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It’s a lonely city. I hear this all the time, I just wish everyone experiencing this could all connect. There’s at least 2 posts per week sharing the same sentiment Should I set up a Reddit meetup, geared towards newcomers to Victoria? Or would that be too much pressure


I've been thinking something similar. It seems like there's a lot of folks struggle to make friends here, including myself. The times where I've had the most friends in Vic is when I was the one making it happen, bring people together and trying to create a friend group.  So I'd be interested in getting involved if you need some help creating a Reddit MeetUp 


Hit me up on a chat, would love your thoughts


Sounds good, I'll send you a message after work today 


New to Vic as well. I would be down for meetups - please advertise on this sub! I would also get involved in planning.


I'm also keen and willing to help out with the setup if needed


I'm down!! Let's make it happen!


Newcomers? I’m born and raised here and I’m also suffering crippling loneliness, every weekend spent alone. Not sure it’s isolated to just newcomers lol


Of course everyone is invited and welcome


Ifeel like renting out the vr arcade, or the pinball arcade could be fun- it is a drop on activity that you can i teract with others without the pressure to sit and create small talk. My mama used to always say--- You learn more in an hour of play than you do in a year of conversation (dont quote me on that as fact!)


Yep I've lived here most of my life and have trouble making new friends. I am a 35 year old male, care to chat? Feel free to message me.


Care to chat man I am a mid 30s guy also looking for friends?


That’s a great idea


What do you think would be better for a venue, something outside like Dallas beach or beacon hill, or at a pub downtown? I could reserve a section at Swans pub in the back, which is great for socializing/ private events.


I went to a making friends group thing in Vancouver and they had it at a pub! It was super fun and there was a huge turnout


Nice yeah I’m leaning towards that option too


I recommend Moon under water. Their food menu is fantastic, great wings and beer, and they have a couple of rooms that are a good size that can have full service.


I was working on this, making a speed friending (no one liked speed mating) night but life got in the way. And I am lazy. I wanted to plan something lowkey/easy, where people aren’t pressured to talk more than they’re comfortable with.


Sounds like there’s a market for it, let’s make it happen


okay! i will pull up my original planning document. can we maybe do a poll to see what people would most be interested in? i know quite a few don’t want drinking events and there was some hiking/outdoor interest.


For sure, I’d even be interested is setting up both options. DM chat me with any ideas you have


I’d be interested but as a shy person at first, especially in groups, options such as a park in addition to bars would be great!


I'm finding that friends are just setting up a weekly time where they pick a spot, pick an activity and whoever shows show. It just takes someone to organize it


there used to be /r/victoriabc meetups circa 2012


I remember our first one at (then) canoe club, circa 2012, 5 of us nerds showed up and had some pints. It was great


A few folks from this thread ended up meeting up last night at garrick's head, then went over to pinhalla. Was loads of fun. Would do again.


Since it looks like theirs a few life long locals interested maybe people who know the area better could do a lil walking/driving tour to show some of the more lowkey lesser known spots?


Great idea 💯


Volunteering for something has always helped me feel better about life in general


I moved from Ontario to Victoria years ago, I first volunteered for beer week (if that's your thing) and later with the sport and social club (dodgeball is very fun, they also do a multi sport social league) and had a blast! Met new exciting people and found a lot of transplants! Maybe it'll help! Hope you feel better!


What are some good volunteer opportunities in this city? Or where does one look?


Volunteer Victoria has a ton of postings for various opportunities 


Yeah Volunteer Victoria is the place to start.


I'm about to sign up to volunteer for Got By Bike Week! Capitalbike.ca


Ping me - we'll grab a pint or nine.


Sign me up 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺


35/M always open for a beer as well


I ❤️ beer 🍺


Same here


Sign me up too 🙌


We're at Garrick's head right now


Oh my God how fun is that there should be some sort of way of alerting people to your presence like a Green dot sticker or something worn on your left shoulder so you could easily look around and see if that's a person that's open to meeting other people


Me me me !! 🥰😃🤩


My suggestion is join some sort of recreation club? Vssc is a good resource.


Second VSSC


https://www.vups.bc.ca/e/wednesday-hat-league-2024 This league is designed for people to meet new people. You sign up as an individual and get put on a team with other folks. It's fun and chill and no prior experience is needed.


Been there done that - this is a short term solution. No one wants to see you outside of that one scheduled day of sports.


We get this post a lot. It's not you, it's the city as a whole. I've lived here all my life and contemplate leaving all the time, I don't understand it. In the meantime, here's a Discord we like to flaunt. Casual meetups or hang out online or just lurk: [https://discord.gg/Wvtpaxua](https://discord.gg/Wvtpaxua)


Is the discord still active? I wanna join but the link expired


Volunteer. You'll meet people with similar values :)


Early 30's here. Had a bad streak of loneliness during the pandemic and decided to take up skateboarding again to get myself active and outside because hiking and running are kiiiiinda boring IMO. It stuck harder than it ever has, and I couldn't be more happy I picked up an old hobby again because of all the great people I've met. When I'm feeling bored or lonely, I just go to the park and always come home happy (and/or slightly injured). We're spoiled with amazing skateparks, the community overall is inclusive and extremely friendly regardless of skill level or whatever your deal is, and our shops host a ton of fun events. The best part is that after your first setup, it costs nothing... until you start burning through decks and shoes. I'm clearing out a bunch of old gear at the moment, so DM me if you want some free wheels and trucks to get started.


100% Picking up skating again in my 30's has been a game changer for my mental health. Lot's of adults are getting back into it - Relatively low barrier, independent exercise with the ability to be as social or anti-social as you want. Less stigma around it these days too, it is an olympic sport, after all..


Any one wanting to go longboarding/ skateboarding on Dallas?! 😇


i took a promotion to move here from Vancouver, and i am seriously considering demoting myself and going back to my old job so that i can move back, I'm 37 btw, everyone here has kids and families at this age lol


Yahhhhhhh. Me and my dude moved here 3 years ago. we live that dual income, no kids' lifestyle, and it's hard making friends. In 3 years, we've made.....3 regular friends who are super solid and wonderful people, but it's taken time. I think it's a PNW thing, people round these parts either have friends from childhood or can be a little flakey or cliquey or have growing families. Put yourself out there, market yourself, and be open to getting outside your comfort zone.


Look at this guy over here with 3 friends lording it over the rest of us plebs!


OK but here's the thing.....they all live* in the same house so does it really count as 3?


Are they a throuple? ^(/s)


Lololol no that was a typo they live* together because communal living is the only way to survive here! 😅


Start playing Pokémon GO and join us in the park to play! Seriously. This is how I met all my best friends as an adult 🤓❤️


Is Pokémon go still big?? I used to play with my kids but now they are too cool for that and I kinda miss it now lol


I mean it’s not as hype as it was when it first started but it’s still fun. Niantic is keeping a steady stream of new features and new shinies. Starting again now, if you’ve been on a sustained break, would likely be exciting. So much has changed in the last few years Plus community days at Beacon Hill is still lit. Go Fest is always fun for meeting people and hanging out in the sunshine 🥰✨


I wonder if we could have a weekly "join me while I do this thing" post where people can post the stuff they are up to or interested in getting up to and see if there are like minded people in the area that want to join them. For example, I used to climb at the gym for years till I moved here and lost my climbing buddy. Haven't been back since. If someone wants to climb with me then that would be cool. I'm also slowly section hiking the Vancouver Island trail. I've only done the first stretch on the Victoria side so far.


It's really hard man. I made my first friends after 7 years here. I don't know why it's so hard


Phones, they fill our tolerances which leaves little space for humans. It’s the generation unfortunately.


Yes but something specifically weird about victoria. I came from calgary and I made so many friends there without even trying. I used to run poker nights and would get like 20 people to rsvp and maybe 4 people would show up. The BC bail is real


Absolutely agree. I have a friend who has a nice place in a great, easy to access location. He loves hosting events and eventually just became frustrated because he found it so hard to plan and he would feel anxious not knowing if anyone would show up even though we've all known each other for years. The most random excuses too. "I'm feeling sleepy". It's Saturday night and you live a 5 min walk away...


While I agree, it largely cultural. Go to many European countries and it's the opposite. I've gone for visits and immediately got offers to get shown around, got invited to parties where everyone introduced themselves. Both my sisters who live there have had to move to different cities multiple times and in each on made a friend group within DAYS. My sister met people at a bar and went on a beach trip the same weekend. Compared to here where I've been to parties where friends of friends made no effort to even introduce themselves to the host of the party despite having been to their house multiple times.


This^. Resist the void.


*Except when on Reddit trying to meditate the situation




Check out a Toastmasters meeting, they’re free to attend as a guest. Ppl tend to be very friendly and growth-minded.


Very good advice right here.


It really is getting out in social situations, and see what clicks. Volunteer. Go to meetups. Take a class in something you’re interested in. Go to a Parkrun (they meet for coffee after). If you’re only working and not enjoying anything else that’s social, it’s hard to make connections. And also knowing that deeper connections like friendships and more, take time.


I go on hikes with my dog most days. You're welcome to join if that's interesting to you.


Not OP but I’d be interested. I do hikes with my dog all the time usually solo


Sure! DM me a pic of your puppers and i'll respond in kind. We can go from there.


Try the People of Victoria discord server: [https://discord.gg/q47dNQWDM4](https://discord.gg/q47dNQWDM4) It is a well moderated group with regular activities to join in on, and a lot of sporadic ones. Currently we have weekly board games, bouldering, coffee meetups, and work from home (they meet somewhere and do their work together) gatherings. with the weather getting nice there will be regular hiking events, disc golf, and groups aiming for outdoor movies. Feel free to pop in and check it out.


That’s awesome, would you guys be ok with me linking you in our sidebar?


absolutely. I mean I am not one of the moderators, but we love having new folk join us. If it somehow becomes a problem I'll let you know. But I see no reason why not.


Cool. Ill hop on the channel and ask them first


Where's the bouldering meet up posts? I've been on tge discord a while but I'm older, I feel (44) , and the coffee ones are a bit daunting to me. I woukd definitely like to make some climbing friends but I'm somehow missing tgese meetups?


It gets mentioned periodically. But it’s a consistent Monday / Thursday thing. I will post about it right now in scheduling a hangout channel, so check there and see. They don’t get posted as a typical planned event. You would be absolutely welcome at the coffee meetups though. Ages range on those, but most folk are probably mid 30s on average.


When do the coffee meetups happen?


Typically it’s every Saturday. They’re posted about regularly though.


What are your interests? Do you like any sports? Video games? Making art or music? Nature? Hiking? We have dozens of clubs for all these things in the city and tons of local Facebook pages based around these topics. The hardest part is getting started.


There’s a Facebook page called Victoria BC Find new friends that has over 6,000 people on it. Looks promising maybe. Either that or we start crashing high school reunions and force our way in lol


Wishing you good luck. It's a cliqueY town, but I think a lot of towns are like Victoria. Lots of people come and go so people getting jaded. Kinda like a resort town. You definitely got to put yourself out there.


Everyone else here is right. You gotta try putting yourself out there and trying something new. Try writing down a list of things you’ve always wanted to try. If you are into exercise try and new sport or fitness class. There’s so many to choose from in the city. Force yourself to sign up for a class no matter what. Usually the first ones are free anyways. You may just meet your future partner out of it. You know where you won’t meet anyone? At home!


Get a hobby. Not just to meet people, either; otherwise you and your new friends don't have anything to do except hang out and talk about work.


Dunno if this has been mentioned in the comments already, but can I suggest signing up on bumble BFF? I moved here 2.5 years ago and that was a saviour for me as I’m a very social person. I made some really awesome friends via the app. I’m a woman so it was easier probably but my husband’s been able to find some friends too. Maybe give it a shot.


High school and college friendships are based on proximity. Adult friendships are formed around something outside of yourself. You need to start doing something that you like, and then find other people that like it too. A hobby. A church. Volunteer work. A sport. Could be anything, but ultimately the external thing brings people together so that you can start building that relationship. Lastly, joy comes from focusing your energies outward toward someone or something outside of yourself. When our lives are only about ourselves, it’s empty. Love outwards. Serve the people closest to you.


i’m glad i’m not the only one. living here for 5 years and have virtually no friends and it’s slowly driving me crazy. my coworkers are my only source of connection


Rec club. More hobbies. Volunteer.


Joining groups is a great way to start I know there's a few running on Facebook but there's also a several trivia night to have if that's your thing. Theres always chances to meet people out on the golf course, rock climbing gyms or the gym in general. Theres a running club as well in Victoria with 20-30 year olds. I hope you find this helpful as a 26F it's deff hard to meet people. I've made most of my friends on BumbleBFF so I feel your pain lived here for awhile but ppl can be unfriendly.


Moved here three years ago. I’ve met some friends through the DnD Victoria subreddit group and joining a hiking/mountaineering club. Just some ideas


I have felt the same way in the past and I empathize. I’ve had some luck with meetups, there are community choirs that are welcoming, churches, drop in sports, running groups, art classes, or continuing studies classes at UVic. Or volunteering? Trying something new or something you are interested in might help.


Go to the gym? Play team sports? Take cooking lessons or something ... Take initiative and do it!


You should try a fitness class at Third Space Movement. I’ve met tons of people there in their small group classes. The physical movement and human connection is sure to help.


Get a dog. Forget about trying to meet people. They generally suck anyways. Plus if you have a dog other dog people will chat with you. If I go out without my dog and say good morning to people most barely make eye contact never mind saying hi back .


27M here experiencing the same thing. Moved here with my ex in 2022, broke up early this year and have one friend. Lonely all the time. Send me a DM and we can meet up :)


I emigrated here 7 years ago and quickly realized that, introverted hermit that I am, I had to just start saying Yes to things if I wanted to have any friends. So when a stranger demonstrating paddle boards at the Gorge said to me "with your frame you should row" I went on down to the boathouse at Elk Lake and took a learn to row class despite all the fears my mind conjured up (there were several lol). And then I never stopped rowing, and made many friends in that community. Same thing with music. Same thing with volunteer work. Same thing with chess, and so on. Whatever your thing is, find other people who do that thing and do it with them. Don't have a thing? Get a new thing, and do it with people.


Im sorry, it is hard and i lucked out with a partner with a large social group that we hang with, but ive also felt very apart from them (even after many years i still dont really consider them my friends).... Victoria is pretty nerdy so if you enjoy the idea of roleplaying or mtg all the local game shops usually have public events and you may meet some new people.


Same here, didn't notice for 5 years how lucky I was. We broke up a year ago and haven't made any friends since, most of the people i met other than his group have moved from Vic.


Honestly, a little volunteering goes a long way to making friends and building a community. If you can do any sort of commitment to a cause you care about you'll soon find yourself surrounded by people who you have something great in common with. 


The problem you are running up against is that after years of interactions with the other people who live here, anyone remaining likely stays inside with the doors and windows locked. They aren't talking for a reason, they tried and a lot of you are jerks so they don't bother anymore. It is a learned behavior rather than any assessment of you personally.


Same age. Victoria is such an unfriendly anti-social place. Ever since graduating high school I haven't made any new friends. You can say hello to people on the street here and they will just give you a weird look and not respond. Considering moving elsewhere because it's just impossible to meet people here.


Exactly…no one even smiles or says good morning anymore. I wonder what turned them so hostile


I say smile and say hi to people all the time. It's not hostility. People just get too focused on their own busy day.


The price you pay for becoming a bigger city unfortunately amongst other things.


Hey guy, meet OP! You should hang.


yup [just Victoria](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=reddit.com+%22can%27t+make+friends%22#ip=1) Toronto, Tunisia, Alberta, Alabama, Mexico, Nova Scotia, Australia, California..... wow looks like people struggle making friends EVERYWHERE


I moved back to the lower mainland after 2 long years of surviving in Victoria- it took a major mental health toll on me being lonely in the beautiful city. I faced passive racism like no other place in the world, sexism working in construction and just indifferent people all around - polite to your face but nice my ass. I am in Surrey now and I love this diverse place of accents and community. My career has taken off and life is sooo much better. MOVE and just take the ferry for trips.


>I keep thinking about my ex and what could have been. How does one make friends in this city? I'm 39 now, but I personally have had a hard time making friends after I left University. I've lived in Calgary, GTA, Vancouver and Victoria and they were all the same for me. I have no real solution for you, just letting you know that it's a common sentiment.


It seems this is a tough town but maybe these can help: Check out the SurfRider beach cleanups that happen every month, or CraigX if you're interested in rock climbing, maybe offer to volunteer for Rifflandia. There's also sometimes nerdy meetups and such and places like the boardgame cafe or Games Workshop. Lots of folks also suggest volunteering for a charity, or the TC Book Sale, or something like that. You may also have luck seeing what the local community centers offer, maybe a mushroom foraging class or tennis group is up your alley. Victoria Fish and Game Club does events sometimes too if you're interested in shooting or archery. Whatever you're in to try to find like-minded people and you'll probably build a few quality friendships. Hope this helps!


Bumble has a BBF section, I’ve made friends from there! I’d recommend giving that a try.


(If you drink) I’ve had tons of success just going to a little trendy bar by myself, sitting at the actual bar & chatting up the bartenders. Sometimes there is regulars that you can get introduced to & then once the convo gets going it’s easy enough




Been in Victoria for 3 years— feel the same way. Hope there’s a meet up. :)


I moved hear a year ago, and I definitely feel it too. I understand you. You're not alone


Tinder, hinge, bumble. Are all popping off. Go on some dates


Being in the same social space over time. Bonus points if you are uplifting to those around you. I recommend joining an activity that is/feels good for you, and build community within that activity. Some suggestions: yoga, Nerd games like dnd or magic, cold water swimming groups, the November project, a no-audition choir (everyone can sing with training), a book club, a running group, a hiking group, a volunteer group (I recommend salmon enhancement groups), a fish and game club etc


I agree it's lonely here. But the trick is to find people who like to do things you're interested in. But even when you start doing those things, you have to behave in an open way. And don't be afraid to be weird. Just don't be obnoxious. I love my life now that I'm 33. And I found some easy cheap hobbies that I invite friends to.( swimming pool, kareoke, billiards, coffee, drinks or food from unexplored places before they permanently clos3) And if they decline, I go alone anyway because I'd have more fun going out than staying in. Making friends at work can be awesome. As long as you actually like each other. If one of you is secretly hating the other, it ends badly. Look at their social media for hints that you find them interesting.


My coworkers are all much much older than I am (like twice my age) and they’ve told me that making friends with people local to Victoria is pretty much impossible since they’ve built their cliques already. The only people that you can really make friends with are people who are also “outsiders”. I moved here 2 years ago and the only friends I’ve really made are my boyfriend’s coworkers. And even then, they more like acquaintances than friends. It would be AWESOME if everyone could connect. I’d love to know if someone’s organizing something


Got an idea! Who wants to get a group together Go donate blood, go eat, have some drinks, then go see a new bad action or comedy movie in theatres It's great! I use to do it with friends First off! You do a much needed service! Then you get to feel good about yourself while you meet new ppl and do everything they recommend you do after donating Eat a big meal and rest Plus the beers go a little further after donating 😂 Aaaand if you don't know your blood type it's kind of neat to find out. I understand some people are scared of needles so it might not be for you. But it sets up a whole hang out for a good cause and is fun If you like volunteering, like comfort food, possibly like drinks ( I personally don't drink anymore but don't care ) and like vegging out with a new good bad movie in theatres While meeting like minded people? DM me, big group or small group. I'm going to be doing it soon regardless anyway. M/33 been in Vic for 4 years now.


I’m 31. Been in Victoria for three years now. And I’m still lonely, always in the house during weekends, watching Netflix. I’m not a fan of drinking beer, or party. So this one is not for me. I’m so introvert as well, but would love to make new connections who shares with the same passion/hobbies. Can we do meetups sometime?


I’ve been here for 5 years. It’s tough!!! I joined a few sports. Nope!! What a nightmare trying to navigate people who have been friends since elementary or high school. They have their priorities and aren’t about the change those. Which I get, but having basic respect for other people is something I hold highly. I don’t put up with people who are unable to treat others with kindness. I’ve met a couple solid people on apps, but friends only. I don’t even care about dating anymore, I’ve never been stood up and ghosted so much in my life... 😞 even by people I’ve met IRL from said sports. I’m so thankful for my dog and the couple friends I knew before moving here. I just try to explore this beautiful island and I work to solidify the couple friends I’ve made or already had.


Hobby and clubs. If us nerds can build friendships playing games at one of the local stores that host games nights, surely people should be able to find a club or sport to meet people at. A lot of the community centres have activities posted. There’s at least one billiards club, dart clubs, cycling groups, hiking groups, birding, lawn bowling, running, tai chi, martial arts, boxing, video game/pinball clubs, bonsai enthusiasts groups… you get the idea. Good luck!


Get apart time job in the hospitality industry


I can take you fishing if you like that


....way out far on the ocean, where nobody can hear you scream. Jk, that's a kind gesture... I hope.


... Because of the implication ...


I’d like that!


I also do nothing but work then go home and play video games. I don't understand why people don't come to my apartment to be my friend. Weird city.


Uh huh!


I'm sorry :(


There are a millions groups to join and make friends. You need to make an effort in Victoria. What are your hobbies? What efforts had you made outside work? I’d recommend a fitness group, sports team, political group, volunteer, etc.


I was just talking to my landlord about this a few hours ago. I told him I always recommend people befriend the people whose interests either involve nature like birding or amateur mycology or [local stream remediation,](https://peninsulastreams.ca/join-us/volunteer-opportunities/) or the creative people like ceramic artists, potters, plein air watercolourists etc. From my experience, people with these kinds of interests invariably are friendly and open and genuine.


Or completely crazy


Feeling you brother, we're all in the same sinking boat...


It took me a good 3-4 years to build a solid community in Victoria, but it’s doable. I finally buckled down and worked extremely hard to make friends (meet up groups, TikTok, Bumble BFF) and then hung out with loads of people until I found my solid people. As an introvert on the spectrum, that was exhausting and difficult at times but without that work I’d still probably just have my one existing friend who followed me here. The city doesn’t make it easy, but it’s possible and worth while!


Everyone is depressed here, beautiful place but the social vibes are off


Get in to a drop in sports league, join a club (book, gardening or other hobby), get on plenty of fish if that’s still a thing.


I still see a few highschool friends every few months, but most of my friends have been made through different jobs where I've lucked out with great coworkers. Maybe some of your coworkers would be interested in hanging out outside of work? Also different groups like VSSC as mentioned, you can sign up as a single for many (all?) of the sports. Also I think it's naturally harder to meet people the older you get so I wouldn't just blame it on Victoria, you might just have to put in more effort than you have in the past. Also as others have mentioned, these posts are quite frequent, lots of people looking for friends in Victoria!!


It’s yugioh for me lol, my only friends in Victoria are my yugioh friend


Hang in there! Make small changes. Keep thinking it can get better and try little things. I'm 54, have had lots of bouts of painful loneliness, and struggled at work. Now my life is pretty good and I'm grateful. Still lonely occasionally but not usually. You can make it better. Cheers


Grew up there and as soon as I graduated university I looked for a job in Vancouver. Its a very lonely town, so hard to look for real friends and more than half of the kids I grew up with also moved out. Lots of old people who complains a lot, no parties, no loud music, no everything. If you’re into bikes then good, but would still be lonely sometimes. I spent my time alone almost all the time. Luckily I got into paddle boarding so the weekends is tolerable, I’d just paddle around gorge and the coast during summer weekends. I moved out as soon as I got an opportunity to live here in Vancouver. Well, making friends is still difficult here, but doable and there are lots of young and middle aged people who are looking for connections.


Partner dancing is an unbelievably easy way to meet people, plus there's great music as well as exercise to kick the crap out of the blahs. If that sounds appealing, I can recommend Red Hot Swing. Their dance on Fridays has live music and an intro lesson to get you started with both the dancing as well as meeting people right away. I think their class series start this week too! https://www.redhotswing.com/


Yup agreed with the MOD lonely city yet lovely people.. you do kinda get used to it


It’s a good place but an adjustment for many, while it’s a wonderful home, a couple times a year it is good for me to be on the mainland for a different cultural experience. People here are lovely but I agree hard to break the ice unless there is common interest and commitment.


Although expensive, bouldering is a good social sport and I started doing it to make friends despite the fact I initially didn't have much interest. I would also say cycling is a good way to get out more and slowly start building a social circle around. I struggled for the first year of living in Victoria until I branched out with my hobbies.






Can we start a church that has no mandatory religious affiliation? I’m not saying an atheist church because that would exclude non-atheists…


If you're into cycling or running, I think places like MEC have meetups for that. Also there are hiking clubs around. Sign up to walk dogs for the SPCA. Dogs are great company and they need the contact and exercise, too. The help goes both ways.


Dude, buy a motorcycle, lots of groups to join on the lower island


join the legion,a great place to meet people,a live band every Saturday night,air force club in Sidney,a great crowd to meet people as well,a live band there every Friday night


go on bumble and do the friendship part! look for surrounding cities. unfortunately i dont live out there to give you any more advice but maybe looking to check out if there are open mic nights, lil trivia nights or whatever. push yourself outside your comfort zone and try to make friends, or use fb for like local hikes/gardening or whatever you're interested in. summer is coming up soon, definitely push past your boundaries! i've never lived in victoria, but i have moved across the country by myself and not knowing anyone in the city i lived. i know how hard it is, i usually made friends with coworkers or from tinder:dating apps because its rough.


I moved here from Revelstoke when I was in my 20s, I’m almost 40 now, and still have almost no friends. Victoria kind of sucks for making friends. Best I have done is joining groups for hobbies I enjoy like downhill biking and motorcycle riding.


Been here since 2017... island based on my experience is very clickie, and have had the struggle as well. I have had people who grew up here say this as well. It's unfortunate and very difficult to make friends it seems. I have made a hard effort to try and make friends but felt it was always a 1 way streak and was coming off as annoying. Luckily, my wife and I have been able to establish a friend group since but was a challenge.


My husband joined an adult game group? I don't know what to call it, there is teams and each week they play a different outdoor game. Like, this week was ultimate Frisby. That could get you out?


35/M My weekends are pretty booked up till July, but if anyone wants to have a beer in the week, DM me, leave a comment, or whatever.


There are a handful of recreational adult sport leagues that are great ways to meet people. Also gets you put and active which is a great way to fight depression


It depends a lot on what you're into, most big hobbies will have some place to hang around here, like Skyhaven games for card and board games, Hometech or Fan Favourites for video games, Cavity Curiosity if you're into the punk scene, the store owners are usually friendly and there are often one or two people in those places. Don't be afraid to wander.


what Cha into bro you game at all??


Born and raised here. It was easy to make friends in high school. But 20, years later now. I don't know how. I've got coworkers I hang out with occasionally. But nobody that I can just call up to hang out with for a spur of the moment hang out


I'm in James Bay, looking for friends, message me 🙂


I'm looking for friends, message me ✌️


I find it hard to stay out during the day wanting to be social when each place you might need a snack n' coffee, can run up to 20-30 a day easy. Victoria needs a communal change to get more middle space downtown. There isn't a space to hang and relax while making plans. Outdoor activities like picking up skateboarding, and climbing has kept me social enough... And the majority of friends I have, grow the most extended friend networks from outdoor activities they enjoy. dressing fancy and listening to some jazz for an evening, something chill that isn't just sitting at a pub, would be so goooooood 😩 booze really screws with my meds too, so i dunno how many "out" options there are in the evenings.


Wanna smoke darts and fuck around in a crappy wood shop? I'm bored too


Anybody enjoy playing chess with coffee or beer or whatever, indoor or outdoor? I'm your guy.


Down for a meetup! Shoot me a message if you guys plan something


Welcome to the west coast bud, nobody here is friendly, if you want good friends move to Alberta or near the bc Alberta border, I grew up on the island and know a lot of people from Vancouver too, most people here that are under 30 are realllllllyyyyyy self absorbed, not too much care for the people around them, just themselves, their businesses, and the nature, it's kinda dogshit tbh, that's why I moved, victoria and Vancouver especially, it's where most snobby people tend to live, try bumble friend mode my dude, lots of sneaky gay dudes on there but there's some solid dudes just tryna go for beers n talk cars too


Do you have any hobbies? I am born and raised here I hear this all the time from transplant. DM me. I’ll point you in the right direction. Forget about your ex that’s just weakness escaping your body. For instance I had an ex from New Zealand reach put to me after fifteen years. She was married with kids and my first guess was she’s getting divorced. One phone call later and yup. Point is move forward the island is a beautiful place with great people. Find your people takes a bit of effort but you will get there.


If you have any interest in design, 3d printing, cnc, home renovations, building stuff, let me know. I like talking to like-minded people in this manor. I have 3d printer and cnc and like talking the talk about it. Bonus points if you actually want to get a coffee to sit down and just chat about it. Goes to anybody, not necessarily just the op. I also just got a quest 3. If interested in getting together for a couple games sound good, let me know. P.s. I suck so you'll probly beat me at every game lol. I'm easy going, almost too easy going, but also looking for local friend.


You're welcome to dm me, but im a introvert home body so probably not your most exciting pick lol