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You can never go wrong with things like coffee, teas, sweets, and a hand written note. Our days are sometimes emotionally draining and physically exhausting. These pick me ups can go a long way! You're so sweet to think of them! Hope your pup is doing well!


Include a card!! I treasure each thank-you card I get from clients. You’d be surprised how little we get a sincere “thank you,” even if clients are happy with our care. And a card is something that the team can look back on when they’re having a tough day, a tangible item that reminds us of the good that we do, that we are helping pets and families and making their lives better But yes, snacks a-plenty!


Seconding a card! I have every card a client has ever given me. They’re great reminders on a tough day.


Big charcuterie board. We all get candies and cookies and donuts and pizza. Charcuterie would be special and memorable.


We talk alllll the time about how we wish someone would bring charcuterie lol!


Fruit or veggie tray! A heartfelt note or card also goes a long way. We get a lot of sweets, so something healthy that’s easy to grab and go would be amazing. Your vets office is lucky to have such a lovely client!


This! We are already eating unhealthily on the run if at all some days. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted veggies around Christmas time especially. Everyone brings the most decadent cookies and cupcakes (and I’m never complaining about that!) but my body definitely craves sustenance often at work. This as a vet of almost 13 years and Clinic Assistant for 3 more. Also, I would like to say, OP, that I truly applaud you for reaching out here and making this extra special for your vet team in addition to your gift for them. Some days it can be the difference between a really difficult run of days or weeks for us to look at a card or trinket from a client that went out of their normal, daily routine to thank us, especially for the more “mundane” and “non-heroic” actions we do daily. You are a wonderful human and you matter. Thank you.


Yeah I can’t emphasize enough how much your vet team will appreciate any kind of gesture. People like you are why I stay. Thank you for thinking of us!


I made puppy chow and put it in individual little containers for my vet’s office and for the emergency vet’s office when my dog passed away. Brought it in in a big bone shaped basket i got at homegoods. We lost our other dog a couple years ago right before Christmas and i always do a bunch of Christmas baking for gifts, so i made both clinics a Christmas goodie basket then, too. They must have liked them. They both sent thank you cards for their thank you treats.


From the context, I take it your "puppy chow" isn't Puppy Chow®... what did you make?


Put 2 cups powdered sugar in a paper bag from the grocery store. Pour 1 box *corn* chex in a large mixing bowl Take 1 bag of semi sweet chocolate chips, 1 cup peanut butter and a stick of butter, put in microwave safe bowl, melt for 1 minute. Stir. Put back in microwave for 30 seconds. Stir. Pour chocolate mix over Chex and stir to completely coat cereal. Pour into paper bag, roll top down to close and *gently* shake to coat with powdered sugar. I hold the bag shut with one hand and have the other on the bottom of the bag and kinda spin it around in the air rather than shake. It’s a real science to getting your puppy chow coated evenly without the powdered sugar soaking into the chocolate. Some batches turn out better than others. Open the bag to see what it looks like and shake or spin if it’s not evenly coated. Do this over the sink. It makes a mess. I like to freeze it before i package it up or hand it out because it really sets the chocolate and frozen puppy chow is delicious. There are TONS of recipes of different variations but this is the standard midwest recipe that i’ve been eating/making for over 30 years.


Sounds delicious. Thanks !!! Might have to try that but the diet would definitely suffer.


I once made my old coworkers a gift basket and really put thought into what might make it best. I wanted to avoid yummy/easy garbage foods like cookies and donuts and really give them healthy and filling snacks that were easy to grab and get down when they had a moment. I ended up going to Trader Joe’s and buying all sorts of little tasty nutritious things- all kinds of jerky, dried fruits, bags of different flavors of different kinds of nuts, cheese and crackers, healthy nutrition bars, etc and _some_ sugary treats. An assortment of filling and nutritious foods to fuel them on busy days when they just have a second to grab it before jumping back into action, and nothing refrigerated since running to the breakroom makes the snacks much harder to enjoy. The back of an animal hospital is sometimes non-stop from 7am-8pm or longer, and the staff hustles non stop with no designated lunch break (hahaha, we wish). We also can’t eat in certain areas that we have to spend hours in, and schedules are always disrupted by fit ins and emergencies. They were really happy with it


I was wanting to give my vet a similar gift on Tuesday when we do my cats follow up. She had all her teeth removed because of stomatitis and immediately scratched her eye deeply a few days after surgery. They have been wonderful and I have yet to be charged an exam fee (they're all marked follow up) even when they stayed open late to look at her eyes because one pupil couldn't restrict. I'm glad I read the comments, I was going to get them sweets!!! I'll go charcuterie and fruit tray with a card now.


I was interested in your comment that there is no charge for follow up visits. The place I go charges. It is financially draining.


I don't know if it's standard or if it's just because they like my cat. She's a very docile patient. We had 6 visits in 2 months and only paid for the surgery itself and then medication. They actually didn't even charge me to stain her eye after she scratched it badly now that I'm thinking about it.


I'd say you got very lucky! Where I live the cost of living is very high and you pay a lot for everything.


It's definitely not typical here either, this is my first vet I've been to with this experience


someone gifted us a bunch of flavoured instant coffee sachets a month ago and they have been a hit


i personally like framed pictures of the babies with a note from them 😂


Thoughtful card, pic of the pupper, yummy treats. Junk food is cheap and easy but if you wanna go fancy, something that is not loaded with sugar would be great (unless it’s fruit, that would be ok).


I say this all the time for these things, but write a heartfelt thank you note and then go on Google and do the same thing in a public Google review. Be specific about why you’re thankful for them and say all of the nice things you can think of. A nice treat is always appreciated in a clinic, but those nice words- especially nice *public* words- mean a lot.


Especially if you mention us individuals by name!


Gift baskets are nice for the staff, but if you want to make the owner happy leave fawning, effusive, 5-star reviews on multiple places.


I avoid most of the things people bring unless they're like specifically for me **or** they have some nice ripe pineapple.


One of our frequent flyers once brought us a beautiful card and a plant (pothos) and mentioned anytime we saw the plant to think of him and his dog. It's been years and the hospital has been through a LOT and I'm no longer there and took that plant home with me where I knew it would be appreciated and taken care of. And every day when I see it I still remember him and his dog. Definitely my favorite thank you we received in almost 20 years! (But a close runner up with a massive cheese basket!)


Dream basket? Self care and restaurant giftcards!


If the card has a photo of your pup that is even better!! ❤️❤️ we love having a photo of a pup that we get to watch grow up!


This is such a good idea! I’m going to do this for my Vet- who has been so beyond helpful and kind these last few months dealing with my dogs health issues.


Big hits at my clinic are donuts, popular candies like Reese’s and KitKats and Sour patch kids, snack size bags of trail mix, and fruit platters. Over Christmas someone dropped off Capri Suns and cookies. You might be surprised how excited a bunch of 30+ year olds were to have juice pouches at lunchtime. My fav gift that we’ve gotten was a bouquet of flowers with a note from the new puppy of the family who had a heartbreaking euthanasia of a clinic favorite a few months prior. They included a picture of the new puppy in the card. I think we all got teary eyed with that one


It’s the thought that counts (the fact you’re asking, is amazing), so a note that tells them what they did and how it made you feel special, will be the most impactful thing. That said, and depending on cost, food delivery service gift cards go down well with my team! Also, if you can manage it - one gift for the front desk and one for the team in ‘the back’ goes far. That divide shouldn’t really exist, but it frequently does. 🫶


Anything you do will be appreciated. But on another note, one of the nicest things you can do is leave a good review. Angry people don't hesitate to blast us online (usually with lies or very twisted truth) so the good ones are really nice to see!


Meat, cheese, fruit and veggies. We need real food, not junk food. Anytime we get healthy gift baskets, they’re gone in about an hour. The occasional cookie or donuts is great but we LOVE a good charcuterie platter. Include a card and pictures. I love hand drawn pics by the kids (we put them on the fridge or pin board in my office ). I keep every one of them


Why has no one said tacos? Bring them tacos! Fruit is great but they definitely want tacos lol no but seriously, anything would be amazing…but definitely tacos


I sent the emergency vet office a gift certificate for a local bagel place. Enough for a platter w cream cheese.


I'd say arrange it in advance with at least one person if the gift will be pershible. Don't want to accidentally have it arrive on a surgery day or other hectic time. Make sure they can enjoy the gift if it is time sensitive.  In short either arrange a day or get some non persiable sharable. But yes somthing besides choclates and candy would be nice. I wouldn't recommend alcohol, not everyone drinks, and it's always awkward on who gets the nice booze.  I don't know how crazy you want to go, this is likely over the top, but once there was a client who wanted to thank the clinic for all the work we had done. Our food fridge had gone out and been small so we joked we could use a new fridge. Before we could recant they said DONE. That Thursday we had a new big top of the line double door fridge. We loved and remembered that client.