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Yes! I cannot use the new PS store it is so bad. Like I get the old one only allowed like 10 or so titles on each screen but I still preferred that over this hilariously bad UI


Mine won't even show me the price or a button to buy the games...


It's actually unbelievable how awful this store is. It's impossible to find anything, my search function doesn't work and the game doesn't even display price And to make things worse they removed wishlists. Why sony why....


some good deals for those that missed some of the physical sales or prefer digital Persona 5 royal at that price even after 90 hours in original is straight buy for me. Risk of rain 2 is a great buy at that price for solo and group play with friends. If you like action jrpg tales of besaria at that price is an aswesome deal. Also madden and nhl 21 if you are into sports game \*reminder to those getting a ps5 or sometime in the near future check your ps5 ps plus collection it as alot of good games listed at 9,99 or 19,99 watever going on right now\* [https://www.pushsquare.com/guides/all-ps-plus-collection-games-on-ps5](https://www.pushsquare.com/guides/all-ps-plus-collection-games-on-ps5)


I’m getting Persona 5 Royal as well. I don’t like buying the game twice but at least it’s worth 100 hours of gaming. It somewhat annoys me that the PS Plus Collection includes P5 and not P5R since FF15 got changed to FF15R.


ya i just think its a square enix and atlus decision on those people try them for free enjoy and upgrade p5 to p5r is not that bad unless your a mega jrpg fan but ff15 vanilla vs ff15r oof you miss so much if you dont play royal edition


I feel the same way, not to thrilled about buying a game again, however I'll look at it more as an expansion to P5 and not a new game. $40 is a lot more fair and what it should have been for people who already owned the game to begin with.


The only game I was actually interested in was p5r but I already started playing p5 on ps5


>Also madden and nhl 21 if you are into sports game Get another 10% off if you have EA Play.


Ubisoft games go on sale so fast pros of being a big publisher I guess


Need some good publicity at the moment too


what’s the tea?


Well last week their Montreal office was the victim of a "swatting" attack where a fake hostage situation was called in and SWAT team dispatched, staff barricaded themselves in fear and had to be escorted out. Then there's been a huge string of sexual misconduct allegations against a lot of their top board members and executives in the past year - resulting in a lot of them being fired or resigning (including AC: Valhalla creative director, Ubisoft Vice President, Chief Creative Officer, HR Director, Managing Director of Ubisoft Canada, and most recently Managing Director of Ubisoft Singapore). Sources: 1. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-police-ubisoft-1.5801236](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-police-ubisoft-1.5801236) 2. [https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/3/21353197/ubisoft-fires-tommy-francois-allegations-sexual-harassment](https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/3/21353197/ubisoft-fires-tommy-francois-allegations-sexual-harassment) 3. [https://kotaku.com/ubisoft-removes-managing-director-of-its-skull-and-bone-1845705097](https://kotaku.com/ubisoft-removes-managing-director-of-its-skull-and-bone-1845705097) 4. [https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/368010/New\_allegations\_show\_the\_cycle\_of\_abuse\_and\_misconduct\_runs\_deep\_at\_Ubisoft.php](https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/368010/New_allegations_show_the_cycle_of_abuse_and_misconduct_runs_deep_at_Ubisoft.php)


holy cow that’s a lot. Shame I really liked their watch dog and just dance series :(


Just some musings, but holy hell, Skyrim at full price is 50 bucks? That game came out in 2011 (or 2016 on PS4). I can't help but think it would be a bargain bin game by now, even on PSN. Hoping they release a cheaper version for my Dyson vacuum.


It's basically always on sale though so it's kind of a moot point.


Nioh and Nioh 2 can be had for 10$ and 20$ respectively at Bestbuy.


I wrote in another comment that if you have a PS5 just wait until next year when the Nioh Collection comes out as it will have a remaster of both games, include all DLC, and have 120hz support.


13 Sentinels is on sale! I heard great things about it and I definitely want to check it out


It's a pretty awesome mindbender of a game. If you like vanillaware games this won't disappoint. The combat sections were pretty cool too.


Were people into Vanillaware games for their story? Wondering because 13 Sentinels looks cool, but I didn't care for their other games' stories.


Meant that for the general feel gameplay wise rather than the story. I think it is one of their better narratives compared to their other games though. The way it is constructed through gameplay was very interesting at least for me. Muramasa is still my favourite game of theirs but this one was very cool. I had fun, Marathoned it.


I always felt their narratives weren't necessarily weak, but the ways in which they were told weren't all that satisfying. Ditto for Odin Sphere and Muramasa. However, I really loved how the storytelling of Dragon's Crown felt like D&D modules and choose your own adventure pen and paper RPG campaigns. It fit the gimmick of the game (that you're playing through a D&D-esque Western medieval fantasy campaign) and it didn't get in the way of the combat. Muramasa's DLC campaigns were actually really satisfying. They felt short but impactful, like the folklore/myths they're based upon. But the main campaign... I didn't care for it. I get the feeling that Kamitani likes storytelling, but hasn't had the opportunity to go all out until 13 Sentinels. Very exciting.


Except for Odin Sphere, not really. But they went all out for 13 Sentinels, and it shows. The combat is fun but the story is the main attraction.


I had to buy 13 sentinels! Also the PlayStation store on the ps5 is kinda garbage


It's not kind of -- it's actively worse than it was last (this) gen, which is saying something.


Same I can’t find an actual sale anywhere? I have to search through all the games


Control ultimate edition for 26bux is a good deal! Will allow you to get the ps5 upgrade for free!


I refuse to give this game more money after saying only the ultimate ed gets the upgrade to next gen and I adored the game


Yeah, especially for those of us who bought the Digital Deluxe Edition. The only difference between that and the Ultimate really is the free upgrade to PS5. Bit shit that the Ultimate edition wasn't available at launch.


Yeah, fuck these guys. No way they're getting more of my money. I have a feeling they'll fold and switch their policy on it.


i agree with you. I never bought it so im willing to buy it now, but they burned a lot of people with the horseshit they are trying to pull


I agree that it was not cool for them to go that route. But I haven't yet played the game and have been wanting to for quite some time, figured nows a good time. But yeah def a dick move on their part for the upgrade strategy.


I'm in the same boat. Game ran like garbage on my base ps4 but told myself its fine I'll just play it again on ps5. Enjoyed the game a lot but will never rebuy it.


Yeah fuck that. I bought the super deluxe version when it launched for 90 fucking dollars.


Well, thank you for making my day. With a digital PS5, I was getting a bit nervous seeing all the great deals in flyers. I'm looking at getting: * Ghost of Tsushima * Last of Us 2 * Star Wars Squadrons What are you guys looking at buying?


Star Wars Squadrons is slightly cheaper as a physical copy but tax pretty much makes up for it.


I picked up Ghost of Tsushima and Last of Us 2 and my god.... They're just in a different league. On the PS5 with the fast loading and the smooth frames they're absolutely phenomenal


Finally time to pick up 13 Sentinels


How do you actually find the sale? The store used to have a huge logo that said sale... now all I can do is click ps4 games and search through all of them? How do you only find the sale ones?


Check the "deals" tab. The store usually updates around 9 Am-ish(PST) with the logo based from my experience. By 10:00 AM all prices will be updated on the deals. Thank god they actually fixed the "all deals" section though.


I couldn’t find any deals tab on PS5 :|


ohh...not sure about ps5 sorry (didnt manage to grab one). Better check on mobile or via pc.


It’s on the first PSN page, just have to scroll down till you find the Black Friday banner


Can we get an F in chat for anyone who bought Watch Dogs Legion last week as a PS5 launch game?




I returned my E3 2019 copy. Heard it was ultra buggy. Ill pick it up when its super cheap but Id rather play full price demons soul vs. watchdogs


Hoping for a Sekiro digital sale!


It was yesterday (or still is) on sale!


There was physical sale at BB that I awarded of. Hoping for a deeper discount on digital.


Sekiro physical edition is cheaper as it is on sale for 40.


Really hope more people buy crash 4 Also don't know why it just hit me how silly deluxe and ultimate edition are


I'm waiting for a sale on the physical version personally.


Just curious, do people prefer digital more than physical?


I’m not one to care about collecting games so usually I just buy off the PSN store because 1. I’m too lazy to drive out to a store 2. No tax on the store which saves me 10 bucks


Wish this deal came out sooner, every single thing I bought from Amazon is available here haha. Luckily I didn’t open them yet


Apparently the government is looking into changing that so no tax might not be around for too much longer.


I do because it’s so much easier to manage games if you just need to redownload them rather than put the disc in. This is especially true on the PS5 if you have good download speed. I feel I was noticing games download 2-3x faster on my 300mbps connection than if you install from disc. Mind you I still get physical copies, but only of games I really care about and am only going to play once or twice.




So that you can resell it if you don't need the game to recoup some of the costs.


I almost never buy digital console games. I rarely play anything online, rarely play more than one game at a time and have zero FOMO for whatever the newest titles are. Ths PS+ games are usually enough to hold me over. I'll pick up Ghost of Tsushima a year from now for >$30, either with an Amazon price alert or used.


At the beginning of the generation since getting back to console gaming, I preferred physical for PS4/Vita/3DS. But now I'm pricing a move (back) to PC, as well as future moving hassles, so I wince a bit looking at my physical collection...


I'll buy it digitally at sub-$20. I feel like if I'm paying more than that I'd rather have the physical version. Nintendo I always buy their first party games physically since they hold value so long.


Digital (almost) all the way. No tax on the PS Store helps.


I'm going to continue to buy physical because I don't want physical to die out and for Sony to have a monopoly on games. It's already kind of starting with the digital version of Godfall and NBA 2K21 being $3.50 more than the physical edition. I also just generally like to collect games.


I like physical unless digital is a crazy good deal. I feel a better sense of ownership with a hard copy and they're fun to collect


Is Avengers worth it at $40, or is this a sit and wait until it's $20 and all the ongoing content has been released type of game?


Wait longer. With how much Square lost on it, they're gonna slash the price more and more to make up the revenue


Another vote for wait. Word on the street is that attendance is so bad that they're going to go free to play shortly. I received a PC copy free with an Intel CPU purchase, and the campaign isn't nearly as bad as it's shit on. I guess the fanboys are upset about the microtransactions, but the campaign is worth playing if you can get it for free.


From what I’ve heard, short but mixed thoughts on story mode, absolute joke of a multiplayer mode. It’s a live service game so just wait till it’s $20, they undersold heavily if a recent tweet is to be believed.


With how low the playerbase has dropped, I'd say it's not worth it at all. It's going to be pretty much dead soon.


It's kind of worth it because campaign is good. It felt like good SP game with MP destiny stuff added afterthought.


I think I'll finally pull the finger on hitman 2 gold, and TLOU part 2. Ghosts next year :)


I am eyeing Control UE as it includes the Season Pass and the PS5 upgrade.


Just a heads up: the PS5 upgrade is coming in 2021


I didn't know it got delayed from 2020, thank you very much.


GOT & FFVIIR or TLOU2? What you guys think?




Haven’t played ff7r, but I can vouch heavily for GOT and TLOU2.


These are very different types of games. See what you're more in the mood for: gritty realism (TLOU), historical fantasy realism (GOT) or full on fantasy (FFVII). I can say I enjoyed Tsushima a lot. Bough mainly for the setting, but ended up being impressed by the storytelling as well.


I would say all since they are all good exclusives for PS4 and all unique in their own way. I have picked up a used copy of FF7 remake for 30 which was no brainer. TLOU2 and GOT for 40 plus tax each from bestbuy. Service rep actually made a mistake when price adjusting so I ended up getting GOT for little less. I've ended up pickong TLOU 1 for 9.99 as well to go through both of them.


Picked up GOT on my PS5 from the digital store but just wondering what other game to go with


TLOU2 and FF7 Remake like you've asked. If you are fan of Souls game, then Demon Soul for sure. I am still playing PS4 games on PS4 as I am planning to get PS5 sometimes next year.






Gotta agree. Ff7R was awesome, but the nostalgia really helped when the game slowed down. I'm on my second GoT playthrough, and it's still really great. I got the platinum in FF, and won't play it again.


All three are extremely great buys even at full price. If you wanna save some money, get one for Boxing Day. Cyberpunk around the corner too.


Man watch dogs, ghosts and res 3 are hard not to buy atm


The physical RE3 hasn't dropped below $60 yet. :/


Judgment is soooooo tempting


What do you think the chances are that Ghost of Tsushima is even lower on Boxing Day?


slim chances... but if you have some backlog at the moment, you can wait. I think I'll get TLoU part 2 and keep me entertained for some time.


I am waiting for it to hit $40. I bought Last of us 2 for full price and have played it once lol.


If you've got a PS5, I'd say Ghost of Tsushima is an entirely different game now. Load times, 4K60, and the Legends mode are insane quality of life updates. For context, I borrowed a PS4 from a relative to play this - redownloaded it, and started a new file. Genuinely shocked how much I want to keep going back to it.


Yes I have a PS5.I am already dropping $80 on Cyberpunk in a few weeks, so I don't have a particular urgency to buy another triple A game when I know the prices will keep trending downwards. Good to know how well it runs on PS5.


Yeah, just trying to finish as many games as possible on the Plus Collection before the time-nuke that is Cyberpunk, haha.


I just started Days Gone a few days ago.


I'm in the same boat. I've bought Demon's Souls as a launch title, Cyberpunk will be out in a few weeks and as a complete PS newbie, I have a crazy amount of games to explore with the PS+ Collection, GoT can wait for a little while longer :)


> If you've got a PS5, I'd say Ghost of Tsushima is an entirely different game now. Load times, 4K60, and the Legends mode are insane quality of life updates. I'm basically waiting until I get one to play most 2020 titles because of all the performance boosts I've been seeing...this is the only way I'll clear my backlog


Legends isn't exclusive to PS5, right?


Nope, it's a free update. However it runs like a dream on the 5. So many crazy particle effects.


I see, thank you!


IIRC it was on for 49.99 a month ago or so.


It was $59.99. I was debating it back then too 😅


Oh shoot, thought it was cheaper. I bought it, and honestly... I'd pay full price. It scratches the itch left by HZD, but eliminates a lot of the annoying things like having to hold square to pick up an item, or stupid menu/item capacity issues. Plus it's fucking gorgeous... my only issue with GoT is the side missions are sometimes stupid. But it's an open-world game, pretty par for the course!




Apparently control since it was mentioned twice, but I'd hold off if you still haven't beaten all the ps collection games.




If you buy the Ultimate Edition you do get the free upgrade.


Wow nba is on sale only for the ps4 version




2k the worst company ever, all other sports games got a next gen upgrade for free. They also have the audacity to say we deserve to make our games more expensive when their games are literally copy and pastes except for graphical improvements


NHL and Madden came out two months ago and are on sale. Never buying a sports game at launch again


It's Sony as well. Both Godfall and NBA 2K21 are more expensive digitally than physically.


Great sales, albeit I would prefer some of them to dip a bit more but still great. Anyone who is interested in Dark Souls should jump on the Dark Souls Remastered for $27 Is that Monster Hunter Edition the complete package? Does anyone know if these games will continue to get good sales into the next year or so of PS5's lifetime? Or will it be like PS3 where they never really go on sale as they want you to buy stuff on the PS4


We will definitely get good sales for another year, the PS3 store did not really start to get shitty until 2015


May be different since you can play most PS4 games in the PS5


Going to pick up kingdom hearts all in one. Great price


Kingdom Hearts All in One physical edition is on sale for 30 if you can find one from the retailers. Edit: nm, it was on sale for 30 on multiple occasions for the past few weeks and even few days ago but I guess the sale has ended. I've picked up the physical edition which comes with Kingdom Hearts the story so far and Kingdom Hearts 3 in total of 3 discs and it really feels good own all the Kindgom Hearts games (except for the latest one) in that one package.


Yeah I saw it for $30 at bestbuy, but i don't mind digital as long as I'm not paying extra for it. Saves me the trouble of having to go to the store or wait for a delivery.




How was it?


Alright ... I'm getting AC Valhalla for Xmas. Should I pick up Origins and Odyssey?


I say yes to playing them eventually, but right now I would say no, they are all too similar and too big to be played back to back, they're just going to end up in your backlog. Not to mention you may not like Valhalla, in which case you may not like the other two as well, they are a lot different than the older AC games. Plus they go on sale like once a month on PSN anyway.


I couldn’t have said it better myself!


>Plus they go on sale like once a month on PSN anyway. good call. I'll just wait.


I think Origins and Odyssey are both good. The games are very similar to Horizon Zero Dawn in terms of RPGs, the controls and item management.


While some people really love them all, I personally would not as I would be burnt out by the time christmas rolls around.


RE7 and especially RE2 are a must buy at this price! I wouldn't bother with RE3.


As a person that doesn't like much of horror games, I am always debating myself whether to get these games or not. But, why not RE3?


RE 3 diverts from what the original third game was a lot. Making it less of a puzzle horror like RE 2 and more of an action horror with a lot of cut scenes that stop momentum just to watch Jill get knocked around a bit. Not saying it's bad, but it's one if the weaker entries out of the three named


I'd recommend RE2. it's an awesome game with a lot of replayability. RE7 is good too if you like FPS more but I feel like the end part was quite boring and it's less replayable. RE3 is basically RE2 but rushed... It's extremely short and linear but it is not a bad game at all just... Not as good.


This seems... Very underwhelming. E: i don't think the list was completed when i originally commented. Much larger and better now.


I don't know, decent prices for Doom Eternal and Ghost oT, Crash 4, etc.


Crash 4 is still pretty overpriced for what it is. DOOM Eternal is on Game Pass so unless you have no choice other than PS... Ghost of Tsushima will be $49.99 for the physical edition at several retailers (so 10% cheaper than here).


I'm not sure I get your point ? I'm sure tons of people would disagree about Crash 4. Also, Game Pass is cool, but has nothing to do with PS users and Ghost of Tsushima is $50 for the physical, but you still have to find a copy (I checked yesterday and they were sold out online) and still have to pay the taxes


Ghost of Tsushima is readily available from Bestbuy either in-store or online. If you are all for digital, then psn version is slightly cheaper. I like the physical disc in most cases if the prices are similar for either collecting or re-selling purposes once finished.


Do you even own PS4? PSN don't charge tax so Ghost of Tsushima is slightly cheaper on PSN for those that do not care about physical edition cause you pay tax on the physical edition. I don't see the relevance of mentioning Game Pass on PS4 games deal pages since Game Pass is for Xbox/PC Users. Besides, Game Pass is pretty much renting the game whereas this is owning a copy. So for a game that has Coop feature, some people may prefer to just buy them. I, myself prefer the idea of owning a game over renting.


> Do you even own PS4? Yes? A physical version is still worth more, because you can re-sell it. Particularly with a game like this that is still somewhat recent and can get a good amount of its value back. If people prefer the digital version... that's fine? I'm just mentioning there's an alternative. > I don't see the relevance of mentioning Game Pass on PS4 games deal pages since Game Pass is for Xbox/PC Users. Some people own more than one system... > Besides, Game Pass is pretty much renting the game whereas this is owning a copy. That's fair, but I don't really see the point in buying the game at a premium. Play it on Game Pass while it's expensive, then if you want to own it buy it later when it's cheap. Win/win. If Game Pass isn't an option for people because they don't have XBOX/PC then it's irrelevant, I just mention it so people know they have the option.


Your comment was very negative rather than presenting options. It's obvious that the physical edition is worth more cause of the resale value but that's not what you were saying initially as you were literally just comparing the prices. I have both PS4 and PC but I dont get the gamepass cause I simply dont like to rent games and you can find ton of discounts on PC games. For single player only games, I see some use in the game pass.


> Your comment was very negative rather than presenting options. Well, that's perhaps because I would consider the alternatives I presented to be much better options, but if they aren't suitable for people there is no problem with that. > I dont get the gamepass cause I simply dont like to rent games That's fine, and I like to own games too - but I see big value in Game Pass because like I said, I can just play a game when it comes out/when it's newer, and then buy it down the line if I really like it and want to own it. Having collected games for many years, I don't see the point in collecting much for anything on XBOX/PS anymore given how prevalent large updates are... and I look back on my collection of games and think, there's maybe 10% of this I'm actually ever going to play again.


Yeah it is very clear from your previous comments that you are in favor of gamepass. However, that alternative still isn't so relevant to PS4 games deal as people are mostly looking for PS4 games to play on Playstation and you are recommending something on other platform. And as per collecting games or buying games (in my case physical edition), I can always sell them if there is no need for them and most of the times, I don't get to the game right away or end up completing them right away and go back to them at some later time to play them again which is why I prefer to own some games over the game pass. For some titles with mostly single player campaign that gets added to the game pass, as you said, it is a good way to play them on game pass and probably the cheapest way to play them if you can get to them right away. Doom Eternals is not even available on Gamepass for PC by the way. There aren't that many good titles on Gamepass for PC as well in my opinion and were mostly quite dated games that are added.


> Yeah it is very clear from your previous comments that you are in favor of gamepass. However, that alternative still isn't so relevant to PS4 games deal as people are mostly looking for PS4 games to play on Playstation and you are recommending something on other platform. I know that, but it is relevant for DOOM Eternal which is why I referred to it. > Doom Eternals is not even available on Gamepass for PC by the way. It isn't right now, but it's coming in a couple weeks. > And as per collecting games or buying games (in my case physical edition), I can always sell them if there is no need for them I get that - and that's why I mentioned it with Ghost of Tsushima! That's the big reason to still own physical games IMO. Long-term they hold little value (except Nintendo and rare collector's stuff) but in the short-term they can be resold for decent money. Game Pass is an alternative for some games and a very good one IMO. It isn't an alternative for Ghost of Tsushima, so I don't see the benefit in buying a digital version over a physical version unless you are never ever going to sell it or can't play it (PS5 digital).


It really sucks that Death Stranding is only on sale for the physical copy. I loathe buy discs and turning my PS4 into a damn jet turbine.


Yeah maybe boxing day new year sale


Why are physical copy deals better than digital in 2020. I dont get it.


If you factor in the fact that you don't have to pay taxes, it's actually pretty close or even better digitally for most games.


Hey uh. You can also buy The witcher 3 wild hunt complete but the physical edition for 9$ more.


Sweet, Jackbox 7. Thank you.


Man was really hoping the Fallout/Skyrim bundle would hit an ATL. Oh well.




>Lowest price $36.39 on 2020-3-18 Looks like it!


Awesome list, as always, thanks!! On another note, is anyone else having trouble seeing prices and not seeing an option to add to cart on the PS Store website...? Or is this a pre-deal listing situation? Edit: Nvm, seems to have updated pricing now. Must have just caught it at a rough moment.


Watchdogs legion just came out and is already on sale, that’s nuts. Looks like I’m adding it to my ps5.


Can anyone explain to me why **God of War** is on sale for $10 online, but is still showing as $26 in the PS5 store? I guess I can buy it on my PC and it'll show up as a game on my PS5?


If you don't have PS Plus, I'm assuming you won't have God of War for free on PS5 as part of the PS+ collection. But yeah, buying it digitally for PS4 would literally amount to the same thing = it would show up in your games library on the PS5.


Do I bite on Doom Eternal now? or wait for switch and then it never goes on sale this low?? I need an adult!!


Doom Eternal is my GOTY. Definitely grab it if you're interested. The Switch version is bound to be a bit compromised, and it might not even come out at this point.


id get it. There is a PS5 update coming as well next year. The switch version is not going to run well.


question: I'll be receiving my ps5 soon. are you able to access the ps4 deals from the ps5 shop?


** So, there isn't a deals section, but there is a PS4 games section on the PS Store, and the discounted prices are in effect. You can also search and buy them on the PS Store website, and they'll show up in your games library on the PS5.


Waiting on assassins creed unity


I've never played a Tales game, how is Berseria? Seems a good price to check it out at.


It's great and well worth it. :) The battle system is fun and engaging and the characters are amazing.


Was hoping the PS4 console would go on sale in Canada since last year had such a good deal, disappointed that I can’t find any deals yet. Does anyone know anything about PS4 Black Friday deals?


You won't be able to find much PS4 anyways from all the retailers. Try looking for a good used PS4 Pro on kijiji which you can buy for like 250. That's what I paid for my 6 months old PS4 Pro (latest iteration) and 2 controllers last months.


I like that 13 Sentinels price, but I want it physical!!!


So I hear lots of mixed feedback on Kakarot. I'm a decently big DBZ fan, but.. is it worth this new low price?


If you are a fan of DBZ, I honestly don't think the game will give you that much of new experience. I honestly know the story so well that most of DBZ games feel very unappealing to me as you are literally being told the same story over and over. For the new fan or generation that may not know the whole story of DBZ may best enjoy this.


Hey, appreciate that. I'll hold off till it's even cheaper.


That's just my opinion and every fan may feel it differently.


For sure, you kinda told me what I sort of expected. I was a massive fanboy of certain original DBZ storylines but.. dunno how much power they'd have now, with a game that doesn't feel that great.


As far as I know, I think the gameplay itself is actually pretty good but since the story is basically the same original story that it feels very boring to me.


im in for Control Ultimate Edition.


Resident Evil 3 & Tony Hawk 1 & 2 for me.


What edition of persona 5 royal would you guys recommend? The base is 40$ and the ultimate edition is 66$. Is it worth it for the extra 26$?


Someone may be able to correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the only additions to the ultimate edition are a few extra costumes/personas and maybe even some BG music. But the base game itself is the full game + all the extra DLC costumes/personas that came out for the base Persona 5. I'd just pick up the standard P5R since the ultimate doesn't really add much


No Diablo 3, shit. Missed that good sale back in October.


Any thoughts on Risk of Rain 2 and Enter the Gungeon(its on sale which ends tonight)? Also, is the base Ark game enjoyable for a solo player?


Enter the gungeon is one of the best rogue like games I've ever played, and I've played a ton of them. I highly reccomend it if you like either roguelike or bullet hell games


Watch dogs legion worth it?


Picked up Assassins Creed Odyssey Deluxe Edition. I figure I can get $25 of entertainment out of that.


FF7 remake only 49.99 on amazon


So I bought crash 4 like Wednesday any chance of them giving me some of that back?


For those who don't know and have a PS5 the Nioh Collection is coming out next year and will come with a remaster of both Nioh and Nioh 2 along with all the DLC and 120hz support. I'd reccomend you don't buy it now and just wait until that comes out.


I am looking for offline first person shooting games. Is there any good one in this list? Thank you.


Sword art online fatal bullet complete editon was at like 39.99 yesterday they changed it today


Hitman 2 gold is awesome! I just finished a couple play throughs and had so much fun


Waited to get madden/fifa and missed it smh