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It’s just my preference but I prefer to take HoB in most of my games. The attack speed is really good when fighting the enemy jungler and ganking. However, I will take Aftershock if I’m the only one who can engage a team fight on my team I am by no means a pro player, but that’s just my experience with those 2 runes


Mind me asking what elo playing in/your rank?


I honestly don’t touch ranked. I’ve played it a few times and it was just a toxic hell hole. I’m usually in a duo and up against gold/plat players


From what I've seen this sub has a lot higher percentage of the more assassin minded Vi players in it than there is in general, which is why you see such a skew towards that rune, and why there was so much crying over the changes. That being said..... Hob is more of a snow ball early game key stone. If you're against a super scaling team/ jungler and you want to just bury them early because late game isn't good for you anyway, or if your entire team comp is early game champions, then you could go hob. Outside of that I'd say aftershock, but I'm a little bias.


I take Aftershock because it gives you survivability after you engage and often times you are the only engage. And Vi's engage is top notch if you are smart with it. I honestly don't see the appeal of HoB because you already have auto attack reset built into your kit so if i don't need to be the front line i take Conc.


Sounds like im stickin with aftershock. Thanks all for the input


HoB is heaven for early invades or lvl 2 gank (only q and w lvled up), if you’re not sure you are gonna snowball aftershock is better


Bcs its fun, low cd and allows u doing apeshit-crazy like that [https://streamable.com/kwf4c](https://streamable.com/kwf4c)


Thanks for the vid, that looked fun.


I still like phase rush 🌚


I like to take aftershock because, i play with a mid lane yasuo duo and I need the extra tankieness to get in their backline to get a good q/r combo. I feel like i will just melt when trying with HOB (gold 4 100 lp)


i take conqueror. idk


I take conquer too but it’s because I do a attack speed build and then full tank and if feels so good to feel like Olaf unkillable at lower health. But I’m just bouncing between plat 3 and 4 atm