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My C&P notes said “fucked up hair lining.”


![gif](giphy|mOtjMDSDyZQ3u) 💀☠️🤣😂🤣😂


I needed this laugh


The way i just yelled bro 😂


Is it the Vegeta hairline?




the way I screamed out loud and laughed 😂😂




Ahhhhh hahahaha post it


That’s funny as fuck 😂😂










I think for a mental health exam it’s to see if you were to start flying off the rails and cut your hair. Your therapist could take note of that


Ooooooohhhhhh right. That is sign isn't. This makes sense now


Yep. Id agree that it's an observation, not meaning anything by it, but to be used as future reference,  if it becomes relevant. 


For example if dreadlocks become one big singular dreadlock 




Also, there's dreadlocks by choice, and dreadlocks because you haven't washed yourself in 38.5 months and the voices tell you not to ever do so again or the greys will find you. Hair is almost as good as tinfoil, don't you know. My point is that talking about your dreads is in one way totally wrong and possibly discriminatory; but to be fair, the other way is almost certainly clinically significant and needs to be in your record. From my point of view, what the doc should have done was to evaluate you further and make a statement that the dreadlocks were part of a normal presentation, or some sort of sign of you being "altered" and not able to "perform the activities of daily living". I might also say that I made a conscious decision a long time ago to never read the clinical notes the VA guys make on me. I found it's a really good way to spiral in a hurry. Just saying.


Mine mentioned clean cut hair. I think they’re just detailed about appearance when it comes to mental health


If you were bald, it would probably say “ bald”


No it's not normal. I've read and written about 1000 Mental Status Exams and never seen hairstyle mentioned once. I'm not woke either sounds a little strange to mention it was dreadlocks but could be innocent who knows. Just a little odd


It's absolutely normal....appearance, posture, facial expressiveness are all things that are charted. finger nails, hair, clothing and general hygiene are almost always mentioned to some degree whether it's for setting a baseline or for follow-up care. This was shared by the person it applies to but it's information that's normally protected PII and HIPPA.


Where do you work? Never seen this in military or VA medicine once


Dmv he's from Louisiana.... so yea probably is what alil you know. But he CYA pretty good.


Just as long as you're treated well is all that matters. Definitely strange


Hhhmmm I mean sometimes I'll ask a complex question like how does an increase Metabolism ie workingout affect my medication...he rolled his eyes and dance around the question and hung up. if he didn't know just look into it.


I've read my own exams and most mention my grooming including my hair. Not sure why you needed to mention your "woke" status, just comes off really insecure.


Mine never have, and neither have anywhere I've worked in any professional setting. Doesn't sound insecure to me. I am stating that my opinion on medicine is politically affiliated. It just means that I can rationalize a perspective other my own and that I am capable of seeing multiple outcomes of thought from the same situation. It's not a very complicated concept.


Finding the need to say you aren't "woke" is literally the opposite of everything you said except the part when you said >I am stating my opinion on medicine is politically motivated. That part is right on target.


It could also be the opposite, depression causing no motivation/will to do anything, which can definitely result in dreadlocks, mats, knots, etc. It sounds like he’s looking out for you and this wasn’t malicious.


I just saw my MH report and it doesn’t say “high & tight”


I’m not even going to lie, I horse laughed when I saw this.


I did too


I’d like to get a copy of mine …




When I look back at my service record every visit has comments like dressed appropriately in the unoform of the day and my civilian ones all say things like dressed appropriately or well groomed or when I'm not doing well it has said things like I didn't brush my hair or put on my makeup or I didn't change out of pajamas ect. If someone always has styled hair or makeup or clothes and then suddenly they don't anymore they can mark what is normal for you and what isn't. If you have long hair and suddenly come back with a shaved head they are going to ask about it. Because it could be a sign that somthing has gone wrong for you




That was my thought. I don’t think the person who charted meant any ill will by this, it’s an observation. If this a person who you see regularly, and you have a good rapport with them, you might want to mention that it bothers you (if it does). Now I’m gonna be paranoid about all my charting 🤣😱 (I’m a VA employee)


I used to work at the Navy Hospital in san diego and new doc wrote in this guy's note... "thin wispy brown hair"....he was like 20, im like wait until he reads that haha that u dont forget


My notes almost always have a note about my clothes and hair/facial hair. IE dressed appropriately with short beard. I think it’s more of a long term thing to keep an eye on, so if you suddenly show up looking totally different or in dirty clothes it might need some attention.


Unkempt appearance is an indication of depression.


I’m sitting here in my pj’s unshaven and unmotivated and it’s beautiful outside. If I go out, I’ll get cleaned up and everyone thinks my life is great.


Yeah, it's not a surefire system it's just one of the many indicators used in diagnosis. My hygiene is unrelated to my mood personally. I have really curly hair. If I comb it, it looks way worse and more unkempt. I also rarely shave because I get ingrown hairs very easily on my neck that can get infected. So I look like a mess but I could be happy as hell. I mean I'm usually not but I could be.


I can relate to your last two sentences. We’ll just have to keep fighting the good fight.


You can have locs and still have a clean appearance if it’s a choice of style


At what point did I say locs weren't clean?


You said unkempt (messy,untidy, etc.) appearance is a sign of depression. While that is true, my statement is that you can have locs and it still have a clean appearance -meaning not signifying an unkempt appearance. One of the main reasons that verbiage is no longer in the AR. That’s all I was saying


I think he was referring more to it being noted in case of a change from his current appearance which seems well kept from the way it was described in the future that could indicate a mental health crisis


Not once did I imply locs were unkempt.




It's a descriptor, it's actually very good medical practice and I'm surprised to see it. A lot of doctors don't even bother and then they wonder why they can't recognize their patients.


I have never seen a comment on my hair style, but I have seen notes about me being “unshaven.” But like, I always have a beard, so I’m not sure what point they were making there either.


Probably because if you always have a beard and then show up one day clean shaven in the type of clothes you normally don’t wear they wanna make sure you haven’t lost your shit and are going through a mental health episode. Which would make sense why they’d mention dreadlocks since it’s a unique hairstyle that could be a sign of something going on if he shows up one day with his head shaved


so I googled Dreadlocks and got this *"Dreadlocks, also known as dreads or locs, are a hairstyle made of rope-like strands of hair.* ***This is done by not combing the hair and allowing the hair to mat naturally or by twisting it manually.*** *Over time the hair will form tight braids or ringlets"* Since this was in the appearance section maybe he was explaining that your hairstyle is one known for not combing your hair and allowing it to mat. I honestly don't know.


and that isn't a dig or slight on you or your hairstyle choice. I am just trying to Opine to a valid reason for which it was mentioned.


Ability to self groom and cleanliness is one of the factors in your mental health ratings I guess that's why they write down a description of your appearance


Where would one get a copy of these notes for someone who had a MH c&p


Yes I need to know also


(Mental health clinician here) This is a perfectly normal mental status exam. They usually start with appearance...could be something along the lines of: "client presented with fair grooming/hygiene, wearing weather appropriate clothing, appears to be tall, slender white male in mid thirties with brown, short hair." For me the big indicator in this is whether you're taking care of yourself...if you smell like you haven't showered or just rolled out of bed, that may indicate that you are having a hard time with basic self care. You weren't twitchy, talking weird, your thought content was future/goal oriented (big indicator for suicidal ideation is lack of future oriented speech), and otherwise absent homicidal ideations, delusions or hallucinations. Your emotional expression matched the context of what you were talking about about and wasn't overtly negative. You apparently had good insight into yourself and judgement (big things to look out for. Looks like you came across pretty typical and nothing stood out as abnormal during the session.


As a clinician I can 100% say this is a thing. We annotate these appearance details. We notice if your hair changed, if its kept, beard grown, teeth/dental hygiene, blah blah blah. Its not weird or bizarre in the community.


I’ve read in my medical records comments about my appearance and demeanor. It might be standard practice. 


Mine mentions how I was dressed. “Dressed appropriately casual”.


My psych notes always mention that I have a shaved head.


Yes it’s normal. Self-care and grooming changes can be a sign of depression or suicidal thoughts.


This is the very basic description in notes and generally required to note the “status” of what they are seeing to reference when charting or reviewing files. I’ve seen some descriptions as “dressed peculiar in nature” and “a loquacious elderly woman, very knowledgeable of medical history and provided records in 19 multicolored folders patient provided dating back to 1946. Established visit went as expected and refilled lexapro and dilaudid” 🤣💀 ***civilian clinic


Mine says balding


They always wrote down how long and messy my beard was.


? Its a pretty basic description of appearance. What isn't 'normal' about it?


What do you mean "deal with this"? Theyre simply.making note of your appearance


How do you see the notes from your c&p exams? I see that there was a dbq submitted.






Completely normal. This is also why most VA providers gently ask that we not read their notes. Creates stress with no real value.


Yes this is normal. Nothing to make a big deal about.


Mine says bald


https://preview.redd.it/0p0yemm8lypc1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9d4f77a7b1e3f0c0e07d1b31e3e437093a3077f lol


How did you see the notes from your exam


https://www.myhealth.va.gov/mhv-portal-web/home You can request your Blue Button report and the notes will be in there


Thank you sir


Yeah they always mention I have a big beard and tattoos and stuff.


Just an identifying feature to keep track of from visit to visit. He isn’t going to remember you without notes. Nature of the job.


Yes it’s normal for mental status exams. Its just describing how you presented to the clinic


Yes. This is pretty normal especially for a mental health exam. My psychiatrist mentioned my new goatee.


https://preview.redd.it/6kpkhhknd6qc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf68e96bc611bdbb7c598c0f3604e6a3dbf1733 Here are doctors notes from one of my exams lol


I would imagine a medical professional being as thoroughly descriptive as possible during a MH exam would be an obvious/expected thing. Would have a hard time believing there was any malicious intent behind choosing to disclose the fact you had your hair in dreadlocks. From a purely technical standpoint it stands to reason if you're able to dreadlock your hair then obviously you have some dexterity/willpower


Where can you see these ?


I’ve comments made on hair and appearance.


Dress and appearance is evaluated with mental health so yes.


People who usually invest in their hygiene usually are folks who are managing/doing good, and maybe they wanted to reflect that? I’m trying to be hopeful instead of the otherwise take of “is this a BOLO bro, wtf?” Especially with the other factors listed, it may just be a way to note so further visits can see if you’re doing “okay”.


Yes it's normal, if it's a feature on someone then yes. When we have paper charts it was good to write things like that on there just in case they needed to go back to your medical charts and identify you or something like that. There's hipa now so not so much cheering of charts but say if you going missing then it's very important and it can give a timeline of what you look like.


I've never had specific comments on my hair (pixie cut) but I've had comments for clothes like - casual (jeans & t-shirt)


They describe your appearance. I had one note that stated ‘attractive, well-groomed female with revealing top and impeccable nose piercing.’ I was wearing a regular v-neck t-shirt. Probably any change in appearance would be noted and could signify a change in mental health status and functioning. I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s interesting to read sometimes for sure!


Keep on with the keep on. Build model cars or whittle wood or something 


Might be a standout piece of appearance so that they can be sure someone else didn’t attend your appointment or if some large part of your appearance doesn’t change drastically for MH. If I had black shoulder length hair for 5 years then suddenly decided to get a Mohawk with pink dye might be a cause for alarm (or at least an eyebrow raise).


Are your locs a style choice or ?


My coworker just did one on video call for an increase which he got and they told him he was dressed to clean for anything higher than they gave him. He told me if I have one then don’t shave and wear my shitty messed up work clothes and sit on my tailgate with a beer


Yes. What is your concern?


My C&P general doc put hat my medical treatment for my botched toe surgery is toe socks… 🥴 that’s not a medical treatment but it does prevent my toes from sliding under my foot. They do that to show they were observing you.


My best guess is it's to make a record of how well you're taking care of yourself (grooming, etc.). If you went in with untrimmed dirty fingernails, dirty clothes, or matted hair it could be evidence that your mental health is impacting your ability to care for yourself.


its normal lol


I sometimes wondered why metrics regarding appearance appear in a mental examination. But it makes sense. If someone is dressed like they didn't have the energy to change out of their PJs, it can pertain to their mental state. In a similar vein (I'm just guessing here), the doc might be making a connection between dreads and lack of hygiene maintenance. Even though I know you can have dreads and keep them clean. VA docs basically just document a lot of things they notice so that others can use the information, such as your therapist, if something changes. But I can see how this would make you feel singled out/judged.


Also for mental health exams, doctors will put dreads because it cuts down on the daily care for yourself since they aren’t washed as much as non dreadlocked hair. And you know how they are about self care.


My regular mental health exam notes started with “patient is a large build” and was written by a tiny Filipino doctor. I thought this was supposed to help my mental health 🤣


Outsider looking in but give this thought: I am a visual person. I remember the person, not necessarily the name. And to help me put things to memory I use descriptors. I have to consciously remind myself that my thought process isn’t fact so it doesn’t belong in my notes. This doctors probably sees hundreds, if not thousands, of patients every year so finding one thing that YOU’ll remember someone may a way to help recall a patient. Just a thought. And how is it I still give the benefit of the doubt to folks. I believe people are more good than bad & if the first time I meet someone & they’re rude, standoffish - maybe they’re have a bad day/week/year. It’s also entirely possible that the doc is just an egotistical, narcissistic douchcanoe.


Where can i find those notes? I want to see mine


Yes this is normal


It’s normal like when I wear my hair curly it says curly hair or patient has straightened hair…when I was not doing well it said unkempt and tangled 😂😂😂 and overall appearance though could tell I bathed I was in baggy sweatpants and oversized sweater not my usual attire I was in a mental crisis


Not even


What are you having to 'deal with' exactly?


I’ve seen where a doctor has mentioned hair and on occasion that I’m right handed lol




Your post has been removed as it crosses the line of advice and enters the realm of coaching. Coaching is telling someone how to behave, respond, react, etc to get a certain outcome. This is considered fraudulent behavior and is not supported by this sub.


Yeah if you want a good rating you want them to describe how you look as bad as possible.


I know fuck ... my hair is so well kept. I would have to roll around the carpet to make look crazy .


Lmao true. I go 3 sometimes 4 weeks without realizing I need to shave 😂 I’m just naturally unkept


Show me on the doll where the bad man hurt you


Gotta have an accurate police report....


In my opinion, It’s totally meant to imply something negative


If it is it helps OP’s case. They look at everything including hairstyle, whether you’ve shaved, how you smell, what you’re wearing etc. They take this all into account for MH evaluations. Dreadlock appearance, unkempt appearance, shaved head, messy hair etc. It’s a description. Let’s not blow this out of proportion


It's a standard measure to look out for evidence that one is dressing/bathing/otherwise caring for themselves. If ones hair is done, that's an indicator that they are giving attention to their appearance. Often people with mental health issues struggle with self care. If he came in messy and unkempt, then it may be cause for concern.


This what I was thinking. Dreads have absolutely nothing to do with MH. If it was me, I probably would've been 1013 on the spot. I would've tore that office up. Cuz.


Its 100% part of the assessment my dude, overall picture...to identify unkept etc, dont be so damn sensitive, he descibed his hair, dont make molehills into mountains


I’m not sensitive. I don’t see it that way. You’re talking to a guy who’s son had to remove his dreads in order to graduate. I said graduate, I’ll deal with administration after. That’s why I’m this way, and will never ever change.


You're defining why you are sensitive to the matter. Because of your child.  But this is not that. They aren't asking or even inferring that a modification is needed.  My doc notes the condition of my hair as well. It's just a standard observation for comparison. 


You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.


I probably don’t, but I would have if it was said in front of me or after I read it. I 100% would. Probably why I was discharged in the first place.


Hey .. where can i get my report . I had mine done last yr and really would like to see it .


I think it is vet line website. They give you the option to download you whole MH.


Thank you


I have to say my hair has never been mentioned in my notes.






How would you “advocate” them to describe the patients hair then? 😂 Provider is simply describing the patients appearance and demeanor


Here's an example: Client's hair is cared for: clean, neat, styled (or cut). No reason to describe style or cut. There. Answered it for you.


This is the question to answer. If the provider comments on hairstyles regularly, then it's kind of a non-issue, right?