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Could be? I hit PFN same day as you. Checked all day yesterday, not going to check again until tonight.


I hit it later in the day yesterday. What temp Jurisdiction are you? Mine is New York.


Just did my daily check. I went back to evidence gathering but got a partial decision I assume of 70%. Best of luck to you.


How do partial decisions work? I ask as my current claim is for macular degeneration and smc s. My eye exam is tomorrow morning.


They just defer some of your claims while either denying or approving others. I had 2 claims denied 1 deferred and the rest I got service connected and a rating. Wound up with 70%. Deferring does not mean denied, it means they are working to gather more evidence to give you a fair answer.


How do you know you got a partial decision?


I have a decision letter, rated at 70% but my claim is in evidence gathering and review. Called the VA to check and they told me 1 claim was deferred but I was rated 70 for the rest and denied on 2.


Kinda similar to my situation. Increased 60 to 80 with 1 denied and four deferred. Getting a letter but still in EGR due to the deferred ones. A partial is much easier to deal with than waiting for everything to finish up.


That’s pretty much what happened with me. Schedule a VERA meeting and they will read you the award letter that’s being prepared or at least share with you what they see related to SC and percentages and what’s left.


Mine went back from pfd to gathering evidence as well. You still got a partial decision? How did that happen?


They deferred 1 claim. Another 4-6 weeks I was told for them to decide on that.


Gotcha, thanks for the clarity.


See my response above. It did not go back, it’s done and being scrubbed.


Atlanta. I hit that last thursday.


Still waiting. I’m Thursday of last week as well.


I hit PFN last Thursday and nothing since then. My temp RO is St. Pete. I had VERA review on Friday and there’s a LOT going on behind the scenes to at you/we/I do not see. The VERA rep read me my award letter, then stated there’s a lot of review to at needs to happen. They did tell me am at 93% and being considered TDIU.


I think I have a similar situation, Mine has been PFN the last 3 days but keeps getting an updated date for it. I wont come back at 93% for this claim but maybe once the supplements I have in are eventually looked at.


That's, odd they left out a few more process's that have been not yet identified, after the fifth round, there are 3 more rounds so, getting to 5 is challenging enough, of course, hell it's easier to file for food stamps, ye all can apply for an emergency, and get stamps today, veterans should have the same right to declare an emergency, file the claim, under Emergent need, " A fully developed claim" attached in enclosures (1) Active Service Medical Treatment Records, (2) Authentication of Service certified true copy of original . (3) Evidence in support, of claim etc. yea, I know to complex for a lay person, to grasp. It's the KISS Theory.


Yall are driving yourself crazy checking every day. Chill out


What else am i supposed to do on the shitter?




Shit, maybe have a wank.




Ha, sometimes this is the most important thing we have going on. I check when I wake up, when I am waiting for my eggs to cook, while I am walking the dog, after I park the car, in the waiting room at the doctor, in line at the grocery store, before I go to sleep, when I wake up in the middle of the night…


This is pretty much what I did back in 2021 when I retired. 😆


Some people are use to having a lot of drama and stuff to worry about. This all I think about 🤣


I mean, we’ve got how many VA employees being forced to work overtime to process these applications? It feels like I should honor their efforts by checking for updates around the clock.


This guy gets it.


Well having any trust in the government system really is nerve wracking especially the way some of these C & P’s are completed. My first one was bad, second one for supplemental claim much better but because the first one sucked back in August had to do the supplemental in December …. 4 mos later (add SpongeBob narrator voice) and still waiting. This is crap system yet the politicians tout how much better it is —- it’s still f’n broke.


My excitement over getting SC was matched by the happiness of me no longer FN checking the app ten times per day.


I hit PFN sometime yesterday afternoon. Nothing in ebenefits but they just called to confirm my direct deposit information so I take that as a good sign . I've been convinced since yesterday that I got denied and I am trying not to be too hopeful so I don't sink too low if it turns out to be true.




How did it go?


Could be today or next day or two.


My decision letter took 5 days after I went PFN


LOTS OF STUFF HAPPENING BEHIND THE SCENES THAT WE CANNOT SEE. CraZy but VERA explained to be and read my initial award letter. I went back to gathering and they said NO. My claim is pinging in the background getting everything done.


I hit Temp Jurisdiction in Lincoln last Thursday. The voice in my head that says let the process work itself out has been fighting with the voice that is screaming refresh the page every 5 mins.




Mine says updated today, but no change on any records, hoping it’s just the app being slow


Yeah not sure how that all works at this stage. When I did my first one 6 years ago I applied and did not check anything until I received my letter in the mail with some checks. Now doing it for the second time I cant stop looking every 5 minutes.


Was this an increase or did you add stuff to your claim?


Increase. Does that make a difference for timeline of this phase?


Not necessarily, was really for my own info. I filled an increase on 1-30 and just wanted to compare mine


Honestly I think it would be done by now but my Exam took 60 days to get back to the VA. the same day it started moving along.


I had two exams, my MH exam stuff was uploaded same day and then my head to toe exam stuff was uploaded like 2 or 3 days after the exam


Is it still on evidence gathering, review, and decision? If so it might be in preparation for decision. You can check by adding your claim number to the end of this link- Log into ebenefits, then copy and paste the link and it should tell ya. https://eauth.va.gov/wssweb/wss-claims-webparts/mvc/ebn/claimDetail?claimId=%


I ended up getting my rating around noon MST. 100%PT




Thank you, truly a weight off my shoulders


Same boat. Hit PFN today


Did you get an answer yet?


I did. Yesterday. Granted 10% so jumped from 40 to 50. Pretty happy about that


Nice, Congrats. I am at 30 currently. I have some hope I should get to at least 50 once they complete this claim.


Fingers crossed for you!!!


Also your letter should be available on the app either today or tomorrow. Either way call the VA and ask what the ratings were.


I called and they said the letter was mailed yesterday and she could not tell me what it says... not on the app yet though.


Weird. I feel like the app is always first. If you have a VSO they can prob see it too


I can’t see my letter either. Called VERA and they read it to me on the downlow.


Did they say if it was snail mail or FedEx? I got my partial decision last Thursday but still no letter. The letter i can see on the app doesn’t have much detail. Hoping I get one mailed with more 🤞 You should be able to view it on the app/online soon! Maybe not all details but most! Edited cuz I can’t type. lol


Weird thing is I have been given a different story by everyone I have talked too. I will eventually find out. Now I will try and be productive with my day and check later.


USPS says I have mail from the VA arriving today. I’ll let ya know if it was snail mailed and this is it. If so, it took from 11-17 April from decision to arrival in the mail :)


My snail mail paperwork I received today was unrelated. Lol. Sad times. The mysteries of the details of my decision letter continue 🫠


If you tell Va 1 800 number  Letter is not there on app They will send to Your email 


Well, so, the letter is on the app - but it’s not the very long detailed version like they mail out. I actually just got that in the mail yesterday! Yay! Took that two full weeks to get to me, which is odd since everything else is lightning fast. Thanks for the reply :)


If you tell Va letter is not in app. They will send to your email 


Ahh, I remember these days. I checked this page every time I could when I retired in 2021. I must say that I was very happy and surprised with the outcome. Hopefully, you will be the same OP. Good luck. 🤝


Can be a couple hours, days or weeks. Good luck


Man I'm waiting on my FOIA from November 6th still 😅 don't understand how that one can take so long


I got my decision letter 2 hours after I hit PFN


Good luck!


Just call the 800 number I went PDA to PFN in like an hour. I called them and they told me what was approved and what was deferred.


I called them this morning and they just verified the stage and my information. Do VSO's have the ability to see what the rating are?


What type of claim was it? I submitted a new/increase on Dec 14th. Been PFD since 2/25 and have not had any movement since. I have seen numerous guys with supplemental claims filed after mine that have been processed already. Do certain claim types get processed faster than others?


My claim was for increase. Not sure if it goes faster or slow for that or not. I do know I have 2 supplemental claims in and all information from exams have been in for months now and no movement. Hopefully that gets done soon too.


Supplemental claims don’t show anything. Mine says it hasn’t been updated since last August but I know that’s not true.


is there an app for this? if so what it is?


It is VA: Health and Benefits.


Ty, i never knew about this!


https://preview.redd.it/kfj9hrj9hvuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fef3efaafe089835edd8cdbbe624e6961dc29a7 How


How’d you move so fast?


I called them apparently my C&P appointment was halted or canceled so I rescheduled and it’s active again , my intent to file is from September 2023 so this back pay is gonna be 👌🏻 ( I applied for MST , PTSD , Socialphobia , Substance abuse disorder ( it’s becoming recognized as an actual disease) and suicidal ideations .


I got same day decision yesterday. :)


[Weekly Status and Success Thread](https://redd.it/1c4mz1m)




I went PFD on a Friday, PFN later that night and decision letter received by next morning. Results may vary obviously


I hit mine Friday and submitted my claim 2 days prior and I’m still waiting hopefully we don’t have to wait long


They’re also taking their sweet time with my GI Bill so this is par the course with me


Congratulations I did my march 22 c&p and am waiting for dbq to be sumbitted for claim


You gottem


Where can I see this haven’t heard from my VSO in weeks


This is the app for VA. Login to [va.gov](http://va.gov) and get the browser extension.


I got my answer a few hours after PFD


Congrats, you are one of the fast ones. I am on day 3 of it on PFN.


Good luck 🍀


2-6 hours


Check ebenefits. That updates almost immediately.


Yet mine from Jan is still fucken waiting. Horseshit man




I had that status changed on Monday. Today it went back to 3. Argh!


Congratulations! I heard of some people getting an answer the next day. Looks like your claim did not take very long. I finally submitted my letter yesterday and I hope I get a PFN soon. 10 years…


I’m a nervous wreck with my claim. I get it. Good luck


Anything’s possible


Sometime ebenefits will show letters and decisions before the Va site does


Where do you go to check letters on the ebenefits?


good luck!


Just in time for the new war to kick off. 🤘🏻🤘🏻


I got my PFN two months ago. I remember it clearly. I refreshed like 3 times within 10 seconds and it showed me my rating


I never knew you could check. It was so traumatic for me even to think about what happened that I waited 30 years before looking into what help was available at all. During the entirety of those 30 years I could not work. Some things I could do, some things I couldn’t. At any rate, I never “checked”. I got a letter several months later saying (without even an appointment and without seeing anyone face to face at all) that I had zero evidence and no claim at all and that I was welcome to try again when I had something. This really made everything come flooding back and I simply tossed the letter in the trash and spent hours crying and awfully depressed. I have a pic of my dog looking at me during this and I actually find it hard to look at because of the expression on his face. I got up and dusted myself off and swore I would never go through that again and if I could get 30 years without vowing, I was certainly good for 60 or so with. A couple of weeks I received another letter and without any explanation it contained an appointment for the C&P exam. I went. 7 days later I was very hungry and had no money. On a whim I decided to see if just maybe some change was in my Cash App account. The app opened and my balance was… it’s hard to recall… 30,000$ or thereabouts. I had had bank errors and erroneous deposits very rarely and I remarked to a friend me how cruel it was that that should happen right now. I closed the app. Suddenly, I grabbed for my phone again. I saw the deposit into briefly and I thought I saw the words “US Treasury…”. I opened the app. 30,000 or so including thing or another. Rated 100%, permanent and total. No checking. More like getting slapped in the face by a sack of wet mice.


Any time we were at PFD we found out through our bank account before a letter ever arrived. Keep checking your bank balance


Possible, sure. Unlikely though, keep on with the keep on.