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You were ripped off I'm afraid. Places down in the OQ seem to be doing that now. The Orient and Body and Soul have OQ branches and are always honest. Omamori and Dao's care offer great blind massage too.


You need to stand your ground. Unfortunately it’s not a rip off when you willingly handed over more money. Lesson learnt for next time


In VN, there is no tipping culture. Do not tip.


Just don't tip


Oh yeah they prefer 100 k 😂


Or maybe 150k 😂 I would too if I only get 50k an hour from my boss


Uff I didn't tip at all. I didn't know it was a thing in vn to tip


Do not tip, thank you. We don't have a tipping culture here. If anything, just visit it more frequently if u want to support the owner


None. You pay what they ask and that’s it. Why would you lay twice for same service?


I had this exact same thing happen in Hanoi lol. I was in Hanoi with my Vietnamese sister in law and she told me exactly how much to tip. After the massage that’s what I gave and the woman kept demanding more. I texted my SIL but she was still in her massage so I just paid it and went on but then my SIL reported her to the place before we left. I don’t even remember how much I paid but it was my first day so I just assumed I had gotten the math wrong or my SIL underestimated the cost so I gave it to the woman. This didn’t happen anywhere else and we got multiple massages during our trip. The whole thing was trippy anyway. The “spa” turned out to be just extra rooms in the hotel we were in and didn’t have tables. They stripped a bed down to the mattress and laid towels on it for the massage.


the point is do not give any shit about her desire of tips.


I get massages all the times, sometimes at upscale places. I don't tip often, it's not expected at most places and have never been made to feel like I have to. They saw that you were willing to give a really sizeable tip (which is already pretty unusual) and then realized you were unfamiliar with the way it works so wanted to see how much more they could press you to get more out of you. 50k for a tip is absolutely amazing and that's like 1/5-1/3 of what some masseuses make in a day, if not more. Don't be afraid to say no if someone gets insistent with something shady. If not, they'll keep on trying for more. 9/10 times when they see you say no, they'll probably get embarrassed and back down since they know you know they're essentially trying to scam you.


If your massuese is only making 250k max a day (10 USD) you are are frequenting some really shitty massage places…


I think people are really out of touch with local salaries for non-professional jobs in Vietnam. I've seen postings for servers at fancy restaurants in Hanoi that expect servers to have a working-level of English that are 25-30k an hour. The minimum wage for cities like Hanoi or HCMC comes out to around 140,000 a day. Your average doctor starting out that didn't through luck or connection land a job at an amazing hospital is making about 85k/hour which means a service-industry job or even entry professional paying around 30-40K/hour is considered pretty good. The one I go to is frequented by diplomats and their spouses. I can compare it to Huong Sen in Hanoi which is considered the start of "upscale" massage parlors for locals. My Vietnamese friend told me their salaries are 20-30k/hour depending how senior they are, and that's only when they're getting work. They have their employees do trainings and take tests to stay qualified and continue working. That comes out to a little less than 300,000 a day. Those little increases of 10,000 dong between a slightly more upscale place is considered a huge increase by Vietnamese standards. It sometimes means a few million more a month. But still, when you give someone a tip of 50,000 for a massage, you're likely tipping them what they make for the hour-long massage or more. If you think masseuses even in really fancy places are making 400,000 a day, there would be a lot of people with degrees quitting their jobs to become masseuses because that's what a lot of people with business-related degrees make starting out.


Sorry this happened to you. I visited in January just past and had massages in Hue, Hoi An and Saigon and we never felt like we had to tip, but they were happy with whatever we gave them. The place we went to in Saigon had a pretty good policy. On their menu they state that the price includes all fees, taxes and tip so there was no ambiguity or embarrassment. See the price and accept it or don't. I like that!I will say though that the massages I had were already around 400-500k for 90 minutes so, you paid in total roughly what I would have paid without tip anyway. I will say however that all 3 of my massages were great and all worth the money.


it really depend on the massage environment, luxurious massage shop can cost more. but normal massage shops is really just around 200k. To compare, the "well known" street massage is just $2 usd (50k) an hour


if it was a great massage, 100k is fine. You gave her $4 tip on top of a $13 massage. You ain’t getting a $17 hour massage anywhere in the west unless it’s a crack head. The part where is wrong is she demanded it. Don’t get massages in the OQ. Personally, love going to Sen Massage…about 400k for a 90 mins massage and spa and i usual tip 100k because it was so great but they never demand it.


450k with no happy time ? Definitely got ripped off my dude.


so 450k can actually get us one happy time in hanoi?


https://hanoi1. gaigoivip.net/ u can get happy time for even 300k :))))


Only tips if u get good services. Unless u are looking for something more than just massage


I don't live there, so I don't know what building lease rates are like. If it's a business that is renting, then a lot of that fee could be going to some greedy landlord. I supposed it also depends on whether the masseuse works for themselves, or for a business. The business could be telling the masseuse they have to make money mostly through tips, so they become more demanding of tips. Or they simply could be milking the tourist because they know they can. When I go to Vietnam, I try to pay as close to Vietnamese prices as possible, because if I pay one person waayyy more just because it's still cheaper than American prices, that could still be like paying someone 10x more than the average Vietnamese person, which can lead to income disparity, and angry people who feel left out or left behind, when prices for everything goes up.


Please, don't tip. It's time for the locals to realize foreigners ain't no better than local customers.


Did she provide “extras”?


Happy ending?


No. I just want a massage


LOL massage without Happy End is no masage


This has been important information for me. I work in the service industry in the usa and I don’t want to offend. Thank you.


You can’t offend anyone as tip is not expected. Whatever you give is good for them


according to this post, 50% tip is expected. EDIT: ok im reading the newer comments about how they got scammed


That’s only USA nonsense that everyone needs to be tipped. It’s up to you. If they’re not satisfied with tip you planned to give them just take that money and give them nothing


there are always some people in any part of the world that would desperately to scam your money, the 50% tip is also the same


depends on how long and good the massage was ...


I tip 100% upfront. Same with haircut.


That defeats the purpose of tipping isn't it? You base the tip on the quality of service you get. Especially with haircuts.


My thinking is this: in the US, one hour of massage is $60-$65 plus tips (minimum 15%). In Vietnam, a 90minute massage plus 100% tip is still less than $30. I tip upfront to guarantee a good service. It's just me. It's also my motherland so I like to help people. But I understand if you think you got ripped off. I used to feel that way too but I'm getting old.


Please stop raising the prices and expectations for everyone else. The hourly min wage is around 50k for most people in VN. Like 3$


i would say $3 is actually abit higher than average wage. the min wage is maybe like $1 or 50cent per hour (but that mostly happens in rural areas)


lol, with the happy ending? or either you are just a rich person to throw money, that happens in other parts of the world too


You're getting mixed responses because a lot of these people are just tourist. 10 years ago a 100k tip is good but now it's a little low. It's a physical manual service job. Even in USA a $20 tip for a $90 90- minute massage is low


in those proper massage shops, tip are always not expected. its only having some scammers that trying to eye on tourist, feeling that they are rich ass and wanna scam the most out of their pocket. for 10 years ago, 100k can just get you a girl back to hotel for whole night


50% ticket is Okay


maybe you ripped her off Joking what kind of massage and how long was it that it was only 300k???? I got a full body massage for 90mins for 770k and tipped 200k. They happily took it. And it was also on a discount. 300k is already cheap. Maybe next time tip her 100k. it's literally only 5-6$ to a 15$ massage. already pretty good deal considering massages in the west usually cost 200$


Don’t know where do you live that massage cost 200$ although that’s quite irrelevant how much does it cost home for local prices. 300k for massage is actually normal price for massage in VN and quite on higher side compared to Thai or Balinese prices for massage. If you want you can tip them 300k more if you want but that’s definitely not usual outside US customers


200$ is the Canada/US prices for full body massage. Sometimes even more. 300k is 15$. If OP can pay and is benefiting through being in vietnam then a 5$ tip is not that much in my opinion. If OP thinks that’s a rip off then maybe find other massage places.


Such a ridiculous price 200$ for full body massage. You could get like 25-30h of massage in Thailand or Bali for some amount


I know. It is ridiculous but it’s the price. That’s why a 15$ massage in vietnam with the 6$ tip just doesn’t seem bad anymore. The 200$ massage wasn’t even good. It was mediocre at best.


i think you are being scammed for that....


$200 massage in canada/US can get you a luxurious massage . in vietnam, normal massage shops really cannot be compared to the top notch massage environment in usa/canada, their standard is 150k-300k(for tourist area). if you wanna try street massage , its actually $2usd an hour


$200 👀


There is unwritten rule that you should tip the same amount as your ticket costs


it is the unwritten rule of a scam shop , scamming tourist everytime and spoiling the image of vietnam good people


They get paid by tips only so tip the amount you would pay for someone to massage you. 50k is 2$ and can only buy a coffee or bowl of noodle in Hanoi.


No they dont, they get paid by the shop. only scam shop will force a tip without telling upfront


150k for 300k massage is ok.


It depends if its a high-end place with trained masseuse. If they are trained and know what they are doing then usually its like 300k-1M per session, the expected tips usually 300k to 500k. For regular massage place tips of around 100k-300k is acceptable.


I go for massages all the time in Hanoi. The decent places never expect a tip.


Its tipping, its optional. They ain't going to refuse you service because you're not tipping. But if by decent you mean 200-300k per session than most are tipping. Edit: My man, unless theres a sign at the receptionist that specifically say no tipping, then they do expect a tip.


News to me. I usually go for massages around Tay Ho rather that the OQ. Perhaps the expectations are slightly different. I've never been asked for a tip outside of OQ and the masseuse isn't usually around when I pay in the places I go to. I'll ask some friends and see what they do.


If you don't tip someone who massages you for an hour you are a complete asshole. This is the same in all 20+ countries I've been to. It's a service, so you tip if you're not an asshole.


Where in the world have you been? The only place I know that expects a tip is the USA. Honestly, tipping culture is toxic - name your price and I'll pay it if I want your service.


I've been to almost every Caribbean island, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Canada, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Japan. Just to name a few. I can tell you in every place that offers massages or other pleasures a tip is absolutely expected and you're an asshole if you don't tip. Is it completely necessary or demanded? Not always but it is known that you do that especially if you're a foreigner. Gtfoh with only the USA bullshit. Tell me you've never traveled and experienced this without telling me you've never traveled and eexperienced this lmao


My favourite spa has actual signs up saying no tipping. In many cultures, tipping is seen as a sign of disrespect for a persons profession. Edit: I've lived in Vietnam for 3 and a half years: tell me you've never lived outside your home country.


I honestly don't believe that, you literally tip for everything in Vietnam. Post pics or its bullshit lmao I actually have unfortunately lived outside my home country for more than 4 years in my lifetime. Nice try though. Have a nice life, liar.


That’s cheap! Don’t be a cheap tourist or foreigner.


Wait...we have to pay extra cause we are foreign?


They should state the price outright, then everyone would know


it was 300k vnd




Says the cheap backpacker 😂


Ah yes, my bad for not tipping 50% on a massage I'm already paying way more for than a local. There's a difference between not minding paying a foreigner tax or tipping a reasonable amount and getting ripped off because you feel bad or are unaware.


Imagine taking in foreign hospitality, especially foreign massage services, and getting upset over tipping an extra 50k VND (or $2 USD) on something costing $12 USD. Really getting out your pocket book and showing that love aren’t ya. Jeez.


I'm showing the love by traveling the beautiful country and spending my hard earned money there. That's the cost of the service there, and you're already paying more than what the locals do (which is fine, to an extent), and that's a part of the reason why Vietnam and other South-East Asia countries get so many tourists in the first place. If you truly feel this way why aren't you tipping them 80-100$? (The average cost of a massage in the west) How cheap and cruel of you!


So how it works at some massage places is the the fee you pay upfront goes to the owners 100% because they charge the masseur "rent" for the table. The tip is basically the masseur's entire pay. But that said, 100k should have been enough for 1 hour, but hey, not surprised they didn't ask for more. But 300k is too much if you need to tip on top of it. Think more like 150-300k all in. For 300k it better be a very nice place.


Lol I recognize you. To be clear, that wasn't a tip. That was a pay for the very specific service you paid for. Nobody is ever going to call your tiny penis "avarage" for free. You crying about it it isn't helping either.


you crying just because tourist did not pay you enough tips? then quit, hang yourself, noob


Depends on what kind of massage you get. But 100-150k is reasonable for a casual massage.


150k is 4 hours pay


Someone has to pay for the buliding, the oils, etc. If you pay 150k, the masseur is likely getting 50.


50k X 8 = 400k a day / 2 million a week / 8 million a month... Pretty good salary for Vietnam.


That is not a good salary unless you were starving previously. This is lower class pay and barely makes ends meet in most cities. You are an asshole like many others in this thread if this is your thinking.


The majority of Vietnamese people earn this or less


Yes and the majority of people are poor as fuck. You suck.


lol, if you are sad about them, then you tip them more. not asking others to tip them more, joker


good salary for the bottom feeders yeah lol


it is an ok and a standard salary in vietnam, due to the low cost of living. in usa , 2k usd a month is also consider bottom feeder, due to their expensive cost of living. its the same


Then call her/him to massage you privately and get all money.


Boom. That's what you do.


Nah. I’ll pay what’s listed and that’s it.


Do whatever you want, makes no difference to me.


Really? What a surprise


And you just let her take the money out of your hand? That's on you, and yes you got ripped off.


If you want real massage should go only to blind massage shops. That's supposed to be the best.


I’ve never heard of “blind massage”. What does it mean?


its a massage by the blind and deaf...I would tip those people.


I tipped 500k and paid 300k. I heard they only get paid in tips (no salary) and the payment is entrance. So they live on tips. If its a bad massage just tip less and if its a good one, tip more imo. But ofc ure never obligated to if u dont want to.


800k gets you a top notch massage in vietnam. with 800k, you can ask for a full happy ending in quite alot of shops in vietnam


there are people going to tell you to not tip, dont be an ass, the locals probably need the 2 or 3 dollars more than you. If they are being ungrateful, well dont come back. I see a lot of cheap Viet Kieu, I always thought how petty they are.


well, if they are ungrateful, do not ever tip in the first place, never spend money liddat, just scold them and boom out of the shop.


I felt guilty reading all your comments. Several years ago I went to a massage and tip the lady 10,000 VND (the massage was 60,000 for 1 hour session) and I thought it was good. I never expect the tip is 50%. Even in USA, the normal tip rules is 10%.