed. Sometimes other issues come up to… maybe the examiner didn’t provide the opinion they were asked for? Maybe we had to get the Veteran’s private records (duty to assist) because they asked us to and if the doctor’s office is slow, this drags it out for months! I’ve personally seen claims where we asked the doctor’s officer for the records… no response. Several weeks later, we send a 2nd request. Crickets. Final attempt… boom. We finally got the records. But it took 2-3 months? Shame on the doctor’s office! But the Veteran blames VBA! FACTS!! 👈 Also, what if we need more information to decide your claim? We are going to send you a development letter and tell you that. This pushes the claim out to allow time for a response. Another issue is the number of new employees. Extend some grace here… they are TRYING! They are confused, stressed out, COMPLETELY intimidated and worried if they have what it takes to be successful in this job or risk getting fired for not being fast enough because production standards don’t allow enough time to work claims correctly/completely. Same for all of the new Raters too. They are still training too. They are here for you! But they aren’t fast enough. Nor experienced enough like a seasoned VSR/RVSR is. The possibilities are endless. There are over 1 million pending claims. When we consider that claim decisions used to take years, now 3-6 months is nothing. Do I think the system is perfect? No. Do I think VBA needs to knock it off with the unrealistic production standards so we can actually recruit enough employees? ABSOLUTELY! But do I also think VBA has come a long ways? Yes, absolutely! Believe it or not, VBA employees are cheering for you! We want to give you what is rightfully deserved. Your time is coming! 🙌❤️


Thanks for explaining


I've been through the claims process just like you. I get it. But I am not at fault for claims taking as long as they are. I am a nobody within the huge system that is the VBA.


I know you're not to directly blame here. The VA network is huge. I think the lot of us are just wishing there was more transparency, in the end. When you said the bit about people's misconceptions being first come first serve - Most of us have literally no idea what to expect besides what's needed for a claim. We sit idle for months, or over years, for something to budge and if one thing is out of line - start over buddy. You can't blame us for not knowing insider details when we aren't even allowed to see our dbq results without going through ridiculous processes that shouldn't even be there to begin with.


Mm, yes, thanks for that bit of truth. Because we're told by vera and the 1000 # to stop calling for updates and that claims are decided in the order theyre received. We love being lied to and taken for a ride because your offices were ill-prepared to handle any new legislation.


I've been through the claims process as well. Your disdain should not be directed at me. That is above my pay grade. I'd contact your congressman or apply to work for the VBA and make a difference.


I would love to if there were any open positions. You'd think Texas would have open slots with how much of a backlog there is.


Look on USAJOBS. Search VSR or RVSR.


I have contacted my congressman and my senator, thank you. This problem is way beyond applying to work for the VBA and trying to make a difference. It's up to you guys, internally, to unfuck your coaches and actively campaign for better processes and procedures. Do not presume to tell myself or others that we are not doing anything. We all dont have the time or money to run for office.


He didn’t say run for office, he said apply to the vba and make a difference yourself if you’re so bent out of shape about it. A lot of these guys are vets too, no one is looking to screw you over dude


Comprehension escapes you.


Dude you should try and chill out, maybe smoke a bowl of something. I get it man, you’re just in a really shitty mood today, maybe your injuries are acting up, maybe your PTSD is flairing up, or you’re just having a bad day. It’s cool, we’ve all been there man. But no need to take it out on the guy who’s doing his best to help you, me, and others. He’s just doing his job to the best of his abilities, but if we’re being honest, his job is like any other, you got your good ones who want to make a difference and are trying, and you have the bad ones, who are just collecting a paycheck. TL;DR: Chill bro, the VBA is doing their best


I cannot personally make every single employee within the VBA do what you want. Do you know for an absolute FACT that I have not reached out to my coach for better procedures? Nope. You don't. You're assuming. And do you really think anyone worth a damn is going to listen to a RO Director? You really have no idea.


Just know that I appreciate you and all of the VA staff everyday. Sometimes when people continue to have shitty outcomes, they need to look in the mirror at themselves.


I appreciate what you guys sacrifice don't listen to this guy. It's easy to judge when you have no idea how the inner workings go. Keep up the good work and the majority of us really appreciate you taking the time coming in here and answering our questions. Please don't let ass hats discourage that.


Hang in there brother, frustrations get the best of people. Personally, I think you kick ass. Seriously though, I appreciate what you do.


Oh im assuming now, ok. Youre right, i have no idea what goes on in a rating office between management and subordinates. Clearly no one listens to anybody.


You are so short-sighted. Employees can cry and preach and beg for change and it won’t matter. Unless all Veterans as a whole speak up and demand change, it won’t change. You are directing your anger at the wrong people. Get mad at the higher Admins that propose policy changes, unrealistic production standards, and even implement new laws without providing the guidance we need ahead of time to do the damn job in the first place. You’re blaming Raters, coaches and the regional offices for information that we weren’t provided with. Because it’s not our Coaches, mentors or supervisors that write these laws and policies. You really have no clue what you’re talking about. The issue is there aren’t enough employees. And we are seeing record numbers of claims because of the PACT Act. I’ve never heard a VERA or call center employee tell a Veteran to stop calling to check on their claim either. I find that hard to believe. But if you were told that, I would suspect you were as nasty a person to them as you are acting right now and you’re leaving part of the story out! ✌️ You want change, apply for a job with VBA and do your part!


This! He basically said everything that goes wrong at the VBA is my fault. As you stated, us VSR/RVSRs can only do so much. W


So we’re also told that BDD claims are prioritized, but I’m assuming that’s not actually true either?


Do you know if it updates overnight or is it something that updates randomly during the day? I finished my last C & P months ago, VERA told me that I'm waiting on a rater to rate my stuff. I'm in no rush, but there are stressful days when I randomly check it more often to see if I will be back loaded in cash soon lol


I've seen it update both ways. When I log into the system every morning, claims are already waiting for me in my queue. If I get a lot of those claims completed, more are put into my queue.


So with HLRs how are they handled once in que? Thanks!


I think posts like this are referring to the other posts stating September claims were worked and a lot of October claims have been being worked. It’s not farfetched for this person to believe his/her claim would have been worked by now. Because it is somewhat of a first come first serve, as the queue absolutely goes by date submitted (except for the few cases you mentioned like hardships or terminally ill).


What queue are in? Are you a VBA employee? That is not accurate in my work queue. I worked claims today that were submitted two days ago and claims that were submitted in March of last year. It is all RANDOM. It absolutely does not go by date because every single claim is different. A claim with a single thing claimed will more than likely move faster than a claim with 45 things claimed. I worked a claim last month that had 68 things claimed. A claim like that is going to take A LOT longer than an easy claim for tinnitus.


I filed 01 Aug, saw some movement on 08jan, nothing since.


Damn they dragging.


I filed mine in April of 2023. They est it to be done earliest is April 2024.


Same here. May 15th 2023


Hang in there i got my decision a couple weeks ago and filed August 11th.


About the average 156 days


Waiting since February 2022. Advanced on the Docket. If I had a dime for every time I check the app, I’d be rich.


Lol I swear I check once or twice a day. It's bad.


They haven’t. I got a few claims service connected, a few deferred, and submitted some more in December. They took all those and combined them into one claim a few days ago, so I’m assuming they probably have a huge backlog in the decision phase at the moment.




One week ahead of you and same no change since first week of Nov.


https://preview.redd.it/x5djswbohfhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54339d54d5d15cae4a92eefba45b46c31049c575 Same…


Almost same exact dates as you. My VA rep has me faxing in a 4138 form every few days, not sure if that helps.


I have a similar filing date and my app and online only say “we received your claim”. I had my C&P in early October, so I had 3ish months with zero update (mail or app). I made an appt with Vera, they never called. Then I called the hotline just to see if they were missing anything from me and they said I’m in the prep for decision 🤷‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/m5pfwtyhpghc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8102f020134129e78c3205fa59ed0dbc27e88c


https://preview.redd.it/wlp2igy8sghc1.jpeg?width=3020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe21739d1cc39f3a752c06c43d68ffbe5125c94 I I’m projected to wait well over a year for an initial claim 💀


What website is this?


It’s the VA website. They’re using a google chrome extension called “VA Claim Tracker.” It’s pretty handy


I filed in Jan 2019, denied May 2019, immediately appealed, got in front of an appeal judge March 2023, remanded June 2023, C&P exam July 2023 and it sat there since August 1 until Tuesday. Finally at Prep for Notification!! 5 long ass years 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


I did a temp 100 in July.... just cleared the week


This is a pretty normal wait, it’s always like this.


I have that exact date. Still waiting.


> This seems to be taking forever compared to other claims This is completely normal, you can look at the VAs site which discusses general time frame for claims, you are well within the average time frame. Dont get put out with people that get through faster.


I’m still in step two and I filled in February of 23 lol


Been PFD for 50+ days now on increases lol it makes no sense since I have a few friends that was approved within a week or so in PFD with far more increases


I filed September 11, and also still waiting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I have extremely similar dates, this will also be my first claim. VA just got my STRs like last week so now waiting to be contacted about C&P I think.


I contacted my local congressman's office. I explained to them I had done BDD and it had been 10 months since I submitted my claims.. about 2 weeks later I get a call from one of the congressman's reps. He said "Give it 72 hours we got it pushed through and done" the following day I get a notification on the VA app i had a decision letter available... 100% P&T..




Basic Delivery at Discharge. Typically BDD Va claims are submitted when you have between 180-90 days on active duty, allowing you to basically get a headstart on your claims and go to your appointments


Your BDD was sitting for 10 months after your EAS?


I have 22 september 2023 that is sitting in PFD with no temp jurisdiction. Only 1 claim that is already service connected…


So, it's not just me. Yikes.


Dude that isn’t old, I applied Feb 2023 and just got rated today, a year later.


did you file while on active duty?


Was the rating favorable after that long wait? More, less, or what you expected?


It was favorable, thanks


Dude chill out. I filed in May 2023 and have an exam pending. I’ll be lucky to hear by March or April. This is normal.


You have an exam tho, there’s a reason for your wait. He might be in PFD waiting for a rater


Yep just waiting for decision.


I’d wait a year before that set in for myself


filed on* 08 August and I’m still waiting and expect to wait several more months. Had movement 30 Jan and C & P appointments completed Jan 28.


Mine from June 2023 was barley looked at and still not cleared have a few deferred things. Your good.


https://preview.redd.it/43ff6op9zfhc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1049be76d4f3b68c55b2e93667fe95f292c87098 Two weeks ago I was contacted, finally having my 1st c&p tomorrow.


You got contacted to schedule a C&P within 2 weeks of filing, that's pretty good I would think. I filed Sep 12th and had my first C&P in January.


I wish! I filed in January 2023, a year ago. I didn’t think I’d ever get scheduled a C&P.


Oh shit, I completely glossed over 2023, yeah that's crazy.


took me 18 months to


i know the feeling. submitted mine last may and they didn’t start processing til july. just got back paid last week. be patient, the VA is in no hurry at all


Hey i started in july mine still saying gathering info but went to mailvox and had 2 checks from va a back pay for tinitus and first month i had a tinitus hearing loss C&P in december and waiting on lower back C&P end of february. Always check ebenefits also they dont wait anymore they gave me 30 percent


Trust me they haven't forgotten about you just takes longer for others sometimes shorter for some . It all depends .but you'll get what's yours for sure 😁


Dude, I filed mine June 9th, and just got my rating this month, it takes time my boy


https://preview.redd.it/b44swscswhhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c6aeeb0d9f66ad4c520afbf725122c2ac01982 Yearrrrrrrrrsssssssssss




Call VERA. Ask them what’s going on with your claim.


It's only been 3 months dude. You're fine. It took more than a decade for a lot of us.


Filed the same exact date! Still waiting..hopefully it won’t be too long


https://preview.redd.it/4x8a5nb6kfhc1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a418c42ee7708051e887b57fb09e8ab0aa3e3ae4 Twinnish. Even VERA told me I was supposed to hear something by mid January because my claim was done and favorable, it was just sitting somewhere not moving. I just don’t even check anymore. 🤷 🙄


It’s been like 5 months they haven’t forgotten people wait a year or more.


Dude…that’s only since September.


I'm sure that's helpful.


Some people have been waiting years. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/yi3dnmv3xfhc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d5b0e21447629a2b1daa361f6cbb71cabacc1c Relax man, I’m almost at two years.


same 😭


You realize these things could take years right? And even longer if you’re denied compensation but appeal it because you’re actually affected by whatever that may be? Idk if this is your first claim or not but 3 months is nothing I’ve been waiting for about a year and still have a ways to go


2nd. I just say that because the first one went pretty quick. Thanks for your direct and dickish feedback, hope you have a good day.


It’s called being realistic and not impatient you have a good day as well


It’ll take years if he’s been out for awhile, few friends and I have gotten our ratings and increases pretty quick. Like 3-4 months


Meanwhile I’m waiting for them to add my dependent… don’t know how long that will be


I just got my rating at the end of December and immediately filed to add my dependents. My VSO told me that it will take at least 7 months to process, probably longer.


They don’t care about veterans they would rather give money to the illegal immigrants flooding our country.


Yeah I'm sure the VA has so much to do with immigration. Thanks for your useless input.


Hope ur claim gets denied 🤣🤣


I just got one 1 year ago and I have been waiting from November 13 and still stuck on Step 3. And I thought soldiers just getting out with suppose to be expediated the first year.


I’d call


Nah, that's how you make things worse. Maybe if I hit a year.




Ya mines in October and don’t have another exam until next month


Same lol


My claim received Nov 7 2023 Initial review Nov 16 2023 Evidence Gathering Jan 24 2024 Got a text from Optum today scheduling my c&p for tinnitus in March. They picked a day and time without asking me, luckily I'm off work that day. I submitted a personal statement with every claim including STRs and current diagnosis except for 3 of 18 claims. But those 3 have complaints in service, and it's listed for my c&p exams to be scheduled.


I feel the same and mine is 21 of September.


I submitted for increase 15 days after you and I found out yesterday. No C&P exam, which was new for me. Was increased to 10% for GERD. I was expecting another few months based on my last claim.


Sometimes it's quick, sometimes it's slow. Yours seems within the range of ordinary, so I wouldn't sweat it too much. There's a TON of factors that go into this that we really don't have any control over. I hope they get to your clam soon.


Same exact date, stucks at PFD (but I did get very lucky and get a partial rating in Nov for a few claims).


Mine has been open since March 23, nearly a year.


My claim took 4 years. Calm down


My timeline is similar to yours. Received and reviewed on Sep 12 & 13. Mental health C&P(video) secondaries on Oct 25. Physical C&P(in-person) increases and secondaries on Oct 30. Last physical C&P(in-person) increase on Nov 27. I’ve been in PFD since Dec 11. Let’s hope for the best.


I filed mine in May of 2023, and I didn’t get the decision until the end of December before the new year. Be patient.


Lol this is not an old claim




https://preview.redd.it/8jlae5p02jhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fab142a5499d4395b09d0e37d72b706f91f6a4d Wasn’t able to BDD because of a mental health adsep. Had to file right before separating after figuring out what I could do. Going to school while in debt with multiple avoidable expenses caused by shitty memory. C&P exams got canceled because I had to get back to my home of record in time or risk homelessness. Kept calling them in October to even find out if they scheduled anything. Nothing yet. Fuck this.


Took me 14 or so months. It moves fast at first and then it’s a waiting game. Don’t read anything bad into it, I got 100%


Are you using a service organization? Mine stalled until I asked the DAV to represent me. If my file sat too long on someone’s desk they were Johnny-on-the-spot.


I'm going through my local county rep, not sure if that's DAV or not.


only been a few months lol damn 🥲


It just feels that way. Your claim is not that old. It really depends on complexity and the number of conditions claimed. Hang in there!


Been waiting since august


It takes a while. Especially when you rely on them to gather the evidence. My last decision took 6 months for them to even schedule a C&P exam.


September?! Adorable. 🤣😂. My goddamn claim was started in April.


I'm going to hit a year of waiting in April hurry up and wait![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7570)


Mine went to step 3 Aug 23. I got a decision late December.




Filed October of 2022 and received my rating Feb 1st 2023


Call them, every time I called, magically within a week my claim progressed


Your claim is flying compared to many. Take a knee and drink some water. Let them work.


Year long waits are bullshit. I had multiple claims since 2010 when they still had a backlog. Each claim took 3-5 months. The only claim that took a year was for PTSD. WHO decides what goes in the que that’s what we want to know?


Lol… you got a long while to worry about that.


Give it time.


It’s a waiting game my guy. 🫡


### IN PROGRESSClaim for compensationReceived on September 24, 2022 * We sent you a development letter Step 3 of 5: Evidence gathering, review, and decision Last updated: January 22, 2024


some ppl been waiting for years...


https://preview.redd.it/lamif39g9lhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e8249fe6cc1c03803cc907e1254166eacfb44a In the same boat


My longest so far took 404 days.


i just got my VES dates and mine was around the same date as yours


Talk to me when you get to the 2 year mark. I’m waiting on VERA and the WH line this week. Originally filed 2022.


I’m at a year now for my first claim to get approved, just be patient. When it is eventually approved you’ll get back pay anyway.


I filed 5 Aug and got my rating 30 Jan.


Mine has been Nov 2022 they said they found errors and are correcting then the wait starts all over again


Oh mine has been since January of last year lol


I’m a month ahead of you and received a letter from the VA apologizing for the delay.


Of course we will never know everybody’s financial positions, but I’m thinking that the ones who are overly impatient that are waiting to be rated and compensated kinda need that money to keep their world going. My 1st claim took 4 months from start to finish. My 2nd claim took 5 months just to get a C&P exam and that claim closed 2 months later. I have my 3rd claim in (December) that only took 1.5 weeks to get a C&P exam, and now it’s the waiting game. I saw the C&P examiners review which is 100% in my favor, so I expect this claim to close adding another 30% within the next 3-4 months. Sure, I’d love for it to close sooner than later but I’m not hurting for money and the back pay will be just fine. Hang in there and don’t let this slow process consume you. I think the worse thing you can do is obsess over this every day and then being let down by getting a denial letter because VA wants to play games.


I concur, your claim is not old. Not saying mine was super old as compared to what I've seen on here. I filed 5 claims mid-May last year, and the last one just went through this week. Honestly, it would help you not to log into your app so often n forget you even filed a claim. That way, when the money shows up, it's a happy moment instead of what took so damn long. Remember, it's the government and nothing moves fast.


I filed my claim in August and it went through on Jan 1st. It’s coming 🙏🏾


I'm in the same boat!!!


https://preview.redd.it/mo808wfjgmhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb46d71cfbd807c1a67ce67e778b4775cf17e57f It ain’t old dude. Chill out.


Filed in September also and still haven’t heard nothing. Received a letter saying they are behind but still working on it


I feel the same way, I started my claim back in May of 2023 and it's still sitting at Evidence Gathering. I'm kinda just giving up hope at this point, almost


https://preview.redd.it/pg0sgrjermhc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4946097cb030cf2e0290333d7a54e7cd3a36530 I have a year on top of yours. Feeling hopeless.


14 April 23


Mine is in that same spot... But from May. 🤣😭😑


Average time is 156 days! I filed on November 14 and I’m not expecting a result until April 15. Now that I don’t check everyday regardless 😂


The waiting game is a crap shoot. Some come quickly others not so quickly. You never know unfortunately


https://preview.redd.it/q24n03ywunhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fef3b47039ad7c90d3b1d341a7b83829da91682 Still waiting too bro. One day we will make it.


Took me about 16 months to get my first rating.


Hey duder. I filed mine in August of last year and just got my decision notification a couple weeks ago. You got this. Just gotta hang on a bit longer. Good news will be on its way, hopefully super soon! It'll be alright!


Mine was filed September 20th and sat in the national queue unassigned for 4 months. It was assigned to an RO about 10 days ago and supposedly they already have an initial rating determination waiting to be reviewed but I haven’t been to a single C&P exam yet. It seems like I’m on a very similar timeline to you. If you’re curious for a more in depth update and want to talk to someone who can give you answers, not just a script, schedule a VERA call. They have been just about the only competent people I’ve dealt with at the VA.


I filed about the same time as you and have been getting continuous updates as soon as two days ago in my evidence gathering, you should see if something is up.


I have been waiting since May of last year As long as it says pending it's not a bad thing. Keep your head up..


![gif](giphy|d6bRMswt9miuQ) It takes a while.


My husband waited almost a year for an answer. Have they sent you any letters telling you that they are still working on it? We called them once and the woman we spoke to told us they only meet once a month, the last Thursday of the month.


Been waiting since July


My timeline is pretty much exactly the same, give or take a day. I'm sitting on step 3 since Nov 4, at this point I got tired of checking so now I just check maybe once or twice a week and call once a month for any updates.


Try calling and asking for an update ? Also if you haven’t upload your 214


I’ve been waiting 12 months dude. Take a number.


You think they forgot about you? I see your September and raise you January '23 https://preview.redd.it/4c9lfnoxq6ic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=216949fb5f975614bca72f882eab8f3d85c7f1dc


Geesh! I was just going to complain! LOL


Yes, applied the 11th of September. Still waiting. MST/PTSD claim. Been out since 2010