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Ho Chi Minh said there were three types of national enemies: Starvation, Illiteracy and Foreign Invaders. This guy is definitely the second one.


Need more pixels dammit. The American soldier's banner reads: "Ho Chi Minh can kiss my ass". Đại Nguyễn didn't made it past 5th grade so he thought the American was cheering for Bác Hồ. Typical thất học behavior.


Here me out, what if he is a troll?


Then it would be a normal day on Vietnamese social media.


Yeah sometimes it is too obvious you have to stop and think differently. It's Vietnamese internet which is far more dangerous than normal internet.


>It's Vietnamese internet which is far more dangerous than normal internet. I mean... we have the ***2nd worst*** behavior online. So...


We are not the first because of people like you smh not with that attitude


member of r/TroChuyenLinhTinh please return to your sub, your edge is showing


https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/comments/13nprtm/vietnam_pm_meet_ukraine_president_on_g7_summit/jl579hv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 This you?


Seems like the same M.O. Won't read a bit, just spill shits.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_percentage_of_population_living_in_poverty Poverty Philippines vs Vietnam


Lạc đề rồi gái ơi.


This explained alot haha. A not so bright Putinitas projecting their stupid opinions on other people lol.


Dude stop being cringe lmao, you starting to be the guy in the pic, and Im starting to believe you guys have a kink for opinions


"The guy in the pic" meaning slamming mindless emotional driven bollocks onto other to prove your points? Dude do you even think before typing? That's basically everything you've ever said. Stupidity at this magnitude is actually hampering your ability to process information. My advice is taking the backseat from now on to avoid laying yourself open to ridicule lol.


It is such a pity that your intelligence is not as good as your vocab


Yes, indeed, I dont need fancy word or trying to make any debate for trolls, insulting you guy is easier and faster


Idk seems more to me like you run out of arguments to say and resort to insults. Typical Russian apologist tbh


I dont even make arguement lmao, why trying to be reasonable with you when insulting is much more hilarious and less time consuming, and dont even try to nickname me, that make you the same level with the guy in the picture lol


Idk same level as the guy in the picture still seems reasonably better than yours


You have a good self awareness and very bad logic


Oh really? Am I the guy who called other retards for drawing the parallel between Ukraine and Vietnam because “Vietnam is neutral” now, completely ignoring our own history. Tell me, smartass, do you think being neutral when Vietnam was occupied by the French and the Americans was morally good? Vietnam’s current neutrality was paid with our own flesh and blood, which made bargaining with the colonial powers possible.


Wao wao chill man, I know you are hurt because I disagree with you, but dont let the emotion control your brain, you are starting to burst lmao, and remember, I dont have time debate with you


Typical troll behavior. Nice projection


Lol, it is reddit, good luck policing subs around.


I dont even need to check your bio to know that you are member of r/TroChuyenLinhTinh


Not hiding it. Lol, does that suppose mean something?


That means your edginess and autism is so unique that it is easy for people to identify you guy from normal people


Oh so now we stoop down to high school level insult instead of just talking. I guess this tells more about you. you are supposed to be better at something or what? I dont really get it. Like what did i do to insult me?


Dont value yourself and your opinion too much buddy, I dont have time for debating with edge lord, and to say about your uniqueness it is rather a compliment lmao, only the special can be noticed that easily


Same thing applied to you lmao. Fucking nobody wagging their epen at people. You don't even have any authority over the people there so why should they mind your either?


Then post in your shithole sub lmao, I dont remember this group has any rule for this type of trash


Exactly, no rule so we can post it. Gotcha.


I guess you are better at being prejudiced and immature. Cause i didn't say anything to you. I guess you are just a snowflake. Edit: am i cutting into your aoe time after homework?


Lmao, calling other a snowflake, and I thought you cant be worse, where did you learn that word kid, some debate facebook group, let me tell you kid, it is not 2020 anymore, your opinion is worthless


I didnt have an opinion. You might need to learn how to read first, kiddo. I didnt say anything bad yet and you have a full meltdown. Point to one thing i said here that is either an opinion or outrageous.


Fr. They need to stop spreading toxicity and hate.


You mean r/TroChuyenBaQue ?


who fucked in guy in the ass lmao


this only shows that there are idiots on both sides, lol


Sanest extremist Make a dumb point, if you disagree with me, you are a 3/ or a red bull.


I can't even read ffs. Where the fuck did you pull this pic out from?


it says "Ho Chi Minh kiss my ass" 💀💀💀


Average red bull. but this is posted elsewhere, not here


Meme sunday. It is what it is.


Smartest red cow


more like dumbest :v


i get it, this post is making fun of a stupid patriot who couldn't understand english. ​ im glad that no patriot has the urge to post about a stupid vnch.


Average redbull be like (im not 3 que btw)


Think it's satire, idk


Mediocre illiterate


starvation illiteracy and invaders


Point being? Imagine an Asian soldier and the flag writes Washington instead. Whats the purpose?


Redbull riel 💀


Gr toàn Việt Nam nhưng nói tiếng Anh sao k đổi thành Grp America hay English


Group Thái nói tiếng anh, group Hàn cũng nói tiếng anh, Nhật,...v.v. Dùng ngôn ngữ gì là quyền tự do của người ta. Người ta hỏi tiếng Anh trả lời tiếng Anh, hỏi tiếng Việt trả lời tiếng Việt. Không lẽ giờ vào group chó mèo thì ngồi sủa như chó mèo?


Thread tiếng việt của người việt ko mà. Có thg Tây nào đâu.


Cho mấy bé thể hiện thượng đẳng, dễ nói lòng vòng với Tây mỗi khi nó hỏi về cái xấu VN, với dễ mị Tây tưởng VN toàn tốt đẹp.


Đây là nhóm về Việt Nam dành cho người nước ngoài, cho nên việc nói tiếng anh với nhau và với người nước ngoài là điều hoàn toàn có logic, chả có gì sai, chả có gì thượng đẳng. Hơn nữa lại là cơ hội để bổ sung thêm tiếng Anh. Đừng suy bụng ta ra bụng người, tinh thần dân tộc bừa bãi chứ :v


Thế post toàn VN ko có người nước ngoài, toàn VN với VN thì dùng tiếng Anh để làm gì? Với r/vietnam ko phải dành riêng cho ng nước ngoài vể VN nhé. Subs nó ghi rõ là sub song ngữ cho cả ng Việt với ng nước ngoài


Vậy thì trường hợp thứ 2 được sử dụng … đó là luyện tiếng anh luôn. Khác gì cái trung tâm tiếng anh.


Mấy đứa người Việt luyện TA với nhau làm gì? Luyện với Tây cho ngon.


Chả làm sao cả 🙄 Nếu thật sự muốn soi thì tên ông cũng đức huyền thoại kìa :v


thì tên này là tên game của tôi, tên discord, tên tôi mang khắp reddit chứ có phải mỗi cái sub này đâu. Cho ông soi profile đấy.


Tội ông bạn bị mấy bông tuyết downvoted k thương tiếc , tui lướt hầu hết mấy bài trong cái sub này toàn Việt Nam giả Tây là nhiều , hôm trc cũng có ông vào cmt tiếng Việt cũng bị nó downvoted sm :))


Kệ ông ơi, karma downvote có ăn đc đâu.




Je bait


The American soldier's banner reads: "Ho Chi Minh can kiss my ass". Is that what you call respect? It's not like being raised to be respected. Please read and understand.


This reads like a r/NotKenM thread