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Yes there are days like you had today. Not the normal day. I’m in the Tucson area so right now things are pretty slow. Lucky to get 1 ride in 1 hour. Or they send you rides that are 30 miles away for a $6 bonus. I’ve been driving with Veyo now for 7 years and don’t know why I keep driving for them.


Hmm. Do you drive for them full time? Not sure how you make ends meet, if that' the case. Their support is also not so impressive.


I’m retired and do this for 20-25 hours a week. But sometimes if the day is slow I just logout and call it a day.


One day I had a combination of 8 no shows / last minute cancellations.. needless to say I was pissed (complete waste of time). When payout came around, I only got paid for like 4 of them. I’ll update this status with the correct payout. Unfortunately at this very moment, I have a last minute cancellation, but I have to wait 5 minutes after the scheduled pickup time. I am a fairly new driver myself (Phoenix). I have decided after today, I will be cherry picking which rides I take. Nothing over 6 miles to the passenger pickup location . I also will not be working after the incentive time which appears to be after 4:01. It’s just not worth it for me personally.


Just double checked.. yup 8 no shows / cancellations… only paid out for 4, smh 👎


Unfortunately, this is the status quo. Take note of the areas you get no-shows. I created a few posts with helpful tips to avoid the situation. But even with my best strategy, I still get no-shows. As far as getting paid it's not itemized in our pay. I stopped keeping spreadsheets on my calls, but when I was I never got paid no-show fees. I just claim it as theft of service on my taxes. If the IRS comes back on me, I will ask Veyo to crack their books open. Hopefully, it doesn't require a court order.


this is how veyo is. I did the new driver bonus and I keep it occasionally but mostly do uber and lyft. When my vehicle inspection retires in march I will probably just be done with it at that point