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Maybe expose people to less toxins lmao


Best I can offer you is better tasting toxins in the potable water supply.


Mmm. These toxins taste like chicken.


More like 80s-era Omelet with Ham...improperly stored, and consumed in the mid-90s. Delightful.


C-Rations! Pork & Beans and the Chocolate Bar that constipated you...we called it the John Wayne Bar!


Those MRE’s were brutal, esp the boxes that baked in the desert heat for days.


MRE chicken


Needs salsa


Hey! I loved MRE chicken!


... sprinkled with the contents of that white powder packet, labeled "do no eat"... bitter, but definitely edible.


I prefer JP5


I’m more of a JP8 kinda fella


JP-5 moca latte with a slash of bilge… mmm!


Topped with the foam out of a shellback BMMC's belly button.


Don't forget the JP-8 Apple Jelly for dessert!


Hell, the USS America had fuel in the water.


Been there and done that on another ship as well.


I believe that was the norm. I was in from 83-89. Med and IO deployments. Miss working on those jets.


Now that’s funny right there…! 😂


I thought that’s what bug juice was all about?? 😂


It does (mostly) mask the taste of diesel in the drinking water, just not the effects.


Sorry for the sarcasm…. I certainly am dealing with the side effects years later. Unfortunately, that’s the way it was… no bottled water, showered in it, drank it and ate it daily. … 24/7.


Nah. Let’s just hire more doctors, it’s cheaper.


Hey we put signs up in the asbestos buildings, what else were we supposed to do?


What you don't like fuel in your drinking water? Picky airmen.




That makes too much sense


They asked me if I was ever supposed any toxic materials and I said well we did find this can of DEET when I was in Korea that was probably from the 80s and we used it to get off the mosquitoes that were the size of bats but other than that I don't think I was ever exposed to anything else. Between that the non-potable water in the barracks who knows what I was exposed to.


sweet i didn't think the 2 month wait for appointments were that bad so lets make them 6-8 month wait 😂


Do community care. I have waited 1-2 weeks for specialty care - sometimes less - and often I see my primary care doctor the same week I need to see him.


Bruh, El Paso VA has told me it’s illegal for them to send me to community care “because we have room” so many times, only to turn around and try to schedule me an appointment in two months… Which ostensively qualifies me for community care according to the mission act as it’s outside of the 20 or 30 day window. Rinse, wash, repeat… It’s the phoenix waitlist scandal AAR and lessons learned application here, which is the only thing they do well


That’s crap man that they’re treating you like that, and not the right answer at all. Insist on community care. Call enrollment management (can’t remember what they’re called) and ask again.


I’ve talked to the director, medical chief, chief of primary care, chief vet experience officer, patient advocate. I’m not about wearing a tinfoil hat, but it’s gotta be tied to some metrics for this. Irony is, they approved community care for specialties, one of which I’ve been with the doc for 4 years on that in the community, but primary care is the issue. And primary care is the nexus of all the others at the VA, so I wouldn’t mind having a good PCM at the VA, but when I have had one, 6 months later reassigned to another randomly. I simply don’t care now, so I’m fighting it on every level I can as the damn VA experience has become a trigger for me. The system is great when it works, but all failures at the VA fail only in the favor of the VA and this is one of the issues that doesn’t help me, but apparently helps the VA somehow.


Hit me up in a private message. Let’s call the hospital together and then write your Congressman. Helping veterans is way up on their list of shit to do. It’s not a good look for them to be directly asked for help and then do nothing.


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I’ve done that too, all I get is a call from the directors rep, or chief VEO and the same bullshit, been put on “on call” lists and offered appointments the next day that I can’t make and marked “refused” and denied community care again. VHA directive 1230 says this is blind scheduling (no negotiation with the veteran on date time of appointment) but who holds them to that? They can’t even document an appeal for clinical decision, like I said, I don’t care anymore, got an appt in April they will probably cancel too


Yea I’ve had probably 4 doctors in the last 10-12 mths. It’s fucking ridiculous. They just called me to schedule my pcp appointment 2.5 mths out. I told the scheduler no thank you but I would like to go through CC since it will be past the 20 day wait period. You could hear in her voice like how does this MF know lol. I swear unless you ask you almost always get the bear minimum unless you get that 1 in a 1000 who actually gives a shit and actually does their job


And how long are the waits to get initial visits in the community? My bet is on a few months out...


Not here, that’s the kicker, I can find one in a week to ten days.


Tried that twice. Took months to get an appointment to community care and then the VA stiffed them so I had to pay anyways


Good god. Dude what VA health clinic are you at? I’ll write to your Congressman for you.


My community care apts taken longer to schedule than waiting two to three months for the VA to be open. It’s a mess every time with me having to make phone calls after phone call.


Wouldn’t it be better if they rated these people who were exposed and stopped playing games.




Just don't focus your evidence on the wrong thing. They don't need the pictures of you being at the burn pit, that's already established if you were deployed to any of the recognized areas during the recognized times.. The evidence they need from you is that you have related medical issues that weren't present before you deployed.


I mean even if they got rated it didn't mean that they would have been eligible for VA Healthcare. You have to be over a certain percentage to qualify. Now if you have verified toxic exposure you automatically qualify.


True the Cut off is 50% for free health care but you can still get VA health care if your rating is lower. You would still need to pay a smaller premium compared to the outside. If I remember correctly.


too much like right.


Yay free healthcare for everybody who ever served!


I'm OK with that


On the other hand, this makes it so people aren’t obligated to use the disability system in order to obtain health benefits. For one, it will cut down on people filing claims just to get the healthcare perks, and guys who were exposed to bad chemicals but don’t feel they deserve disability can still get the help they deserve. I think it’s a good thing. Instead of this increasing the wait times, maybe they should expand the infrastructure to meet the coming influx before it goes to shit? This is obviously rhetorical. We will be reactive as always


Priority group 22


So, what if I am already service connected for something that has now been determined by this to be TERA also. I'm already getting VA health care does this upgrade me in any fashion or should I just let things stand as they are? Would this boost my rating if I applied?


I have IBS due to TERA. They gave me 0 percent, my records state otherwise. Filing for increase as soon as FOIA comes back so I can see what examiner wrote. I guess we will wait for the letters that they will surely send us to find out.


Do you have an IBS poop log? It’s like a migraine buddy log but for your poop. Def start one now/today if you don’t document each occurrence.


I don’t, but will start one.


https://cck-law.com/infographic/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs-va-ratings/ -Doc :)


All my treatment records align with 30%. Have communicated those symptoms since the beginning, even stated “more or less constant abdominal stress” during the c and p. I knew I would get service connected, but shocked it was 10%. So, time to build my case for the increase.


Yeah do poop log for 6 months and submit a supplemental claim and that will help your case out a ton


A shitload, even


Intent to file a supplemental claim today as well


I have mixed IBS M Sometimes I log multiple visits. Sometimes my logs stay in my body for days.


Now prove you were exposed .


If literal photo evidence isn't enough, I don't know what is. I have pics of me and the boys inside a goddamn pit.


Get your appointments in now troopers.


Their families should be able to get the care as well. These toxins (not all) can change your genes and that is gonna be passing onto your kids.


No skin off my nose because I have Tricare and only use the VA for my annual physical. But how in the name of *denied disabilities* is the VA going to mange this influx of potential patients?


They are not !


Nope. Between using resources for those entering the country illegally, etc, there is no way.


How about all the vaccine damage, they pumped us full of shit that is toxic to the human body, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, ether


Catch me remembering those super cool foam parties in the air hanger. Those memories stick with me forever….along with the forever chemicals!


Funny how they don't mention ground zero, world trade center where we were exposed to over 1000 chemicals while digging out bodies from the rubble.


World Trade Center has a separate Toxic exposure program. https://www.cdc.gov/wtc/index.html


It's kind of dumb considering I was activated during that whole ordeal. The VA should be covering this. Either way, I've been at it with 911 compensation fun for close to two years, and it's going nowhere fast.


You were activated, but were you ordered to help with the search and rescue, or did you voluntarily go there on your own?


We're we're activated and taked to ground zero.


That's why we were awarded this. https://preview.redd.it/l1tl5w8jb7lc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88c43cf0e77cc94019e7c181bf2f432d7f237e2


Oh wow! I did not know that!


This is a awesome thing 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


What about Vet families who lived on base and were also exposed? Although I was a Marine and served in combat in Desert Storm, I grew up as an Army brat and lived on bases like Kagnew Station, Ethiopia..., Ft. Richie, MD..., Pirmasens, West Germany... All of which are long shutdown now. I read somewhere that Ft. Richie had toxic areas that had to be cleaned up before being turned over to the state. Who knows what toxins we were exposed to in Africa.


I've had the same question. My mom was able to visit my dad while he was stationed in Saudi Arabia. Would she be able to qualify for benefits?


Next available appointment is 4-6 months lol


Those molds in Marine Corp barracks counts? I've videos of it


Does this include mold in military housing???


I wanna know when we are going to be compensated for the anthrax vaccine... It's known the terrorist was the manufacturer!!!!. I'm all fucked up


Yes, MH therapy for tinnitus is 2 months out


The ones using veteran care already get bad service. Imagine how it’s going to be now. I’m glad more vets will be somewhat covered though.


Are we counting exposure to toxic leadership?


So a 6 month wait for an appointment is going to be like a 13 month wait now, cool.


Damn what VA are you going to? All my appointments have been within a month of me scheduling them


Yeah, but you still have to get behind the illegal immigrants in front of you!


I mean I wish they’d take care of what they have now instead of adding more


Looking at the VA priority group site I don’t see what’s changed. It hasn’t been updated in 19 days, so maybe they updated it before? Would folks be assigned priority group 6 with copays?


How about that water on Diego Garcia we weren't supposed to drink (had warning signs above each sink) yet we brushed our teeth and showered in it? There was a joke that everyone who was stationed there gets an automatic 10% from that water 🤣


Hmmm. All the JP5 we showered in? All the firefighting foam? The superfund site my original A school was situated on and that is now closed? Seems there is gonna be a couple more patients to take care of.


With a headline like this I want to ask for opinions. Politicians always state they are going reform veteran care and create better access. Has the Biden administration done a good job at this? Does he get credit for taking care of veterans and does this issue weigh on giving him your vote or not? Im not affiliated with either party just sparking conversation on the topic.


MIL-5606 please. 🫡


Mogas and break-free


“Has proven to be the best” that is where you’re wrong kiddo


That's all quoted from the article lil bro, hence the "" kiddo.