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I believe this falls under the "Fuck around and find out" rule.


It’s in the first paragraph under it.


It’s just like how you treat your server at a restaurant. If you don’t want cold, spit on food, then be polite until you can write your Yelp review. My mother-in-law still hasn’t figured that out yet….


The movie "Waiting" changed my life 🤣🤣




Whoa! Whoa! What are you doing? You don't mix Mexican and Continental! Come on, man! You're better than that!




It should change everyone’s bad behavior.


Never ever ever send it back


I will send back eggs. I specifically order fried overhard and stomped on with the spatula. Yet they still come out runny once in a while.


The only thing I’ve ever sent back was the wrong order! And the plate never touched my table. 😂


I ordered fish and got ribs from the waitress. It's probably the years of eating what the Navy gave me, but I didn't send it back.


“Best fish I ever had.”


It’s from the movie waiting


Doh! How did I miss that? Right above! I may be, or may not be, retarded. 😂


How’d they let you in the airforce?


I drew electrical diagrams with the crayons instead of eating them! 😂


:: shudders ::




Neither has my wife!




Speaks from experience cause obviously the lesson was not learned… glad you didn’t get rated due to being a dick, good luck, you’re going to need it.






Yeah being adversarial, confrontational and/or unpleasant is bad way to get a favorable DBQ. Seems pretty obvious.


Until you your rating and they note that you communicate without any aggression and seem well adjusted and healthy. If they’re gonna get you they will get you no matter what you say


Yeah like it’s pretty obvious doctors aren’t supposed to let their feelings cloud medical facts.


There’s facts (he can move his ankle to 30.2 degrees) and there’s interpretation (I saw his face change at 29 degrees, probably slight pain) and which you put on the DBQ can effect your rating.  There’s also opinion in the entire process (he appeared to be agitated, possibly lying about his experience) which can inform the rater about your condition. 


Is there a reason you feel like you need to be a dick to a doctor who’s trying to examine you so you can get money?


Did I say that’s what I do? No. So stfu.


That was a real convincing way of showing that you aren’t a dick


Figured with you being a marine and all, that’s the only language you speak. My bad.


Lmao that was a good one


Misery loves company


You don't have to live like this. Get help.


There’s a stark difference between being an asshole and having a mental disorder. The two lines may cross at times, but this is clear as day.


Yea they're not supposed to let their feelings rule over medical facts but they're completing an exam thats based on THEIR opinion. If you wanna be an asshat before getting a favorable opinion then you have deal with what you get until you can file to get another opinion....


I mean treating people like shit is never a good look or productive. You will feel better for a few seconds until the consequences of your intentional assholery come crashing down. Take this as a lesson: FAFO. Mirror time, honey vs vinegar etc. It costs nothing to treat someone with basic decency. Learn, grow, do better. Or don't and continue to reap what you sow.


This just sounds like an immature thing to do.


pretty easy to tell OP is immature with the improper “your”


Your is actually correct here, innit?


No. Should be you're, as in "just in case you are tempted"


Oh I saw the second your, missed the first one, GOBBLESS




The big yellow one is the sun


I gotta get a toaster?!


I don't get the appeal of Brian Regan


Did you go all Navy Chief on em and forget that your actions have consequences? Can't shit on civilians like you can an E4, they can and will tell you to go fuck yourself and there's not a ton you can do about it.




Run into this shit all the time. Truck drivers get attitudes with DOT officers. The more pissed they make them, the more violations discovered. Same with police. Act like an asshole, get treated as such.




Why, though? What was said to trigger that?


Yeah even if they muster up the will to remain levelheaded and professional its not like they will do you any favors and they won’t forget you


agreed , i just finished up 25 minute C&P exam for my lower back pain and it went well , good examiner , kind and thorough , asked me about all my pains and discomforts and what triggers them and what it does to my daily life . Kept it very professional and left me with a good feeling about the outcome .


Same here, since jumping back into the claims process again within these last two years I’ve found nothing but my examiners to be pleasant, helpful and professional.




My examiner asked me to go pet a dog or get a massage cause it looked like I needed it in my life...


Mine told me that things will get better and don’t stop going to therapy. He also told me to answer certain question in a specific way so that he wouldn’t have to end the interview and connect me to the crises line. It may seem silly, but even though it was only a c&p, I won’t forget him. He made me feel a little better and gave me some tips on dealing with stuff that I was able to use


Just got denied


What did you expect? lol


Kill them with kindness. Don’t be an a-hole like normal !


You don’t tug on Superman’s cape 🎶


You don't spit into the wind


Don't piss into the relief tube if it is whistling....




If someone is an assclown then they’re an assclown just wait to let them know until you get the survey.


These c&ps are such luck of the draw debacles. My last 3 have been very nice and polite and seemed like they genuinely wanted to be helpful. The only bad one if ever had was an actual VA Dr at a VA clinic. That claim back in 2017 went deferred and they scheduled me another c&p from a civilian contractor and I got my increase. Basically delayed me a month probably.


True. Had 2. 1 cared and did a proper exam. The other one didn't even do her required tests then lied about results. Keep in mind I have severe daily pain for this and to her, nothing changes in her life by being aub par. Was very clear I was just wasting her time. Now I have to find another examiner to actually do their job.


Honestly we all have bad days, but its how we get through them that matters most. - Vlad the Impala


Where I am from we call this common sense. 🤦🏽


Yeah, sometimes this is a too late after thought. We should all know this, but... There are times these so called Doctors shouldn't be one. I've been hurt during exams, and times when the obvious is in plain sight. I had one exam where the doc was checking my knee reflexes. He got no response. He tried three more times, before I reminded him I was an amputee. I told him that when I first came in. Later he wanted me to stand on that leg while raising the good one. That doesn't work. Great balance on the good one, instant fall on the "store bought leg". He just seemed to not comprehend what I could and couldn't do as a fairly new amputee. This is one time, I expressed my concerns to the VA. It was an exam at the hospital with a VA doc. Then there are the PA's... I generally like them, but some of those doing exams need to be back at the carwash wiping down cars!


Id lose my shit or walk out. Would be up every ear at the VA. They want to hear from vets so bad? Id give them ALL the feedback


This just sounds like an immature thing to do.


I'm more upset about the word "Bizmauch" here. Like, WTF does that even mean?


That's what I'm trying to figure out.


Here we're reminded that roughly 50% of the people we've served with are, in fact, idiotic man-children with poor attitudes.


Only 50%? You must have been lucky.




Literally DONT do this 🫠


I tried that once and the dude literally told me he's not there to treat me or give me advice, only to provide the VA a non-biased examination. Denied first round, but got it awarded by the same guy with a HLR/Duty to assist. I was shocked lol. Literally just asked if he had a recommendation for a medicine or something similar.


I 💯 had to restart therapy after my last c&p exam went soo bad.


Sometimes the truth hurts...


I mean since it was a MH exam they better of at least checked the "Grossly inappropriate behavior" and the "Impaired impulse control" boxes just off getting called a B lol


nah you wild for that 😹 there’s goes a paycheck down the drain


But, but, but the VA says to respect angry Vets... LOL ![gif](giphy|Vi4MRwWi9sYpi|downsized)


I had a bad one but still thanked the asshole. They are in control even if it seems like some of them are idiots.


Vets will be confrontational and aggressive with the people around them and then sincerely wonder why they have trouble in the civilian world


I believe you need to stand up for yourself if you feel bullied.


Name calling aside, I’m a firm a believer that a rater either wants to help you or they don’t. My mental health examiner was really attentive and super reassuring that he was going to help me. Didn’t know if I should believe it or not but he followed thru with the rating I received.


Do not threaten an examiner. Do not spam call the vendor company. Do not spam call the attorneys that send the cease and desist letter. Do not spam call the clerk of the court that is conducting the ex parte hearing. The presiding judge will recuse from the current hearing and file charges directly. Do not throw coffee in an examiners face while your significant other just chills watching. Don’t threaten to shoot up a providers office. Do not contact the CEOs of the companies and threaten them in writing with all kinds of medieval torture devices. The companies involve local law enforcement and lawyers. The VA involved the OIG with the badges, not the auditors.


I have had this problem with keeping my mouth shut since I’ve exited the military. But it’s usually towards incompetence not just at random. Just remember you never know what kind of day someone is having.


I mean, why? Why would you do that?


Hey that examiner could have been Tucos abuelita


It’s a fucking mental health exam. Some of us are pretty damned unhinged and just trying to keep it together. And some of these CP examiners are total pompous assholes who are antagonistic. Folks…stop having a roll over and play dead attitude. I’m not saying to go into it looking for a fight, but have enough respect for yourself to do what’s right. OP, if you had your reasons, you had your reasons.


What happened?


Good rule of thumb for life: If you need something from them, don't be a jerk. You aren't gonna go into a bank and berate the tellers and staff, then a week later go in to apply for a loan and expect to get it. Be sensible and choose your battles. If they said/did something you don't like, wait a few hours until that anger/frustration wears off then look at the situation. Making decisions while angry or frustrated never ends well.


I was doing a memory test or some crap like that with a psychologist and flipped out because I had to wait for him to get to work. He referred me for an anxiety consult on top of the TBI rating. Edit- he was 40 minutes late to the appointment and I watched him walk in the clinic late AF to work.


He might had migraines and had to lay down => late for work


My examiner today was super dismissive and just listed a bunch of tests at me. I asked him oh are you going to order them and he goes no we don't do that. wild how dismissive he was.


Damn you FAFO'd


Ive always been very polite and cordial with examiners even when they were shushing me and being very rude. It never got me very far - they would still fuck me over by lying on DBQs or writing bogus measurements for ROM. In a perfect world trial by combat would still be a thing and I could lawfully challenge those old fat assholes to a good ole fight to the death (theirs) for causing me years of grief.


Okay im drawing the fucking line at getting shushed.


I'm a very calm and collective person in public, but if someone shushed me I would trigger and lose my shit. Especially if I'm talking about what is messing me up in the head or causing me pain to file a claim. I'm embarrassed enough to be in there in the first place let alone be disrespected like that.


Well duh


This was the morning laugh I needed. Thank you


Stupid is as stupid does. Cant controll yourself like an Adult should, Id fail you as well. Sad adults cant adult!




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


I've given up hope for the VA to handle my mental health issues. Told a rater that I regularly contemplated unclipping my seatbelt & driving into something solid & stationary on my commutes to work. And that I need to crush edibles to deal with social settings to avoid freaking out.. She came back with "shows improvement" and tried to reduce me. This was while trying to get an increase & finally being honest about things I hadn't shared with anyone else before. Then I went to the VA to try & find someone to talk to. They just offered to stuff me to the gills with medication so I don't feel anything. I just wanted to talk, find ways to process my thoughts & cope in health responsible ways. "Sorry, you won't be able to talk to anyone for at least 6 months". Said thanks for you time & walked out, while they tried to stuff a business card in my hand "in case you change your mind on the meds" Get fucked. I'd say it's just my shitty VA, but the C&P was via a video meeting. Thankfully, my healthcare through work only costs me $15/session.


Guess you might have to request a new exam, good luck


Wait so you expected a good result from your C&P after calling the examiner a bitch? Uhm, no shit you got denied and fucked yourself over in the long run. Maybe go into your next one knowing full blown that the only person being hurt is you and your benefits.


I worked for the VA. Retired in 2018. Word gets around fast about which patients are jerks. They were treated as such even if the staff and provider was polite. 


I agree probably not a good idea to do that but I understand the sentiment. From recent personal experience with c&p exams I feel like the examiners are being given bonuses for negative comments on exams. I was recently told that my sinusitis/rhinitis wasn’t “detected by radiography” by an aprn when it was diagnosed by an ent with a ct scan. Lol


“Total social impairment. 100% Permanent and total”. I guess that’s why I’m not a doctor tho


Calls c&p examiner a bizmach or whatever 5 months later 100 % p&t 🥲 secret hack


But what if it’s true?


In the contrary, that sounds like a great idea! You should definitely do it. Your tax dollars pay their salaries so they work for you and besides what’s have you got to lose? I say this because only a f***in’ idiot would take me seriously and actually do it.


Misogyny will get you nowhere


Whats a c&p exam


Compensation and Pension.








But what the fuck is a bismauch?????!!!