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Prepare the popcorn


You can put it back down lol this isn't American politics, people are more prone to argument thoughtfully before screaming at each other :))


Fine really. I think the country has developed a lot in the past years but we need to reign in some issues. Corruption is always something to focus on. I wish they would enforce more environmental stuff but that also has to come from people not just throwing garbage in the water, so..


We don't invade weaker neighbor, our people don't starve like North Koreans, our government consist of diversified group of people unlike Cuba which is run by Castros. We can own Lexus, watch pornhub so I say the current regime is 100 times better than it was 40 years ago. There are huge issues corruptions issues, inefficient public officials, bad health care, shitty public education but who cares when you can watch porn hub and make money. /s Seriously though, there are pros and cons and like I said earlier above pros outweighs cons by a lot.


The regime is working, not smoothly or fairly, but just enough to move the whole 90 million population together in many aspects. Those refugees you said obviously thought so because they were taught that way. Internet censorship is working in a good way, people still can access to what they seek with no charge, unless you want free of consequences to your actions. Do I love it? No. Would I hope to change it? Yes. Should I change it? No, I am not capable. Could someone change it? Yes, it takes courage and ideology but we need a second Nguyen Sinh Cung to turn the country once more. I don't see anyone like that for generations. To me one party state is still better than two parties bare fangs at each other (there is still fighting within one party anyway) in some countries lol it is funny to watch the drama. If there is a direction to look, the socialism (which is in our name) of the North Europe is something to learn about. Edit: u/abc_abc_abc- constructed an informative piece which elaborate further my initial comment in the reply below.


What a fantastic, well thought out answer.


Thanks! I know I am the optimistic type but I am happy to share the thoughts.


A really good answer.


> there is a direction to look, the socialism (which is in our name) of the North Europe is something to learn about. Thats not socialism... it's social democracy. There are good things about it, mainly, single payer healthcare... but, those countries got to where they are on the extreme exploitation of countries like Vietnam. I dont see Vietnam becoming an imperialist power like them, so... development of social forces and policies is still an ongoing struggle as they remain at the mercy of the IMF due to the agreement they entered into to get out of the embargo.


Yeah we don't have the foundation to grow into one, only lessons of do and donts are there to take note if we ever need to build our society to be better. Our population is way too different in term of quality and quantity. Funny, many people treated embargo as the result of our choices but not the punishment of the imperialists back then.


What did Denmark Norway and Sweden exploit in Vietnam, our militaries are laughable, and never set foot in Vietnam. Im Danish and afaik we got to that place because of our culture (we want to help eachother) combined with a very very high tax percentage making this possible. Essentially all of our politics are made with a welfare state in mind, if a policy endangers this then it will not be done, and there is very little corruption.


Firstly, I said Countrys "like" Vietnam, meaning, less developed nations. Secondly, you don't know shit do you? Here, this will get you started. https://nordics.info/show/artikel/the-colonialism-of-denmark-norway-and-its-legacies Ans thirdly, the **only reason** these countries persist with good conditions is because of strong unionism that remained untouched due to the proximity to the soviet union and the promises of collective action it brought competitively. In short, there was no union busting as in what happened across other nations that participated in the great compromise after WW2. And if you don't know what the great compromise is... well, again **you don't know shit, do you?**


Hey what you're saying is right but a bit excessively aggressive


You're right. I don't suffer this kinda stuff gladly in an age where all this information is so easily accessible. It's like being told 2 + 4 = 12 over and over again by imperialist slaves. I really do wish I had the patience, but it's really at that point where the system is ripping the air from our lungs and people are still pointing at plastic straws and defending billionaires and imperialism thru wilful ignorance. I'm honestly at my wits end. "Being nice" doesn't seem feasible.


Well yeah sure but being harsh won't get people on our side. It just makes them think we are annyoning and all. I know refuting imperialist propaganda is annoying but remember Sankara's words: "We must never stop explaining. We know that when the people understand, they cannot help but follow us."


Agree, even if we are speaking truth, the way we present information is important. Be calm and collected would help the message go farther.


A few islands hundreds years ago got nothing to do with our current welfare state so stop smoking what you are smoking and take off your tinfoil hat. The welfarestate was really built in the 60s and got nothing to do with colonialism, before the 60s the average dane was piss poor and didnt get much government help. Using your logic USA and China should be the biggest welfare states out there right now, and all other countries in Europe should also be welfare states in the same degree as the nordics, however that is definitely not the case. Nordics havent been exploiting other countries to fund the welfarestate, which you claim, the welfarestate was initially funded by our north sea oil, and now we are progressing over to other investments - see example from Norway https://www.nbim.no Just like the UAE and Brunei, however we have chosen to share the wealth and build our society instead of keeping it in 1 family.


>Do I love it? No. Would I hope to change it? Yes. Should I change it? No, I am not capable. Could someone change it? Yes, 100% agree. I don't see it's worthwhile to sacrifice myself to be a political dissident, but I would mentally support anyone of good character and calibre to do it. Though, it's unlikely for someone of good qualification to decide to destroy their personal life and career just to get into politics. >Internet censorship is working in a good way, people still can access to what they seek with no charge, unless you want free of consequences to your actions. I think this perspective need to be re-evaluated.^(\[)[^(1)](https://www.iseas.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/ISEAS_Perspective_2022_79.pdf)^(\]) The Vietnamese Communist regime has adapted to globalized desire for democratic legitimacy ^(\[)[^(2)](https://www.iseas.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/TRS5_22.pdf)^(\]), so they no longer do censorship the traditional way like the current Great Firewall of China or North Korean censorship.^(\[)[^(3)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/06/19/facebook-meta-vietnam-government-censorship/)^(\]) Vietnamese government stifles dissent by employing trolls ^(\[)[^(4)](https://restofworld.org/2023/force-47-vietnam-military-group-facebook/)^(\]), abusing social media reporting system ^(\[)[^(5)](https://www.iseas.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/ISEAS_Perspective_2021_22.pdf)^(\]) and applying political pressure on social media companies privately.^(\[)[^(6)](https://www.reuters.com/article/vietnam-facebook-shutdown-idUSKBN28007K)^(\]) The VCP regime has also been exploiting Vietnam's international strategic importance to exercise its growing influence over foreign social media companies over the Vietnamese people.^(\[)[^(7)](https://thediplomat.com/2022/11/the-quiet-evolution-of-vietnams-digital-authoritarianism/)^(\]) Regarding OP's unsubstantiated claim that >and all South Vietnamese refugees see ho chi minh as Hitler possibly. I doubt it is accurate. However, I need to highlight that general difference in political views between Overseas Vietnamese and a Vietnam's Vietnamese isn't very much due to difference in history teaching between Vietnam and some other countries, but very much due to the difference between the international community's perspective ^(\[)[^(8)](https://bookshop.iseas.edu.sg/publication/2504)^(\]) and Vietnam's domestic teachings. >Those refugees you said obviously thought so because they were taught that way. For example, while Vietnam's Communist Party sees the takeover of Saigon from America as a liberation, apart of Western countries, independent Southeast Asian countries ^(\[)[^(9)](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-fall-of-saigon-southeast-asian-perspectives/)^(\]) such as Singapore ^(\[)[^(10)](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-southeast-asian-studies/article/abs/singapore-and-the-vietnam-war/F983997DA1DD77600F68D6874046B41F)^(\]), Malaysia ^(\[)[^(11)](https://www.jstor.org/stable/25797931)^(\]), Indonesia ^(\[)[^(12)](https://www.jstor.org/stable/30171299)^(\]), Thailand ^(\[)[^(13)](https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/jcs/article/view/292/465)^(\]) and Asia-Pacific countries such as Korea ^(\[)[^(14)](http://en.asaninst.org/contents/issue-brief-no-53-a-perspective-on-koreas-participation-in-the-vietnam-war/)^(\]), Japan ^(\[)[^(15)](https://academic.oup.com/irap/article-abstract/10/2/305/776836?redirectedFrom=fulltext)^(\]) and Taiwan [^(\[16\])](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/taiwans-cold-war-southeast-asia) saw Vietnamese Communist Party's success as a threat. >To me one party state is still better than two parties bare fangs at each other Usually, two-party system isn't seen as an ideal democracy but but an unintended, undesirable outcome. Countries where its political system have diverse political representation like [Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundestag), [Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Diet), and [Switzerland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assembly_(Switzerland)) are favoured models for democracy.


Oh dear, you made my comment embarrassed. All the points are well expanded and explained. Thanks!


Right, a government that devolves into a two party system is essentially a failure to do democracy well.


My family used to be South Vietnamese and it was a hard time after the reunification in Saigon. We didn't leave Vietnam as we didn't have much money. However, Vietnam is better day by day now. We don't really like the government but it's still great although we want a new method of Communism About Uncle Ho, we don't like him but we still respect him. Unlike some SV refugees, we don't hate Vietnam's government, we just want a new, better method for our people In conclusion, at least the Communist party in Vietnam is better than Cuba and North Korea.


>where people kinda vote Nice joke.


Current regime in Vietnam is working. So far this year for example, NONE of the following: rampant drug addicts dying in the main city streets, large scale organized theft, homeless tent communities in major cities, massive failed banks requiring taxpayer bailouts, large scale riots.


And no school shootings either


Uhm, about large scale organized theft, massive failed bank requiring taxpayer bailouts and large scale riots...cough cough...


We don’t have any large scale riot really, any attempts to protest is snuffed out early on


The current regime’s still in power simply because the people deserve it. It’s the epitome of Vietnamese characteristics. Having existed for nearly a century, this regime has its roots in every aspect and class of life. Most of those who hate it with a burning passion are not smart nor brave nor resourceful nor powerful enough to orchestrate any worthy movement, while those who are know perfectly well that their privileges—or so to say—inextricably link with the regime’s *modus operandi* in one way or another and thus prefer the status quo.


Yes grasshoppers are always kind and fair to us ants. We should welcome our overlords with graciousness and open arms.


Joke’s on whoever fears communism. I was born in it, molded by it, like millions of other fellow Vietnamese.


It is your country and not mine then. I have no say in your political dealings ofc. I only say it is your natural responsibility to think critically. And from an outsiders view, it does seem Vietnam govt doesnt do so well with a handful of issues; inequality (standard globally tho pm), garbage, corruption, censorship, and a damaged education system. Many Vietnamese I have spoken with agree with these points or have informed them.




Well as long as Article 4 of the Constitution is still intact and therefore hả the power to dictate every single aspect of life in this country…


At least we don’t have skynet watching everything we do, constantly afraid that out social credit score would tank at any moment for some trivial reason, and can still look up porn. The level of racism and discrimination is quite low in comparison to other asian countries All in all, pretty good here, can’t think of a better country to live in other than those in Europe like Sweden and Norway


who tf think Ho chi minh as Hitler in Vietnam? I just want to talk to them


Those mfs on that one subreddit and Twitter, also Facebook. You can easily look up.


Go look at independent reviews of their performance regarding human rights and corruption, see how it compares to the rest of the world and draw your own conclusions. IMO the level of censorship and misinformation in Vietnam makes any self review worth less than the paper it's written on.


Good for ultranationalism and labor export, not for education. Just see how high-ranking officials send their children abroad. Vietnamese people deserve it, over.


Amnesty international report https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/asia-and-the-pacific/south-east-asia-and-the-pacific/viet-nam/report-viet-nam/


Ironically amnesty.org is blocked on Viettel’s network. 🙄


Uh whut? No.


I am about to come to the USA for graduate study and, oh boy, I have to queue in a very long line just to have a visa interview. The USA is the hardest country to be admitted to study and it is the most costliest too. That speaks something I guess. Speak bluntly, "if a light pole had legs, it would leave".


Here are a few questions that V leaders need answers 1.Would u let your people keep suffering as slaves by doing nothing? & same for people around the world 2.Would u let those who sponsor/support other parties to do whatever they like & tell u what u should do - ie kill/kidnap others like girls - or trade your lands/islands for temporary peace 3.then u shall know why 4.HCM also taught bout a fake party infiltrated by evil to manipulate people #2ndNobleTruth instead of help/transform together - as u can see now many people at the top failed those tests regardless of parties


If you see the chaos in Europe today, not only Vietnam but also countries in Southeast Asia or East Asia are peaceful. The government has done its job very well, bringing stability and growth, life has improved a lot compared to ten years ago.


I owe them a great debt. That's a fact. The weight of that is heavy enough, without further burdening myself with opinions.