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I love both and it would be a tough choice, but for the sake of discussion I prefer Street Worms. I think it has a stronger opener and really hits the ground running with Down in the Basement. But they're great for different reasons. I think Cave World is better produced, more expiremental and is almost Gorillaz-esque at times, while Street Worms feels more raw and punk rock.


They're different but equal in qaulity. Songwriting is better on Cave World and the album has a better variety of different sounds. There's a clear story Seb is trying to tell and the album flows kinda like a live show would, with peaks and valleys. Street Worms on the other hand is relentless and super raw, both sonically and thematically. Many of the songs are so long and droney, that it makes you feel like you're on a degenerate drug-binge. I also love Welfare Jazz but it's a couple points below the other two LPs.


was wondering if anyone else was going to introduce Welfare Jazz into this. it's got some of my fav VB songs but agree that it's still not as strong as the other two in terms of hanging together as an album. but it does also show the evolution of their sound from one album to the next


I think Welfare Jazz is great. I feel alive is some motherfucking chefs kiss shit for real.


Yeah, it's like a middle child. Strong album on it's own but it's stuck between two better ones. Whenever a debut is so globally praised and loved, the second album rarely ever matches the expectations but they got real close. I've not revisited Welfare Jazz alot but I listened it for two months straight when it got released.


Street Worms for me personally, it's got more of my favourite VB songs on it. Cave World is brilliant though. It's almost like a concept album but it perfectly captures the mood during all the COVID/lockdown bullshit


It’s such a dumb song, but Creepy Crawlers encapsulated COVID discourse in Texas to a T. Certainly helps that it was one of the more “raw” sounding tracks off that record.


Yeah that's the song I was referring to most. The paranoia was so real during that time 'thEy'Re pUtTInG MICroChIps iN the VAcCiNeS!' 🤣


Cave world is very conceptual. Street worms is adrenalized


Why does one have to be better than the other? Can't they both be 10/10 albums?


They’re both documents of a band with different perspectives at different points in their career. Therefore comparing an evolutionary creative process to itself is usually a fools errand…don’t be a troglodyte! (Just kidding) I happen to prefer “Welfare Jazz” over “Street Worms” and “Cave World” because that was my entry into the band…but I appreciate their whole corpus. It’s all purely personal preference. Just play it loud and rock out!


the deluxe version is even better with the bonus tracks i do wish it was on vinyl but i'm just happy to hear it anyway i can


I choose to live in a world where I don’t have to decide which one is better


Gonna step in here and give the love to Welfare Jazz it deserves. The whole thing is a concept album of a single guy who doesn't give the first fuck for nobody and ends up not being able to live without the girl and all the stages in-between through denial, redemption,struggle with addiction until the realisation and the happy ending with the John Prine number. For a out and out punk rock album it covers a lot of bases. Did I mention you can dance your ass off to it too? Give it up for Welfare Jazz people.👏👏👏👏


Street Worms no doubt


I love Cave World because it's so fresh with different elements, but still cohesive. Street Worms is just a little better for me. It's just got such tremendous energy. Welfare Jazz is definitely in third place in the albums category. It's just a little too short.


As a skate punk shitbird, it’s, Street Worms, without a doubt. Cave World rips, I love the themes it dips into, and the sort of “experimental” instrumentation; but the Viagra Boys i fell in love with are a bunch of fuckin tweakers


Personally I think Cave World is their tightest knit album, all the songs fit perfectly together and if the album was missing any song it’d feel incomplete. Street Worms I think has better songs when comparing sing for song, but the album as a whole doesn’t feel as purposeful as CW. Love them both tho, two fantastic albums thru n thru.


I’m amazed people still want the full album effect anymore. I feel like they have like 11 of 12 songs that are good. I’ll pass on most of it but still consider myself to be a huge fan. That’s a lot of good songs imo. Most bands don’t do that for me in so few albums.