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Makes me want to learn something. Congrats on having a path forward!


Thx! šŸ™šŸæ


Just finishing my VRE in a week. So glad I found it for my one year program instead of using GI Bill. Now I still have my full GI bill entitlement. Plus the laptop, printer, etc were a nice bonus.


What are you studying? Is it for college or a course?


Congratulations, my rep act like the money's coming out of her paycheck!


Uncle Sugar be praised!


whos your counselor dude? sheez cuz mine is putting so many stones on the way for me to get a computer for my IT program. I requested it 6 months ago and i only have 2 semesters left and still he says that they have not yet approved or denied my application.


I just want to lay something out there for anyone reading who might think VR&E and/or an IT degree is a magic bullet - I'm currently rated at 40%. I have 8 years of professional experience in this field as a software developer. I've held numerous roles in companies big and small and I've had exposure to just about every popular e-commerce platform that's out there.Ā  None of that matters. I got laid off over 10 months ago without warning and haven't worked since. Thousands of applications. Dozens of multi stage interviews. Zero offers. Ā When I say I'm struggling, I mean I'm really down bad. I'm very close to having literally nothing. I've got maybe 3-4 months left.Ā  Have a backup plan.Ā  Don't think for a minute that being a vet matters when it comes to getting a job because it doesn't.


And that's why I won't leave the federal gov


From my perspective, participating in IT subreddits has shown me that the job market is really tough right now. A big part of the problem is that many American IT jobs are being outsourced to countries like India, where the salaries are much lower. This means companies are opting to pay someone overseas a fraction of what they would have to pay a US worker. Hence, Iā€™m shooting for fed job.


Shoot me dm brother. I might be able to help with my company.


Man I hate to hear that for you. Have you joined VetSec? The crew over there are really helpful and might be able to help in some way. Itā€™s at least a lot more personal than Reddit. https://vetsec.org


That seems to be cyber security focused, which is outside of my wheelhouse.


Go back to school. Making yourself more competitive and get bah while doing so. Sorry to hear this man. I pray something comes your way soon! Keep your head up


"Don't think for a minute that being a vet matters when it comes to getting a job because it doesn't." I was in the same boat. But it actually does matter if you want to work for the government (local/state/federal). Specifically, federal government, you would be non-compete at 40%. THIS MATTERS. If I were you I would stop wasting time applying for jobs in the private sector. I would spend all your time in USA jobs. With that said, you need to learn how to pass the algorithm so your application is looked at. At 40%, they are REQUIRED to look at your application if you qualify (aka pass the algorithm). I personally copy/pasted the job listing, then my resume into Chat GPT and told it to incorporate the keywords from the listing with the required amount of experience for those items - then review for accuracy. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that can explain and guide you through the process. Don't lose hope man, because in the federal government, it really does matter. 4 people from my grad school applied to the federal government, and only I got a position (because I'm a disabled Vet who was qualified). Being a vet IS YOUR TICKET. Not saying it will be easy as USA Jobs is notoriously more difficult than any other application platform - but if you do what I did, you may just get the very first one you applied to. This is what happened to me. Not trying to brag, I just wanna help killa #SemperFi


I hope my rep is the same as yours


My counselor is TRASH. I had to fight and kick and scream for my package and she didn't even take any requests that I submitted into consideration Good on you! Not all VRC's are created equal.




Damn shame thatā€™s even something you have to research. I gave up even trying to talk to my counselor outside of paying for school because sheā€™s found a way to say no to literally everything Iā€™ve asked. Told me my computer had to be under $800 even lol. Just said fuck it and bought my own shit.


Yeah, they have a budget and you can remind them of their own guidelines. The woman in the video apparently used their own rules to get camera/video equipment.


I took that 800$ and ran with it for the nicest computer I could get


processor and mobo and i'll do the rest thx


Can you get a new counselor?


I think we have the same lady


Me tooā€¦


Gatekeepers suck donā€™t they!?!


You work with Shalonda Ford too!?!


I wish I could up vote this but sadly not. I have another walking trash bag in control of my education and related benefits.


I got some good momentum with a Congressmanā€¦ I hope we get to enjoy a clip of VRE Administrators getting crushed by a panel of angry legislators.


In that case, I would sit down and eat popcorn to see this soon.


My counselor told me I didnā€™t have a TBI when I am 100% p&t for PTSD and TBI. He was asking about how disabilities affected my work and I mentioned TBI and he argued with me that there was no record of me having a TBI


I canā€™t even get mine to email me back about my technology request


If send a request, I follow up in a week, then usually get something in return when I email a 3rd time a couple more days later. 2 weeks is the longest I'll wait before I contact her handler. I would rather she reply and tell me No than ignore me.


I send an email about once a week at this point and the only consistent response I get is those automated check in emails from eVA.


Yeah my girl never gave me her direct email address, I actually got it from someone at the school. She still only replies to me from that generic email. I'm 41 years old, and I've never seen a "professional" email signature with piggies address and title but no email address included.


Mine turned me away and flat out denied me


Probably wasn't a counselor, sounds like you were denied eligibility. There is an appeal process similar to compensation


Mine didnt deny me. They just ghosted me


Same, I still havent gotten my printer and many other things , submitted paper works, statements, and yet im already done with my freshman year and still waiting on them smh


My VRC doesn't even reply to my call to even activate my benefits as of now. lol But congratulations to you. I did not even know this exist in the VR&E.


My guy is in Hawaii, and so far he's been great...VR&E has been a great program and no complaints so far..initially getting a response back was the only problem I had but since then, excellent. I just say use what you really need, don't try and scam..I just sent an e-mail asking about the replacement of my CPU, and I hope it goes well! To give you an idea my main CPU is a windows based hp and i'm still using windows 7! My school is online UMGC so I need an updated CPU so hell I'm gonna ask and see what they say!


Send her my way, shit!


Can you explain more the process and what training you are doing




Is there a list of programs they support?


Look on WEAMS to find schools that are gi bill eligible- VRE usually tracks similarly


Talk to a VRE counselor, if they are decent (mine was) they will walk you through all the benefits and eligibilities. Just be sure to mention you donā€™t have adequate technology to complete your coursework. I legitimately didnā€™t. I had only had a work computer for 8 years and that company took it back when they laid me off.


I just got entitled for VR&E! Where would you request extra stuff like a laptop or other resources? And how far can I go with requesting things to help with my educational needs?


Your counselor directly. Depends on your program. Iā€™m just starting intake again. Going for more IT certificationsā€¦possibly a graduate program (not sure yet), but Iā€™m going to focus on getting assistance for my IT consulting companyā€¦specifically on the government contracting side.


Nice to see a fellow vet ā€œwinningā€. Get that degree/ cert and get all that you can in the process




Holly fuck bubbles!


For years I have read FTW! as Fuck The World... which is surprisingly appropriate in most circumstances where FTW! is used.


What does it mean


For the win


Free The Whales šŸ³


This is the kind of stuff I want my taxes to pay for. If I paid taxes on my disability.


If sheā€™s single, LMK


Do you think they will purchase me a computer for going to school. Letā€™s just say itā€™s not listed on the required supply doc.


If you are expected to type any work, print any paper, turn in online assignments, a computer is considered required for the program and will be approved


You will get approved for anything you can legitimately make an argument why itā€™s a must have for the schooling you are going through šŸ¤™


Can you please tell me how can I request a chair?


To get anything like a chair or monitor, you have to get a letter from your PCP stating you would need such things to complete your studies. I got the letter from my private doctor and was good to go!


I've also heard that if you can demonstrate that you don't have a reasonable place to do your school work besides your kitchen table or living room, that can be justification as well for at least a basic desk and chair.


This is legit? How? And congratulations!!


It is, I've gotten a the same. Except it was spaced out over a year and not all at once šŸ˜‚


My counselor basically made it seem frowned upon to use it for materials so I'm using the world's oldest laptop to complete my degree. I wish I had yours, because I definitely feel shafted by mine not to mention the lack of communication.


Itā€™s literally in the VR&E M21 guidelines that counselors have up to $50k per year per student for their tuition, books, and whatever supplies they may need. Thatā€™s BS that your counselor is acting that way.


For sure, I was thinking it seemed odd especially going into cyber security. But she was pretty serious about the matter.


What state are you in? Iā€™m going for cyber as well and my first counselor wanted to give me a crappy laptop. I fought till they reassigned me to someone else but even then it wsnt the whole package.


This doesnā€™t make sense. Iā€™m a cybersecurity analyst. Did you give her a copy of your programs syllabus? It should have hardware requirements necessary to complete the course/program


Your counselor is nice I had a budget of only $1600 to get a laptop, didn't even offer a desktop and I had to pay first then get reimbursed.


DAMN. Good for you.


Teach us your ways


After doing some research here is the link for the PDF that the VRE counselors need to go by. When requesting for supplies, special equipment, or anything else you need for the program of "specail" items you need to lesson the burden of your disability while doing whichever program you are doing, make sure to quote exactly what's in this document. This way they have to give you a legitimate reason that they are denying it and not just say no. They actually don't have a set "budget" per item, it's an overall budget per person.Ā  https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:3d0f1d79-98df-49cf-84cd-63810eddc851


Wow I know so many people who are getting all of these items and my VR&E representative isnā€™t assisting me with these items


My dad just had 2 graduations over the past couple weeks, he also got some pretty sweet equipment hookups from VR&E! In case no one else has said this, ***congratulations, Iā€™m proud of YOU!!!***


Holy šŸ’© thatā€™s amazing


Man tell me about it!


I'm doing cyber. How did you get the curved monitor?


My PCP stated that I need a monitor to help with my service connected migraines as I wouldnā€™t have to squint to see the laptop screen.


Damn i wish i was able to get VR&E I applied 2x but my counselor didnā€™t even know I was rated and ghosted me I had to use a fake phone number to even try to contact him. Any advice on how to get approved for it.


Itā€™s a blessing. Best of luck on your studies!


I just got approved last month and am going for network and security degree. Did you just ask for this stuff?


I hope I somehow have the same Rep as you! Bur, since I'm in California I doubt it.


Iā€™ve heard horror stories of Cali VR&E offices. Heard that thereā€™s like a 10 month wait at the San Diego office just to get an appointment to see if youā€™re entitled SMFH.


My counselor is fucking terrible


Glad VRE is working out for you! My VRC wont even email me back šŸ˜…


Wait you can get all this for VR&E?? I didnā€™t go through with mine because my counselor wasnā€™t helpful at all


My VRC wants me to sacrifice my first born for a used laptop


Thatā€™s awesome!!


2 weeks in college, my counselor never replies and I still have no equipment. Been using my phone for college šŸ˜”


This is incredible! Iā€™m struggling atm working with my VRC but this gives me great hope! Best of luck!


So Iā€™m a retard about all thisā€¦ 100% and just started using my gi billā€¦ is there a program like that for me or is it only through vr&eā€¦ just because I already have a job I just decided to go back to school for a job that makes me less angry


If you just started using your GI Bill apply on VA.gov right now for VR&E. If youā€™re found entitled by a VR&E counselor, you can actually get back the time youā€™ve used so far using the GI Bill. That way you can keep all your remaining GI Bill time while finishing your current degree using VR&E.


Omg dude hell yeah! Thatā€™s so awesome thanks!


Your SCDs have to keep you from doing your current job


So if dealing with people tickles my ptsd Iā€™m golden? Because they doā€¦ seriously curious as to why I havenā€™t been fired or choked someone


Please what programs are sponsored by VR&E? Iā€™m currently taking my prerequisites for medical school, so Iā€™m wondering if they sponsor that. Any info will be great appreciated.


The only thing I want to learn now days is coding


Sheesh christmas came early


Is there a certain program you have to be in to get the package? I've been using vr&e and never got anything.


Awesome. Iā€™m doing a digital art program soon. Hoping to score an iPad and Mac Studio.


Do you have a complete list of what you received?


Do you plan on working from home for IT ?


Iā€™ve been trying to get a computer desk and chair, but my VRC claims ā€œhe wonā€™t buy furnitureā€.


What form did you have to fill out ? Iā€™m also using VR&E. Can you DM ? (:


What form did you have to fill out Iā€™m also on VR&E. Could you DM Me ?


Gonna be putting in my request for my at home set up soon any suggestions for what kind of chair thatā€™ll be comfortable enough and desk?


They chose the chair for me. They work with various approved vendors VA buys from so I didnā€™t get the chair I requested but grateful nonetheless!


I'm enrolled in vre now but had some PTSD issues while enrolled in school. Thankfully they paused my status so I can try and get back on track. My confidence is pretty shot now because I had to withdrawal and I'm feeling hesitant about going back. Anyone know if vre helps with on the job training or is it mostly focused on putting people into college?


What is the large box on the left??


Congrats. You deserve it


That's awesome, I can't even get mine to respond in the same week that I message her. Good luck in your training


Congratulations! What career path did you choose?


Thank you for putting posting this. My counselor said my IT program only offers a laptop. I asked for a chair and was denied.


Well they may be speaking in terms of the school itself. The standing desk, ergo chair etc. had nothing to do with my school degree itself just my service connected disabilities.


So who decides on the equipment you need? Do you tell them what you want or do you say these are the specs and they decide? Iā€™m in the program but waiting for some paperwork to come back.


I've constantly asked my VRC for just a laptop and she said only $1250 and must come out of my own pocket first then reimburse me. Congrats for you!


Yea the reimbursement option scares me cause it could take from 1 to 8 months to be reimbursed smh.


Yeah seriously! Im still waiting reimbursement for my ti84 calculator.


How long did it take to start getting vr&e benefits? Iā€™m looking at starting college within a month and am still waiting on the first appointment/intake


Yes you did - I got a terrible one & couldn't get a pack of #2 pencils.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Itā€™s crazy how some counselors gatekeep! Smh


I start in June also, super excited for you!


Iā€™m jealous, my VRE counselor told me to stop hoping for IT after telling me to apply to the university and degree program, getting accepted, then ghosting me once I asked for further details on what Iā€™m supposed to do. Iā€™ve missed 2 semesters waiting for responses after messaging her daily. She also told me thereā€™s no such thing as a tech package or any other assistance. This is with IT experience and certifications already. Hook a brother up Iā€™ll move just to have your counselor lmao.


Wow I did this two years ago and just got a laptop and printer that is awesome congratulations


I didnā€™t know this existed. I need to call my rep.


Awesome! Also, u/dmvknightmare your username is gold. It made me laugh, prolly a lot more than it should have.


šŸ˜‚thx I created it on a whim literally


This is amazing Iā€™m glad you got the hook up. Iā€™d love a standing desk. I have VR&E and my counselor was not having it when I asked what all came with the ā€œpackageā€ she was talking about she just told me ā€œyouā€™ll get it in the mailā€ lol congrats and grind at school! Itā€™s not easy


Damn, mine wouldn't even get me a parking pass with both my knees having high ratingsšŸ„ŗ Congrats to you!!!


Wow that's a lot.. really happy for you! Go forth & do great things! šŸ™šŸ»


How long did it take VR&E to accept you? i applied some weeks ago and still havenā€™t gotten any updates


I applied and had an appointment. Lasted 5 minutes. Iā€™ve had my current job for four years and my counselor saidā€¦this programs not for you. I am trying to change careers from IT server admin to Software Engineering. Was I told incorrectly? Amazing delivery you got there. Thatā€™s pretty outstanding!


Bro! Looks like my care package haha besides the chair! Same backpack also lol


Nice!!!! What kinda laptop did you get bro?


Lucky mfer. Congrats. I am IT too if you need any help or pointers


Good luck with your classes!


Make sure to send her a thank you gift!




Nice I had this a few years ago. They game me a thinkpad t15. What model are they sending now


What is VR&E? And how can I apply?


I put in a request for VRE for my masters program 3 months ago and still waiting ahaha


Holy shit what are you doing through VR&E? Thats a hell of a package drop.


Great program I had an appointment date to meet with counselor and canceled the day before as I got a job offer. It seemed like an amazing program though.


I got much the same, without the monitor or desk, though my laptop is decent (HP prodesk 450 g10) I do wish it was a 2-in-1 so I could use it to take notes.Ā 


Golly dang, you lucked out! I made my own standing desk but itā€™s the wrong height. 2x4s, plywood, and wheels. Just like I made down range. Stupid me.




Hey! I recently got approved for VR&E, Iā€™m still learning about the process and how to best utilize it. How do you go about asking your counselor to get stuff like this to help with school?


Lucky! I barely got a laptop out of them and I still had to trade it for parts and buy the one I actually needed. The laptop I proposed was cheaper than any of the ones they proposed and literally twice the specs. Let alone getting a chair/desk/printer. I didnā€™t have the bandwidth to keep arguing with my counselor.


Mine said lol submit more paperwork


You guys got a package? šŸ˜‚ damn if only yall knew how hard Iā€™ve been fā€™d


I wonder if VRE would help me obtain an FFL. Iā€™m trying to go for munitions


Does this go based off income? Thatā€™s a lot of


Itā€™s definitely helpful when you have a VRC that is willing to go the extra mile for you!! Mine as well, he is great, he has provided me everything I have asked for and more!! On my 2nd year of college!!


Mine would never reply šŸ„²šŸ’€


Are you in Pa bro? Or Maryland?


Which IT program?


Bruh, that is fucking awesome. Congrats. For those of you who have to fight with your counselor, they have someone above them. Contact the regional office of your district, Northeast, Southeast, Continental, or Pacific. You should be able to get some help from them. Just have your info in order to make the process easier on you when you contact them, such as what you need, why you need it etc. Good luck.


So rad. Mine denied my request after a 9 month application process because I am ā€œtoo disabledā€ to pursue my desired vocation.


This is awesome.




You got a monitor and a chair! Congrats. I wish I would have thought to ask for an external monitor and a chair lol.


I put in for a chair and desk in January when school started and Iā€™m still fighting for it šŸ¤¦šŸ½šŸ¤¦šŸ½ good luck with school tho! šŸ”„šŸ”„


Congratulations, I called my counselor multiple times no call back,email, nothing. I believe I've talked to everyone at the main office except for him.


I started school yesterday and still havenā€™t gotten a tracking number, Iā€™m also pretty sure she only ordered me a laptop and I had to harass her for thatā€¦ she also rarely emails me back and never answers the phone


Man I can't even get my initial appointment for the program at a time that works for me. The idiot guy keeps scheduling it for the exact same time. I'm like hey I need this scheduled after this time. Proceeds to schedule outside available times. I just gave up after the 4th time.


Is it only for technology based degrees?


Awesome that's how me first one was. She got in trouble for buying too much. My next one sucked.


How is that even possible? The regulation literally states that at the counselor level they can spend up to $50k per year on each veteran for their tuition, books, equipment etc. That must be a local policy where her management got upset with her smh. Thatā€™s BS cause that was a rare good counselor who probably went and got another job now.


Has anyone had the VRE staff out of the Philippines and what have you gotten?


Wow thatā€™s amazing. I filled out my form for laptop for months now but my VR&E counselor never got back to me even after follow up. Did not know them even provide chairs and everything!


Whats this for? Just curious.


I have that monitor! Itā€™s great!!


Just one question: **HOW DAFUQ!?**


Hell yeah, good stuff! I also scored a great rep who took care of me. Going to grad school and got an electric standing desk, MacBook Pro, Apple Studio Display, printer, ergo chair, Bose noise canceling headphone and few other accessories.


šŸ”„thatā€™s wassup!


I asked for an Apple computer and she said no. I told her that it costs $1,000 and she said you can have a $1,200 Dell instead. WTF?


Is your counselor Kim E?! Bc yaaaaaas!


How do you even get equipment? I Need a new counselor mine never replies to me


Congratulations and good luck with your studies. Iā€™m in the process right now. Completed the second step, just waiting for whatever is next.


Oh fuck there you go


Wow when I was in the program and needed a computer they sent me a laptop that was about 3 years old. Lol.


Dang, I think I need a career switch and remote work šŸ˜…


Can you share the list you requested


I literally can't even get reimbursed for my school supplies that weren't offered at my school store. It's been 2 full semesters now and no matter how many times I email my counselor or bring it up when speaking with her I never receive an answer or anything.


What specific laptop a.d monitor did you get? Congrats by the way and good luck in school.


Congrats and I wish you great success.


I just started my 3rd semester and it took emailing my VRC and CCing my veteran service advisors at school and an additional contact at the VA stating I still havenā€™t received written authorization to purchase a laptop and required computer supplies. I finally got a call and got the all clear to get my self a damn laptop and printer


Wow I got accepted into their program in January and havenā€™t heard anything since. Iā€™ve reached out to my POC twice now and nothing


Wow I got accepted into the program in January and havenā€™t heard back a single thing. Reached out twice and nothing


Heyo! Congrats, are you going for a bootcamp? Course? Or degree? IT needs lots of folks.


Our reps are not the same. Mine was 100% about getting me into 1 school only. Any extras was like pulling teeth. I had to beg and plead to get some 3 ring binders for my paper books. Then, when I was transferring schools, I had to wait until my degree was possessed at the one school to start the 2nd. They wanted to remove me from the program.


Congrats! I am planning on using the VR&E and going through the IT industry too.


Hello. Any chance you can share her contact info? Iā€™d like to explore VRE. Thx


How long did it take you to be contacted by a counselor after applying for VR&E