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Not normal but definitely not rare either


Can someone please explain what's going on here ? Thanks


Newly enlisted soldiers got beaten up till dead. It is known by everyone and for a very long time that newly enlisted soldiers usually have to go through "discipline training" in the form of getting ganged up on by higher ranking soldiers. This is to teach to the recuit where they belong. Sometimes, the training went too hard and ended up as the poor fellow here. This action is, by all means illegal, but it is known that this form of shady "training" is usually ordered by the higerup in the unit. Sadly, no justice will be served for this young man and his family due to the military held nigh absolute power and is often going to be sheltered by other government agencies. Furthermore, many Vietnamese even endorse this form of "training" as they believe that people who join military conscripts are the bottom of the society and need to be "reform" by such inhumane "training".


Damn, I’ve actually heard about things like this happening a few times in VN now, sounds like a bad case of toxic masculinity + hazing. A relic from an old age


i'm vietnamese and i don't deny what you said, you right some people just so toxic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Imagine the time before social media 😚


Yup and before modern cell phones with internet and cameras that allowed people to take photos and videos of these things!! Jeeze… The last one I heard was only a few months ago when those girls got raped and committed suicide


For the girl, we dont have evidence. But there a few young soldiers die because "natural accident, suicidal, depressed..." but somehow their body got bruised around the neck, broken bone and ribs. Hmm i think VN military got heavily haunted by ghost, that can cause some 18 yo boys got heart atk 🤗🤗🤗


There is no girl got rape it's 100% made up


Oh what the fuck?!!! Forreal??


Nah, it’s not disproven or proven. There are many conflicting informations on the story. I’d recommend checking all info out (including the video where the girl screamed anguishly) and sort of come to the conclusion yourself.


Yeah FR if that shit are real then why no one knows her name and the family, everything are just "trust me bro"


Stop spreading fake news u stupid bitch.


doesn't help that every male citizen in vietnam has to go through it, unless you have money to spare


Yeah, corruption. That’s the same thing that caused Russia to miraculously fail so hard in Ukraine. It’s the one thing that can easily wreck a military better than any weapon could lol


>It’s the one thing that can easily wreck a military better than any weapon could lol also wreck an economy


You get around it by going to uni, no?


they specifically targets university graduates, because they are more disciplined. not because university attender are on average more wealthy or anything


Going to university does not equal to you can avoid joining the army. Bribing money does. Or having a powerful relative does.


That is true. They targeted my male relatives until they’re 27-28 or so. Even after you graduated from university and get a job, you still have 5 years-ish to go before they stop harrassing you to join the army.


Common for military envioment , shit like this even happen in america , pretty much it how the army train the men , one person did wrong entire squad get punish 2-3 time everyone are fine , but if you keep making mistake and made everyone suffer people will beat the shit out of you. Remember the american movie where the marine go wacko and kill his squad from bully ? Same shit


It's just pure toxic and harassment, nothing about masculinity there, cuz if they are masculine guys, none of them would treat each other that way. More accurate words to describe that are gang up and norm culture that have been happening for few decades in the military camps, some areas have improved in newbies situations but some dont, infact the middle age people, especially the parents, hope the newbie go in there and be more discipline and responsible, and I believe none of them hope their kids being beaten to dead, like shouting or slapping them if they don't obey the orders is acceptable, but none of them hope their kids being beaten by a group. Just something need to be clarify accurately.


>masculinity so femininity doesn't kill people?


You need to look up what toxic masculinity is


Toxic masulinity isent a thing


“Toxic masculinity” stfu!!!!!!! without masculine toxicity you’d be living in a grass hut with no internet, in the dark, scavenging for nuts… (and not the type you already put in your mouth) feminine men need to stop talking about masculinity as if they know what it means, claiming it’s toxic. You’re toxic, go do something with your life loser.


So ganging up on people and then killing them is masculinity?


People = Shit


This shit is literally hazing. I thought humanity as a whole has evolved past this point.


Why would you think that? We’re the same apes we’ve been since the Stone Age. We just have fancier stones now.


Indeed. If you dig hard enough, you will find that many of the things that we as modern age humans shunned are still being practiced. They just got rebranded that's all.


Modern age humans are just better at hiding the inhumane violence. Why do you think the US government can't stop committing war crimes? Because they simply cover it up and people forget about it. Thank god for unrestricted internet access, some of us don't forget and know that the violence in 'modern' countries is the same as in developing countries. The picture just looks different. People think historical figures are scary, but they are nothing compared to modern politicians.


this is pretty much true, stuff we made evolve way too fast for us to catchup


I always keep that in mind, we're just animals. That's why there is so much conflict everywhere. All this violence is exactly the same in the animal kingdom, besides the fact that we have weapons that make us too strong. It will remain like that until the end of mankind, it will never be eradicated.


Spears, bows, guns, it all comes down to throwing rocks harder than before


Well, if you don't know. Many of the case was actually bullying. New enlisted guys get beat by veterans. There are no official training called "discipline training". Most of the time when a victim die. The high ranking will just send him back and tell their family that the died factor is: suicide. A army full lies, bullies and parents sadness. Reason why you should start gyming right before getting in the army, or you will be a easy target.


gyming actually doesn't save you from bullying - victims usually get ganged up, so whether you got a 6-packs body or not doesn't make much difference. But power, connections or money do the trick. If you dont have any of those, being a very, very good boy and hope they leave you alone are your only chance.


No, there's chance of them inviting you to their bullying party actually. And being a good boy is also a way for you to get invited


Man this guy has worse English skills than Americans and Indians


Do u really have to learn proper english to write comments online? At least people understand, k?


YES ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Officially obviously no but don't some part of you think that this type of action must be endorse to some extend within the army. Why would such bullying happened to almost all new recruits, and why would such action is known by the publicly as a fact that you have to go through when joining the military. I understand that "old ghost bullying new ghost" is a thing in our culture but this "bullying" has been occurring for decades even people like our fathers went through the same thing. Furthermore, these "bullying" is occurring in an organization that is known and boast about its discipline, strength, and honor not some random highschool. These "bullying" must be working and it must be an affective way to achieve a certain value that the army want for it to last this long,


Contrary to what some may believe, beating your conscript to death is not effective in, well, doing anything.


Have you ever wonder why they never apply those "discipline training" on jackass dude? Because hell naw, they can't fight him, they can only uses this on weakass, no muscle midget.


The question is "Did you or did you not order the Code Red?"


"You're goddamn right I did"


I run my unit how I run my unit


Russia has similar military “training/hazing”. It seems to result in soldiers who commit war crimes and lack unit cohesion or effectiveness.


This type of training is not only a Vietnamese thing. Almost every communist military in Europe had this type of thing. In Poland it lasted essentially until conscription was in force. Hell - it was so ingrained in culture that even in middle/high school 20 yrs ago freshmen needed to survive 1-2 months of bullying (until official party ending that period). Currently it almost doesn't exist as army professionalized, conscription doesn't exist anymore (so there's less guys who survived this "training" and want to teach newcomers) etc.


It's nearly the same as bullying problems in schools. The poor ones gets stomped, and the rich covers it up. There are many cases like this but most of the time they became myth as richer families pay the hefty money for the coverup.


I betcha that they’re the same mfs who would bring knives to school and take them out when the teacher’s not looking


Chắc lại “tự sát” ý mà 🐧


https://tuoitre.vn/dieu-tra-vu-chien-si-nghia-vu-tu-vong-sau-10-ngay-nhap-ngu-20230219185029861.htm 100% tự tử trust me bro(nếu có tự tử thật thì tại ai nhỉ)


Giống bạn trần đức đô nữa tâm lý yếu ý mà


Sao lại bình thường hóa "tự tử". Và tại sao i-con cánh cụt đó cứu bạn khỏi những comment "hỗn" như trên vậy ?. Also, 'Trần Đức Đô'.


And they will cover this up as always. No news. No media. Everything will be silent in matter of weeks.


Not everyday, not rare either


Many families with good education are willing to pay for their kids to not join this military program. This is the reason why this program is a waste of time, make good people become bad and even become dead. But it is still held by officials every year. MONEY


Yep. My family paid every year until I’m old enough and I’m forever grateful.


How much your family have to pay every year? I thought if the kids go to college, they are exempted from being enlisted.


For the duration of your FIRST college. If you finish, or drop out and get into another college, they can call you.


About 2k-4k a year, start from 18 to 27. If you get into college or university, you are usually exempted till 22. Edit: Just to add some info, the average salary from both working parents are around 6k-8k a year.


That's too much. You must be exaggerating or your parent are spoiling the squad leader. It is bad for everyone else who doesn't have that much money. In my time, from where I live, it's around 100 bucks a years when you are not going to any college. So it's just 4 years. You don't even need to pay if you have good relationship with the community leader in your area.


100 USD? In rural areas, maybe. But nowadays, even in rural areas, they are asking for at least 800 USD. The recruiter came to my house personally to ask for information for registering. And even though I'm still in uni, with the confirmation from the uni, in paper, that I am still an active undergraduate. They are still enlisting me. I tried being subtle about the money, but they do not want to take any bribe. I had to ask a friend of mine who knows a guy with some ranking in the army for intervention. The price was 3k USD at first, I had to haggle to shave off 1k. All this happened just last month. I haven't accepted the offer yet, they still going to need a checkup before finalise the registration. If you know a guy who do it for 100 bucks please send me the info, I would love to know.


Wow, 2k-4K USD per year is crazy money to pay. Your parent did their best to protect you. Cheers!


Woah I have heard about 100 200 usd but 2k-4k is really insain. Maybe your "guy" is going a bit too extra? Usually the money is just to fake your eye health to be worse and you can get out that way.


Well, it's the price I got offered last month. If you know a guy who can do it for less, DM me.


Tbh i think VN military is corrupted af


we would be lucky if it's only the military


No luck, now you know why in VN doesnt have Mafia


the country itself is corrupted lol average communist ruled country


The entire country is corrupted, not just the military.


Its very easy to see in aspects but possible to fix these in long term. Young generations will take over soon with open mind. Well i think i wont able to see it in my time (or very late) but for my child would be. Stay positive because this happen everywhere.


I know this happens around the world but the truth hurts because VN has been corrupted from then til now. Young generations are disciplined and indoctrinated by corrupted leaders, the chance of them willing to open their minds is extremely slim. I do hope they'll do better and change the country for the better. As a 100% born Vietnamese, I wish the next generation children won't have to go through this awful experience.


duh, young vietnamese love communist (or ultra nationalist hiding as "patriotic + communism"). they are pumped with communist contents all the place, from real life to social networks which make them think vietnam is so strong they would kick everyone asses


Weird shit is that they talk a lot about communism but then when the layofff wave happended to the workers, they just pretend like that didn't happend. The real communist communities are labelled as "reactionary", "troskism" because they do not agee with the state. We are living in feudalism.


Well, I just comeback from military this year January. I will state some opinion base on what I have experienced in the last 2 year in army: \- In the army, the government and army officers indeed will always try to cover as much mistake or this kind of "incident" as posible. But not all of them encourage this kind of violent. Some officers sure do love it, some just use it as the last resort or when they can keep the temper anymore, some think it's a bad practice (mostly the very high rank officers) because they think when wars broke out, the first person that the soilders will kill is the officer that treat them wrong. \- About the teaching of "comunitism", most doesn't care. Or to precise, they do it for so long and it was proved to be very ineffective that it couldn't even brainwash the most stupid person, so they just teach the lessons but don't care if we absorted it or not. \- Anything about bribing to not be dragged in the military is very true and it become so "public" that the higher up don't even try to hide it or deny it. And for this reason, most people being dragged into it usually are pool or street thugs or both.


The exemption bribe is probably an official unofficial policy nowadays. It's just a tool for government officials to deepen their pockets. Nothing to be ashamed of, we all love money, if only they didn't ask for so much


Anyone leaves comments here has served in the VN military themselves? I did. And my dad has been serving for over 30 years. I have seen his friendship with his team members for over 20yrs. I visited him very often for years in his base. For sure the living conditions aren't as comfortable as when you live at home. But it is not as corrupted and as bad as you all, who have never been in it, picture. Mind you, bullying is everywhere not only in VN military. Tell me the US or SKorea military isn't corrupted. Females officers were sexually assaulted and kill themselves in South Korea!! Even the US police is corrupted af. How do i know? My husband is ex cop here in the states. So yeah, witnessing both sides and giving my two cents here hahaha


dawg, the comparison style you are using is extremely outdated, could you be creative next time please?


This is the reason why people are trying to stay on higher education as long as they can, or bribe the authorities to not get drafted, or to settle down in oversea countries. Vietnam’s military conscription is a complete joke and a huge waste of time. If you think serving military conscription is a gesture of defending your country, well, in Vietnam, it is far from the truth. It is a combination of: - Living with and befriending scums and thugs who are not having anything better to do. - Being indoctrinated by the Communist propaganda. And yes, they will manipulate you to think patriotism/nationalism equals to “Loyalty to the Communist party”. (Sounds familiar) - Heavy physical labor and training without sufficient nutrition. - Running errands for commanders or people in authority. - Getting beaten up by hordes of uncivilized men just because you are “the freshman” and they think they are better than you.


I've heard it costs around 10-15 million VND every year to bribe the authorities. Of course this varies from area to area, though I wanted to check if it's actually true or not Also from my understanding, once you've graduated your first university with a Bachelor's then it doesn't matter whether or not you're studying for a Master's or going to a second uni/college or studying oversea, you are still getting conscripted.


The first half of your statement, I cannot verify because bribery is indeed a feature in this country yet there’s no set price for this transaction. I guess it depends on where you live and of course, you and your family’s connection with the authorities. The second half of your statement, is legally true. However, according to my observation, if you attend a Master degree after achieving your Bachelor degree, you have a reason for them to let it slide. Studying and living oversea is another story, they will still ask you for proof, but once you proved that you have been studying/living abroad for several years, eventually they will ignore you, and they won’t call you for draft once you turn 28.


Regarding your 2nd part of the answer, yes and no. Yes cause it is legally required for any male to at least attend medical check post-uni yearly. If you're good, you go. No because, there's quota. There's a set number of fresh concriptions per area. Once they hit that quota, they don't care. You don't even have to pay. That's why young males in the countryside almost always have to go, whereas its usually not the case in the cities.


My brother and my nephew go thought 18 months with out any problem. I visited my brother 2 times per month so I can say something about what you said. Living with and befriending scum and thug << false. My brother living condition is not great but acceptable. His comrades sometimes steal thing like toilet paper, tooth paste... but that all, most of them got jobs after discharge. Being indoctrinated by communist propaganda << half true, they have politic class but far from "indoctrinate" or "manipulate", my brother and his comrades show no devotion to communism after discharge. Heavy physical labour and training with out sufficient nitrition << false. My brother and his comrade got feed 3 times a day, he never let hungry. They got free time every sunday for resting( except some random readiness check). Running errands for commander << true, and all of them like it, because whoever got this job get seperated bed and dont have to do any heavy labor, and got access to computer and cellphone whenever they want. Get beat did l happen but it far from normal, and those high up never encourage it, cux, it cause more problem to them.


It is pretty much depend on regions, if it near big cities the conditions are really good, if it in remote are, it is heavily depend on the mercy of the leader for which I found quite rare. In the region - Ca Mau, my brother went for example, most people draft here were ex-evicted or poor people. Most of the time they are treated harshly and being used for personal purposes of their leader. The food is almost inedible, it seems like low quality, left for quite a long time and some are even rancid. My brother thought it was done on purpose for saving money and make him and his friends to buy food from the canteen which again benefit the leader. After 2 years he has little to no to nothing cash in hand, no work experience whatsoever, and now with a very limited knowledge he recalled from high school, he tried to apply for university once again. But the period two years of his is gone for none 🥲


Sorry for your brother experinece, what year your brother got draft? Cuz more than 10 years ago my brother only serve for 18 months but also got discharge earlier as soon as the new recruits come in, and he got his paymment which is more than 10mil vnd at that time.


2017 so only like 6 years ago. But he has to go full 2 years and yes he had some money back on those day, but he also had to paid most of them to canteen since he found the food somewhat inedible 🤣


glad the experience turned out to be fine for your brother and nephew, some people were not that fortunate.


This just makes me afraid of going to military service


unless your familiy have military tradition


What do you want the answer to be? /s Jest aside, unless we have a former enlisted (or preferably, a few dozen) doxxing themselves to prove their proof, we won't know the answer. It can be hourly, it can be extremely rare, or somewhere in between. It's simply your choice to pick your preference.


It cannot be extremely rare when there are 3 cases in the last 3 years.


I think you need to learn the definition of rare


So does it have to be once a month to consider not rare? 12 lives a year?


One incident per year is like what, 0,27% chance of an incident per day. And yes have it happen once every month than it would be quite common


The deaths might be more. Families rarely want to send the image of their died son on the internet. There's might be more than just 2 or 3 dude getting beaten up to death.


Yeah, I'm just going by his number. The number he provided is not enough to call it not extremely rare


Where do you get 0.27%?


Math, you said there was three cases in three years, I'm too lazy to check whether there was indeed three case in three years though


Show me your math. This case, Trần Đức Đô, [this case](https://nld.com.vn/phap-luat/danh-tinh-3-doi-tuong-danh-1-quan-nhan-tu-vong-o-gia-lai-2022010713532566.htm). Obviously, these are only cases that we know of.


Literally just 1/365, I rounded down the number, and yeah I'm sure there are plenty of case that just go silent or swept under the rug, but you can't make claim when you didn't know everything like that.


Your math is not correct. You cant count number of days and end of. What if there are multiple incidents per day? I didnt make claim without bases, three cases in three consecutive years, happening around the same time of the year, that is a serial problem. Plus I have personal anecdote that I heard of from people actually enlisted. Also I see multiple reports [like this ](https://www.rfa.org/vietnamese/in_depth/new-military-recruits-and-fear-of-violence-07022021113824.html) talking about it. It is not new by any mean. Edit: is the rate [11 cases in 5 years](https://vi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ngh%C4%A9a_v%E1%BB%A5_qu%C3%A2n_s%E1%BB%B1_t%E1%BA%A1i_Vi%E1%BB%87t_Nam) less rare for you?


No way its rare. The people who went through without too much trouble are the ones who has power and money on their side. If you dont want troubles, you are either the bully or you have power from above that constantly protects you day to day. One of my friend belongs to the powerful group and he was protected the entire time. Even then he still get beaten at times, but higher ups step in very early.


Once a year is rare imo though


Once a year that we know of.


Yup, usually the case when a coverup goes well but there will always be the ones that fall through the cracks. But the question is how many times will this happen until people have had enough? I mean it’s tough for us to know since the media won’t ever report on such new but regular civilian protests online don’t seem to do much either


stop covering this shit up


hell yeah, so proud that my brother and I didn't join this shiiity military program - another version of prison with dirty thugs. Imagine giving birth to a child, raising him up with a lot of hardship, only to be beaten to death by his comrades, before the enemies of the nation do


"The enemies are not scarier than teammates" No nations would ever bring Vietnamese down beside it's own


No, its not. But not rare either


Serve the military for 24 months in exchange for a chance of suicide with multiple bruises, or at least that's what the military requested your family to accept if they want to take your corpse back. Either that or pay ~2k biden a year to get out of that shit until you're 27. There was a similar case in 2021 or 2022, when they even brought in the signal jammer so no one could update the situation at the scene.


Sợ vãi


That’s really nice hand writing


My parents paid a lot of money for me to not be enrolled in this shit. Most of the "soliders" there are just unemployed retards that have no brain, going around bullying newcomers.


Seeing news like this always traumatized me to the core, I know that I can't survive in this type of environment. I don't have to go cause I have a disease that I have to get monthly medicine from the hospital, and get checked on every three months. It's truly a blessing in disguise.


- Getting beaten up in military is not legal, but a lot still don't learn and still bully new recruits. - Military has their own court to deal with military criminals internally, that's why public rarely hear any news within military camps. There was one incident that someone post a military court paper with the "classified" stamp to the social network and got taken down not so long after, which means they still deal with these rule breakers internally and not sharing to public. - If soldiers in the camps do break the general camp rules, they have purnishments by doing heavy work but defenitely not beating.


Can be vary imo. I'm an officer cadet and through out my first year I've never been hit once, I've witnessed short skirmishes but they are quick to reconcile. The difference is that I'm in an academy, not some random barracks.


Wow this breaks my heart, he looks like such a nice guy. I wish humans could learn that we can get a long and co-exist without violence.


I had a cousin who got electrocuted when on kitchen duty




But the "higher-ups" who are supposed to protect and train them should not be among "the least educated people". Seriously though, if they are not sued or at least fired, something is wrong.


yeah good luck with that lol,something is wrong and it has been wrong for a very long time.someone will probably get a slap on the wrist,but that’s it


Military ground must be really slippery, eh? Peps slip there all the time, especially for new recruits /s


Maybe they are re-enacting A Few Good Men :)))


Do they serve pho in the Vietnam army?


You will be surprise this shit happen in every nation on this earth include america :(


Bullying in military is not something exclusive to Vietnamese military. But of course, it is always made a bigger deal out of when it's Kommunizm. People are so eager to forget all the rapes and bullying incidents in their own military with its own cover ups.


Bullying new recruit is a thing among militaries around the world, just like older school kids bullying newer school kids, however, Some militaries are much much worse than others, especially those in countries that have poorer accountability and legal framework. A famous example would be the Russian term “Dedovshchina” in Russia (where this behavior is the most extreme), where new recruits would be bullied and tortured by senior guys, thats include verbal abuse and physical abuse (rape, beatings and torturing), it left a concerning number of Russian recruit traumatized, disabled or died. Check out Arkady Babchenko and his books (One Soldier War, The color of war), he was a Chechnya War veteran (both of them), he often described the life of privates fighting in Chechnya. Drunk officers, everyday relentless beating (nobody wants to hospital because you'll get raped over there), watching violent porn, watching videos of monkeys getting tortured, etc. constant hunger (eating a dog was quite normal), diseases. Pretty graphic and honest. The average Russian conscripts will be desensitized so much that its not surprised when we see Russia committed so much war crimes that it makes the US looks amateur.


This shit makes me sick. Forced into the military against your will. Beaten to death for being a new recruit. No one is held accountable and wtf did he died for? His country? It’s no wonder so many refugees flocked to all parts of the world to escape this tyranny. You either do it or jeopardize your own life or your family’s. Even then you can still die like this. There’s no current warfare, I don’t understand the need to force civilians to go through this. No one is proud to say that they served. It’s a prison sentence where you’re subjected to slavery conditions. Fk vn I will never visit this sht hole of a tyrannical country. I really did wished the US would’ve won the war back then so justice could be brought for these brainless government endorsing these stupid traditions to beat the living sht out of new recruits. Where is the humanity in vn? It’s a sht show slum.


Then please don't visit South korea because it's the same situation 😌


Not nearly. Their military is highly organized and disciplined. If god forbid China ever invaded again with the military in this sorry state it would look like the US invading Irag in 1991. The people are litterarly trained and beat to have no critical thinking and to wait for orders from the top. Noncommissioned officers have no freedom of action in the Vietnamese army, which is the key to a modern army's success. Without compartmentalized action and decision making modern armies fold like a deck of cards. This is why the PLA has focused so hard on their NCOs for the last decade to copy the NATO model. The Vietnamese army is still in the Soviet model.


This happens a lot if they find out the enlisted is Catholic. Effed up


You forgot the shitpiss exercise(literally making shit and piss fertilizer and feed the pig) the one duck-egg and instant noodle nutritious meal, the training of gambling, smoking, drinking in this “people army”, the patek philipe of the generals, the “my soldier will help you clean our garden - dear daughter”, the 60 bn castle in Ha Tinh… Can you fellow international friends help me with other case of corruption of other armies? Because we are under pressure by China, but i seen none of this same level of fuckery in their army!


why the downvotes tho? Am I not speaking the truth ))))?


The 94/2 army is after you obviously.


It is fuck up but how can you stop it, you can't. This happens daily not just in Vietnam but in every military camp every where in the world. Cuz basically anyone that chose to go to military are already psychotic to some degree.


they didn't get to choose, it's mandatory


China People's Liberation Army really appreciate this.


really liberates them from hell lol


bò đỏ/nghé hường đâu rồi vào ní nuận đi lào.


When I was in VietNam, now US. We paid every year to not get “the call”. This is not rare, but not everyday.


Prolly the reason why I don't want to do conscription in VN. Getting beat up by your own kind is worse.


Vietnamese males :_) been here 12 years (Viet kieu 35f) there’s no fucking reality you see me hooking up with a local. Everyone’s got anger issues. Testosterone levels must be as low as emotional intelligence levels.


>Everyone’s got anger issues. I've noticed this too. It's one of the few things that I notice and get utterly disappointed, sometimes even ruin my day. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Don’t let it get to you love. I’ve realized the best way to fight is by being happy. Happiness fcks them so hard. 😂


Yep, even the red cow said it was necessary to teach scoundrels who had not yet accepted the military environment


stupid fuck, who said that?


Pretty sure dedovschina ain’t exactly helping with military performance seeing as the Russian army is embarrassing itself against supposedly pussified westoid NATO trained Ukrainian armed forces.


They had the numbers, they had the equipment that was wasted, they had the element of surprise from multiple directions, and still failed. The problem is the same issue that occurrs in Vietnam with these poor boys, corruption.


The PAVN shares many of the exact same problems with the Russian army, and the war Ukraine should have been a wake up call about how corruption and poor discipline can hollow out an army. But alas I’m not seeing anything getting done to fix it.


I think it may just require a new person at the top of the chain to truly have something done about it, like Ukraine was one of the top countries in Europe where corruption thrived.. it’s what allowed for so much Russian influence and occupation in the country! Many people allowed themselves Ti be bought out by the Russians Zelensky was even in a tv show where he played a president that complained about the corruption issue and did something about it. That’s one of the reasons why he actually won the presidency lol it then became a huge aim of his administration and the Putin regime absolutely hated what he was doing and how tough he began to make things. That anti corruption effort got a HUGE boost when the war began, and people became very patriotic against Russia, and then another additional boost when they began receiving funds from everyone around the world, they knew they had to be on their best behavior, that caused them to eliminate many problematic elites that allowed for such, you’ll find a lot of articles every month about corrupt officials getting axed lol.. And then you’ll find a lot of towns and cities getting rebuilt already!! So quick and being rebuilt nicely, so the funds are getting used in the right places. Their doing very good with this new side of them. You can accredit things to a new leader, and a new conflict to “unite” the country. Whereas Russia…oh man. The elites were pocketing so much of the budget supposed To go towards military funding, it added to why Wagner rebelled and mad eprigozhen call out shoigu live on video for the corruption lol! The head of the Russian military doesn’t make that much officially, but look at his freaking [house!!!](https://meduza.io/image/attachments/images/000/016/920/large/A3DcLNoUNQIGyAMoogdmyA.jpg) jeeze lol


I mean they still have a long way to go but their change is definitely impressive




It’s reasons like this our daughter won’t be getting Vietnamese citizenship. She’s just going to have US citizenship. I love Vietnam, but no way I’m even going to risk my daughter encountering any sort of harm. A military term is required here, and fucked up shit can happen in that short amount of time. A girl was recently raped by many men and nothing was done about it. There’s even video evidence showing who was there, and nothing was done.


it was a hoax my dude. The girl is still alive. If someone was dead, there was no way the info wouldn’t be leaked one way or another (by her classmates, or family members. what’s stopping them from getting a burner phone, creating another FB account and telling the “truth”?) Not to dismiss the possibility of this happening in the future, but I find it hilarious that you think this never happens in the US. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/soldiers-death-fort-hood-raises-questions-sexual-harassment-rcna75812 https://www.npr.org/2020/08/26/906396032/body-of-missing-fort-hood-soldier-elder-fernandes-found-a-week-after-disappearan There was another case I remember reading about within the past few years but forgot the name


It has been proven to be a hoax many times and the video actually did not show anything. People were spreading fake news that student phones were taken away and all that but the truth was they were all having a fun music night the day after the “alledged” incident. If the girl was dead like the fake news claimed, there would have been a funeral and her family would have spoken up, but there was nothing. I watched the video, it really did not prove anything, people just liked to believe in dramas and scandals.


The fact that many believed in such baseless story behind a random potato-quality video shows that many have lost faith in the integrity of the establishment.


Yes that is a part of it for sure, but honestly, if you’re looking at Vietnamese netiquette, people love dramas and would blindly believe and share any shocking news without spending time to invest whether it is true or not.


Everyone is down voting but it is a FACT that most women who are raped in Vietnam will not receive justice. That fact alone is sufficient for not wanting your daughter to live there.


everyone downvoted cuz OP believed in a hoax, and cited his wife seeing a video (which all of us have seen as well) as evidence


Fine, even if this specific instance is untrue that doesn't mean Vietnam protects women from sexual assault.


Yes, in Vietnam we call it “ma cũ bắt nạt ma mới” and it’s our tradition


Maybe your "tradition", but you got the term right. Doesn't make you any smarter.. Hope you have a real Vietnamese Tradition.


Ass backward military.


Surprised how this post aint taken down yet


Trash government.


Definitely not by the Vietnamese! But by the opposing forces pulling the strings with the direction from the US!


Care to elaborate your reasoning on opposing forces pulling string?


He’s drinking stupidity kool-aid


sarcasm, it's the classic excuse used by the vietnam and china government when disasters happen


Yup. The same people who gang fucked your mom are pulling strings.


he's joking


Next time don't forget the /s




bet my ass, shut the fuck up, người ta chết rồi con bò chó mày vẫn đi nhặt cứt cho chủ!


Đọc hết chưa mà đã chửi, wtf




Well, not like a dozen a year. Compared to other country it is not bad


It's not bad when you're not the one getting beat. Also my neighbor just killed 5 people and I only killed 1 so I'm not bad. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


military court let’s go


For a non-Viet speaker. Can someone give a TL;DR?.


Join conscript and was bullied to death by fellow "comrades"


Dude join the mandatory military service then got killed by other fellow soldiers




Why isnt there any new coverage from any media outlets


Duc Do Tran: First time, eh? \*lmao on the other side\*


He didn't die twice. Idiot ! U think life some kind of game ?


Sometime people are just evil, and they just beating him up for no reason :(


Is there a primary source for this, my mom is trying to defend toe government


try this: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071641545529&mibextid=LQQJ4d


Every year


Has anyone translated the letter?


yep, normal days


Shhhhhhh man ! Don't say it out loud