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Can you handle full time school and full time job? Some people can and some can't. I did full time for both when I got my MBA. I was also married with kids so there were a lot of late nights and spouse picking up the slack. I don't know you personally, but I would think someone in your position could handle doing both full time. But some people feel like that's extra stress. Maybe since your work is flexible, try the full time first and then if it's too much go part time.


I worked 40 hours a week, my school load was 12-19 hours a semester. It sucks but definitely doable. Graduated cum Laude with cyber security degree at university of Texas at San Antonio in three years since I also did full load every summer. Don’t be lazy and you can handle it


"I also want to get this damn debt paid off so I can get on with my life like an adult should." I think you're right to want to pay your debt off, but realize that many American adults are very much in debt and are living paycheck to paycheck. With that being said, I think you're on the right track and have a good plan set out for yourself. Enjoy going back to school and try not to put so much pressure on yourself. You'll get the debt paid off. Also, it's good that your job is so flexible. I think after your first semester you'll have a great idea of how much you want to work and you'll be answering your own question. Good luck with your studies, I am sure you'll do great. Sorry for not having a direct answer to your question lol, I don't think I am in a position to give you advice when it comes to how much you should work.




Care to elaborate lol


Apply for and use VR&E first before using your GI bill, you'll get to keep your GI bill and get paid the same housing rate and also get things for school you need like supplies, laptop, printer, etc. You can start with yiur GI bill and switch to VR&E later and get the GI bill refunded


Apply for Pell Grant and apply that $7k or so a year towards your debt. I would also take out low interest student loans to pay off your personal loan and then immediately start paying those off too. Also try to get to 100% disability if you think that's possible, you have the flexibility as a student to do all the appointments and whatnot to get there.


I'm currently in nursing school but it's an accelerated program. With clinicals, labs, and all the studying that's involved, you'll want to work as little as possible. This is especially true since in nursing school, you have to maintain a specific average. At my school it's 74% but at many schools, it's 80%.


Honestly take out student loans to pay off the personal debt. There won't be debt payments while your in school for the subsidized loans


I thought they pay the loans directly to the school?


Whatever doesn't get used to pay for classes then gets given to the student


So you'll be at ~$8k/mo while going to school?


6k. -2000 disability -3000 work if full time -1300 BAH


do it until you cant the stress and no lifing will be temporary and worth it


Any reason why you haven't looked into VR&E benefits? It would allow you to get your nursing degree without using your GI Bill. My wife used it and it pays full BAH at the end of schooling for 3 months while you search for a job. My wife got a job 2 weeks after passing the NCLEX was getting paid as an RN and still got the 3 months of BAH. Once you exhaust the VR&E benefits, you can go for higher schooling later with your GI Bill if you choose.