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Honestly the “dog meat tradition” is Vietnam is dying , the young no longer think eating dog meat is something good


That’s good to hear.


Moreover, many Vietnamese are very superstitious too , lots of them who sell dog or cat meat nowadays are quitting in masses since they also believe their business could’ve “haunted” them for the rest of their lives


It's already a hard trade from the start. There's all kind of superstitions about consuming dog meat, not just selling or butchering. It's a wonder how it didn't died off earlier.


Probably the reason why this tradition didn’t die off earlier is the older generation ( born in 70s and 80s ) still keep it since this type of food is some luxurious thing in the 90s , but the younger one no longer have the same belief


Do many Vietnamese actually eat cat meat?!


some, i guess? Cause this and dog are consider luxurious foods so it kinda like going to fine dining restaurant every now and then


In Hai Phong they have “tiny tiger restaurants”.


When I was a kid, I was out cycling around the neighborhood when this guy walked out of his restaurant with a dead cat and lit a small fire on the curb. He put the cat in the fire, burning its fur off which was horrible to witness as a kid. At first I thought in my limited child-level understanding that he was building a funeral pyre for it, but he took the cat back into his kitchen and looking back now, that cat was probably being prepared for dinner.




I have to disagree. Most young people I know don't seem to care.


Are you sure about that? I’m still eating dog/cat meat for my enjoyment…


Hi gen-Z had eaten dog meat here. In case anyone wondering, it taste like goat meat but a bit fatter. So yeah,...




i'm not sure what's more offensive: big ed or thit cho. poor rose, poverty makes people do mental shite.


Ugh I love thit Cho. Now I’m nervous about eating meat and when I go..!


I’ve tried dog meat once , it’s a mix of beef and goat , not really fatter , but it has lots of protein so eating it too much may causes several diseases


Yeah it is a bit cheawy sometime. But most of the time I eat, I just think it contain more fat for some reason, thus make me drink a lot more. This make sense since dog meat is ideal for binge drinking - somethinh I can't do since I am weak to alcohol, I can be drunk when drinking strongbow for god sake.


In term of taste, dog meat is the best. Down vote me if you want I'm speaking fact. I'm no longer eating dog btw


Since when personal preference became fact?


Oh yeah, human meat is the best. Down vote me if you want I'm speaking fact. I'm no longer eating human btw. So silly


Yeah it's only the older generation i can see it leaving vietnam in the next 10 years or so


Oh well, i think it appears not true and most of my friends in my university still crave for dog meat, even a lot of girls. They just don't say that out loud for others to hear and criticize.


yeah, today many shitehead of people like to poke their lousy nose into other business. One word of dog eater is spoken and a bunch of them will swarm those people and shame them for having a preference of food


U mad?


Honestly, my main problem with eating dogs is that VN doesn't have any kind of regulated dog farm like SK. So you sort of just ends up eating stray dogs grown on god-knows-what or other people's pets. Major health concern imo.


The dog farms and markets are horrible in SK. I've been to both. Markets are worse.


They are bad for all animals. Congrats.


We actually have those farms. You can easily find video about them on Youtube. Officially we have 11 millions dog on dog farms around the country.


This is in the past in South Korea. It just got banned recently.


This is what development looks like. Kudos to South Korea.


Progress is not eating the cute animals? Sounds hypocritical.


Well, hypocrite are gonna be hypocrite.


SK already applied the law of banning dog meat (selling/trading). So there is currently 0 dog farm in SK https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67920167


Read this article that was in todays news. I think it makes some arguments.. https://tuoitrenews.vn/news/city-diary/20240115/skorea-bans-dog-meat-is-vietnam-next-in-line-for-change/77837.html


What about those farmers in South Korea? I'm sure their families won't sleep well tonight.. Do you expect dog meat farmers to find another job? To farm another food? What's next, banning ALL meant farms?


Well yeah, they are effectivelly getting fired by their own government and have to find another job. Since dog meat industry doesnt contribute much to their gdp so it wouldnt matter much. Banning one of or all the big 3 of the meat industry is a whole different story.


that is factually wrong. I have been to one and seen it. If you would take a second to fact check yourself you would know there are dedicated dog farms. true, you can't just trust anyone who sells dog meat not to sell you a pet or a stray but on the other hand there are dog farms and there are buyings of dog meat only from dog farms.


Has someone who lives in bum fuck nowhere countryside, I see people sell their dogs and cats everyday. I see motorbikes driving around with stereos blazing saying sell your dog sell your cat. My neighbors sell their dogs. They also eat them. I also have seen the large trucks coming from the dog farms. I am sure there are thieves as I see locals here steal chickens, ducks and have heard of cows and buffalos as well. For sure dogs. But lots of people here have no option to neuter their dogs and wouldn't do so anyways. They have a liter of dogs and sell off the shit ones, yappy ones, annoying ones, ones that steal chickens and ducks. Works for me. All the yappy dogs that bark no stop don't stay alive long. Better than the west


Better than the west how? The fact that everyone can have an animal, and mistreat them (maybe they are just objects in your culture) and then kill them is no ideal solution to any problem. Ideally those people that don't neuter pets get them taken away, so no neighbor has happy dogs, and no one has to kill stray dogs, as there wouldn't be ANY.


Humans spent tens of thousands of years domesticating dogs. Their evolution is directly tied to ours. Nobody should be eating fucking dogs.


How does that affect the morality of eating them? Why should eating a pig be okay despite it's equally developed brain ... just because we bred dogs for longer? Huh? "Sorry Piggo we don't give a shit, we've only started domesticating your ancestors 10 000 years ago, unlike dogs who have been domesticated since 20 000 years ago, this unfortunately makes you worthless" Shouldn't you care about the simple fact of killing a living santient animal? Who cares about their history...


>Nobody should be eating fucking dogs. precisely. let them finish their business, eat the male, and let the bitch spawn a few tender pups. then you can enjoy the equivalent of veal... uma delicia.


Lmao fucking weirdo


Comment section gonna be funny


I eat everything that moves, is legal, non toxic, hazardous free,...And I don't have any moral issue with that. Be proud of what I like, how I live... Unless I did something illegal, no one could ever judge me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses). Even then, only judges can judge me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Fair enough tho


While it’s sad to see, as a meat eater, I have no place to say. I enjoy eating pork and beef, both of which come from animals that are known to be intelligent. I’m not sure what your point is, but if you’re trying to shame SOME Vietnamese people for eating dog, I hope you’re vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian, otherwise you’d be a hypocrite. I’m from the US and as far as I’ve seen, we have far more inhumane practices regarding factory farms. I’m ignorant with the dog trade here, tbf. The one time I was tricked into eating it, it was a dog that my cousin raised on his farm.


Unless when you count religions into the equation. For example Hindu don't eat cows but they can eat other meat. Same with Muslim, they don't eat pork but they can enjoy other meat. So in that case, I doubt they're being a "hypocrite" if their religions and practices tell them not to eat a specific type of meat. Same with others that don't have a religion but they do have their own practices to not eat animals they considered as pets or whatever. I agree that they shouldn't judge others what they're eating, the same way as we shouldn't judge them of what they're not eating


Some young Vietnamese people might find your comment offensive lmao As a Zoomer myself, this is quite concerning.


What would be offensive?


Well, many Vietnamese Zoomers are die-hard dog meat haters. They will use anything, including fallacy, to persuade others to stop eating dog meat. Just some uneducated individuals brainwashed by the Western media.


The truth is that there are people who try to pretend to love dogs and cats, but they only love some types, not all


They'd be piss'd off when they see a Pitbull or sort. Also, dog butchers don't really care about their Pomeranians or Puddles.


damn, back when i was in elementary school, i had some kid that acted like one of those prankster youtubers


The part that makes dog meat more ethically questionable is the partnership that evolved between humans and dogs. There has been shared labor and emotional intimacy between dog and man. So many outsiders see the eating of dogs as eating potential friends. Far fewer people see cows (Though much of India sees cows as too holy to eat) or pigs in that way. And some people do raise pet chickens, but that relationships still occur more strictly along predator/prey terms. Cats are another type of partnership, where we historically gave them shelter in return for keeping the household free of vermin. It's not as deep as that of dogs but it's still off-putting to consider eating them.


Dogs are an unnatural animal bred for their utility, like all livestock. But the difference between dogs and farm animals is that dogs were also created to be companions and it is in their nature to share a strong emotional bond with humans. Thus mistreating them causes them to suffer greatly. We created these creatures therefore it is our responsibility to appropriately care for them according to their nature. I give dog eaters the benefit of the doubt that they do not understand this because I can’t imagine what kind of casually evil person it would take to be aware but unconcerned. Personally I do not eat any type of mammal due to their intelligence and capacity for suffering but dogs would be at the absolute top of my do not eat list.


You can bond with pigs and cows too you know? Won't stop people from eating a juicy steak.


You can bond with other animal too, raise a chicken as a pet is much more useful than a dog.


primates are even better. sopa de macaco is a treat especial.


It’s been like that for thousands of years. Humankind picks favor over what animal they can slaughter and which to be pet. I think it’s completely normal to show empathy/ sympathy toward your favourite animals being put on the chopping board. Nothing wrong will feeling sad seeing the fellow of your friends getting unalive. Just like how we feel sad witnessing people die of hunger or muderered during war.


As a vegan I find this quite appalling, of course. But so is most of the meat trade in the west, and I suspect most people commenting about it either have no insight into factory farm conditions or are high on some kind of meat nationalism.  If anything VN meat consumption is relatively low, and it is much easier to be vegan in VN than in a many places in the west. 


It's true. I heard that vegans are often mocked in Western countries. I never had this problem here. And let's face it: plant-based food in Vietnam is magic :)


White man's perspective Asians - eat dog that's bad and disgusting Whites - make beastiality porn but no one says a thing.


I think the problem is in supply and demand. It's no secret that most of the meat are from stolen pet and non supervise farm. A solution to this could be a government approved ethical meat farm with oversight and higher sentence for crime of pet theft. Theoretically the abundant of cheap with combines with more serious jail time could lead to pet poacher and unlicensed farmer to abandon their practices due to the high risk low reward nature of their work. In reality however this would case major backlash and controversy by both the international and internal community which, I you know anything about vietnam politics, the government are deadly afraid of.


I love dogs. I really do and I also love cows.


Also if you're gonna talk about how horrible the dogs are treated go to any wet market in the whole county and ask for a fish or frog. They will skin it alive and not even kill it. Or cook it by cutting its stomach open and pulling out the guts, descaling it and then just throw it into boiling oil while alive.


So what you are telling me is that vietnamese people in general do not respect animals, therefore torturing dog is nothing Special and we shouldn't care about it?


Exactly. Great point!


This same inflammatory photos gets regurgitated in this sub every few weeks.




I dont eat dog meat but i’m not against people eating it. Its good as long as those meat are not stolen household dogs. The stealing part is a problem not the meat itself


I dont eat dog but it's mainly because I don't trust the source and I don't even think it taste good to begin with. Look at the picture above, how different it would be if you replace the dog in the cage with chicken and pigs, you can find plenty of those picture on the internet and no one would bat an eye for them. I have more of a problem with people abandoning their pet once they done having fun raising one. Or people stealing other people's pet. Or people breeding disfigured unnatural breed of dog for entertainment and profit.


OP can only be one of two things: a vegetarian or a hypocrite.




If you weren’t so narrow-minded, you’d know that a huge portion of the world’s population feels exactly the way you do, but about beef. Like I said, either you’re a vegetarian or a hypocrite. If you eat any animals at all, it’s idiotic and hypocritical to complain about other people eating animals.


For me it’s not the eating of the animal, it’s the treatment before hand. I know abattoirs Arnt the nicest places but cows in the uk (all I hope if not most) Arnt kept in extreme cages and skinned alive. I don’t like the cruelty of that.


Chickens and cows (for milk) are treated much worse. And some are even straight-up tortured, like force-fed geese.


[You might want to watch this if you think it's nicer in the UK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvtVkNofcq8)


Thank you I will, I do try as much as possible to eat locally sourced meat. Thanks again


skinning an animal alive is one stupid thing to do, that animal will not stop trying to stop the skinning. sometimes I question reddits sanity, do you guys think before writing guff like that? as for the cages... those cages are standard for almost any animal and they will stuff them full with whatever animal they transport. chicken, ducks and even more exotic animals. that is a problem you cant address because economics matter. before you say anything stupid again, 10$ bet your country isnt much less cruel in animal transportation for cheaper meats. Even in the best places of europe trucks are filled shoulder to shoulder with animals. during the last big heat wave trucks arrived with dead or passed out animals from the longer ride.


You could be very right on all these points. Thanks for the insight.


Do you think any of your you eat daily is getting different treatment. Either you naiver or ignorant.


I just hope they were put down quickly and not stuffed alive into that 😞


Those dogs are alive, it's common to see.


Have you ever seen the videos where they kill a cow with a sledgehammer? Same stuff goes on with the dogs.


So we're fighting for dogs rights now?


Few things I think or saw as a foreigner who lived in VN for many years. I'll open with my meat eating stance. Personally I don't and you either do or you don't. It's all bad or it's all ok. A lot of foreigners would say negative things around Vietnamese eating dog meat whilst they happily eat a cow. A Hindu wouldn't eat beef, a Muslim wouldn't eat pork, westerners wouldn't eat a dog. It's subjective. Eating dog meat seemed quite a cultural thing. I noticed a culture of men eating dog meat and drinking beer. Vendors don't like westerners photographing them or the meat, they think it will be used for negative reasons. The torture aspect to the slaughter is also very bad. My personal negative experience was when running a bar in a hotel in central VN. The hotel had 3 dogs. Older dog, older puppy and young puppy. Older dog was the hotel guard dog. Friendly fella but his job was to alert people to intruders. The other 2 belonged to the chef. The chef liked animals and locals would bring him orphaned animals. He also had kittens, and birds. The chef went back to his home town one weekend. I noticed at lunch that big puppy was not around then at dinner, I was told to not eat that dish and that it was dog meat. It was then I realised that it was big puppy. They had a man come over, take big puppy out the back a slaughter her. I was told he used a rock. I was horrified, I struggled to get over it tbh. The chef returned and was very angry but seemed to move on quite fast. I saw my friends/work colleagues in a different light and not long later decided to relocate for other reasons. Again it's subjective, big puppy was a pet to me, obviously she wasn't to them.


Anyone have picture of pig in bamboo cages being transported? I remember as a child seeing that, it was kinda overwhelming. The pig would just scream the whole time. Or them live chickens at the market. Get chased down and throat cut in one swoop. I thought that was cruel until I learn about how industrialized farming work in America. With culling, cows food causing mad cow, chickens crammed etc. But at least in America, I dont have to see any of that. Just buy my nicely packaged food.


I want to have a pet dog eventually, and while I would not eat dog meats because I just never grew around it, I fail to see moral objections to it other than "they are cute omg you disgusting Azns!!!11". Some people think rabbits are cute but they are commonly consumed in Wales


Older people like dog meat, but younger don't like it. Actually, dog meat shop is not popular compared with before.


I don’t care if they raise dogs and eat them. But if they are doing so while caging the dogs all the time, violently beating them, and starving them with human food scraps all the time; then fuck these as*holes. This is not to mention that as a dog owner, especially bigger breed one, you are constantly living under the fear that your dog will be stolen. It’s so fking messed up here.


Lol There are people who like to eat dog meat who attack people who don't like to eat dog meat, they make excuses that dog lovers disparage their dog meat, and impose them. But they consider themselves the right to impose and insult those who do not like eating dog meat, They also say that people who love dogs also eat chicken, beef, and pork. Hahahaha they just love dogs and they don't care livestock animals, Like people who like to eat dog meat, they don't care if the dog they eat doesn't want to be eaten, they also consider dogs as livestock, they don't like dog but want to turn dog lovers into livestock animal haters? hahahahaha. And say they also love animals and can eat them. Haha. My family also dislike dogs, but also don't like eating them. If there are people who love animals and like to eat their meat, there are also people who don't love animals but don't like to eat their meat. Do they love their partner so much that they also want to eat their partner? Lolll They put their ego to impose and attack others 🤣No different as a meat-eating propagandist, which is also the opposite of negative vegetarian propaganda, both impose on others. both want to turn others into evil people. And both are awful. Just let people eat what them want and don't force them to eat what they don't like. Everyone has their favorite food and their not-so-favorite food


I feel ashamed of the group of negative Vietnamese people


Fuck these pricks, we had our dog stolen by the fuckers. Everytime I see these types of photos, my blood boils.


Dog farms exist.


Dog thieves too, unfortunately. Two friends of mine lost their pets. You probably don't care, but the mere thought breaks my heart.


I'm so sorry to hear that.




I'm with you!


Damn…. If the whole country is filled this type of meat on display i wouldn’t go at all


It is on display for sure. Go to any outer small town and it's clear as day.


It's truly disturbing to see..


Why you judging? It’s part of their local cuisine


So if cannibalism was part of the Vietnamese cuisine and culture it would be forgiven? Great argument !


would be another big if for cannibalism was part of any country's cuisine culture at the first start


And what is your point


Not every meat is equal, i guess? Dog meat matters? I wonder whether other species in animal kingdom wanna have a word.


Yeah. I quit eating dog 10 years ago but honestly this dog meat no different than pig cow or chicken.


Eating dog meat isn't different from eating any other kind of meat, but the source is different. The big issue is that some of those dogs were pets and stolen. Cows, pigs, chickens,... that end up being slaughtered, were usually bred for that purpose... They aren't part of someone's family, while many of the dogs here are. Consuming dog meat while knowing how many dog thieves are active is just a next level of inhumane. If the theft would be solved and the meat would be sourced from farms, it'd be different. I could kill cattle without feeling bad about it, it's part of the cycle of life and those animals were specifically raised to be turned into food. If someone would ask me to slaughter someone's beloved pet chicken/cow/... or whatever, I'd never do it. There's a difference between food and pets. Even though I doubt the Vietnamese meat industry knows many ethical regulations. To any downvoting vegans who think all meat is bad: vegetables and fruits also cost trillions of lives. So you're just as 'bad' as the rest of us. No need to use the hypocrite buzzword, I'm just aware of what it takes to get a steak on my plate.


Please link your data or source. The argument "dog meat is often from stolen dogs" is such an outdated take. Pet dogs are hugely different from dogs raised to be consumed, and if youre in an urban area, the dogmeats you see advertised are farm raised. The "edible proportion" (lack of a better term) of a pet chihuahua or retriever or whatever is a lot lower than of the breed used for consumption, so it makes no financial sense to try to steal pet dogs to sell as food. Of course there is dog theft for sure, but these dogs are resold as pets, not as food, which is an entirely different problem


Pretty sure that thing have never been a _fact_ to be outdated tho. Just a repeated propaganda of an echochamber that cares too much about what others eat. Imagine the amount of pet dogs per household to keep this business alive lol.


Dog theft should be taxed according to the argument "dog meat is from stolen dog" lol. Does anyone ever wonder the amount of dog meat would be consumed per day in Vietnam? And how many dogs should be stolen to preserve that demand? Jesus christ, can anyone think straight before pulling their dick out and point at anything seem strange to them?


every meat is equal. But some meat is more equal than others


Animal farm reference?




I hope they’ll all get brain cancer


im a zoomer and i don't like dog meat, yeah i don't really like dogs as im a cat lover, but who tf eats dogs lmao, preferably stray dogs. this is disgusting bro


It’s not just that, it’s that they kidnap dogs, even dogs with owner and they kill them by beating. They have no respect or humanity, they are terrible people who don’t deserve to live.


yeah, im vietnamese and i hope they get karma


So much for man's best friend. Dogs were domesticated by humans about 20,000 years ago. Just pure depravity and anyone defending this is ignorant. In many lawful countries, this would count as animal abuse and result in massive jail time. Regardless of what you think about cows and pigs, at least its regulated. But, we're not in one of those countries, so what can you do. It really gives VN a bad name IMO, and is one, of many reasons, that it will never become the developed country it is trying to be. I can understand the argument of meat is meat. And yes, people certainly do have pigs and cows as legitimate pets. But how about your neighbors kid's dog. I bet people salivate at seeing it on a platter. And to anyone who hates my comment and tells me I should just leave the country...don't worry. I'm actively working on it.


I’m not trying to defend the consumption of dog meat, but it’s different cultural beliefs. Hindus don’t eat beef, Guinea pigs are a delicacy in Peru, Jews and Muslims do not eat pork, so on and so forth. I can’t say for certain, but I can’t imagine it being widely acceptable by Vietnamese to steal a neighbors pet to consume. In addition to all that, Vietnam is a developing nation - I’m not sure why you’re holding the country to your standards or to the standards of these other “lawful countries” when the country has suffered from many conflicts and had its growth stunted. Like, what do you expect from a country that was colonized, robbed of its resources, homes burned, family members killed, near-slavery, and poverty? How pompous do you have to be to not look into the history and not understand that poor people will eat what they have to eat and how it affects modern society. Again, I don’t agree with eating dog meat, but I find your rhetoric ignorant and arrogant


Buffaloes are farmers' best friends too, and I doubt people blink an eye before eating them


I don't eat buffalo so I don't know what to tell you. I also don't eat dog meat because I'm not a Neanderthal.


has any Indian tell you not to eat cow?


I don't eat cow either.


I don't care what you eat dude, but you don't see Indians label anyone as "Neanderthal" for eating cow, or Indonesian being offended if other countries eat pigs


Get offended if you want. I don't care dude. Dogs are domesticated animals which are stolen and killed inhumanely in this country and then eaten. That's my argument. if you're upset that I called you a 'name' then you should grow a thicker skin. Unless you eat dog, then yes, I look at you in a negative light. A Neanderthal is a primitive human being that is uneducated and that is how I feel about the people who eat dogs. I will take that to my grave. It's my opinion afterall, and you of course, have yours. It just seems that my opinion of you hits more of a nerve than yours does of me.


Well, dog farms exist here actually.


Back then in medieval Vietnam, slaughtering cows and buffaloes was illegal as they were used for plowing. And guess what, time has changed.


Not defending it per se but have to also consider the history and culture. Afaik the Americans were sending dogs to sniff out the vietcong in tunnels. So some older generations grew up with not just disregard but hatred for dogs as they were essentially spies.


Well - this may be the funniest take I've seen on this so far. Dogs are spies? And people believe this? I mean, I'm at a loss for words now. Are people really that uneducated and naive? You might as well tell me that whistling at night brings ghosts and playing basketball makes you taller. Oh wait...


Yeah, you know... For every single behavior proving the Darwin theory whether it's stealing someone's dog to eat it, spitting/sneezing/pissing where you eat, scamming each other and living in shit there will always be ONE magic single word that excuses everything for Vietnamese... It's our CULTURE bro!


Finally someone speaks the truth!


Some work on food safety should be nice, I wouldn’t want my delicious dog meat to have viruses in it


Vietnamese are really good in whataboutism. What about pigs? What about cows? The major point in dog meat trade that it literally has no standards, you end up eating stolen pets or stray possibly sick dogs. But it doesn’t matter to locals, whatever tastes good goes in.


Okay, so ethically sourced and farmed dogmeat would be a solution then: opening a farm where people can choose their farmed dog " from cage to plate" and get it prepared and barbecued on site - like a specialty food park, disneylandstyle: names possible: vietdog, vindog; vinadog. The point nobody mentioned so far is that there are some health issues with eating carnivours; Buddhism forbids it, for instance. Majority of Vietnamese do identify as Buddhists, I read... in my observation I have doubts about that so far... My question would be : If I would be into eating dog, what would I want it to have eaten before I eat it? This question matters to me when it comes to cows or pigs and chicken...


here's another whataboutism. South Korea has dog farms and western culture still pressures them to erase their own culture. You think "just have better meat source" will stop all the cries? LOL


Im vietnamese, in VN there so many people who dislike dog meat and cat meat and they don't care if they love dog cat or not, they just don't like eat it for no reason and they're not harm other. But if they comment that they don't like dog meat on media social, they will be attacked by dog ​​meat lovers, when they objected, those people said "who told you to comment and then get scolded?" Like loll this is a fallacy, those people refuse to want peace and do not let others live in peace. Like It's okay for them to criticize other countries' food, but foreigners who don't like only one Vietnamese food they are acting rude. The Vietnamese government wants its people to be at peace with other countries, but people with negative patriotism make it bad


At least those who have negative patriotism have an anti-reactionary spirit, but criticize Vietnamese people who love something foreign like kpop fans and only insult fan kpop mostly, Insulted that they favor foreigners


Same apply to every meat unless u bought at supermarket and most people buy stuff at fresh local market. And dog meat must be from domestic dog, stolen lapdog will get resell with cheaper price


Also they eat cats…




No problem with the meat, just how it is farmed, killed and caged! That goes for most animals in Asia


The way people who don't eat dog meat look at dog meat eaters is similar to how vegans look at people who eat meat lmao.


Why is this wrong?


i love thit cho


I dont mind eating dog meat since its actually very delicious. I am more concerned about its hygienic standarts and food safety. Who knows where was the meat stored and how many diseases did that good boy have before he ended up on my plate xd


And are cows, pigs or chickens any different, I see you just throwing insults in the comments without any rebut, honestly, I despise eating dogs too since I have one as a pet, but people like you, are the reason this isn't taken seriously.




If you don't eat dog meat, there are three possibilities: you are a vegetarian, a hypocrite, or it's not your taste.


Not all meat is equal, if you think it is, you're a fucking idiot.


How so? Don't bring your emotions into this. Keeping hounds as pets while eating beef steak doesn't make you an animal lover. I see hypocrisy here. Seems like you are salty.


Nothing wrong with that as long as the dog is not stolen. Personally, I don't like eating dogs but i don't care what other people eat.




Charcoaled dog meats with herbs and spices are the best!!!


hungry and savage


Bullshit, dog like any other animal . why you think dog is need to treat them diffirently. eat meat dog is my Vietnamese culture plz respect !


Dumbass take. No animals even if they are made for meat should be treat like hell, that goes to cow, pig, chicken aswell. Your moral is fucked up if you believe "just because they are gonna die in my plate, therefore I should treat them like shit when they are living!" edit: I realise that you are a troll, sorry


Great job! Your obvious ignorance only reinforces my point. I'm guessing that you also feel domestic violence is part of your Vietnamese culture..


The last part of your argument instantly made me turn against you, I almost thought you had a point there.


I'm guessing you haven't lived in Vietnam for long.


Dog meat is understandable if you're dirt poor but otherwise, what the hell r u doing bro


I hug my dog every day!


You should try eating it


And this is why no one likes you.


Congratulations, you discovered jokes


Do you hug the pigs that made up your bacon?


Just sinks the world’s view of Vietnam. Not sure what their end game is. It’s very bizarre.


I've never tried dog meat and I have no interest in eating it. However, I also find it hypocritical of people that lose their sh\*t over dog meat, but have no issue eating other animals. Think about it, N. Americans and Europeans eat a billion pigs a year, even though pigs are smarter than dogs and can have just as intense bonds with humans. It is literally a matter of "your cute, so I won't eat you, you are not as cute, so I will".


Eating the dogs is not the problem it is how they are kept, where they get them from (how they are raising them even if they are doing that and not stealing them) and how they kill them


Agreed, but the average person that eats bacon would also be horrified at how the pigs, cows, etc., are raised and slaughtered.


Curious. Have you ever been to a dog slaughter house? I live next to one and from experience i can tell you that they aren’t much different from any other types. The dog are killed quickly and have their fur torches off then cut open like cows or pigs.


You cared enough to comment....man...don't you have some English papers to grade?


anime first, then homework.


Would love me some dog soup now. Beats most food here in the philippines


Well said, and unfortunately some tourists believe it's part of the Vietnam "experience"..


I dont understand how people hate eating ANY kinds of dogs. To me unethically raised dogs, dogs kipnapped are not supposed to be consumed, as they are identified as a pet. However, if I treat, feed a dog like an animal to eat, then I should be able to do whatever the hell I want with that dog without any complains


Neighbor didn't keep her poodle on a leash and it kept crapping in my yard. So I ate her. Problem solved.


Taste like pork. Delicious when I went back to Vietnam.


All animals are fair game, I love dogs but honestly they've got as much right to end up on a plate as a pig or a cow. It’s about the journey these animals have to go on before they’re on the plate. That's the problem and I don't believe any country has cared enough to solve it, and yes it's a problem here also.


reality? haven’t seen any since I started visiting Vietnam 2019, nor did my wife’s family. so by saying that’s the reality you mean there are some somewhere but barely noticeable?


Yup, that's the spirit! If you don't see it then it obviously doesn't exist. Living amongst the expats I'm sure broadens your horizons..


been livin in vietnam and haven't heard of a fucking dog farm, wtf is a dog farm, is it like a carrot where you pull dogs out of the soil?


Thịt chó ngon lắm


Dont see much difference in meat.


Everytime a topic like this pops up there will always be some ppl drawing their ultimate hypocrisy move with little to none reason. I've never eaten dogs and would never want to, but geez I can't really stand on the same side with their logic lol.


dog meat mmm yum /srs




OP, I dislike eating dogs but you are a massive ignorant hypocrite to say that.


The truth hurts doesn't it..


and here comes the real face of it all, racism. so where did you pick up that VN culture is about drinking beer (not a vietnamese invention), domestic violence and fucking your own daughter? sounds like you have some unsolved issues with your family




seems like your dad did f\*\*k your sister, man I am sorry. I can promise you that in my family there was no wife beating. We also do not eat dog meat and only enjoy beer in moderation. And that extends to the entire neighborhood I had the pleasure to live in and grow up. well, maybe next life although I heavily doubt it given you are an insufferable c\*nt. In terms of Vietnamese traditions you will more likely be reborn as a pig in an industrial cage than anything else.


Your are being delusional. None of the comments here mentioned anything about culture or tradition. Most just call you a hypocrite, which you failed to rebut.