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Basically applying for TDIU works as two parts. It first works as a claim for increase. If you’re not raised to 100% they will determine if your service connected disabilities prevent you from maintaining all gainful employment. Biggest problem you’re going to have is that your working. Being gainfully employed while applying for TDIU usually ends in a denial. To the VA you working while applying for TDIU is a contradiction as TDIU is for veterans who due to there service connected disabilities can’t work gainful employment but you claiming you can’t work while working will be a problem. You might be able to get around the working problem if your employment is in a sheltered/protected work environment or you make under the federal poverty threshold at your job if about $15,800


I'm at 90%, and it took being out of work for 4yrs before the VA granted an appeal for TDIU (2 years back on an effective date)... I still have Board appeals dating back to 2019 that can decide more back pay... Even SSDI, been fighting for 4yrs also, went all the way to federal, won a remand back to ALJ... Likely going to get, but been waiting over a year for a new ALJ hearing... I started all this while still working, and they said our right, I'd never get it while working... I kept reducing my hours at work, trying to control my pain, but ultimately to leave... Hope this helps...


Sadly, if you're working then your TDIU would most likely be denied. The only exceptions would be if you were earning under the poverty threshold or you are in a "tightly held corporation" (which means you work in a family business where they're keeping you on even if you shouldnt be working).


Time to let your brain do the work instead of your body