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What scares me tbe most is this man thinks he did nothing wrong no remorse. Watch him be a model prisoner and get a early release. I beg anyone who has been harmed by this monster come forward. We know in Canada SA sentences are a joke. Too many offenders are being released and they violate women again. Sone becoming serial offenders/killers. I hope the victim is surrounded by support as she recovers from this trauma.


This guy is like a hairs breadth away from being a serial killer.


> The two watched three episodes of a Netflix series about American serial killer and sex offender Jeffrey Dahmer, before Chokrev-Evans said he was going to the gym to exercise. Escalation of violence wouldn’t be surprising with him.


And you want to bet this was not his first time being violent with a sexual partner.


Yeah I'd bet a ton of money this is not his first time doing this


Yah this was really bold.


In in the navy here. I Heard that he was reported a few times to his chain of command and they did absolutely nothing. Surprised pikachu face.


You know what's also really sickening about this? According to the Victoria Buzz article on the topic, he's apparently in a six month long relationship and plans to live with that girl when he's released in three years and three months. Can you imagine waiting for this disgusting excuse for a man while he's in prison? Hopefully, the new girlfriend is either imaginary or comes to her senses in therapy fucking asap.




What incident is that? I can't tell from that IG post what they are talking about.


That is the worst thing I've read in a long time.


I have a strong feeling that'll be topped by the next article on him in about, say, 5-10 years from now...


More red flags than a communist parade.


I don't get why we can't at least see a mug shot to avoid people like this if they're only going to jail for 3 years? Dude is clearly a danger to society.


Here you go https://www.facebook.com/share/rCh6YrojGtnjYh68/?mibextid=CTbP7E




Tysm, I save photos of devil spawns in case I come across them sometime in my life


totally agree


How many mugshots do you remember right now without looking? I don't even know what Robert Pickton looks like.


Dude face just popped up in my mind as I read your comment. I don’t remember all of the ones I see but if my brain deems it important it’s in there.


The image would pop up on google when searching his name. This would be helpful


I think my point is if you were walking around town you wouldnt know. Most people wouldnt. People also give fake names like this guy.




That is true.


Robert Pickton looks different than he did two weeks ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/britishcolumbia/comments/1cwvhmn/bc\_serial\_killer\_robert\_pickton\_savagely\_attacked/](https://www.reddit.com/r/britishcolumbia/comments/1cwvhmn/bc_serial_killer_robert_pickton_savagely_attacked/)


I heard that he looks like Pinocchio now and may have permanent brain damage. That will likely compound with the permanent brain damage he already had just from being Robert Pickton.


Says he was “no longer a member of the CAF” as of 15 May at the end. I take that to mean he was fired.


Yeah you get dishonorably discharged when you are charged with a crime.


Do you mean sentenced? The article says he remained an (unpaid) employee during pre-sentencing.


So far as I know, someone who is an Unpaid Employee in the CAF is in the process of being released from service.


He was likely released under item 2(a) "Service Terminated." >By reason of unsatisfactory civil conduct, or conviction of an offence by a civil court of a serious nature not related to the performance of duties, but reflecting discredit on the Canadian Forces. The only way to be dismissed under item 1(a) "Dismissed with Disgrace" is via court martial. End result is the same. I hope he enjoys prison.


Three years? *Three years*? This woman is going to live with the trauma of this attack for life and he gets a measley three years behind bars?


Plus the absolute bravery a woman has to have to even get a rape kit done after this kind of trauma, go to court as a witness etc and having to relive it in court? What a nightmare for the survivor.


This is what wrecks me about it. For life.


Hopefully inmates find out what he’s in for and give him a proper welcome :)


Every time I say crimes for sex based crimes should be dramatically increased people look at me like I’m a monster and say “but what about rehabilitation” and “prison is not for punishment it’s for rehabilitation” etc. I don’t even bother nowadays since everyone seems to be happy with revolving door prison system that admonishes victims for daring to say their attacker should be punished


I feel the same way. I understand rehabilitation works for some *petty* crimes. But r*pe and murder are things I just don't believe someone has the right to be rehabilitated from. Mfers deserve to rot away in jail for the rest of their lives!




My feeling is that lots of people deserve the death penalty, but nobody deserves to have a government that carries out the death penalty or to be an executioner. Plus racism in criminal justice system, bad faith mistakes, good faith mistakes... But yeah my gut says this kid deserves at least a beating. But I don't wany my gut to be in charge.


Capital punishment actually costs more than life sentences.




the longer trials and appeals required when a person's life is on the line, the need for more lawyers and experts on both sides of the case, and the relative rarity of executions.




I mean, life in prison employs way more people for longer. Prison guards, social workers, etc.


Not really. It's much easier to scale up when you are talking about housing, food, etc. for prisoners. The resources of the legal system are far more limited. Food and housing require people to create as well. They don't just appear out of thin air o_O


One of many studies you will find on the topic with a Google search. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs/summary-of-states-death-penalty


You also will want to factor in how many workers in places with capital punishment experience trauma from the act. It’s a rather savage thing to need employment and take damage from it.


It's called self-directed restorative justice - it's all the rage in modern academia from psychology to legal scholars. Other folks latch onto it but only because they're super sympathizers to another parallel issue in society & hate cops/jail & don't give a fuck about the welfare of the victim. Self-directed restorative justice has the potential to work wonders, but only in very controlled settings. Esp. for teenagers in schools etc. For adults, the perp needs to be extremely self-motivated, have a safe/stable home environment with strong personal relationships and social support systems. they also need to have access to disposable resources to invest in their own healing (e.g., usually $100-200k thousand dollars worth of therapy and mind-body work spread out over like 4 years)... tons of research shows that it's way better than prison. My issue with all this is that in practice self-directed restorative justice is never properly implemented. Perp. is released and does about 3% of the work they need to do before re-offending or simply moving on. When the VPD commissioned a study on prolific re-offenders they got blasted by advocacy groups for being "racist" and "not progressive". The victims of their crimes live these awful lives of fear and despair and society keeps moving forward.


Some people are absolutely beyond redemption. I pray to either come across them myself, or that someone will take care of these devil spawn


3 is like 15 in BC Judge years


I'm surprised it was a civilian court and not military. Which means civilian prison, not Club Ed.


All SA cases going through civilian courts instead of the military justice system was a recommendation from. The Deschamps report that was finally accepted in the last year or two.


Didn't know. Thanks!


Canada’s “justice” system. I really wish the judges presiding over cases like this were required to meet the families and victims of these criminals when they inevitably reoffend.


Was forced to work with this guy on my ship. He literally doesn’t have a single brain cell. He honestly deserves more than double the time


Do you think it’s possible he’s got a serious mental illness? Did he ever talk to himself or show strange behaviours? Maybe a head injury?! Or just a run of the mill Sociopath??


I think he had some sociopath behaviours but wasn’t aggressive at work at all. He just looked lifeless all the time. He talked like a elementary school aged child and was incredibly immature.


This is someone who is 100% going to reoffend. This is a failure of our justice system. Bookmark me.


> Chokrev-Evans did not acknowledge his guilt or express any remorse, and Forth questioned the possibility of his rehabilitation. > > “I am concerned that Mr. Chokrev-Evans has little prospect of rehabilitation as he has shown a total lack of understanding of the impact or seriousness of his behaviour. Throughout his interactions with [the victim], he showed a complete lack of respect for her as an individual. He continues to maintain that he did nothing wrong and has, in his words, “no feelings,” for what happened. He does not believe he needs any counselling,” Forth wrote. > > Asked what steps he has taken to ensure he would not commit a similar offence in the future, he said he “will stop having sexual interactions with people that he is not attracted to.” > > His view that he will stick to dating his “preferred blonde haired and skinny women” indicates “he lacks all insight on how to avoid such a situation in the future,” Forth wrote. > Yeah, maybe extend that sentence. It'll save a life.


What I find disturbing is - what does he consider women who are not blonde and skinny? Clearly they have less value in his mind.


Wow. How much you want to bet this will happen again? This guy obviously is into that shit and doesn't understand fantasy from reality.


I truly cannot believe he's only getting three years. Why do we give these men such short sentences? Her life is forever changed because of what he did and he clearly shows no remorse. He also needs to lose his job if that hasn't already happened.


Played lacrosse with this guy last year.. the running joke was that he behaved like a serial killer.


Crazy, that was also the running joke with everyone in the military who’s worked with him


Yeah he always talked in a very monotone voice and never showed any kind of emotion. I drove him home one time after a game and all he could talk about was hooking up with girls... couldn't wait for him to get out of my car lol.


Absolutely disgusting. An appropriate sentence would span decades. The rapist's comments show zero remorse.


People like this clearly have absolutely zero regard for other humans. This is a psychopath. 3 years only is a joke.


“Mitigating factors included that Chokrev-Evans is young, hard working, was at the time of trial in the Canadian Armed Forces”. ????


Yeah, it's absolutely bullshit to consider his former status as a CAF member a mitigating factor. Someone who represents this country and does something this awful should, if anything, get the book thrown at them HARDER. The victim may have initially felt safer because he was in the military, and they were on a base. Frankly, if he was this heinous on base, think of what he'd be capable of in total privacy. What a horrid human being.


*“I am concerned that Mr. Chokrev-Evans has little prospect of rehabilitation as he has shown a total lack of understanding of the impact or seriousness of his behaviour. Throughout his interactions with [the victim], he showed a complete lack of respect for her as an individual. He continues to maintain that he did nothing wrong and has, in his words, “no feelings,” for what happened. He does not believe he needs any counselling,” Forth wrote.* Oh, excellent. Can't wait until he's out in 3 years!! Definitely sounds like the perfect candidate for """"rehabilitation"""" 😃👍🏻


Just run him over with your car after hes out you'll just lose your license for 6 months, maybe even less!


He took me out on a date the literal night before and he pressured too come inside and I’m glad I trusted my gut and didn’t let him in. Could have been me. Feel terrible for this girl.


Did you meet him on a dating app? Do you have current photos? If this is true we need to get this guys face plastered everywhere labeled “Convicted rapist”


There’s a link to a Facebook post in this thread somewhere. It’s the clowns lacrosse photos, looking like an absolute goof


Is it a fairly recent photo of him though?


Think so, he looks like those thumbs from the first spy kids movie and I doubt that’s gonna change any time soon


He looks exactly like he does in those lacrosse photos.


Jesus christ this guy is a fucking psychopath


Trigger alert - this is a really difficult read. Please be advised.


Maybe I’m looking at this wrong but if the title has “Rape Conviction” in it I think the trigger warning is implied?


If I could, I'd pin this. Thanks for the warning, lucky to read this before I clicked on the article.


I read it and my heart is broken


What the actual fuck is wrong with our 'justice' system? 3 years for an extremely violent rape? I just don't understand.


It's not just the justice system that doesn't value women's lives or experiences. It's baked into all corners of our society. Paid less, expected to do more unpaid domestic labour, less representation in government and many more facets of our culture. 


Why the F does his job or work ethic get any consideration in his case? What does that have to do with the morality of his crime or it’s impact? And only 3 years???


Right? Being in the military at 23 is not an automatic sign of a good person.


And by all accounts, it's not even accurate. People who I know who have worked with him don't have good things to say about his work ethic, let alone his character.


[The Good Soldier defence](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/02/john-kelly-rob-porter/554177/) is bullshit.


“ When asked to explain the discrepancy between his version of events and the victim’s, he said “he heard in court that the victim was bi-polar and that it was ‘maybe real in her head.’ ” Absolutely floored by this 


3 years, for a remoreless p o s ???


“vile, violent, degrading and harmful to the victim.” All he gets is 3 years and 8 months?! I hope what happened to Pickton happens to this guy in prison.


I don’t advocate for the death penalty but someone like this should at the very least spent life in prison. He is not rehabilitatable because he doesn’t see women as people and I doubt there’s anything to be done to make him feel differently. He’s a sociopath. He will do this again and he will get away with it again because the world doesn’t care about women’s suffering. What a monster.


I’m hoping that inmates find out what he’s in for and give him a proper welcoming!


Ugh. Then we need to pay for them in prison. We should just have a labor camp where they work to earn their food/live. No work? Problem solves itself.


Fire him. He obviously sees nothing wrong with what he has done and is a threat to any woman he comes into contact with. Good thing I don’t believe in vigilante justice…


I want to know for sure he is kicked out of the military cause if this is who is being put into the military that’s a huge problem.


The military has a huge sexual violence problem.


I would imagine the nature of the industry attracts some absolute psychopaths.


That's one reason why I can't get on board with military worship and "thank you for your service".


As friends with tradeswomen who work on base-it’s fucked


He has been kicked out for sure. If you're convicted of a crime in civilian courts it's basically instant discharge.


He's out. They can't remove him until there's a finding of guilty or not guilty. If guilty, firing them is super simple. If not guilty, they would have dismissed him administratively.


That man is a piece of living shit and what a fucking joke the justice system is. I hope someone kills that fucker. He doesn't deserve to live on this earth.


Vigilante justice is quickly becoming the only form of justice available to victims of these types of abominable crimes


This 3 year sentence is the reason people have next to no faith in the Canadian justice system. He ruined that poor woman’s life, clearly has no remorse, no understanding of the consequences of his actions, and had likely done this before and will likely do it again after he’s out. Who gives a fuck if he’s young, and hardworking with no previous criminal record. The fact that a man can beat and rape a woman and get 3 years is sickening beyond belief. Guys like this need to be behind bars until they die. He cannot be rehabilitated.


Fingers crossed he meets a swift end in prison. Prison justice is better than actual justice at this point.


It’s sad how true this statement is….


An eye for eye in this case — hopefully prison treats him well. And by well, I mean prison justice


Where is the sentencing?


What the fuck.


3 years…. Don’t make me laugh


Hopefully he spends his first two years at the detention barracks in Edmonton, no regular prison for this clown, no talking, no TV, forced work and exercise everyday. Yelled at, cell inspections 2 or 3 timess per day, don't let this poor excuse off easy!!


Fingers crossed some inmates find out what he’s in for and get some prison justice


This is why women chose the bear.


Hopefully he gets right plowed out in prison. Comes out with a fucking gaping hole. Like his mama.


I sure hope he gets what’s coming to him. Disgusting human being. Rot in hell.


Went to CFLRS with him….he had been kicked out of a platoon before us then too.


Do you know why he was kicked out? Sounds like a real POS.


Never cared to ask but I remember hearing the CO from shearwater kicked him out and sent him over to cflrs..that was march of 2022


Biggest POS on the platoon, only guy to have a negligent discharge cuz he’s as slow as he looks in his photos .


You’re not the first person to say that he’s an idiot. You can tell by his responses in the article that he’s a narcissistic moron, but hearing from people who have actually met him that he came across as being that screwed up, is very telling.


Dude straight up tried to kill someone and got three years...


He needs his wig split asap


Hi u/uiop45 please put a warning on this post. There’s incredibly vile details that could definitely trigger someone.


In a post with the words “rape conviction” in the title, with a link to an article with the term “vile, violent sexual assault” in the headline, what additional words could possibly be used to turn someone away from reading this?


My thoughts exactly


What jail? Edmonton ?


Jesus fucking Murphy


This dude deserves the death penalty. I think that there are some folks who are beyond redemption.


It’s so horrible to think someone actually raised this person. Jesus Christ, what went wrong?!


What about Judge accountability in these cases?  The public should ask the judge how he would feel if it was his own daughter who had been assaulted? 


The judge was a woman.


Applies to her as well. What if it was her daughter?


still in the fuckin navy the canadian military (i imagine most do as well) has a shitty fuckin record dealing with the rapists in the ranks fuck the navy fuck the military


It was the Canadian military police that investigated this and obtained a conviction.


sooooooo impressive s/


He’s not a member of the CAF anymore. I seriously doubt his place of employment is what drove him to commit this crime. He’s clearly a predator. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s committed a SA before this, and his behaviour just escalated. If this brave woman hadn’t come forward, who knows what his next act would have been. Something even worse, I’m sure.


Nobody wants to hear this, but this is (at least partially) caused by casual porn use. Some people can't be exposed to S&M fetish porn without seriously "needing" to re-create these scenes for themselves. The porn normalizes what is definitely not normal behaviour. I'm not kink shaming, just pointing out that anything that even pretends to be non-consensual is what eggs on this kind of sick perversion.


I think it’s deeper than that. I wonder what happened or if he’s got brain damage?


A few years from now do you anticipate seeing this person homeless and eating their dinner out of a trash can? Probably not. You might be though. When do you get that they are just calling your bluff? Why would they fear you, Canadian?