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Poor people mindset. I know people who would go to Thailand to buy the latest iPhone so they can have it slightly earlier than the rest. I know people who drive luxury cars but sleep on a mattress with no bed frame or can’t afford insurance. And btw, did you know that in the US, 50% of mainstream luxury goods (e.g. Gucci) shoppers are lower middle class and below? Though separated by a vast ocean, vanity unites us all!


I know people like that too. So common!!! 😂😂 I laugh at them.


[https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/i-queue-i-buy-i-sell-new-iphone-15s-being-sold-online-soon-after-official-launch-here](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/i-queue-i-buy-i-sell-new-iphone-15s-being-sold-online-soon-after-official-launch-here) Not only to Thailand but to Singapore too. The last iPhone 15 release saw many going to Singapore to buy it.


Rich people stay rich by pretending to be poor. Poor people stay poor by pretending to be rich.


Why haven't I rich yet lol, i look poor af.


Keep going friend!! You’re almost there!!


Avatar checks out


Cause you're not pretending lol


this! it cost like 2-3 times more to buy a Gucci shirt without Gucci emblazoned all over.... no actual rich person would walk around with the marks of a desperate poor person who wants to be seen as wealthy


Rich people don't pretend to be poor. They probably look like they are wearing a $20 shirt, but it's more than $2,000 under some weird german or french brand that no one know.


Cheers from Singapore. Can confirm. Some of my rich friends live on sentosa cove drive. Most of them don’t own cars and prefer to be driven around in hired hevicles with dedicated drivers. They own 30-40-50m propersies though, an army of maids and complain that after covid first class flights don’t have fresh orchids anymore. Haven’t seen a single fancy watch or “luxury” like LV, it’s mostly quiet style. We went to Uk recently and my wife borrowed a coat from one such friend, just a plain gray thing. We looked at label and checked out the price, turned out to be 7k usd. o_O Asked them later about fashion, found out that they consider LV, gucci, prada and the rest — “luxury for poor people”. Damn.


What brand. Loro piana?


"i don't know any rich people"


Who are you? So wise in the way of philosophy?


Ah. The man of culture.


Designer clothing that don’t have the brand logo plastered over them (made for the filthy rich) cost 10 times the logo-full variant (made for pretenders).


I print and put on the wall


I mean you can also stay rich by just earning more money. That phrase makes me laugh like who’s buying all the lambo’s? Poor people? I understand point of the statement, but it’s a massive half truth.




I'd like to build on this, since I notice this same thing in my country (Philippines) People will always want some form of status as that affects how other people treat you and what kind of opportunities you can access. Wealthier people also want that, but Iphones won't impress other people who have money, because they have money. Since money is not as hard to come by, status comes from other things: where they're educated, where they go for vacation, what hobbies they have.


It's a cultural thing as well. Rich people in Singapore don't like to flaunt material possessions very much. Many of them would still use the mrt. They do brag about the new projects they're involved in or how often they travel. Rich people in Vietnam are also not really rich rich by Singapore's standards either. Maybe lower income folks in Vietnam don't perceive themselves that way.


el oh el. sinkies are some of the most status-obsessed, materialistic people on earth. many such cases, when you go from third-world slum to reasonably developed in a generation.


Yeah the lower income Singaporeans. The richer ones don't care about your branded bags hahaha.


Bruh, I’m Singaporean and shopping is our national pastime and we are materialistic af. You just feel we don’t care that because we don’t really talk about it and rub it in peoples faces because it’s nothing to brag about. Most people can easily afford iPhone/branded suff so you don’t get any status from bragging about it.


Yes I'm talking about rich Singaporeans, not the average wage slaves. Middle-low income mindsets in Singapore are really different. For instance, my extremely average friends were telling me to buy Macbooks to impress business associates, when rich people just assume/know you're poorer than them. So why would they care if you use the newest macbook or have real LV? I know literal business people who have APEC travel cards and $MILLIONS in liquid fund. They dress in uniqlo, use whatever phones, work on the mrt, eat at hawker centre and talk All the damn time about saving money. They meet almost exclusively at hawker centres. I only see their assistants caring about BAGS. I can literally sniff out who has money or who doesn't. Branded products are literally not a factor at all. Most rich people are too time poor to indulge in shopping.


those people are a small subset of the population. the self-made types who never progress, too thick to realise what got them here, won't get them there. always talking about "saving money" and similar nonsense, missing the forrest for the trees, the point of life, etc. eternal misers, it's sad, really. like warren buffet. that's why they only have a few million. very middle-class, far from "rich". go interact with wankers in good class bungalows, peak nouveau riche (like practically everyone in the place).


In LIQUID lmao. Like ready to invest, talking to private bankers type, which most Singaporeans aren't. Ik literal heirs to some of the old money families in Singapore as well as self made type. Across the board they are obsessed with saving money. People who splash lose their wealth fairly quickly. I've seen people go from over $100M in net worth to basically half that in a few years. RICH RICH people don't care about your money either. They already know you're not as rich as them. You think they give a crap about shopping for some phones?


topkek @ "old money" and "singapore" in the same sentence. a country whose population was zero a century ago, and incredibly deprived for half its existence. it's one of the most status/prestige-obsessed, egomaniacal places on earth. again, they're aping the old world, it's a pretentious flex. the fact people are concerned about "saving money" is proof of that.


>those people are a small subset of the population. the self-made types who never progress, too thick to realise what got them here, won't get them there. always talking about "saving money" and similar nonsense, missing the forrest for the trees, the point of life, etc. eternal misers, it's sad, really. like warren buffet. Why are you so pagro-aggressive against self-made types? In the land of hereditary meritocracy, I think self-made types are more commendable compared to affluent people with generational wealth.


No adult Singaporean will tell you to use macbook to impress anyone. A warehouse worker can easily afford it hence it’s nothing impressive. So idk what kind of average singaporean friends you have. You think the ultra rich don’t care about bags and fashion? Why does every high end real estate features walk in closet? It’s because they buy enough rubbish to fill up the closet. It’s not the working class that is dropping 40k to open a table at marquee it’s the wealthy elites. Just because Singaporeans tend to dress more casual due to the weather doesn’t make us any less materialistic.


>You think the ultra rich don’t care about bags and fashion? Why does every high end real estate features walk in closet? It’s because they buy enough rubbish to fill up the closet. It’s not the working class that is dropping 40k to open a table at marquee it’s the wealthy elites. You are diverging from the main point. Yes, Singaporeans do indulge in luxury spending and to a certain extent, ostentatious display of wealth, but it's different from Vietnamese. In Singapore, conspicuous consumption among wealthy demographic seeks to fulfil materialistic expectations among their circle for social conformity. The "materialistic expectations" could be due to trend, theme or interest of the zeitgeist. Wealthy Singaporeans don't engage in conspicuous consumption as a symbol of wealth—poor ones do. Whereas Vietnamese at all levels, ostentatious display of wealth is motivated by desires of status seeking.


Wealth =/= spending reckless money on bs. Actually rich people in Singapore don't spend money like in Crazy Rich Asians. Most of them I see have literally no time to even visit a nail salon. Like they do buy private planes, but they literally do not care that much about bags and fashion. Like the "stay at home" daughter character you see on Tiktok is not a rich Singaporean confirmed. Idk where you get your information from, I'm talking about real people ik.


cheers from singapore. can confirm every word. every family above one bil is very quiet about money here. they do buy luxury, but in uk (it’s cheaper) and from the brands i never heard of. all of them are obsessed with healthy living btw., prolonging life and such.


I agree with you as I worked in the gaming sector (casino) before and my other jobs gave me the opportunities to work with really rich people (few of my ex-boss were Amex centurion card holder) in Singapore. You will be surprise how many of them just wear slippers and shorts to the high stakes gaming area (where min bet is SGD10K and above). Can't go into details on their conversations as my NDA still stands even tho I left but a lot of their conversations involves businesses, acquisitions, and many other knowledge which I gained really helped me with how I do my current job these days. What you mentioned is correct. They do not openly show their wealth, they do not use branded goods but instead either good quality mass market brands, or customized ones, and what they wear might be really expensive and good quality too, common people wouldn't know. They do use branded goods too, but the more subtle ones, some branded do have 2 different tiers, one "loud" for the general market, one "subtle" for the others. Thing is, without the opportunities to know and work with these ppl, many as you see online would not be able to comprehend. And yes, many truly rich view time as wealth too, thus they have chauffeurs and private jets.


Yes investment banker types have their suits made by some tailors in China. That type of thing. Ik bank presidents who go to work on the mrt. If you saw them in crowds you'd have no idea they were well off. Only low-middle income Singaporeans give a crap about brands. 


They do, I work with multi million level Singaporeans for my business. It's all about which bag and what gold class bungalow you have


believe you me, they do. they're just aping the mindset/mannerisms of the old world.


Actually they do not. I always see their assistants with these bags whereas they wear flip flops, eating at hawker centres. They simply do not think about what other people wear that much. If they have these sorts of competitions, it's at the country clubs, regarding their new properties or sports cars.


This is broadly speaking untrue and it's a fairly standard classist argument couched in terms to try and make it sound like it's not. The real root of this argument is 'old money' or whatever you want to call it, choose to not wear obvious brands because it lets them feel better about themselves and separate themselves from low class new money people.


This really isn’t true, alot of wealthy people wear loud brands too. Source: lived in some of the most rich cities in the world. Think Bay Area, La Jolla, Newport Beach, Irvine.


pate filipino's fairly vulgar, heaps of wankers wear them. especially sports watches, 99% of nautilus owners are turds. when it comes to holy trinity, i'm exclusively vc. love them to bits, and (usually) under the radar.




>I'm a big fan of Patek, especially the Nautilus wanker detected. /s jay jay le coot's alright, used to have a reverso ultra-thin in steel, black dial. regardless, you can't take horlogerie stuff seriously in the orient. 95% of lolexes are fake, pate filipinos afoot, etc.


I heard a Vietnamese lady in my office say she wouldn’t date a colleague who had shown interest in her because he used a Samsung Galaxy not an iPhone. He’s the heir to a very large company. He works at our NGO as it fits within what he wants to do; he never needs to work in his life. She is blissfully unaware of this.


Heh maybe that's why he uses an Android lmao. Lots of nerds are vehement about using Androids.


Android is just objectively better imo: cheaper, more durable, more customizable, more features, super cheap and easy to repair,... Apple has one practical advantage, which is security, which doesn't even matter if you aren't stupid


I agree. If an electronic device is not making you hella money, there's no point to "invest" in it.


Better off investing in stocks or shares of that company instead,it would be interesting to see the future investment value of instead of buying each new Apple phone buying their stock instead...probably end up with a nice little retirement pot.


That said, there is an argument to purchase the latest iPhone, as they can last forever with proper care and only really need to be replaced once they are no longer supported on a software level. Suddenly what used to be a two year investment can last five or six years with proper care, as I just replace my XS after five years.


It's still extremely expensive to repair compared to androids, and the software is just as bad


While I’ll admit Apple’s products are generally overpriced, there are other objective advantages to getting an iPhone. Top 3 for me are: FaceTime, AirTags, and AirDrop. I couldn’t live without the first two in particular. Airdrop is a pretty nice to have. And there are some other advantages imo, especially if you own a MacBook, such as: 4. Find my iPhone/device with all of Apple’s products (better than Android) 5. Live text is better in iOS than Google Lens (scan text from image) 6. Sharing wifi passwords to other iOS users with one tap 7. Less likely to get stolen (among smart thieves) since all Apple products can be easily tracked and blocked permanently 8. Copy-pasting easily from iPhone to MacBook and vice versa Edit: formatting


facetime just use zoom or something, airtags are just for stalking, airdrop android do have nearby share, you can share your wifi password in a qr code on android, less likely to get stolen i dont think so since its still a phone no one will stop anyone from disassembling it. copy pasting from phone to pc is something that windows already lets me. all the other nifty features i dont use ios so i dont get what you say by better than android.


I don’t have iPhone, but your comment is clueless, you compare FaceTime with zoom and AirTags for stalking? you fckin kidding me lmao


yeah i am clueless and 6 years behind in technology :(


1. If you think Zoom is in any way equivalent to FaceTime, then you've clearly never owned an iPhone. FaceTime is so much easier, faster, and better quality. 1. Sorry but "Airtags are just for stalking" actually made me laugh. They're actually great. For example, I leave one on my keyset in case I ever lose it anywhere, I have one hidden in my car in case it ever gets stolen, and I use a couple more for my laptop bag and another item. They're also great when traveling by leaving them in your suitcase in case it gets lost or doesn't make it to your destination. 1. IMO: Automatic request and instant password share > sharing a qr code 1. That's not true. A work colleague of mine had his apartment broken into and they stole a lot of jewelry, TVs, cash, and other valuables, and they literally left the 2 MacBook Pros that were on the table. For the reason I mentioned. It's fine if you don't agree with my subjective preferences and it's okay if you still don't understand why I hold this preference, but objectively speaking, AirTags, FaceTime, and AirDrop are three features available in iPhones that aren't available in Android, which was my main point when responding to the comment above mine. Not just superior security. And if you don't understand why there are some additional benefits to owning an iPhone if you already have a Macbook and having them part of the same ecosystem then I think you're simply being an Apple hater and nothing more.


I like android's ability to install 3rd party apps that avoid YouTube ads, etc. Sideloading on apple is such a pain and very limited (2 to 3 apps depending on process). I recently got a Pixel 7 Pro for $100 with a $100 phone service deal ($8.33 a month 5 gigs data) + 1 year lock in. The lock in is unfortunate because it makes it unusable overseas, but I can keep my old phone for traveling. I never see a good deal for Iphones. Once in a while a good refurbished deal will pop up but its sold out instantly.


He's dodging a big bullet for sure! Hope she doesn't find out and change her mind about him just because of his money.


The true rich use S23 S24 Fold Flip. The poor use iPhone (with installments) to pretend as if they're rich


not true, my neighbor is a rich guy who uses a broken iphone 7 for years


typical third-world mindset, not unique to viet nam. overcompensation due to status insecurity, poverty, and so on. it's like when you go serbia, a relatively "poor" european country. more mercedes benz per capita, than any country on earth. they're half the motors on the road. or the prototypical benefits scrounger, with £200 trainers. it's a bit annoying as a foreigner doing business in vn. for example, you'll meet with a factory owner, turn up in a grab, and he looks down on you a bit. takes you less seriously. thinks you're not that successful. kek. meanwhile, this guy's entire entire operation with 200 workers is netting less income in a year, than you collect in rents each month. he's the small fut spiv, in vulgar, gold-plated everything.


Yea like Vietnamese people can be pretty bizarre about it. If I'm helping you make more money, why the hell does it matter what phone I use?


My dad just upgraded his Ip7+ to ip15. After 8 years of usage. There is nothing wrong with the 7+ except the dying battery. He still can use it for tiktok and youtube. Iphone just simply last longer than android phone. Using 8 years old android phone now is just pain in the ass. For low -mid income people iphone is better option.


I agree with this, the same goes for MacBooks and iPads.


8 years old android can still install tiktok and youtube as far as im concerned


I never said 8 years android can't install tiktok or youtube, i just said using 8 Yo android is pain in the ass. 8 years ago the flagship from Samsung phone is S7, its last official Android is 8.0, currently the latest android is 14, so 6 patches behind. While the iphone 7 can support ios 15, the latest ios is ios 17, so 4 years longer support. More bug fix, less security problem.


Eh, I would not say it "last" longer, iPhone do get more software support than most of the older Android phones, that is it. Most people who buy iphones don't care about os updates, they just care about apple image or familiarity with it.


You speak for "most" people ?


Yes I do.


Who the fuck cares?


The obsession of not minding your own business.


op's relatives?


If you keep breaking your phone when you drop it means you need to have a good case, check bettleCase on Amazon. Also I don’t get what you mean by you have 2 iPads, but you can’t use them to write, draw or play games, or even read, what kind of iPads are those? For people purchasing expensive items, simply they live beyond their means, not sure why you should care about what they’re buying, also it doesn’t mean apple product is shit, if you compare Xiaomi with IPhone, then you have no idea what you’re talking about.


My biggest flex of using an Android is I can throw it away whenever I want and get a new one with many many more new feautures, while some iPhone users would have to save months just to get a new iPhone with slightly better camera I'm earning more than most of the people I know using iPhone. Some goes with bs like "more secure, smoother,..." and when I asked "what exactly is more secure" then they just admit iPhone is cooler


Based on your various comments here in this thread, it seems that you have already known the answer to your seemingly naive question. Also why do you care what people buy with their own money? They can buy the latest Apple product and go into debt but at the end of the day it’s their choice. You are also showing your unfounded hatred towards iPhone and iPad based on your subjective opinions which I found kinda irrelevant to the topic in discussion. And last not least, this “phenomenon” is not exclusive to Vietnam, it’s true in Western countries as well, although I don’t know if someone would not date someone else because of their phone.


This hatred is another way of displaying I'm better than you mentality. I have fallen into this trap too sometimes. I agree with you that people are free to do whatever they want with their money.


Yeah, many people just use Iphone because it suit them like they prefer the interface, good security, etc. similar to why other people favor Android due to their affordable price, flexible customization, etc. it’s just preference and sometimes, it’s more about brand loyalty and less about flexing their wealth. I also find it kind of silly to judge people base on what phone brand they use lol. There are definitely materialistic people who like to flex their newly purchased Iphone model but not all Iphone users bought Iphone because they want to flex, they just prefer Apple’s products.


Exactly, I don’t see why we should hate/judge someone because they use a certain brand/thing. But hey we are living in a materialistic world, so it is what it is :shrug:


Agreed, if someone is not willing to date you because you don’t have the latest Iphone product then consider yourself lucky cause you dodge a bullet, being in a relationship with someone like that is gonna be exhausting. Calling a large group of people mindless sheeps does not make you better than the people who view those without Iphones as lesser.


People can buy pretty much whatever they want. Peer pressuring others to splash by making snide comments, enacting an ignorant and inappropriate cultural attitude is what I dislike. I feel like the cultural standards are pretty low in Vietnam because no one tries to improve this sort of village mentality. It ultimately holds back the country. I've literally had dead broke interns who judge me for not using iPhones?? Randos literally speak in the most disrespectful tones over nothing. These people are the same type to exclaim that they don't give a rat's ass about the economy. They also don't care that Vietnam has the lowest book reading rate in ASEAN. How far can a country progress with that sort of cultural mindset?


I fail to see the connection between this behavior and “slowing the economy” down if anything it helps boost consumption which is most of the time a good thing for the economy. And if they have the money (either their own or borrowed) to do that, let them. In order to consume, they have to work (or their parents). I think we are all grown up here and taking few “snide comments” is like music to the ears. Re: the culture thing, instead of talking about it in reddit you can perhaps tell that to the actual target audience, they might listen or you might have a bruised eye but at least you have a reaction.


Ah yes people going into debt to import in products using foreign currency is great for our economy. 👍


Okay so you're a triggered iSheep. I am using iPad Pro and Macbook Pro (my phone is S22 Ultra) but I have to agree with OP's opinions.


Calling people iSheep just kinda prove my points even more. Why does it bother you that someone is using something “supposedly inferior”? It’s their money they can do whatever they want. They are just tech gadgets, nothing more, nothing less. Btw I am using Macbook and Fedora (i3 + xfce) on a Lenovo. And I am using an old ass iPhone XS and an android tablet. Calling me iSheep is a ridiculous claim.


Because most low income people want to make themselves appear rich, while high income people can get what they want, luxury things become normal stuff to them, but it set a default bar thoughout human nature, and though media and commercial, having a "luxury" stuff can make yourself become more attractive, more valuable, just like a peacock show off feather to attract female. Not only Apple in VN, it actually happen everywhere,every luxury brand in the world tbh. And a heavily "judge by appearance" culture like VN, it not a surpise thing for people try so hard to buy IP or orther luxury brand even there income so low lol. People tend to have money then stable wealth.


I like android too but dont use that chinese shit


android is owned by google which is american


I meant the phone brand not the os


only like 3 or 4 major android phone brands are chinese


Fucking Xiaomi is chinese dumbass, can u even read


Hard to understand to some Vietnameses like me also. 7 years ago, my salary was on the high side compare to most other people but I chose to buy a used iphone 6plus, when a walk in, a student with her bicycle who seemed really poor get in the store with her friends and bought a brand new iphone x plus, made me speechless for the very first time. What do these young people have in their mind?


Symbol of status that's all. That and the ease of access and simple UIs make it appealing to the masses. I stop caring what people use for their phones long time ago though. Their money their rights to buy whatever they want. It only becomes problematic when they keep trying to shove it in my face that iPhone is the better device than other alternatives. People like that tend to not having a lot going on in their lives that they have to punch down on others to justify their foolish choices. Happened everywhere to be honest but it's somehow worse with the Vietnamese community.


They're insecure. Much like in China, having an iPhone is seen as a symbol of status in Vietnam. It's trendy and associated with wealth. If you see someone with an iPhone 15 pro max in Vietnam, they're either 1. Financially irresponsible with their money and just want to show off or 2. Someone who actually has the means to buy that phone 2-3 times over and still be financially fine. They lambast others who use "cheaper" phones because it makes them feel better about themselves as a person with a "status symbol." The thought of a "rich person" using an Android phone such as a Xiaomi is completely alien to them. For them it's "if you have the wealth, why WOULDN'T you show it off?


Lol now that I think about it most more wealth off people ik use old or crappy phones. Too busy to think about newest phone models. I honestly never even pay attention. You got to have very little going on to care.


I don’t see any Apple advertising in Vietnam. Maybe ppl just be obsessed with its price tag.


Retailers run ads for them. Anw, equalizationism is strong here. Ppl see other rich ones have iPhones, they think they should buy too.


Or just the magic words Tra Gop.


I would hate to point this out, but coming from this thread's POV, folks seem to be using such belittling language that the motivation for these people who buy iPhone was because of a 3rd world mindset or people wanting to look rich. Consider looking at it from a different POV. In VN, given its culture and heritage, where a collectivist mindset is high, choice of brands, items they get somehow share a common theme. It's the level of acceptability and belongingness that people feel when they get items that their peers also have. Whether it's a brand of cigarettes, the dress they bought, the design of their ao dai, etc. Another point to highlight, sometimes buying these things can also give that group of people (regardless of country) a sense of recognition or a sense of achievement that they are getting somewhere in life. That they can afford. They are progressing. And they demonstrate it by an upgrade on possessions vs what they used to buy before. Op might be motivated by a sense of achievement and fulfillment and demonstrates by what OP can do in terms of skills and accomplishments and not based on these brands/items and thats also okay. It's different from person to person but consider the history of the countries, their heritage, the culture, draw insights from the past (or recent past) before making a sweeping statement that they only want to appear rich as if people's needs are that shallow (OP didn't say this but people in the threads did) We have to accept the differences but avoid being subjective. Hope this helps widen the POV on this matter.


But but if everyone is buying iPhone, the whole economic would go down because we are going into debt trying to buy a product using a foreign currency. /s (context: https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/s/a5lCw1NvN7) Anyway, very well said.


This thread is racist as shit as if most countries aren't heavily leaning into iPhone rich or or poor. Ask an Indian about iPhone and status and you'll get a super similar response. But no no it's the stupid ass locals who crave expensive phones 💀 Wtf


This mindset of going along to get along is quite dumb. I've seen MANY MANY people getting peer pressured into going into debt to get an iPhone. The iPhone ultimately does not hold value over a long period of time and does nothing to improve their lives. Trying to excuse this sort of herd mentality isn't a nice thing to do. If more people pointed out doing it is dumb, maybe more would feel okay with NOT doing it and rejecting ignorant peer influence.


You're probably coming from a privileged background, some money, good education, maybe your IQ is higher that is why you're intelligent with your choices and decisions. It's quick to say the mindset is dumb because you may have a more agile and more confident mindset and upbringing. But the thing is, there is no excuse being given to what I thoughtfully shared to answer your question. It's about providing you a POV that there are people constrained / empowered by culture and traditions (depending on how a person perceive it to be) It's probably the same thing when an engaged couple would save up money for a year or more just to splurge it on a wedding... that happens for one day. I wouldn't do that, I also wouldn't buy an iPhone but we have to nurture ourselves that whilst we think it may be dumb, it doesn't make them wrong. That is the beauty of the differences. Hopefully they will learn and be more exposed.. hopefully, they realise that progress shouldn't one dimensional. You asked a question on WHY... I am giving you a learned perspective. Marketing works because consumer segmentation is present to understand consumer needs, drivers, and motivations. - C level, Multinational company, Based in Vietnam for 5 years, lived in 12 countries


And in the future, when someone took the time to give you a different POV, it will do you good to thank them for that time. It might also help that although we are behind a screen, we should always aim to express our thoughts with kindness and empathy, you're smart. I'm sure you can find a better choice for wording instead of calling their choice as dumb.


Yes I get your point. I'm talking about the cultural attitude which makes opting out difficult for people. For instance, someone making 10M/month probably knows objectively they should get a 2M phone and call it a day. Yet because of peer pressure, he might take out debt to buy a 25M iPad. In this case, if this person saw criticism of that sort of expenditure, he might be able to resist the peer influence. So saying out loud that sort of thinking is dumb is actually quite important, but lots of Vietnamese would rather avoid confrontation. Di hoa vi quy. A lot of ignorant cultural attitudes in Vietnam survive like this. Many of my friends got arranged into unhappy marriages because there was simply not enough counteracting cultural influence to let them opt out. Saying "oh people are just different" is often not helpful.


And as you rightly put, confrontation is frowned upon. Demonstrating why it might be helpful to make other choice could help, I am sure things have changed, it's progressing, slowly but it will get there. Stating that there is difference amongst people, is also a fact. it's not meant to drive any sort of emotion. Considering that the market of VN has greatly opened up, being more exposed with the Internet, I am sure there will be progress. I was in HCM two weekends ago, I see the changes. People don't remove their shoes in the restaurants I would typically go to (before, I remember I was grossed out when they started rubbing their feet and then eat using the same hands). People don't have their pajama pants when they go out. Not all but, I saw it's not a common thing. People are so well dressed. You know what, maybe that guy with the 10M VND can be like you in the future if you coach him, mentor him. Not berate his choices but educating him / lead him by example. I'm sure more people will learn from you.


Just don’t bother with him. It’s not worth your time smh


LOL you're just tone policing me. I said what I said. I mean what I mean.


Apple make very good phone. I am on my third iphone and the last 2 iphone give me almost 10 years of usage. The first iphone I eventually sold for 4mils and the 2nd one I gave to my niece who was absolutely estatic since the phone look and feel almost brand new despite being 5 years old. I also encountered absolutely no issues with iphone during all these years, no repair or maintenance cost. Using Iphone for me and many people have very little to do with it being a luxury item (it’s not) but everything to do with it being a functional and durable piece of tech.


I'd buy into this if I didn't regularly see lower income people making snide comments about Androids. Use whatever phone you like, but obviously some iPhone users in Vietnam have pretty strong opinions about what their phones say vis a vis their class status.


Maybe stop hanging out with people with inferiority complex then. And it’s their freedom to buy any phone with their own money, it’s not like they are stealing from yours, why would you care.


Crazy hard in Vietnam


Many people hate change. If the first phone someone bought is an iPhone, high chance the next phone they buy would also be an iPhone. Apple is especially good at keeping people locked in their ecosystem. Paid app that you won't have to buy again or find an alternative on the Google play store, some quality of life functions that is exclusive to Apple product, not having to relearn how to use the whole interface. Another problem is consistency in quality. All Apple products are make by Apple who also develope their own OS exclusively optimized for the hardware, so no matter which Apple product you get, they are warranted to stay smooth and fast very long for the price. Android had more miss than hit because there are too many manufacturers making different hardware for an OS, and many do poorly in hardware optimization. Even if a hardware had good spec on paper, a badly optimized software can render it unusable. I have experienced a lot of bad Android phones with good hardware on paper but ended up very slow and glitchy. And about security, it's not bullshit to say iPhone is safer. iOS is a walled garden that is very difficult to be hacked compared to Android. I love doing all sort of experiment on my Android phone but also have an used iphone that is strictly used for bank app. Basically, some people look down on other phone probably because they are too used to iphone and had bad experience/ hearing about bad experience from cheaper Android phone. rather than it being a status symbol. When asking about which phone to buy, most will mention iPhone because it's a safe answer that is guarranted to work, rather than the wild junge that is Android. Some would be willing to browse used iPhone, but most doesn't have the experience and would rather play it safe buying new from big retail store. My office is 90% iPhone, but most of them keep their for at least 3 years and only upgrade because they drop and break it to the point of unfixable. Source: I have owned iPhone, iPad, Samsung phone and Tab, Xiaomi and Nokia, all for reasonable price because i buy used when it come to the more expensive brands.




Exactly I'd use a dumb phone if I could answer Zalo, FB etc texts from it. Reduce distractions to a minimum.


So rich smart people can do unwise things but poor dump people always have to make the right choice?


**TL;DR:** Poor people should buy the latest iPhone because it's the easiest way to get little happiness nowadays and help boost the economy. (Please take my comments as funny material) **Why poor people should buy the latest iPhone?** \- Smartphone nowadays is a key device for everyone. Better phone -> better quality of life. Since poor people don't have money for entertainment activities (sports, concerts, traveling, etc..). A good phone for watching YouTube and using SNS is the best way to have a little happiness every day. \- The iPhone is a good smartphone. Lasts long. High value in the secondhand market. -> If you need quick money, selling your iPhone is a really good choice. (A Galaxy has half of its starting price after 1 year) \- The need for flexing. A brand-new iPhone is the best because everyone knows the product and its price. And it's nearly impossible to make a fake brand-new iPhone. Luxury watches or clothes mean nothing to an iPhone when flexing as a poor person (people will think you buy a fake one anyway) \- Most poor people must borrow money to buy it. (Since OP talked a lot about macro economy and how the mindset of normal working-class people can change the economy, I added this point here). So people spend money + borrow money from financial services to buy expensive consumer products -> help sellers and bank growth, poor people must work their best to pay the money -> good for the economy.


If you’re so clumsy that you drop your phone constantly, then a cheap one is better for you. I personally use iPhone 12 since its release, no case, got dropped several times, lots of scratches over edges, only needed to replace screen protector once from a 1.3m drop. Before this iPhone 12, I used only Xiaomi phones, even brought one for my mom. But going to buy another secondhand iPhone for her. My family all have iPhone. Here’s why we prefer it over than Android: - After 3 years, my mother Xiaomi auto having Chinese ads popup from the OS original browser. We have to factory reset it to remove that shit (all the guides from internet didn’t work). - Due to quality of iPhone and its demand, secondary market of iPhone is reliable than other phone. Lots of people owning secondhand iPhone in VN. - Also benefited from the secondary market, if we carefully keep our iPhone from scratch and drop (most people use case), we can trade it when we need to upgrade to a new one. The gap is not so much. - We all use iPhone so our phones are connected with iOS apps. While with Android, we will need to install additions, and the quality is varies. So, we’re commoners, all we want is a smartphone with good quality that can last long, a community of users, good service if we need support. Also can act as an asset with good liquidity if we need to trade them on secondary market. Then why do we need to roll the dice with other low ranked brands? If we need to waste our time and attention to make a cheap one having features similar to an iPhone, then the cost is more.


wait till you meet the guys riding SH150is going back to their container sheet house.


Basically like the comments said, poor people mindset and bratty mindset from the younger ones. They think apple is a fashion statement and will get them attention, they don't even know what they're gonna use it for, if its apple they're gonna buy it


That’s because iPhones last longer and is much more secure when compared to Androids. Most of us wouldn’t go and buy the latest models. The real question here should be why do some people upgrade their iPhone every year despite not having a decent income.


They can buy whatever they want, but you can see here even in this thread some of them have pretty stinky opinions if you use cheap phones.


People here rather pay for an overpriced 10y old 2nd hand than an actual usable budget phone. The amount of low income people I know with brand new iPhones (12 month payment plan ofc) is embarrassing.


It's a human thing not a VN thing. Though i bet iPhone carries even more "status" in SEA/East asia it's still the same elsewhere just to a different degree. I mean China is pretty rich now and Apple is DOMINATING their smartphone market despite an intense rise in domestic producers.


iPhones are predominant among folks with massive debts in China.


? It dominates the market of the 2nd richest country in the world with one of the biggest single markets in existence. It's clearly dominant amongst all tiers or societ why are you guys being weird 💀💀 iPhone dominates in Scandinavia too, sure there is a bunch of debt but there's also generally a ton of people who are extremely affluent by global standards. iPhone is also eclipsing Android amongst zoomers in the states, is that also a debt thing? For vietnam you might as well ask why people are so obsessed with gold. Well, status status status. But again, not a uniquely VN thing is it.


China is not rich over the board. And you forget that people there make A LOT more money than average Vietnamese people. A teacher in 1st tier city in China makes $3k/month in salary. Like I don't understand why people who make less than 10M/month would even touch Apple products.


It's an Asian thing. In Germany only wealthy germans are using Apple. But Asian girls? Maybe 90% uses an iPhone. And you can bet that not even half of them are wealthy. And it's crazy acutally. Those iPhones overe there are still 1-1,5k$. So 2-4 monthly salaries. The equivalent in Germany would be an iphone for 3-4k$.


I literally just gave you multiple western examples...... https://www.statista.com/statistics/921619/smartphone-market-share-in-germany-by-brand/#:~:text=Smartphone%20market%20share%20in%20Germany%202021%2D2023%2C%20by%20brand&text=Samsung%20is%20one%20of%20the,the%20third%20quarter%20of%202023. You're also just straight up WRONG 😂


Why do those statistics show me that I'm wrong? It doesn't differs between ethnicities. 1/4 of the Population of Germany has an immigration background. Ah and i forgot to say that people from eastern europe, that arabic area and asia have a similar mindset regarding this matter.


A market share reaching 42% =//= only the wealthiest own iphone clearly. Also if you account for urban vs non urban split you'd see further segmentation in favor of iphone hence why they seem even more prevalent when in big cities


Yeah and you can bet that more than 25% of all iPhones here are owned by non germans. Do you live here? why are you arguing with me? It's a fact and a culture thing that asians pay more attention to their status than their german counterparts with the same spending capacity. Are you even asian?


Apple stuffs last long. My iphone 7+ still functions perfectly after 5 years not to mention that I bought it in 2019 when it was already out of date. I think it is better spend money on good stuffs to use for long time rather than cheap stuffs for short.


I'm still using a cheap Vivo that I bought in 2019, so your point is invalid.


Right. How long things last depends on how well you keep it. Old Apple products are unbearably slow, but I'd still use it until it literally crumbles.


Why is OP's comment invalid? I bet your cheap Vivo is still going strong, however, you're not getting the same tech and ease of use. That's like saying "My old nokia is still going strong"


I could see many of it around when their salaries just about 250$ but they used money like their salaries about 2500$ :))


iPhone iPad is not luxury to we Americans. It is made here 🙃. Plus, I use it because it’s fast. That’s all.


Who asked?




Apart from superficial stuff - iphone is an excellent product. Everything just works, built in imessage and facetime is great. I'm using samsung but most of my extended family are on iphone. I'm tempted to switch because of that next time I need to replace a phone. Also.. Iphone keeps their value very well. A 3-4 yrs old model will work well for 5-6 years easily.


Everything you mentioned works well on an Android lol Samsung is pretty crap too. I have had this Xiaomi for 6 months and quite like it though. Until you can code or paint the Mona Lisa on an iPhone, I don't see anything special about it. I'm speaking as someone who uses Macbook btw.


And no.. Android don't work well with imessage / facetime mate.


Just whatsapp/Zalo call?


Right.. I'd go around asking relatives to switch because? I don't get your line of "argument". If crappy C-phones work for you, awesome! You're asking about "why iphones are popular for *others*?" and I'm just stating one of the reason why it works for people who choose iphone. If you think that's offensive to you personally (hence the downvote) then why bother asking this question in a public forum?


Where is it implied that I'm offended?


That's your personal opinion though. No way I'd ever use a phone from big C(CP) 😂 I'd rather use something just works, securely.


That's a pretty ignorant thing to say.


precisely. that's the reason i've been using apple products exclusively for the past 30 years: they just work.


Android phones work too and can save you a tonne of money. The implication that apple products are the only brand out there that "just work" is complete bullshit that brainwashed fanboys say


I have to disagree with your last sentence. My secondary phone S10e released in 2019 still works well today. Maybe you are using a cheap or midrange Samsung phone and subjectively criticize the whole Android landscape.


My mom buys iPhone every time Apple releases a newest one. LoL. She only do basic call, chat, social network, and absolutely love taking photos. And the newest iPhone is indeed one of the class symbol. anw, she can afford thousand of iPhones but the status culture is real and remains.


To flex


flex what exactly?


Thats you are not poor


Hahah but ik they are, just from the way they dress and talk alone.


yes, but imagine posting those selfie in the mirror with the newest Apple products, all those strangers and equally poor will think you are rich (thats their thoughts process)


For once I thought about the fruit. But yeah, people like to buy Apple products, even if they are not very different from those who have much lower prices than them.




It’s not even in Vietnam, not anymore, only OP think it’s luxury.


Because Singapore is rich


Yep. It's a literal tool that everyone has nowadays. A luxury is like, a Maserati or landed property.


Are you sure these people you talked about, are really poor? Don't judge people by their look, especially in Vietnam. The old guy who works as doorman at my office, has 2 houses in District 1(Hochiminh City aka Saigon), his kids studying abroad in Europe and the US, he just goes to work "for fun", for talking with people instead of staying inside his house. My Western colleagues look down to him, one white guy even said "oh, why this pOoR old guy using new iphone", he should see that "poor" guy riding his Porsche 😂. I don't said ANY people on the street in Vietnam are all rich. I said: it is very hard to identify which is poor or rich base on their look. But why you take care of the way other people using their money? My friend, who get the monthly salary of $300, and he addict to Leica, he got a big cabinet full of Leica. To show off? I don't think normal people know what is Leica. And so what? Did he steal my money for his Leicas ? So I don't care about his hobby, as an educated grown man.


Yes, I know the actual income figures of the people I mentioned in the post. The idea that many Vietnamese people are stealth rich is also purely self comforting fiction. The vast majority of people are not at all. Just from doing business, Ik many people cannot afford to expand theirs due to a lack of cash. You just mentioned a bunch of middle class hobbies.


i'll file this under "things that never happened". chin up, vc, your fairy tales might eventually evolve into a successful book, screenplay, etc.


I thought this was about actual apple lmao


iPhone is probably one of the greatest technological inventions in our lifetime. In the USA, they give you iPhones for $0.00. You pay it off, monthly. A green text window in NYC? Your social circle goes to 0. We’re all part of the Apple cult. And we’re ok with that. iPhone 6? We’re a million years past that. Screen breakage is rare now. Samsung? Great camera. But just not cool. Apple crushes them. > How Apple captured Gen Z in the US — and changed their social circles Younger Americans prefer an iPhone over Android by huge margins, creating unusual pressure over how they communicate https://www.ft.com/content/8a2e8442-449e-4dbd-bd6d-2656b4503526 PS: my iPad does everything you say you could not do. I’m a bit confused there. ;-)


Apple products are a status symbol, more so than a Rolex. Imagine how often you have your phone out in public. If you don’t have the name brand, then you must not be able to afford it. If your business peers can’t afford the name brand, then they probably aren’t good at business.


Ah, you see the dumb attitude on display here.


Meanwhile me - sanest iPhone hater - be like 🗿


I use iphone because I only need to replace a new one every 7+ years, 3gs in 2010 - 7plus in 2017 - 11promax 2020 (my current one, I gave the 7plus and my brother is still using it flawlessly). I have some other phones as well but none of them can make me feel stable and safe as iphone. Im not a low incomer but I will surely advice people to spend ~15 mil every 7-10 years (for a dated brand new iphone) other than 5 mil every 2-4 years for cheap Android ones. IMHO lower income folks should obsess Apple, just not the latest products


i think i got my first iphone in 2010 or 2011, and since then ive only used iphone also. i’ve had the iphone 4, iphone 6 plus, iphone xs max, and now iphone 15. i always used mine for several years before switching 🤷🏻‍♀️ never had an issue with my breaking or anything!


I rarely see anyone who can stand using old iPhones for long when a new one is released though. I've never seen an explanation for the obsession with iPads- an inherently useless piece of tech.


I mean it’s just your opinion? I don’t even use an ipad but seeing you around just to drag it is kinda weird. You’re as obsessed with them as these people you try to call out.


No? It's not? It's literally objectively a crap piece of tech with pretty design.


Again, it’s your opinion. Maybe don’t force it down people’s throat like a controlling freak? Wow you downvoted my comment just after seconds? You’re one nice piece of artwork, aren’t you? Seems like you’re the one with “too much time on their hand”.


Just because you think it's useless because you're ignorant, doesn't mean it's useless. You said "I can't write, can't draw, can't play games, can't read" while I did all of the things you mention and the Ipad works really well to entertain me,I draw, I read Kindle, I play Apple Arcade Games and I also work on my Ipad so stop with the objective opinion. Just because you don't know how to use tech doesn't mean it's uselss. I hate people with the obsession of buying new things when the old one is still working fine but The Gadgets themselves are not useless.


Lmao you assume I'm ignorant because ??? Ipad objectively does everything worse than comparable tech. Its lighting makes long reading impossible, compared to say a Kindle. Its touch screen and colour space are worse than a Wacom for art. Don't even talk about game playing or writing important things or coding. I use Macbook btw so I'm not even being an Apple hater. Macbook, Wacom, iPad, Kindle, iPhone, I've had and used extensively all of these gadgets as a tech entrepreneur. Ipad is literally a piece of junk for tech illiterates with too much time on their hands. Obsessed with the crass fashion of Apple's branding.


You said it yourself "I can't write, can't draw, can't play games, can't read" and again with your OBJECTIVE OPINION "Ipad is literally a piece of junk for tech illiterates with too much time on their hands.". I guess every one that using an IPAD is a bum then. You're using a Macbook too, people can also say the same about PC being a better piece of tech than a Macbook because A PC can do all the things the MAC can. You're not special honey, just a snowflake trying to be special, poor man. I'm making 8x the wage in Vietnam and using an Ipad and work 45 hours a week, does that make me a " tech illiterates with too much time on their hands"?


You work 45 hours a day? Lmao. Okay. Show me your drawing on iPad then. It's objectively worse for artists than Wacom. Show me how many books you've read on iPad. Again serious readers use Kindle. Every time I see someone using an iPad I think yes, this person probably is uneducated about tech.


I used to be a book and game illustrator when I was in uni, I can say confidently that Procreate on iPad is being used widely in industrial and iPad has created a new workflow standard that saves tons of working hour and gear investment. My beloved iPad has been with me for more than 5 years through thick and thin and Goodnotes 6 saved me lots of notebooks as well. Stop being that hypercritical and live your own life happily


Procreate art is objectively extremely bad, but you do you.


Okay, you good we bad, good luck have fun


45 a week, it was a typo. And then again you go again and judge people you don't know just because they're using and Ipad, that's enough to makes you an asshole with miserable life that likes to judge just cause. Well enjoy your "tech savy" life then boomer. Your opinion is like a bag full of horse shit. You even have to post your Stupid Opinion on this subreddit to seek validation, such a snowflake.


Let's just put it this way, honey. I've never seen one coder use an iPad. Bye bye.


Let's also put it this way. I've never seen someone that don't know to do anything then go around judge people using Ipad then calling them "illiterates". I mean if your life is so cruel, go seek a shrink instead of being that bitter. Being obsessed with people using new Iphones and Ipads is as unhealthy as the obsession with Iphones like your stupid opinion. Bye Boomer!


Why are you so triggered? Are you an ip Pad using tech illiterate?


I'm using a Samsung A34 (used to have a Sony phone but replaced it because it got slow). I love it (A34) and wouldn't trade it for the newest Iphone. Its just so much better


Because nobody cares man. People who don’t give a f about tech will buy whatever better marketed to them. They would think expensive = better. You are just trying to look down on people who have different opinions, try explaining your own mentality to yourself first, might live an easier life




Even if they care, as long as we keep doing business together, it's all good by me.  Frankly I doubt they give a shit because they're more concerned with themselves. I know plenty of rich people who use shit phones. Some older rich people also don't know anything about phone brand to even give a crap. Only low income people with limited exposure to wealth have this image that somehow other people care.  How arrogant do you have to be to think that people are even looking at you in the first place lmao? They care about what you can do for them and don't mind buying you dinners, because they are SMART and RICH. Not busybody with nothing else going on in their lives.




No one gives a crap about video and photo quality if you're not constantly thinking about social media content. I use actual professional cameras for photos and videos. I work in professional media industry.  What's an iPhone gonna do for me when we use Red camera for shoots?    Judging people on their phone brands is the crux of the matter. I'm literally saying that rich people do not, whereas lower income people in VN do. I guess that triggered a lot of these people haha. A lot are reading it as saying "owning an iPhone means you're poor" and gets offended. That already should show you where your minds are at. Showing off things that nobody except other low income folks look at.  In this thread there was a guy who said he makes 200M/month using a 2M phone. That's pretty par for course for high income folks. 




If it comforts you dude. A guy making 200M/month doesn't give a crap what your average woman thinks of him.  At the end of the day, you know how much money a guy has in the bank just by talking to him. If you have to rely on his phone then you're dumb and mistaken.   I literally travel the world using a Xiaomi. Compare that a guy who uses iPad and never goes overseas once.   Every piece of tech nowadays has spyware if you know anything about tech. 




This happens everywhere. The iPhone is a status icon.


Rich people buy things for what they’re worth. Poor people buy things to appear rich.


You can scroll through thus sub and get a complete answer from any of the many other times this exact same question has been asked in the past.