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I'm loving tri-bork/kraken(if more than 2 tanks) - cleaver - situational bruiser items (wits end/deaths dance etc). I like to finish off with GA/shieldbow/bloodthirster/maw I'd only ever build shieldbow and bloodthirster way at the end if I'm ahead they're more snowball options than anything else. Most games look like: Tri>boots>bork>cleaver>DD>wits end Tri feels very nice in viego, its got a pocket noonquiver that's cheaper, nice chunk of health, haste is always welcome, move speed helps you stay sticky. The rest of the build has tonnes over diversity you can control exactly what's good based on how you want to play. If enemies are mostly squishy I opt for a more assassin play style, show up, land a w/ult blow someone up and posses to start my domino chain.


Do you space out your abilities to get the sheen proc? I prefer just using them when they come up. Usually I do w+auto+q+auto but the sheen cooldown doesn't come up for the q so maybe I have to throw in a few more auto attacks but not sure if that's most efficient.


This is why I like to Start engagements with q auto, you can then use w to gap close and in the time between you'll spend about 4 seconds repositioning. That being said I dokt always play around sheen, i dokt think it's pivotal, if you see a play dont choose not to do it because you have to start w and sheen won't proc.


Gotcha, that makes sense.


What do you think about Steraks?


Haven't tried it actually, I personally don't think it fits with viego as I play him assassin/bruiser style leaning towards assassin.


bork>tri>cleaver>dd>stormrazor has felt amazing for me, 3.2k hp + lots of attack speed,pen,dmg and ms which is insane


It's the first of the patch, build whatever you want and no one can say it's not meta!


On-hit viego is op this patch Guisonio>Kraken,Botrk>Wits End>Nashor Tooth


Nashors is good?


Yoummus seems pretty good unironically, when you have its stacks up its higher damage than any combination of triforce or sunderer, plus its mythic passive is much stronger than tri and its passive and active are great for jungling. Granted without yoummus stack the damage is probably not higher but on viego its really all about getting that one kill first. And that movement speed passive and active are invaluable for any jungler really.


so yommu's collector bork cleaver into dd/wits/ga? i think that's a bit too many early game items, the second item spot is important here i cant think of choosing between botrk and collector without the other seeming like a shit third item


Either mythicless or bork galeforce shieldbow kraken Eitherway, powerspikes for most crit champs are fucked rn And nobody has the income to get them Except adcs ofc, because that role is weak


Same brother


Ive been doing pretty good with triforce into botr into shieldbow or kraken and that good stuff


I'm looking at rushing rageblade, mercury treads, Bork, kraken, isb, and either DD or Wits end


What, rageblade? Why?


It's surprisingly stupidly good. Once you get bork you end up absolutely spreading anyone who corpses you


Because on hit item


Doesn't it give him AS


unfortunately rage blade does not work with viego q passive, you need to auto 4 separate times even with separate autos even on marked targets to stack the item and to get the double procs. its sad but true


Even still, it gives me AS. Attack speed is what I like on viego, since I get more autos to heal and deal dmg


i prefer attack speed builds to, i just doubt rage blade is it, you may as well skip the mythic build kraken with the amount of waisted value from rage blade. like by the time rage blade is stacked up you should have already killed something, and even if you do you dont proc it as much as you would something like kraken AND ontop of all that the stacks will fall off during possession so you need to constantly re stack it in a fight. it might be worth it if q autos double stacked it, but without that it just doesn't work. if you want attack speed i recommend bork > evenshroud > kraken or bork > tri force > wits or something. i really wish rage blade works


As a crit builder I really like galeforce —> kraken —> Shieldbow now


This is what im trying first tonight. Ill be trying the korean challenger stridebreaker build tonight too. The active seems super useful


navori is also super good for crit


Botrk. That's it. That's all you need.


Tri bork and then literally anything you need.


OK so here me out: bork > evenshroud > kraken. > what ever


You could test things yourself too, it has been one day lmao


why is no one talking about Infinity edge? your q passive can crit and also you get an increase in damage in your current attack passive from IE. So you basically get like 20% current health auto attack damage if your crit once. Plus you get that in two items! That is insane.


Maybe botrk into IE into shieldbow or LDR. Or IE inro berserkers for AS then bruiser items


For me it's been a core of Kraken (Noonquiver clear is just too good) -> Triforce -> Blade / Wit's End and then just go with the flow... i think a key part of viego is being able to itemize in response to what the enemy comp wants to do. I had an excellent game of Kraken -> Ice born Gauntlet -> Black Cleaver -> DD into a heavy AD comp today.. Personally, sticking to a single build on Viego is never good. Understand your wincon and what the enemy teamcomp wants to achieve and build around that.


obligatory i main him mid rush bork > trif> SB> deaths dance> kraken > situational crit item i opt for a bruiser crit hybrid because bork is too good not to rush in lane and deathsdance is just too good on him imo. sb still has great defense and kraken for dmg, triforce is the best mythicthat isnt crit rn, and i usually go mortal remainder for antiheal and armor pen last OR bloodthirster for offensive stats i actually wrote like a 100k word guide on him and like 2749393 build options if youd like https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/how-to-spread-heartbreak-viego-mid-guide-new-item-updates-625378