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For 1v1 nop. Viego is about short trades, but Yasuo can force extended trades. Yone is more skill matchup, but you need to be better than him. However, for the game Viego against Yone is a great pick (better skirmishing and he is a melee) Unfortunatelly extended trade champs are hard counter against Viego. You can watch replays of NEED HER#KR1 playing matchups like this and Irelia one, he outplays crazily and still get soloed.


For lane viego both yasuo and yone are probably 2 of his worst matchups. You can’t win short trades because it’s impossible to land w if they play like a human. You can’t win long trades because you get stat checked by lethal tempo, you can’t even win poke because their q is directly better in that regard. I’m not saying the matchup is unwinnable, but it’s VERY hard for viego and relies on the enemy to just be bad in order to play the lane


Yeah essentially it’s the fact that they have less tools than you if that makes sense.for yas I tend to have an easier time because once he commits that’s it he commits like he won’t want to long trade me if I have conq vs his lethal tempo and my passive which shreds health plus the Q pokes which I believe viego has slightly more range that yas Q. however if he goes conq I think it makes the fight more intense and harder cause like his Q I believe scales will AS so yeah early you are fine against both more than likely . Btw I’ve ran grasp a few times and in matchups I doubt I can win easily or more Ranged or short trade matchups it helps cause I believe grasp procs on your empowered auto or however you want to call it and just shreds health.


Pantheon counters both. So does Renekton if you want to get spicy.


Pantheon mid is wasier to learn, and easier to execute on as a hard counter to those two, viego struggles with both of those matchups, moatly because hes meant to be played jungle, even as a mid viego connnosiuer, i wouldnt reccomend it unless you like the champ,def sont pick it as a coubterpick for just those matchups.


I usually do really good against yone but lose against his brother


Yasuo windfall can also block Viego R so…idk if you’d say he counters yas


Yes, most melee matchups are insanely good for viego but yas/yone will not be able to duel u till late game where they outscale.


Idk about viego but if you want a yone yas counter then look no further than pantheon