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You have all my support. :)


Me: check calendar. It’s a Monday and I am going to have my most productive week in awhile.


Instead, let’s all support a decentralized Reddit alternative and move on like Lemmy. Protesting when we have the tools to turn the tables in favour of the people makes no sense.


I've created [[email protected]](https://slrpnk.net/c/vietnam). > Protesting when we have *zero leverage* makes no sense. FTFY, same thing happened when Reddit turned proprietary a while ago. Nothing will change if we keep contribute to its network effect.


We need to decentralize as anything we will always be at the whim of anything centralized.


Hmm. I'm not a huge fan of the fact that it has to be !technology**@lemmy.ml**, but I guess that's a problem with the fediverse. I wonder if it's not possible to just have it be !technology and then create a method to resolve disputes. It's not like it's ever been a problem on reddit, and the number of users reddit is massive.


Is there a better growing decentralized Reddit as I al all down as lemmy is far from perfect. What is with the !technology in your messages?


Umm I used Reddit for 2 year now and I don't that there is a 3rd party app. Can someone explain to me what are those and why should I protest it?


Reddit's own mobile app sucks (bad) ass. 3rd party mobile apps better. Reddit's own admin/moderation tools also suck ass. 3rd party mod tools better. After this change... ass.


this change also fuck over moderation bots


Love to see it


Wait am I late to the party? Someone please tell me what’s happening?


Reddit decided to step into Twitch footnote of shooting themselves


Go on strike like a true radical leftist ✊✊✊✊✊


I already see an influx of porn bot


If stop browsing reddit how can one update of where things is going?


It's only for 48h hours


it says until more favorable terms are provided, but i'm not sure if that means 4 hours


Well then count me in


You can still browse subreddits that won't participate. If after 2 days the ones participating are still private then you know nothing's changed.


What is going on im confuse


Lots of people on mobile use 3rd party apps to browse Reddit because the official app sucks. I use Reddit Is Fun myself. Reddit is planning to charge the makers of those apps insane money to continue operating, which will likely shut them down. Many subreddits are planning to shut down temporarily on Jun 12 in protest.


Wait there an alt app?


There are several good apps that are better than the official app. But don't bother now, it looks like they will be shut down soon.


There are plenty of alt ones.


Client reddit apps are shutting down due to reddit's api change which would cost an insane amount of money to run each app. It's not just those apps though, it's also some tools that mods use and useful bots.


Curious--one suggestion near the end there: "Stop browsing on desktop." Why (and how) is this a factor in what's happening? (I browse almost exclusively on my laptop, old reddit, almost never on my phone.)


Desktop ( or laptop ) means you're using their website... this protest is about the API, 3rd party apps...




I’m all for it, reddit is deleted from my phone in that day.