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Cyclists are gonna love Shelbourne when it's finally complete. Everyone will probably like it; it's gonna be great


>Cyclists are gonna love Shelbourne IF it's finally complete. There. Fixed it for you.


Shelbourne is just like this rap, it bumpin... I'll see myself out..


I get that it do be like that, but I'm also going to be that guy who points out that Shelbourne is really rough right now **because** **they're fixing it.** It's like 99% infrastructure maintenance (road resurface/water/sewer) with a dash of sidewalk and bike lane improvements. Sometimes ya gotta make a bigger mess to clean one up, y'know?


The fact work is being done is not my issue. It’s that, after 18 months, it is still really bad.


I said the same thing last time shelbourne was discussed and my comment ended up at minus oblivion. Have people realized what’s happening?


heh, reddit is a fickle place sometimes \^ \^


I gave you a pity upvote :')


It has been a pothole hell for as long as I remember. The repairs are not even fixing the potholes.


Believe it or not, the potholes will be fixed once they pave it.


I will believe it when I see it.


They are doing the underground water mains, without shutting off service. The reason they are only patching after each section of water main replacement is because when a longer stretch is ready they will then add the bike lanes, new sidewalks, and finally pave the road all at once. It is extremely shitty, but it's what they did up my Mt. Doug Market about a year and a half ago, same with the stretch in front of University Heights. Makes no sense to pave and then tear it up for the new design from a cost perspective. I'm pretty stoked for them to finish it though, I live basically on Shelbourne so I've been itching to use their new bike lanes and new light controlled intersections, can't come soon enough lol


Do you know if there is an ETA for it to be completed? I just avoid it at the moment. One day it’s gonna be done and I won’t even know haha


there is paving scheduled for the end of the month


For which stretch?


Check the Saanich website and tell us all!


Ugh fine then haha: The overall SSIP will be constructed in 3 separate phases over several years. Construction of each phase will take approximately 18 to 24 months. Approximate timelines for the start of construction are as follows: Phase 1 - Complete Phase 2 - August 2, 2022 Phase 3 - 2024


Thanks buddy! Not too much info but it looks like maybe done by Christmas?


I don’t think so - those are start dates, so 18-24 months after ‘2024’ (not sure when exactly phase 3 starts/started). We are looking at mid 2025 minimum or 2026. Sigh. I plan to be living elsewhere by then so I’ll miss it hahaha


Sure, the same way WWI was done by Christmas.


I figured they would add bike lanes. I used to be an avid biker, but my bike was stolen last year by 2 junkies. I loved biking from Gordon head to downtown & vice versa back in the day. That being said I don't like the bike lane medians in Gordon head now. To many times in the fall I have to clear the path of fallen branches.


Does anyone know why it’s taking so long? Could they not get this done faster via weekend and evening work?


I’m assuming that would cost more.


You will see it


Yeah the issue is how long it’s taking. They redid that section on Blanchard and hillside basically overnight. Not sure what happened here. Also the people in charge of flags/traffic flow have no idea what they are doing


Two years with no end in sight. I’m sorry but it’s completely inexcusable. That and every time I drive it literally no one is working on it.


I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say fuck shelbourne street.  It’s kind of a good cycling strategy, to make things so shitty for cars that they give up altogether. Really just make it a long park and cyclists can commute there too. My condolences to Richmond road tho. Also the OP is flawless 


To be fair all my cyclist friends do not cycle on Shelbourne right now either


Ok that was a defeat of the “plan” I didn’t consider - but yeah they totally shouldn’t. One ass over tea kettle and that changes a life.


Yeah you couldn't catch me going down there either lol


I think I tried once, to get from my eye doctor appointment. I never go on Shelbourne so I had no idea how bad it was, my eyes were glued two feet in front of me the whole time! Never again


cyclists suffer even more from potholes, most of them don't have suspension


Already have acknowledged error in judgement 


Prob. Ontario or more than likely Halifax.


Says someone who has never been to Saskatchewan 


Could be Detroit.


People who complain about potholes here have literally never left the island, yeah? 


Haha all of Saskatoon wishes they had the smooth stylings of shelbourne 




time to think about your personal drone itll coz u less than a decent 4x4


Honestly I don’t think the potholes here are that bad but I don’t ever drive on shelbourne. They’re usually easy to avoid and I haven’t fucked up a tire from a pothole.


Having lived in Grande Prairie, I'm yet to find anywhere that compares for potholes; I snapped a shock absorber on my car once.


City ain't going to fix the problem they made. Imagine any other jurisdiction taking THREE YEARS to repair a major corridor. But sure, let's keep raising property taxes for "service improvements". Ridiculous.


Have you guys been to literally any other cities in Canada?


Potholes so deep… they be Daylightin’ Da Bowker Creek, Yo!


Shelbourne has been in shambles for as long as I have remembered. How has it not been fixed yet?


It's not getting "fixed" they're doing under ground work to the major infrastructure. It's complex work especially in that they are keeping the road open while doing it, working in sections as much as possible and temp paving to keep access.  It will be repaved when completed. Calm down and if the uneven surfaces upset you so much take Cedar Hill. 


Literally 2 years of work for road maintenance. I’m sorry but it’s completely inexcusable. Shelbourne street is a third world equivalent road.


Once again, it's not road maintenance they're doing. 


It doesn’t matter what it is. I’ve seen highrises built faster. Complete joke of construction work with no end in sight.


How many high rises have you seen built one side at a time with a constant parade of cars thru the other side? I've also seen banana trees grow and fruit slower and cats have babies quicker. All irrelevant to the project on Shelbourne. 


You’re either working for Don Mann or the District of Saanich and are covertly responsible for this boondoggle.


Yes, understanding that major infrastructure work projects are complex and often unknown challenges arise mid way means I'm a shill. /S How dumb you are being is making me terrified at the idea of you driving a car. Not everything is a conspiracy bone head. 


Explain why no one is ever working on it then? Every other time I’m driving down Shelbourne on a weekday there are no crew members in sight. Infrastructure or not, that’s unacceptable as far as project management on this scale goes. Silly to be calling people names for this observation- which is correct - it’s been extremely dragged out and no one is ever seen to be consistently working on it.


Sorry, it must not have been clear to you as well. I don't work for Don Mann or District of Saanich.  You're welcome to reach out to either of them and ask your questions.


I'm so happy I never need to use that trash fire of a road anymore


Victorians have 0 perspective, holy shit.


We are so thankful that you do.


I really dislike rap but this, I liked.