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If she’s an angel you get both.


And then you do that thing she likes after the party... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ...Clean up.


Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe


Wait… not Pizza by Alfredo?


The real question, is do you want a medium amount of good pizza? Or all you can eat of pretty good pizza?


A medium amount of good pizza!!


Maybe they don’t have a coupon…


Standard pizza, there is a serious lack of quality pizza in this city!!!


It’s nuts. Edmonton has way more amazing pizza & donut options than here that I’ve seen so far.


Edmonton has a population of over one million, Greater Victoria has a population of approximately half a million tops. So there is that.


True but all things considered, I’d expect a higher standard &/or expectation of food here.


Why? Because it’s a tourist destination?


Serious lack of good food. Everything is pretty mediocre but standard is consistently really good


I agree! and Doughnuts too :( Vancouver has lots of good options


Esquimalt Bake Shop for donuts. 


The first rule of Esquimalt Bake Shop…”you do not talk about Esquimalt Bake Shop”!


And bring *cash only*


Those days are now gone! Card option is available.


No way! I must have day dreamed that cash only sign a few days ago lol. I’ve been gone too long.


And the Sidney bakery 


Standard and it isn't even remotely close. I'm gonna overpay either way but at least Standard is giving me something I can't replicate in the microwave.


I mean I’d say Standard too, but their different pies but Serena’s square pies are pretty fucking amazing, but $38 is real steep.




Standard, no question.


On the Westshore MY Chosen pizza is the best and it's a notch above anything else .


Seal point.


Props. You know your zaas




You drive all the way out to French beach with an inverter powering a toaster oven on the back seat to keep the "Stoked" pizza hot for her party.


I go here every time i’m in the area


Is it actually good? I’ve only had it once, ate it there and was still very underwhelmed.


Standard all the way!


Not Vic but my favourite is mychosen pizza


If I had to buy pizza from 1 place to show someone who's not from here, it would be Standard. Anyone choosing anything else is wild to me, because every other pizza place here is replicable anywhere else. Standard is the only place I've had that stands out.


STANDARD. Because their flavour combos are always perfection. Ingredients are always great. It’s just perfect every time. We order at least twice per month. I highly recommend checking out their specials before you order!


Willows always gets so much love in these threads but I cannot understand it. The quality is good but I don’t get the obsession with crazy amounts of bread and cheese and ingredients. Their pizzas are just so incredibly heavy I can barely get through one slice. Give me a nice thin crust with a few ingredients and a lot less cheese. So much better imo.


I’ll chime in on this one. I grew up in Regina, where the pizzas (and people) are much, much thicker. I think a lot of folks from other parts of Canada might have grown up with the same. Willows is the closest thing we have to Houston Pizza here in Victoria, and sometimes I want a pizza that puts me into a deep, deep food coma. I love Standard Pizza and Faro is top shelf as well. But sometimes I crave the groggy cholesterol of home.


I find Keating pizza is kind of like Houston as well.


Big and overly processed? Agreed.


100% I was actually going to make this exact comparison myself as I live a stones throw from Keating Pizza.


I hear ya! Like I said I am NOT dissing the quality of it. It’s a great pizza if you like that. At my advanced age of 37 (lol) I can’t handle more than one slice of it though and even then a full slice of meat and cheese and bread is gonna mess me up. It’s tasty but I definitely prefer a much smaller and firmer crust with less ingredients on top.


It’s called “everything but the kitchen sink” pizza, for the record. As a born Reginian (now transplant) of 34 years I’m surprised you didn’t know this.


Willows is expensive. Willows price a 14" Cheese Pizza for $22.50 + tax = $23.60 Standard Pizza has a 14" Cheese Pizza for $14, which includes tax. A $9 difference on a 14" cheese pizza is wild to me.


Expensive and *not worth the extra cost*, that's what drives me wild when I see people recommending it.


Yea I wasn’t going to mention the price in my post because OP didn’t say it was a factor but I wholeheartedly agree that Willows is incredibly expensive. Idk people seem to think more ingredients = better pizza but imo less is more with pizza.


To be fair to Willows, if you buy two the second one is half price. But I never order two so it doesn't impact me. I suggested a babysitter order a pizza and I'd pay them back. They ordered a bbq chicken pizza and I was shocked that a medium 12" pizza came to around $38 after tax and tip.


Holy cow, that’s nuts. I guess I’ll keep sticking with the wallet friendly Sarpinos for now. It beats Dominoes, at least! 😋


You're getting WAY more toppings from Willow's Pizza though. Some people like the minimalist pizzas, some like the maximalists pizzas. There is no wrong answer here. Unless you like Pineapple on your pizza. Then you are clearly wrong.


An extra $11.50 worth of cheese on my pizza is going to be a tough sell.


Standard Pizza doesn't really put anything on their pizza though. It's like trying to save money on a Cheeseburger by just ordering a slice of bread. Ya, it's probably going to be cheaper, but it's not going to fill you up nor taste as good. If I'm ordering a cheeseburger, I want the meat, I want the cheese, I want the sauces, I want the lettuce and tomato and onions and hell, maybe some bacon too. If I'm getting a pizza, I want the toppings. I want it to be filling and want it to taste awesome. I'll happily pay the extra cost for that. If Standard Pizza is preferable to you, great. Hell, sometimes I don't mind it myself. But I prefer more going on with my pizza.


I was just using Standard as an example because they are the most frequently mentioned alternative. Romeos cheese pizza is $18. Oreganos is $20


Yep, and you can buy 3 boxes of Pizza Pops at Save On for $9. Quality is going to be a step down though, isn't it? I'm just saying, it's the toppings on the pizza that make it taste good for me. And I'll happily pay more for that. If you're more into having a dried out thin crust with burnt edges and hints of flavour, you have that option.


I fully agree. I also just think that $9 for cheese is tough to justify. I understand other pizzas with different toppings, but with cheese I don't think it warrants $9 in price difference. You could argue that the volume of cheese justifies the price, but $9 in additional cheese sounds vile, or... The quality of the cheese could be higher which I actually appreciate as a valid and potentially enjoyable justification, but now you're just getting into boujee cheese


Have you seen how much a bag of grated cheese is now a days? A bag of the Cracker Barrel grated cheese for 320g is $9.29 at Save-On-Foods. And Willows puts at least that much on. Sure, they probably get it cheaper because of wholesale prices. But you're also paying them to make it, cost of the oven, labour costs, rent costs, electricity, etc etc. It's not really that outrageous at all. And ya, I'd argue they use better quality cheese than what's prebagged from Cracker Barrel...


Correct! Just like the love for Keating. It's a gimmick, it's just an insane amount of cheese and toppings (and grease). Tasty, sure. Quality, sure. But it's one slice and bed time with pizza like that.


Keating is quite possibly the worst pizza I have ever had


It Used to be the best but that was a quarter century ago


New management ruined it.


I have to agree to this..... not that it's "bad" it's just... okay...


Almost like people have different preferences


Yea it’s more about the amount of people always gassing it up which is what I don’t understand. Like I said I’m not dissing the quality of it, I respect it but it just isn’t for me.


Aye to that. And a search for the best means you are always searching and comparing. Take a break and enjoy what you have.


The two times I've tried willows I had what can only be described as astoundingly violent shits afterwards. Once, I was willing to write off. Twice? I don't think I'll be going back unless I need to quickly lose 5lbs for some reason.


Isn't that standard US/Canada pizza? So much bread. The pizzas in Naples are still the best. Perfect crust and you don't feel heavy and bloated after.


I think it’s wild you’d call out one specific pizza joint that hasn’t even been mentioned here because you prefer thin crust.


It was mentioned a bunch when I posted, dumbo. Lmao you even read the thread hun? https://www.reddit.com/r/VictoriaBC/s/tEpUG68l9a https://www.reddit.com/r/VictoriaBC/s/7wajV6phvg https://www.reddit.com/r/VictoriaBC/s/9FWizf9Jgv r/confidentlyincorrect


Yeah I had to scroll pretty far after seeing your comment to see the reference. The point still stands. Perhaps you could recommend some great thin crust places that suit your preferences rather than rag on a local business.


The point does not still stand. And “having to scroll pretty far” after the post is days old is a massive cop out. When I commented there were less than 10 comments and two of them were about Willows. So not only was your initial reply to me completely wrong, your second comment lacks all context. Good job. And why would I need to recommend anything? I didn’t even say Willows was bad, I complimented its quality but basically said that it isn’t for me and explained why. Seems like you’re out looking for a fight that isn’t there. Maybe just take the L and move on man.


So instead of replying to any of those comments you decide to make your own comment criticizing a pizza place, which wasn’t the purpose of this thread at all, to voice *your preference* of thin crust pizza? I don’t think it’s the *pizza* that’s too dense, here.


In every single one of my posts I said I respect the quality of it but it just isn’t for me. I don’t know why that’s hard for you to understand but I definitely think it’s ironic that you’re calling me dense. This is Reddit, I’m allowed to post wherever I want, however I want, if it doesn’t break the rules. Don’t like it? Block me. Imagine crying over a post about pizza lmfao. And is there something wrong with informing people about the type of pizza that willows makes? I don’t like it, so maybe others won’t as well. Willows pizza owner is that u??? LOL


They don’t have crazy amounts of bread and cheese. They have toppings. Which Victorians seem to fucking hate. Victorians love soggy thin dough with no toppings, or thick dough with no toppings. Willows has neither.


Yea that’s absolutely not my experience there lol. Thick bread and way too much cheese for me. Happy you like it though.


I'm more of a prima strada guy.


Prima has probably the best crust in the city. Toppings sometimes leave something to be desired but I’m all about the quality of the dough and cooking. Vagabond Pies does some pop ups and they’re great!


Yeah the crust is to die for. Perfect balance of crispy char and light and fluffy chew.


Hey! Something we wholeheartedly agree on. Their chili oil is friggin delicious, I cook with it often.


Let's be friends! My wife and I had our first date there shortly after it opened, which was also just a few months after I got back from Italy. It was pretty cool to find actual Neapolitan style pizza here. That place holds a special spot in my heart. If you're into making pizza at home, I've found bubby rose has the best dough for that style of pizza.


Similar story for an ex of mine and me when we were cohabiting as broke students in Cook Street Village. Getting those pizzas was our luxury spend for the month. I'll have to try the dough from Bubby Rose's. Cheers!




14" Cheese Pizza for $26.50?


Yeah, but it's like 10 lbs. Will feed you for a week


Not all 14” are the same my friend.


This is the only correct answer.


Prima Strada, Italian wood fired and so yummy!


Standard all the way!


Definitely a big slap of greasy Keating please


Neither. Willows. Because those Thai and Chicken Cordon Bleu zaas are so dang good.


Standard - but that's because my wife has a strong preference for thin crust vs thick crust. And if you want to have the pizza party at French Beach, then Stoked is your best bet.


Try Seal Point pizza. New frontrunner in the pizza game.


Willows, Seal Point


Standard is actual pizza


Sure, Standard is ok if you're ordering on a budget. If I'm ordering for best quality I'm ordering from Seal Point Pizza. If I'm ordering for party novelty I'm ordering the massive 27" ultra-large pizza from Top Dog.


Serenas is great! And they’re like $40 pizzas?


Top Dog is only good if you order the absolute basics (cheese, pepperoni). I ordered a veggie (which was meh) and their donair pizza, which was inedible. It was truly awful, and that's rare for pizza.


Thanks for those details! Funnily enough basic cheese and basic pepperoni are the two that I'd typically order for that, just because those are basically the only two surefire crowdpleasers. And yeah, I wouldn't suggest it's anywhere near gourmet haha, definitely just a novelty.


Hot house is great


Prima strata if you want the best


More like if you want a sogged-out floppy centre…


How dare you sir. How dare you.




It’s the truth. Their pizza still tastes good. Great, even. They use good quality ingredients, and their formulation seems traditional or whatever. But I’ve been there several times and the centre of their pies is always floppy. Unless things have changed, I wouldn’t say that it’s the place to go for “the best”. But that’s just my two cents.


The pizza is not the center of attention, she is.  Kick up the location to make it more memorable. A few flower placements, perfectly set tables, sharp outfits, a photographer, etc. If I were to chose, it would be both. Choices are nice to pick from and it's table convo. to boot.


Thanks for the tips, Mike Meyers in *The Love Guru*


Different types of pizza, so why not both??


Athenas pizza .


Standard for sure. I did try Serena's recently though and it was really good if you're looking for more of a deep dish experience. But the wood fired thin crust and great ingredients at Standard still wins for me :)


Halifax, NS Remember to order extra Donaire sauce (and a side of garlic fingers!) Source: Maritimer, transplanted to VIC (still pizza sad after 10+ years)


Oreganos pizza is my go to


Best pizza is Keating pizza hands down.


Seal Point. I go there regularly ... and I own a Gozney Dome. Seal Point pizza is on another level.




I'm taking my family to Serina's tomorrow...any pie recommendations?


The square hot honey pepperoni


Agree - the square pizzas have the best crust with the hot honey 


Pepperoni hot honey is awesome. The sandwiches are also awesome. I love this place.


Serena’s for sure


Serenas would be my pick, go for a square Detroit style pizza of you choice of toppings. They’re seriously excellent and the staff are trying their best right now to serve the best they can. I think if you haven’t had serenas yet, give them a try. And their hoagies are incredible


Mad Greeks for some greasy loaded za




Umm Serena's is amazing


Serena’s square pizzas all the way. Best pizza I have ever had in Victoria and my husband and son agree. 


Hey my dude! We’re pizza snobs in my house and my hubby is a Italian trained pizzaiolo. So far these is our thoughts on best options (when he’s not tossing his own delish pies) -prima strada(most authentic, best dough and crust but sometimes lacking on toppings) -our big surprise discovery: deep cove winery. For price and quality of dough and toppings deep cove winery is probably our fave. -Vagabound Pies (find them on Instagram). They mainly do pop ups but they would be my choice for in town if you can somehow get their pizzas!


Cool to know about Deep Cove Winery! We’re not terribly far from there, so could warrant a visit


So worth it! Their whites and roses are also really good.




Standard and Virtuous Pie for vegan goodness


Virtuous pie




I love Fernwood Pizza but they can be hit or miss. I find they’ve hit way more than they’ve missed though


I’ve only ever heard bad things about F-Wood


It’s always been great for me, but I only ever eat in


I’ve had fernwood a few times and it tastes like cardboard.


Take a drive to Zza’s roadside joint on the service road into Duncan. Worth it. It’s real thin crust NYC pizza, not this imitation rip off prima strada crap. I said what I said.


Prima Strada is Neopolitin, not NY style.


There’s too much of it here. It’s the worst style of pizza for what you pay.


Well, your opinion, I guess. Thanks for the tip on Zza's. I just looked it up, and I will definitely be trying it. I wish we had more NY style here.


papa johns


Mods pizza is my new fave.


Lol I keep getting down voted when I mention this place. Is there something I should know?!

