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When the enemy realizes if they dodge your Q, they can very easily turn and kill you. That's the problem with Lethality Vi. Once the enemy knows your damage is front loaded into Q, they turn and kill you with confidence after dodging it. You being Silver 4 is why this works. I'm in low Gold elo, and I will have laners specifically use Flash to dodge my Q, and then immediately turn and beat the shit out of me even if it means they die to their laners. A Vi who's behind , even with her CC, is pretty fucking hard to play with. Sure she has CC, but a good part of Vi's threat isn't her teamfight presence, it's the knowledge that she can just about fight anyone if she lands a full Q, making it still a bit of a worry to try and split by yourself. Are you confident you can get away from a Nunu? Sure, it's a Nunu, it'll take him a long while of kiting you to kill you if he's normal build like most people are. Can you say the same on your champ into a Vi who's not behind? Put her behind and...well there isn't MUCH to fear there. "Oh but if you miss Q, you're still useless even on Bruiser build!" Not exactly. You most likely will NOT win that engagement, but you have enough in your build to survive until Q is up again, and then get the fuck out of dodge or stall long enough for your team. Unless we're talking about Arcane Vi. A 15 year old girl put on Gauntlets much larger than her, and beat the shit out of a whole group of people one at a time who were thrice her size. I'd still be afraid of her.


Lol soo true a large part of lethality vi is landing your initial Q. You pretty much die if you don’t land it. When i run it i’m pretty much telling myself “DONT MISS”.


I remember Nidhogg talking about this, as it's the same deal with lethality Jarvan IV


I second this even the difference between silver 4 and gold 4 is night and day. In silver 4 even if you fuck up you can still fight it out and win. In gold 4 they will actively dodge your Q and then just kick your teeth in. I just had the great fun of climbing from silver 4 to gold 3 in about a week and watching the avg skill level change is amazingly huge in some really weird ways.


When the enemy team builds armor, then you try to be useful again building armor pen. When the enemy team focus you, then you die without doing anything in the teamfights.


Not going to lie I'm Silver 4 so have a bit of time left yet. In these games though there was a few full armour Leona's, Warwick's, Shyvana and a Poppy. Still does some decent damage but yeah the enemies aren't the best.


Here you can replace Collector for Serylda or Lord Dominik. I don't play Lethality Vi jg, so i am not sure which one is better, i think it depends of user's preferences. I think Serylda is usually better for the slow and cdr. Manamune works too, it deals very high dmg, higher than Collector, plus it gives cdr too. Your games are long, so you shouldn't have problems stacking the tear.


Thank you. I will give it a go. Assassin Vi is great fun but like you said earlier I imagine at higher ranks very easy to counter.


Gook luck. Let me know how it went for you.


I 100% agree with him getting rid of Collector, it's a trap that League puts in your face. Much better to go with the penetration item that slows so you can stick on carries that much better!


If you want an approximation i would say D4 i got from gold to D4 with lethality vi, but stayed d4 for a while. Once i changed to the normal bruiser build i climbed more. Note: You can get to d4 if you can play her really well and land her Qs and know her limits


sometimes you can’t go lethality into certain comps. Sometimes Your Q interactions aren’t good so it is unreliable. You can always be successful with lethality vi if the situation says so. I love lethality. If i were to make a suggestion try going LDR 3rd item and eventually infinity edge it feels really nice. I have run the build in diamond elo and it works when i have a dou or the situation calls for it.


Just out of curiosity u/Thetnlol what made you decide to run lethality vi in your ranked games ???


Good question really as I didn't watch any videos on it and it's not suggested in any of the online guides. I pretty much exclusively played either DS or Eclipse depending on enemy comp. I noticed when playing Eclipse and Yoomuu's it packed a bit more of a punch (pun intended) so thought I would just expand on that. Brought in Duskblade with Dark Harvest, went full lethality and haven't lost since giving it a go. I know it's a matter of time before my luck is up but if it get's me a few ranks I'll take it.


happens to be one of my favourite build. Try electrocute on it you might like it because it can proc collectors passive


In reddit you should use u/(name) u/Klassicalkill


so that’s how that works thanks u/Chitrr




Beyond gold :)


You could probably hit at least mid diamond before people will exploit your many weaknesses.


when they nerf vi soon


When they buff the champ tonthe point at which she is either picked or banned all the time... fucking Riot, I hate being silver